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I'm still looking for a mate for Aurora, as for Isaac and Evan they don't really need one unless you want one of them let me know.
If you guys dont believe you need a soulmate you can say for the time being that your still looking, havent found the right dragon. I want to get this rp up and going so if you are okay with that then I am too.
Is it safe to say that my hunters are not searching for a soulmate, but they are there for new comers in search for a partner/ soulmate? I guess a back up?
Alright so...here are the soulmates matched up for now:

Miltiades Akivii + Blair Stone ( MoltenLightning MoltenLightning and Seasplash241 Seasplash241 )

Amir White + Mazikeen Lavern ( ThunderDire ThunderDire and Seasplash241 Seasplash241 )

Severin White + Lunaira White (deceased)

Liev Edenguard + Alessandra Stone ( madame moiselle madame moiselle and ThunderDire ThunderDire )

There's still many we've got to work on

I’m working with abyss to get a soulmate for Vai rn, hopefully we will have that sorted out later tonight or tomorrow.
Is it safe to say that my hunters are not searching for a soulmate, but they are there for new comers in search for a partner/ soulmate? I guess a back up?

Well, we are in need of soulmates, and there won't be any more newcomers since the Draki RP is closed so...
If someone is in need of a soulmate I don’t mind taking on another character to fill that gap! Or if there’s an imbalance of draki and hunters I could fix that instead. I feel comfortable taking on one more character ^J^
If someone is in need of a soulmate I don’t mind taking on another character to fill that gap! Or if there’s an imbalance of draki and hunters I could fix that instead. I feel comfortable taking on one more character ^J^

Are you sure you'll be able to handle it? We are expecting enough literary skill for this (so no small paragraphs or one-liners) so it would take a lot of time to juggle so many characters, especially when they are a big part of the whole plot.
Are you sure you'll be able to handle it? We are expecting enough literary skill for this (so no small paragraphs or one-liners) so it would take a lot of time to juggle so many characters, especially when they are a big part of the whole plot.

It’s not ideal but I should be fine. This is my main roleplay on here atm and I spend a lot of time online, so I should be ok. I offer to take on another as a worst case scenario
Are you sure you'll be able to handle it? We are expecting enough literary skill for this (so no small paragraphs or one-liners) so it would take a lot of time to juggle so many characters, especially when they are a big part of the whole plot.

Seasplash241 Seasplash241
I agree, If you believe you can go for it. However, no one liners as this rp is ment to be more advanced.
Im at my max of three, expessially since I have a few smaller rps and onexone going on. However, please everyone, be honest with rp character compacity that you can handle. If you say you can handle more I trust you so go ahead but be reasonable with your self.

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