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Dwarves, Knights & Dragons, Oh my!


Elder Member
The door to the Drunken Huntsmen groaned inwards, drawing the attention of the taverns occupants, as they all stopped to take in the figure standing in the door. Tanis sighed softly, a hand instinctively reaching to tug at the hood covering either side of his face, relief washing over him as he realized everyone was staring at him simply because he was a newcomer...not because they had seen anything out of the ordinary. He took care not to meet anyone's gaze he stepped further into the building, the door creaking shut behind him. A few eyes lingered on him as he began to weave his way around table and people, but for the most part everyone went back to doing what they had been before he had arrive, which was drinking to their hearts content! The streets outside were bustling with activity, and these were the taverns peek hours, so nearly every table was filled to the brim with burly men swapping far fetched stories and challenging each other to boisterous arm wrestles. Luckily there happened to be an unoccupied table towards the back of the establishment, and Tanis briskly made his way over to it. He pulled out a wooden chair, and took a seat at the round, oak table.

"Hmmm, whoever carved this did an excellent job." he muttered to himself, lightly tapping on the smooth oak, running his hand across the grooves in the wood. He lost himself in the patterns the grooves made in the table, becoming almost unaware of his surroundings as he stared down at the finely crafted table. A soft tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality, and he looked up to see a young woman standing next to him, a quill and pad in her hand as she looked over at him with a smile. "S-sorry about that, did you say something miss?"

"Yes sir, would you like to order anything?" her sapphire eyes met his emerald ones, and for a moment she seemed mesmerized by the sight of them, until she suddenly blinked and looked down at her feet.

"I'd like a pint of mead please." Tanis responded quietly, noticing the way she nervously bit her bottom lip, and the way her cheeks had reddened ever slightly.

"W-will that be all sir?"

"That will be all for now, thank you."

"O-ok sir, I'll be back in a second!" she said hurriedly, taking a moment to look back at him over her shoulder as she scurried away, disappearing behind the bar a moment later.

Tanis couldn't help but chuckle at the quirky blond haired girl, shaking his head slightly as his attention went back to the table, his fingers tracing along the smooth carvings as he waited for his drink.

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