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Realistic or Modern Dystopia Characters


Pax Pardus Hale

The Ink Shop
Title (perfect, camper, rebel, or android)
Where they live (Vault, camp, any abandoned place)

Perfect child
Born and raised in the vault by Mother

Daughter was not only an obedient child, she was also a very ambitious and over achieving girl. Her dream was always to hatch the embryos and raise them to be perfect like her and Son and to fill the earth with equally perfect beings. She was also raised to be caring, to mother the embryos in case anything ever happened to Mother. Her only fault? She was a dreamer.

In addition to being extremely smart she was unbelievably fast, running farther each time Mother makes them run on the treadmill. She also loves anything to do with technology. She frequently finds herself making repairs on Mother or tinkering with the many gadgets around the large vault.​


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Ariette (Ari)
Has lived in the camp since she was two years old

Ari is a naturally caring and helping person. She's cheerful and bubbly despite being trapped in a hell hole. It's the only world she's known though, so she makes do. Spirit and morale in the camp is low, but Ari tries to cheer everyone up with her positive personality. Not only that, but she's smart. She uses what she knows and what little supplies they have available to help make the sick people comfortable.

Ari was found abandoned in the burning woods. She was crying so loud a droid found her. Normally the droid would kill children but the camp was running low on people, they needed all the workers they could get. She was brought back and the doctor of the camp took her in to tend to her wounds. After that he raised her, taught her how to make medicine and ointment out of the plants they could obtain.​
Android Camper
Joined the camp about 6 months ago with amnesia.

Axel doesn't talk much. He's tall, dark, and brooding. He's very skeptical of everyone and busies himself with his work of digging for resources in the mine. His coworkers are more of the angry campers, ones people tend to stay away from. Axel felt that if he kept an eye on them then no one would get too crazy. Now he spends most of his time with the crew.

It didn't take long for Axel to find out he was different. He didn't get hungry like everyone else did, he was rarely thirsty, and he could carry ten times the amount his coworkers could carry. He tries his best to keep his abnormalities a secret--he didn't want anyone to hurt him. Hunger and thirst make people crazy from what he could tell. He doesn't want to be accused of being a droid, he'd be murdered.​


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Abandoned Amusement Park

Max is a very serious person. His parents didn't tell him stories of the old world, they didn't give him happy memories. Everything was survival. From a young age he was forced to do everything by himself if he wanted it. Harsh? Yes, but it made him into the strong man he is today. They traveled to each rebel camp to help the people in need. For a price of course, but most camps hired them. Unfortunately, the camp they went to got raided by droids. Max and a girl managed to get away but got separated from the others in the camp while escaping. He knew he needed to help Mimi until they found their way back to their families.

A strong long distance runner and agile hunter. He does great under pressure and is skilled at escaping droids.​
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Abandoned Amusement Park

Mimi was an angry human, one that was left by her parents at the camp when she was no more than two years old. They couldn't take care of her, they knew they couldn't continue to keep themselves safe and a baby was only slowing them down. They didn't have the heart to even face the people in the camp when they left in the middle of the night without their daughter. Thankfully the people at the camp were better humans than her own family and raised her mostly healthy. Though they quickly discovered something wasn't right with her. Mimi was epileptic. It was very slight but dangerous in the time they were living in. She could lose awareness for minutes at a time and stop moving, listening, speaking or reacting to anything.

Due to her situation Mimi was often crass and rude, angry with the cards she'd been dealt. At this point in her life nearly none of the people who raised her were alive or still around her. Maybe one or two from her original camp but she had gone so long pushing people away that she didn't even know anymore.

Mimi, when in full consciousness, was skilled at climbing and sneaking due to her small size. She was also fairly capable with a dagger.

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Perfect Child


Growing up in the vault felt wrong. Looking at the embryos felt wrong. Mother felt wrong... He started to realize it all when Daughter was born. Watching the way she was raised was unsettling for some reason. They were both raised to have nearly the exact same intellectual experience but with different emotional strengths. He was taught the importance of being strong willed and protective in a manner of physical strength and out smarting others. It was almost as if he was being raised for combat while she was being raised to take the Mother's place. As he got older something inside him grew more and more unsettled but he didn't dare say a thing about it. Something told him it would end badly for him.

In general Son was a kind person, strong willed but also dangerously curious about the situation they were in.

Son was incredibly smart, as was Daughter. He was fast and strong in ways that a normal human wouldn't be. He didn't share the interest in technology, in fact it actually kind of creeped him out, he was more interested in studying healing people using different aspects of chemistry and human anatomy.
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(Broken) Android Camper

Joined camp 2 weeks prior with memory issues.

Xyla woke up one day in the camp with no real memory of why she was there, who she was or how she got there. Then about a full two minutes later the horror of her past came back to her and she mistakenly alerted the guards and was taken care of... once again. This time it was a bit more beneficial. Well at least to those who wanted to silence her. Xyla was an android, one that started to ask to many questions. One that didn't think these camps were okay! One that started to have human compassion and fear of the world. One that ended up getting locked in a room, beaten until obedient and then put under the tools to remove her memory and restart her. Only problem was it didn't work as it should have. Xyla still would get random visions of an old life that did nothing but confuse her. The trauma also caused an error in coding and caused one of her eyes to discolor.

Xyla is timid and nice to the others stuck in the camp. It's hard to keep herself calm but she can tell something makes her stick out from the others, something besides her heterochromia.

Due to her job at the camp, Xyla has a bit of a green thumb. She spends her hours gardening and collecting crops, its hard work but she doesnt seem to even break a sweat.​
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Has lived in the camp for nearly two years

Kerian was a rebel for most of his life, running from place to place with his family. His father and two little sisters. About two years prior they were caught on the road and Kerian threw himself into the fight for his father to be able to get away with his two younger siblings. Honestly, Kerian thought that was the day he would die. It would almost have been preferable to his life in the camp. He was a fun loving and happy man, able to laugh and joke with his family while in the safety of their hiding spots. Honestly he was ignorant to believe it would last... The camps were worse than he could have imagined, he mined for hours and watched many others physically and mentally weaker than him die thanks to the conditions.

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