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Yep! But I think the hunters (and Liev) need a reason to band together, since they're all pretty much from different guilds and tribes.

Good thinking. How about it's a huge hunt involving all different kinds of guilds and towns---a hunt that's an annual tradition and that is looked forward to all the time?
I think you should just start the story in general. I know people are either busy, or different time zones but they will catch up once they see the first part added. It's safe to say that they all agree they are ready. ThunderDire ThunderDire I know it's considerate to wait for others, but it also ends up dying because it doesn't start.
I know...but the plot starts with ThunderDire ThunderDire as Alessandra and MoltenLightning MoltenLightning as Blair, who are out flying around..

Since I am CO-GM, I guess it's my duty to start it. Whether people are ready or not. Since my character is part of the hunters, we could just start with the hunters, going around their merry business, drinking, gathering up for the big hunt from all the different guilds.
As for the Drakis, it's the same. Interact a bit, settle into the setting and into your characters.
We can start, for now, not right at the sisters flying out, but just hanging around. Setting the setting, all that stuff, just until ThunderDire ThunderDire comes in and when she does, she and MoltenLightning MoltenLightning will set out into the night.
How does that sound?
ThunderDire ThunderDire
Vampunk Vampunk
Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
Pumpkid Pumpkid
Abyss Abyss
Shadow Shadow
MoltenLightning MoltenLightning
Garnet Garnet

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