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Fandom DWMA || Death Weapon Meister Academy

Who was your favorite character(s) out of the six students in Soul Eater?

  • Black Star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Death the Kid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Soul Eater

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maka Albarn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Thompson Sisters (Liz and Patty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Peri looked like he wanted to ask about the trouble that happened but decided against it when he saw her expression. But then, he got a fantastic idea, or at least it was in his mind. He leaned into the girl, delving way too far into her personal space with a warm smile. "Hey, Cora. My name is Periwinkle but call me Peri! Wanna be my meister partner?" He looked at her with a hopeful expression and somewhere along the way he had picked up one of her hands.

Cora was a bit surprised by how quickly he asked to be partners, but then again, she probably would have too. Plus he looked so hopeful. "Nice to meet you Peri! But about teaming up....Well sure! Celeste and his new partner are going to go out after class to see if they resonate or whatever the word is. We can tag along and test things out with them. But first!" She said, holding her index finger up. "What kind of weapon are you?" She asked, obviously curious.

Peri's smile grew as she spoke, revealing a tiny slightly pointed tooth. One that was definitely human but sharp enough to stand out. When she held up her finger, his smile died and he just hoped she wouldn't take it back or say something that could prevent them from being partners. But when she just asked what weapon he was, his joy returned. Instead of replying with words, he put a finger to his upturned lips symbolizing a secret and transformed there. On the desk were two violet pistols, his basic form.

"I'm sure they're all fine.... but I call dibs if they aren't."

Dibs probably referred to experimentation on dead students. Stein released the staff with a casual grip, shrugging his shoulders as if nothing was wrong with having students killed. With slow, precise steps, be walked back over to his chair and sat down, rolling closer to Spirit in the process. I mean, it was awkward to have a conversation across the room, eh?

"...I'm sure Death won't be TOO hard on you." If it was any condolence, Stein placed a reassuring hand on Spirit's shoulder and smiled cheerfully. "Just a few chops will do this time."

"Get up." Jones threw his pillow at his brother, causing him to jump into action. "I'm up, I'm up! Now let me go back to sleep..." Quentin said, as he slowly lowered himself back onto his pillow. "No!" Jones threw something else at him. It was hard. Maybe a coaster or something? "Fuck! Fine, I'll get up! Geez....." Quentin swung his legs over his bed and slipped into his bed shoes. He stood to go to the bathroom before his brother stopped him. "No time. Take a mint on the way to the Academy. We're already late as it is." Jones already had on his clothes and was pulling out Quentin's, tossing them to him. The teen was still waking up, so he didn't even bother to catch the clothes. He pulled his boxers from off his face and gathered up the rest of his clothes before turning to put them on in the bathroom.

The brothers took 2 minutes to leave their apartment and were now rushing to the academy, which was a good mile and a half away. Trying to get a cab was a fruitless task and the brothers didn't want to waste anymore time. By the time they made it to the Academy, they were taking every lungful of fresh air they could catch. Quentin checked the time and attempted to remember the schedule. "I think we're supposed to head to Stein's." Quentin said as he turned to see his brother already half way down the hall. He rolled his eyes and chased after him. Mr. Stein's classroom wasn't too far away, but it was enough to wind the brothers yet again. They stood outside the classroom door, catching their breath, before the opened the door and walked in. They took a moment to process that the classroom seemed to be cut in sections before turning to Mr. Stein and asking the same question at the same time, in perfect unison.

"Are we supposed to be here?"

(Sorry if the post is a little... Bad. I just didn't know what else to do.)​
(It's fine ^^)

Spirit frowned in dismay, Stein's speech not exactly helping. But he couldn't blame the psychopath, this comforting was the closest he came to being a human being. "You could at least pretend you care a little if my students die... for every dead body that's at least five more reaper chops." After taking a few moments to think he added, "Despite any of that, it was actually... nice to resonate with you again." When two students burst into the class and ran up to Stein instead of him, he began moping at his desk again. "No one takes me seriously..." He moaned.


Nana looked up from her notebook as if observing the ruins of the classroom for the first time. Class was about over now so she stuffed her things in her bag and strode towards the front of the classroom. "Wonderful demonstration. Next time let's destroy another classroom." She said to the two teachers, a hint of a joke in her voice.
Haru swiftly walked through the halls of the academy as if she were late for something. She wasn't late of course, but her walking speed did not change.
(I watched her write that short post, and I asked myself- why.)

A shady figure stopped Haru in her tracks, quite literally holding a hand out to block her escape into the classroom.

Now, who in the world would block someone from their education?

Why, the fun ones, of course.

It was someone in a black hood. Standing at 6 foot something. Beautiful white hair . Behind a mask, a wry grin spread across the character's face, like the slowest poison and syrup mixture you ever did see. His eyes gleamed red in the shadow of his hood. A frightening character, you could tell.

His named was Trixx. 'Wicked' Trixx. Do not forget this.

And he crouched down to her eye level, speaking deliberately slowly, every syllable slipping off his tongue:

"Hey, Kid. You wanna buy a watch?"

A watch...?

His voice was like honey, but raspy and dragged at the same time.

"I swear." He continued on. "...Pure Rolox. Diamond encrusted. You won't regret it."


"It was nice to resonate with you too, Spirit." Stein waved pleasantly to the poor teacher with his shattered pride, before turning to the two brothers that spoke at the same time.

"Better late then never, I suppose. And certainly better then that sulking figure I spotted outside the classroom." Unknowingly speaking of Wicked, he continued. "Yes, you're supposed to be here. You just missed... quite an interesting spectacle. Soul Resonance. Now, if you would take a seat, I'm sure Spirit would love to... do whatever you do after crashing a classroom." Stein wasn't exactly the most friendly of teachers, but he was certainly less intimidating when in his chair. He regarded the students with his blank eyes in a curious fashion.


Maybe he should bother Spirit more.

@Maxwelle @AvidElmV2
(Oh... my... god... xD Lord Death only approves if they have the DWMA Logo (>u>) Jk)

(I'm waiting for he brothers to respond o/)
Quentin nodded and took a seat and looked to his brother who was staring out the door. "Oi, you gonna sit down, Jones?" Quentin said, confused as to what his brother was doing. Without giving Quentin an answer, Jones left the room and followed the raspy voice he had heard to the source: Some guy trying to sell counter-fit watches. Illegal, pathetic, good way to make money. Do I want to interfere? Jones stood there for awhile, waiting for the girl to make her choice. Either she would be smart and walk past him, or buy a watch that was probably going to break the next day for 2 bucks. Hopefully, she was smarter than that. Quentin sat in the class, waiting for his brother, before turning to Spirit, who was probably still moping. "Uh. You okay? You need a tissue or something?" Quentin said, tapping his fingers on his desk.
(Ranmaru said she'd come back tomorrow, so let us continue selling counterfeit watches.)


A Gasp made it's way from Wicked's lungs, his facade broken and mystery gone, and he whipped around. As he turned, you could see the glittering objects that were in his coat, catching the light and turning it into something pretty and shiny.

All of them were watches. Every single object in his coat was a watch, and not illegal drugs or something of the sort. You would think, with a long coat like that, he would hide something much more important.

But, the real question was, how in the world did Wicked manage to hear Jones and his approach? Did he have super-hearing, or...?

Never the less, he was surprised. And that look of surprise turned quickly into a cover-up grin. As if he didn't almost scream like some sort of girl in distress.

"Oh, dearrrr me. I'm sorry for not noticing you for..." Wicked paused for a moment in mid sentence, a confused expression crossing his features.

"... Uh... HOW long were you there, exactly?"
"Well just like my mother in our countries war I am a rapier, the finest of its kind perhaps" she brushed her fingers through her hair as she thought of the country she once called home. "Well I think I have taken up plenty of your time as it is. If I don't make it to the office before it closes I will be homeless" she then attempted to turn and walk away.
Spirit brought his composure together quickly. "No, no of course not! Just got something in my eye is all..." Hearing Stein's word he grimaced and went to go grab the room. "Do whatever it is you do... As if you didn't know that meant clean everything up," He muttered dejectedly as he swept pieces of glass and drywall into the tiny dust pan. @AvidElmV2 @Tricksterfied

Nana walked over to Stein and gave him a closer look without holding it back or trying to hide it. "Interesting. How on earth did you get this way?" She asked him, referring to his stitches and screw not with an offensive tone but one of peaked interest.

"Long enough to see you try to sell counterfeit Rolex's to a little girl. But hey, everyone's gotta make money some way. My name is Jones. Jones Morece. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Jones leaned against the wall, his arms crossed across his chest. He blew a puff of hair out of his face and stared at Wicked blankly before speaking once more. "So, you're obviously not just hear to sell watches. Are you a student at the Academy? And if so, what's your rank? Do you happen to be a Meister?" Jones asked these questions without hesitation, still staring into Wicked's eye's with his own.

Quentin rolled his eyes and mouthed the words 'Right'. Leaning back into his seat, he began to day dream as he waited for his brother to return. The teen let out a long yawn and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Cora stared down at the pistols in front of her her. "Holy crap.... That's awesome!" She almost squealed. Granted her previous experience with guns had not been a good one, but these were much lighter looking than Celeste's gun form had been. And they were a really cute color too! Even if Cora would never outright admit it, she adored cute things. Well really she liked cute things, and badass cool things. And these were a mix of the two. "Holy crap," She said again. "We're going to be the coolest team out there!"

"Ah W-Wait!" He said suddenly calling out for her. "I'm in need of a weapon....and I rather like you style...could you possible turn into your weapon form so I could see if it works? But if you already have a mister than never mind...." He said as he moved his cap again so it was covering his eyes. @Aroura
Celeste took notice to the pistols Cora had. They were the most adorable guns he had ever seen. "I wish I was colorful! I'd be a cute lavender purple!" His face grew concerned and grabbed Cora's arm. "Do you think you can handle it? Pistols are smaller than a minigun, but is still powerful and requires better aim than me." I hope you can, because besides me being number one cats are the second cutest things in the world and I would love to have one as a friend. He thought to himself.

She tuned back to him "it is considered rude to ignore a mans proposal" she giggled then ran to him and griped his hand where she had formed into a long thin white sword. Usually when she formed she was taken by constant darkness but used her mister for a vision link so she could see anything he could just like when she practiced with her father.
Light felt the blade in his hand and swung her around a bit. "Light....good for attack and speed...maybe not the best or defense...great for close combat." He muttered as he tossed her to his other hand and did a few jabs in the air getting the feel for it. After about thirty seconds he grinned before holding her so the tip of the blade was pointing in the sky. "How would you like to be my weapon?" He asked honestly liking the blade not to mention since he was able to wield her, that must mean their souls were compatible...

"I don't see any reason to deny the kind offer" then she realised something since they were now registered partners so to say she could just live with him. She explained the bazaar idea with pep to her mister hopefully she wouldn't have to buy an extra house. Anyway it would help them with soul connection in which they could use, the more connected they are the lighter she would become "doesn't this idea sound sublime" she exclaimed with an up most of energy.
Light smiled at the idea nad was about to say sure before he froze mid sentence. "....If you do live with me....I don't want you in a room by yourself..." He said as he moved his cap out of the way of his eyes. "My sister....doesn't care for others.....that's a way of putting it...." He muttered as he wondered how Night would take the news. "However after I talk to her it should be fine." He gave her a small smile.

His stance visibly relaxed, and the mysterious Rolox man smiled in a way that would unsettle the normal bystander. "Why... counterfeit!? I'd never!" He exclaimed, drawing his hand to his mouth in mock horror before quickly dropping it. "These are only made by the purest of hands- mine and mine alone."

Wicked dropped into a low curtsey, as if he were a lady and his trenchcoat was a part of some ball gown, "but enough of my shenanigans- Wicked Trixx, at your service. I am indeed a student, yet i'm afraid we will have to find my rank out at a later date. But I can assure you- I am one of the more... intresting Meisters. Ah, if only I had a weapon to wield..."


Was that a fake tear?

(Temporary one at a time posting, please stand by. @AvidElmV2 )
Sarah quickly remembered that girl she looked through her as if she were glass but sharing a room with a boy none the less would be looked down upon. But they were partners now there is no reason to be secretive and secrete twords each other. "Well I don't know if it were wise for your sister and I to be in the same building as each other" maybe she should scrap her idea and just scram, maybe she wasn't made out to be like her mother.
Stein shrugged and turned back to Spirit. "So, what do you think. I was going to suggest a school-wide dance to Death later this evening..." Ever so casually, Stein smirked. "And was wondering if you wpuld lke to help me." While being ever so considerate of others, he kicked at a rather large piece of plaster with his shoe that had fallen in front of him. "I'd think it would be a good chance for the students to get to know each other. Hopefully, it won't be a catastrophic event,..."

(@Maxwelle )
Light frown as he looked away. "I....understand....." He muttered as he looked away. "Another weapon with potential.....to just leave." He said as he turned his back to her. "I get it........" 'Damn it! It's getting impossible to find a weapon at this rate! I need to talk to her! Why did she have to inherit our fathers madness of protection?'


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