Dreams of the Second Age - Additional IC

Wren gives Mask a conspiratorial smile. "I wonder just how hard it would be to steal this key from the Solar. We may not know what it is used for, but it sounds like he does, and keeping him from having something powerful enough to wage war on this scale is a good thing, right?"

@JayTee, please give me a Int + Lore roll, with any Savant modifiers added in.
The information given to you by Mask from what he overheard sends a chill up your spine. Back in the First Age, there was an artificer you knew named Dorgan that was bragging about how his latest project is a mechanical dragon that is second in power only to the Kukla itself. At the time, you suspected he was bragging about the power of this dragon of his, but from his other projects that you are aware of, he is quite capable of making a truly fearsome war machine. The party you were at where he told you about his work was several decades before the Usurpation, making it very possible that he had finished his work and the dragon is ready to be activated. If this is the same dragon that you know of, letting Filial Wisdom get control of it would be like giving a thermonuclear device to the Joker from Batman and hoping he behaves himself. Definitely a worst case situation.
"We need to get that dragon under our control. Now." Said Rine, explaining the situation to the others. "I don't know if it's still functioning after all this time, but we cannot let it fall in to the hands of a madman. This is our top priority."

He winks at Wren, then looks over at Rine. "Well, we can certainly make a good effort to steal that key, at the very least. I agree with Wren, we shouldn't let him have it. Having a distraction would certainly help, though."
Wren gives a happy wiggle at the thought of stealing the Key. "Its not like I have any actual experience in the act of stealing; it is simply a happy skillset that I just happen to have. When do you want me to leave?"

"Sure you don't want me to come with? Otherwise, unless anyone else has any ideas, we should definitely get it as soon as possible." He looks around at the rest of the group.

"Though it might draw his attention to us."
Wren tosses her hair back over her shoulder. "Well, you can bet that once I have this Key, ol' nutburger out there will certainly come looking for it, and there are few places in this city left for him to search besides this Tower."

L'ron nods. "True. But we have nearly a hundred Awakened Dragon Kings here, working airships, several powerful gods of the city, along with all the Exalts here. Why not take this battle to him on our terms? His forces are celebrating their victory and are hardly a challenge, and as powerful as Filial Wisdom and Han-Tha are, they are no match for the Exalts of our side."
Aredin will move into position to have sight between them and their return to their fortress. Ideally, he will be in a fairly distant location that gets a view of the majority of their return march. Upon finding such a perch, he will pull out his bow and prepare to fire upon the enemy.

"Go ahead then. Get that key and I'll see about distracting that damn dragonblood if I can get him away from his master."

"I will begin the final preparations for our troops, including outfitting them with armor. I have several Gunzosha and Guardian armor sets, among others, modified for Dragon-King usage." Zen replies.
While the Dragon Kings are preparing for war, Wren shifts into her totem bird form that she has taken her name from and flies out the window. After several hours, the young Exalt returns with a ornate box, inlaid with a mix of jade, moonsilver, starmetal, and orichalcum with a wicked smile on her face. "Easy peasy. I have had harder break-ins than that. But, there is a slight problem. I tried to open the box, and I don't know how. It is locked with some mechanism that I've never come across before. You smart guys will have to take look at it when you have time."

L'ron comes into the common room that is being used by the Exalts in a hurry. "I don't know what is going on now, but there is a flurry of activity at the main pyramid. Filial Wisdom is in a rage, and is screaming for blood. I suspect that he will be here shortly in force. Prepare yourselves."

"Here, let me take a look at it." Mask takes the box from Wren and examines it for several minutes before starting to work his nimble hands on it, attempting to get the obviously special box unlocked and open, his hands moving at a pace that would rival the fastest magician trying to mask his tricks. He gets an almost gleeful and cheery grin on his face as he almost seems to be oblivious to everything around him.

Spending 3m to activate Lock Opening Touch, which gives me an automatic 7 extra successes if needed to unlock the box, for a total of 15 successes.


"What is Filial is raging about?" Asked Rine, concerned. "If we can use it against him, we might be able to stave off an assault and buy ourselves some more time."
The box that Mask has in his hand is a very complex and secure lock that will keep out most everyone. But you know a few secrets of how to get into locked objects, and in no time you figure out the combination for the box and open it wide. Inside, there is a velvet cloth wrapped around a metal and crystalline key the size of a person's hand.

Rine can immediately recognize it as a activation key for a large construct. Such keys were commonplace in the First Age for large constructs.
"Oh, well I suppose that explains everything, then." Said Rine, upon seeing the key. "I think it's in our best interests if Filial doesn't get his hands on this again."
Wren looks at in curiosity. "What is that? Why is this so important? What does it do?"
"We know that Filial has an interest in a giant, weapons grade construct. This is the key to turning it on." Rine Said.
"Cool! What is this construct-thingy? And where is it?" She leans over and takes a closer look at the key.

"Come on Wren, let's leave the engineering to the engineers. I wanna go see how pissed off the guy is." Mask grins and winks at Wren, perched on the back of a chair behind the two of them as they examine the key.
The construct that the key goes for. It's been a bit, so I'm making the assumption that my character knows enough about this to match the key to the construct.
Ok. I just needed to be sure. You suspect that it is supposed to be the first of four weapons of mass destruction linked to the four Directional Titans. A ground based unit, the Exalt in charge of its construction was boasting that it was the culmination of his career as an artificer. They are given the identification of a Leviathan, and is designed to be a siege weapon, able to take down cities without the massive destruction of the area of effect blast from the Titans.
Rine's face paled when he realized what he was holding, and what the implications were about why Filial Wisdom was so eager to get his hands on it. "This needs to be hidden away. Now." He said. "Filial cannot get his hands on this again. If he has access to a Leviathan, he will be able to lay waste to an entire direction unchallenged."


Goddamnit, I accidentally posted in the IC thread, sorry.
As you examine the Key, Mask and Wren decide to go and poke the hornet's nest and see just how upset Filial Wisdom is. They are not disappointed. The mad Solar is in a rage, his anima going totemic as he smashes his way around the pyramid grounds. Getting in a bit closer, you can hear him cursing the Abyssal Exalt known as Shadow That Walks. He seems to believe that she is the one responsible for the theft of the Key, since she vanished from his 'court' shortly before he was able to acquire it from the Fae.

Wren looks over at Mask. "Do you think we should warn the Deathlord that a crazy nut-job of a Solar is now blaming her for stealing his toys? Hey, maybe we can get in there and plant some evidence that it was her, so he goes and tries to attack the Mistress of Tears directly. He'll get stomped and solve one of our problems for us."

Mask grins at all the chaos and then shrugs to Wren. "Let's talk to Aredin and see what he thinks would work well for that. And then get him to tell her Filial thinks she did it anyway."

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