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Fantasy Drop: The Fate of the Second Chance (Fantasy/Adventure, Open & Accepting)

SniperBus said:
It was future tense, ya dweeb.
You are unslain.
*is unslain*

But tbh most swords aren't meant to survive serious impacts or even clash against other swords, if ya really wanted your weapon to last you'd take a mace or something actually useful

@WrathSama17 Better.

The ability, however is irrelevant. Sentinels naturally perform at such a level much higher than humans, especially melee based Sentinels like an Executioner or Myrmidon. If you wanted something to follow your Obsidian theme, I'd suggest something like this.

Your sword could be your default weapon, but you could have your character be able to create obsidian swords (actual obsidian) that would be extremely sharp, but fragile. Something you could use as a sort of glass cannon schematic, with your actual sword as your fallback.

Food for thought, still your character.
TheLoneRook said:
@WrathSama17 Better.
The ability, however is irrelevant. Sentinels naturally perform at such a level much higher than humans, especially melee based Sentinels like an Executioner or Myrmidon. If you wanted something to follow your Obsidian theme, I'd suggest something like this.

Your sword could be your default weapon, but you could have your character be able to create obsidian swords (actual obsidian) that would be extremely sharp, but fragile. Something you could use as a sort of glass cannon schematic, with your actual sword as your fallback.

Food for thought, still your character.
That gives me an idea. Thanks
WrathSama17 said:
Instead of obsidian what about steel or would that be reaching tii much into blacksmith terf?
I think it would kind of defeat the purpose if it wasn't disposable, you could just keep one on you for while and you'd rarely use the ability. I think the obsidian blade idea would be pretty neat to get like a surprise attack on people who weren't expecting it if he was fighting only using his main sword or what Rook said - afterwards you can just make it so that the weapon crumbles into dust.
But if obsidian is extremely brittle it wouldn't do much to a broken would it? I don't need a powerful attack. I'd like to keep my obsidian theme but if it breaks easily then what use is it? Get me?
WrathSama17 said:
But if obsidian is extremely brittle it wouldn't do much to a broken would it? I don't need a powerful attack. I'd like to keep my obsidian theme but if it breaks easily then what use is it? Get me?
Alright, how about this - Kameal's weapon is made of obsidian BUT if it breaks, he can quickly reshape it into a different bladed weapon each time, catching the enemy off guard :-0
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Obsidian is really brittle unless treated and such correctly, in most games and such it actually is some of the best weapons and armor you can have. It's also EXTREMELY sharp. So even if it was brittle, it could cleave through a Broken decently easily should the hit land on something not armor.
Mitchs98 said:
Obsidian is really brittle unless treated and such correctly, in most games and such it actually is some of the best weapons and armor you can have. It's also EXTREMELY sharp. So even if it was brittle, it could cleave through a Broken decently easily should the hit land on something not armor.
I see. That's a big help.
Meso-Americans used Obsidian in their club/sword weapons, sure they were wiped out by the spanish, but the damn things were talked about being able to cleave right into a horse and leave very fatal wounds into to both men and animal. I fucking love my ancestors, sure the diseases and whitefolk killed them off, but they were kinda clever OR should I say CLEAVER


Also does that not mean I can do a Myrmidon, I was gonna have him be a mentor-ish kind of guy do to his age n such. Help both younger members take their natural potential and talent that cannot be really instantly accessed by the mantle or attendants

Can I do that?
CupAndCough said:
Meso-Americans used Obsidian in their club/sword weapons, sure they were wiped out by the spanish, but the damn things were talked about being able to cleave right into a horse and leave very fatal wounds into to both men and animal. I fucking love my ancestors, sure the diseases and whitefolk killed them off, but they were kinda clever OR should I say CLEAVER

Also does that not mean I can do a Myrmidon, I was gonna have him be a mentor-ish kind of guy do to his age n such. Help both younger members take their natural potential and talent that cannot be really instantly accessed by the mantle or attendants

Can I do that?
Rook already gave the OK for your character for the time being, just finish it up and I think you're good :P
@CupAndCough Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh

We don't really neeeeeed mentor roles.....we got like 3 as it is.....and more NPC roles comin' in doin' that shit too......I mean you can still be helpful and shit....we just aren't really requiring mentor peoplez. I mean I'm not gonna outright tell you NO NO BEING A MENTOR but I wouldn't make it a character priority. Part of being a Sentinel is that you don't need all that much guidance to begin with, it was something I designed both for the sake of plot as well as to make sure everyone was on the same level-playing field, since I do plan on pitting characters against each other (or having them just fuckin' get angry or some shit iunno). It's just an easy mechanic to give everyone relatively the same power level.

But yes, you are technically accepted as long as your mantle isn't fuckloads of bullshit, which I doubt it would be.

@WrathSama17 As it stands now I'm coming to a part in the rp where I have to start making calls instead of just accepting anyone who meets all the requirements (which you still technically do not), so no you are not currently accepted. I don't really have any particular desire to hand-guide you through the character creation process, and there is another applicant who has displayed both proficiency and that they read the material I asked them to. It's an objective issue at this point. I have an applicant who met the requirements I asked in full, and then some, and I have someone who I had to escort through the process, and who has still not met all the requirements. It's nothing against you, but this is something I've put a lot of work into, and I want to see that same level of effort with the people participating in it.
TheLoneRook said:
@CupAndCough Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
We don't really neeeeeed mentor roles.....we got like 3 as it is.....and more NPC roles comin' in doin' that shit too......I mean you can still be helpful and shit....we just aren't really requiring mentor peoplez. I mean I'm not gonna outright tell you NO NO BEING A MENTOR but I wouldn't make it a character priority. Part of being a Sentinel is that you don't need all that much guidance to begin with, it was something I designed both for the sake of plot as well as to make sure everyone was on the same level-playing field, since I do plan on pitting characters against each other (or having them just fuckin' get angry or some shit iunno). It's just an easy mechanic to give everyone relatively the same power level.

But yes, you are technically accepted as long as your mantle isn't fuckloads of bullshit, which I doubt it would be.

@WrathSama17 As it stands now I'm coming to a part in the rp where I have to start making calls instead of just accepting anyone who meets all the requirements (which you still technically do not), so no you are not currently accepted. I don't really have any particular desire to hand-guide you through the character creation process, and there is another applicant who has displayed both proficiency and that they read the material I asked them to. It's an objective issue at this point. I have an applicant who met the requirements I asked in full, and then some, and I have someone who I had to escort through the process, and who has still not met all the requirements. It's nothing against you, but this is something I've put a lot of work into, and I want to see that same level of effort with the people participating in it.
I have read over everything multiple times! Ugh fine a guess
So, uh, I've been recently informed by my gf who is a furry that a coyote is a much more accurate spirit animal for Eslin, Rina being fine how she is.


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