• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.




The Painter of Thoughts

Character Sheet:

Full Name:
Titles (Royal?):
Species: Human or Draki

Height - (Tallest 20')
Wing Span -
Weight -
Tail Length -
Draki Type:
Appearance Discription:
Ability: (If a unknown draky type)

Human appearance:
Appearance Discription:

Tattoos: (The Tribes tatoo is marked on everyone and colored based on there Draki's appearance. Where is yours?)



Hobbies and Job:

Romantic Interest: (You must have one, this willl be the Draki that your characters dragon belives is his/her true mate)
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Amir White

  • Nicknames: None
    Titles: Prince and heir to the throne
    Sex: Male
    Species: Draki
    Age: 18
    Tattoos: His tattoo is of the mountain tribe and is on the small of his back. It's white with a silver hue, so it can be hard to see at times.
    Personality: Amir is reserved, composed, and patient with others, though he also has virtually no agency of his own and acts on even his slightest whims, and is otherwise quick to sacrifice or cause injury to himself to this end.
    Summary/Background: Amir was content with his childhood. He was close to his mother, finding his father too tough and abrasive. When his mother died he regressed inward, becoming almost emotionless. That was his way of coping. He never wanted to be a prince, or a king, but he had his role thrusted upon him. He doesn't get along well with his father and he often sneaks out of the tribe, wanting a taste of freedom.
    Hobbies and Job: Royal duties, learning how to be a king.
    Soulmate: Mazikeen Lavern


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Liev Edenguard

the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.








(not as big as this picture makes it look)

forty feet


2 800lbs

Tail Length
nineteen feet

draki type



lean, decently muscled



his tribe tattoo is on his back, spread from shoulder blade to shoulder blade, but has been outdone by other tattoos that he gained living alongside humans for so long---symbolizing that his loyalties lie with the hunter, not with the hunted.


liev is as cunning and sly as his Draki race imposes him to be. he's relentless, and ruthless when he wants to be. he's observant, sharp-tongued and intelligent. hates to be pushed, to be stood up, to be humiliated or to be told he is worth nothing. thanks to a lifetime learning the art of assassination and espionage, liev is dangerous and deadly.
but that's not all he is.
liev, under that shell, is thoughtful. determined. humble. for a man required to have no emotion to complete his job, liev is full of it. sweet, often generous, liev is the last person you'd think of when you think assassin.
but that's the beauty of it.
he's focused, an excellent liar, resourceful and tactful. the hunters he had been living with his whole life had used this seemingly innocent side of liev and turned it to their advantage---showed him how to act one way but be the other. fool the enemy, trick them into believing an illusion. and liev followed along. because he had nothing else to follow along to. he's a free spirit as well---rebellion was part of his nature, as it was with his outlandish, defiant, unruly mother.



the action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.

Betrayal. What does one call a person who has betrayed? Ah yes.

A traitor.
To some, people become traitors. To others, betrayal is in their blood. A continuous cycle, a tendency passed down from generation to generation.

This was Liev's case.

His life did not start out in the cozy, secure boundaries of the Mountain Tribe.
He came into this world in a run-down cabin somewhere in the woods, rain lashing at the stained windows, birthed by a rogue Draki, a woman who belonged to no tribe, no one but to herself. His father, a high ranking warrior of the Mountain Tribe, romantically involved with a female Draki not of his tribe, a Draki who had already been living among the humans as a prostitute, involved in more than a few flings with hunters and humans alike. Unable to smother the passion he had for her, LIev's father, though already married to another in the Mountain Tribe, secretly met up with his rogue every chance he got. And as a result of that romance, came Liev.

However, all did not end well. Liev's mother died to give him life, as if punishing Liev's father for betraying his then-wife and the Tribe as a whole.
Liev's father knew he couldn't bring back the baby. How would he explain to his wife? With no choice, LIev's father had to abandon Liev to a nearby hunters' guild, and return home, where he would die a few mere years later, captured by hunters.

As for Liev, he grew. He grew, an intelligent, strong boy, learning the ways of the hunter. For the longest time, he had no idea he was a Draki. For all it was worth, he hated them. During his childhood though, he knew instinctively that he was different from the rest. He had instincts like no other, instincts that didn't even seem human. He ignored them though. Put them to the back of his mind.

Until they couldn't be ignored.

His thirteenth birthday. First year into teenagehood. The year where his dragon instincts turned into dragon tendencies. He began to stand out more. Become more strange. His familiars back in the guild knew there was something inherently different about him. It was when he turned fourteen that he first changed into his dragon form, forced by fear when he had first encountered a real Draki in dragon form, in his first hunt.
And this time, he couldn't hide it.
He was a Draki.

At first, one would expect immediate backlash. Bays for his blood. Hunter becoming the hunted. But no. The guild thought carefully about this. They did not want to kill him---he had grown up alongside them after all. He had already proven himself a decent hunter. But maybe he could be used as something else, something greater than just a Draki hunter.

In order to catch a Draki, you needed to think like one. The hunters knew the Draki traveled in tribes. But that was it. Now, if you wanted to find a Draki, you needed a Draki. And so, Liev began to train in espionage, learn to master his abilities, that would prepare him for a mission more important than that of some ordinary Draki hunt.

And now, after five years of preparation, he was ready.

hobbies and job
tribe-wise, he is a scout. which is virtually perfect---that way he meets up with his fellow hunters. he's got a knack for collecting odds and ends, knicks and knacks.

soul mate

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Vaihere Utstim

  • Nicknames: Vai
    Titles: None to speak of
    Sex: Female
    Species: Draki
    Age: 18
    Tattoos: Blue green mountain tribe tattoo in the middle of her chest
    Personality: Kind, compassionate, empathetic, though a bit oblivious to her own feelings. She likes helping people, though she can be a bit too trusting at time, and doesn't realize that people can have ulterior motives.
    Summary/Background: Via grew up in the background of the tribe. She lost her mother at birth, so her father raised her. And since he was a healer, he passed on his knowledge to her. She loved helping people, and loved discovering new herbs and remedies. Her father was killed by a hunter when she was 15, so she took on the main role in the tribe. Instead of dealing with her emotions, she pushed them aside, using other peoples pain as a way to cope with her own.
    Hobbies and Job: Tribe healer
    Romantic Interest: OPEN


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Full Name: Lionel Roarke
Nicknames: Tavern Lion
Titles: Wyrmslayer, Drakebane
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 34

Build: Lionel is of a sturdy, muscular build, though it's obvious that age is slowly creeping up on him.
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 198 lbs
Appearance Discription: On first glance Lionel might seem like your typical drunkard. He's somewhat scruffy looking, with long graying hair and a beard to match. His face is already starting to show the first signs of aging, with several wrinkles lining his features.
And yet there's something about him, a kind of presence, that betrays his profession as a hunter of dragons. His eyes never seem distant and they're filled with strength you wouldn't expect from someone going by the moniker of "Tavern Lion".

Lionel's body is covered in countless scars, ranging from stab wounds to wounds that only beasts could inflict, and even some nasty burns to adorn his shoulders and arms.
He carries himself high and rarely slouches, especially in the presence of those he respects, or tries to impress.

Other: Being one of the only surviving members of the original line of wyrmslayers, Lionel still owns a set of their uniform armor set. Albeit age did leave its mark on it, no longer being the shining example of a knightly armament as it used to.
The metal is worn, having assumed a darker shade of grey and just like his body it's adorned by several battle marks.
It still retains most of its functionality though and serves as a reminder of past glory.

Personality: Lionel is an honorable man who did not forget the oath he had sworn twenty years ago. Time's regress has left its mark on him though and had shaped the once idealistic boy into a veteran of his craft, with a nonchalant attitude that borders on disinterest or joking neglect. Having a witty response always ready on the tip of his tongue, ready to be flung at whoever questions his skills, or his honor, Lionel does not seem to take himself, or others too serious.
His professional side pushes through whenever he's actually out hunting the beings that he had sworn to fell, his somewhat talkative nature taking a backseat as he becomes a lot more serious and focused on the task.

When he's drunk, and he is often, he becomes rather chummy with people, especially those he considers his friends, and never refuses telling of his past exploits. Some becoming grossly over exaggerated in the process.

Background: Lionel's family had been dragons layers for over three generations, and at least one child was always expected to pick up the mantle of their forefathers to join the hunt for the draconic "enemy" of men. His family took great pride in their craft, and they would train the young Lionel hard and well, so that he would bring honor to their house.

Unfortunately, they suffered a tremendous defeat when faced with overwhelming odds. When there was only flight or death, no honor or glory to be won, Lionel would forget his code...for just one moment, enough for him and some of his closest comrades, to retreat. This defeat still haunts him and it earned him the contempt of some of his peers. But he knew it was the right thing to do.
And yet he continued to pursue his craft as a dragons layer, as he had witnessed too many of his friends fall to dragon breath, and with every dragon he fells he feels like justice for those lost to the craft.

As a wandering dragonslayer, Lionel isn't tied down to a single place for longer than he has to, renting cheap rooms in taverns and spending most of his time either drinking his coin away or hunting.

Hobbies and Job: Professional Dragonslayer, breaker of hearts, storyteller, part-timer drunk and occasional champion for the just

Romantic Interest: Depends on how inebriated he is


Alexander Rotinya Krow
Character 1.jpg
If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they Stand against you, defeat them.

Name: Alexander Rotinya (Roe-Tin-ya) Krow (Crow)
Nicknames: Alex, though he prefers his full name of Alexander
Titles: Master of Security
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Species: Draki
Skills: swordsmanship, basic first aid, archery, writing, map making, leadership skills, strategy planning, and hand-to-hand combat skills
Likes: Training new guards, reading, flowers, gardening, playing the violin or piano, practicing hand to hand and sword combat, Feeding birds/ other small wildlife
Dislikes: Treason, anyone who disrespected the royal family especially the king, people who don't know their place, Uncleanliness, Anyone who's disobedient

Personality: Alexander is a very Alert and Observant man. Always keeping an eye on the guards and people that roam around the royal family. He's very loyal to the royal family, and even more so to the king. Being very trusting and confident in the king's commands. Alexander can be seen as a very charming and compassionate man, but under the orders of the king he is fearless and is not afraid to show that he can also be very blunt, aggressive, and cold. He's very athletic and brave, working hard day and night to get the job done. He has strong leadership skills and is a patient and reliable person.
Fears: Failing the royal family, Treason, Being Abandoned, Losing his sight/hearing/voice
Extra: He's a bit of a clean freak
Appearance Golden_Dragon.jpg Draki Appearance
Wing Span: 46'
Weight: 3,400lbs
Tail Length 23'
Draki Type: Fire
Appearance Description: Golden Scales that stand out along a very rough and jagged body. Covered in rough spines, his wings spike out and follow a sharp trail down his sides, giving him great balance while in the air and a fierce look to match.
Other: Some scars along his sides and back when having to defend the royal family

Human appearance
A very strong and well-built body build. He's well kept together and keeps himself in good shape.
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 213 lbs
Appearance Description: Though he is often seen as strict and occasionally cold-hearted, anyone who actually understands and gets to know Alexander knows that he can be very kind and forgiving. Alexander always stands with his head high and in a professional stance. He's very charming and charismatic.
Other?: He has a few scars on his back and sides.
Tattoos: Golden Mountain Tribe tattoo between his shoulder blades
Hobbies and Job: Royal Family Head guard
Romantic Interest: He is happily married to another Draki. Been married for many years.
Soulmate: Layla Krow
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Full Name: Aurora Mars

Nicknames: Aura/ Siren the Outcast/Siren/Outcast

Titles (Royal?): Alessandra's Best Friend

Sex: Female

Species: Draki

Age: 20

Draki: CxVk-pvUsAA2lva.png

Height - (I'm terrible with measurements but let's say a little bigger than a ship)

Wing Span- 33feet? (They are actually short and act like flippers)

Weight -5,000Ib

Tail Length - 900Ib (Idk)

Draki Type: Water

Ability: Manipulate water, sing, Swim fast

Other: Although camoflauging is not a water dragon's specialty, Aurora was luckily born with aquatic patterns to blend into the deepest of seas


Build: Short and thick

Height: 5'1

Weight: 113

Appearance Description: Aurora is chubby but does carry curves Like this:
Miss-Kobayashis-Dragon-Maid-Character-Visual-Rukoa-001-20161207.jpg (Except her bust isn't that ridiculously huge they're normal)

Tattoos: Her tattoo is found around her neck like a collar

Personality: Aurora is a chill, wise girl with small insecurities about herself, she is emotionally strong so she's often used for diplomatic purposes or to stop a simple argument. She's not great with fights nor is she interested, but if there ever came a time to defend herself or those she cares she will fight back. Aurora is ambitious towards her hobbies and job. She is often jokes around to lose any tension she may feel. Her aura is always vibrant and easy going if you're ever around her.

Aurora was born out of the tribe. When she was seven, her mother was hunted and killed leaving her an orphan. Having no idea what to do with herself but mourn, Aurora sat in the pouring rain crying her eyes out when she met a young Alessandra who took her in with her family, yet to this day is treated as an outcast although she tries her best to fit in by helping those in need regardless of rumors spreading around. When Aurora turned fifteen Alessandra noticed her skills to solve and help people and offered her a job as a royal diplomat or counselor for everyone in the tribe. At first she was unsure, but took it having no clue what to do with herself. She turned out to be great at her job though she does sometime get stuck on how to solve a problem. Her skills progressed getting used to her job however it too takes a toll on her so when she's not around she leaves tribe to spend time to herself at sea in her dragon form to sing or simply admire the seaside view to clear her mind.

Other: One of her eyes is pitch black with a blue, iris. Her eyes glow do glow in her dragon form to ward off predators or any enemies.

Hobbies : Singing (Too much), swimming, drawing and especially has an addiction to Coffee

Job: Alesandra's Best Friend/ Tribe's diplomat (mostly used as a problem solver though she doesn't believe she's good at it and was only was given to her by Alessandra)

Romantic Interest: Atlas Garrier
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Full Name: Aurora Mars

Nicknames: Aura/ Siren

Titles (Royal?): Alessandra's Best Friend

Sex: Female

Species: Draki

Age: 19

Draki: View attachment 408866

Height - (Tallest 20')
Wing Span -
Weight -
Tail Length -
Draki Type:
Appearance Discription:
Ability: (If a unknown draky type)

Human appearance:
Appearance Discription:

Tattoos: (The Tribes tatoo is marked on everyone and colored based on there Draki's appearance. Where is yours?)



Hobbies and Job:

Romantic Interest: None at the Moment

Full Name: Aurora Mars

Nicknames: Aura/ Siren

Titles (Royal?): Alessandra's Best Friend

Sex: Female

Species: Draki

Age: 19

Draki: View attachment 408866

Height - (Tallest 20')
Wing Span -
Weight -
Tail Length -
Draki Type:
Appearance Discription:
Ability: (If a unknown draky type)

Human appearance:
Appearance Discription:

Tattoos: (The Tribes tatoo is marked on everyone and colored based on there Draki's appearance. Where is yours?)



Hobbies and Job:

Romantic Interest: None at the Moment

Love your dragon! Are you still working on your sheet though? Like her back story, height, job?
Love your dragon! Are you still working on your sheet though? Like her back story, height, job?
Yes I am I'm just having difficulty because internet keeps lagging on me. Thank you it's the closest dragon I could get to what I wanted
Full Name: Liam King
Nicknames: Li
Titles (Royal?): Lineage not verifiable
Sex: Male
Species: Draki
Age: 23

Height - 20 feet
Wing Span - 65 feet
Weight -
Tail Length -
Draki Type: Fire
Appearance Description: Similarily to his human form, Liam's dragon form is lean with an athletic build. He inherits his large size from his father, who one of the largest draki ever recorded and possesses golden scales that give away his status as a fire-breather.

Human appearance:
Build: Mesomorph, lean and athletic.
Height: 6'1
Weight: 165lbs
Appearance Description: Liam has a lean and athletic build, heavily tattooed and bearing a few scars from his habit of scrapping with the wrong crowd. He carries himself in the kind of carefree manner you wouldn't normally find in a draki surrounded by humans and seems equally comfortable around friends and strangers both. He has a habit of running his hand through his hair when nervous, startled, or embarrassed. Liam and his sister Embry share a strong resemblance, both of them having inherited their red hair and eyes from their mother Vaticia King.


Tattoos: Liam does not possess a tribe tattoo, but is covered in traditional Chinese dragons.

Personality: Liam is an outgoing and energetic person, always open to meeting new people. He would rather spend his time among a group of friends than be on his own for long periods of time, though the opposite is true when he's working on an art project. Liam has some insecurities in regards to his missing childhood memories: he craves a stronger understanding of his own identity and can't help but feeling as if he's missing something important.



Liam was raised in the human foster care system after losing his family when he was seven years old. He has no memory of his childhood prior to this, something he's been told by doctors and therapists may be the result of PTSD or the trauma of whatever events he experienced. The only clues to his history are the nightmares he still sometimes experiences, involving fire and the faces of people he thinks might have been his family or friends. Well that and the fact he can transform into a giant fire-breathing lizard.


Hobbies and Job:

Liam is the co-owner of the Pendragon Tattoo Parlour, though it's his business partner and friend Audrie Gainsborough who manages to actually keep it running in spite of all his antics. He does like to paint and draw in his downtime, but when he's not scheduled for a client there's more of a chance that Liam can be found trading punches in the local fighting ring. Despite his recent efforts to keep to better crowds, he still gets into trouble with the local law-enforcement and is well acquainted with inside of a jail cell.

Romantic Interest: Vaihere Utstim Seasplash241 Seasplash241

Full Name: Damian King
Nicknames: Dee, Lightning
Titles (Royal?): Lineage not verifable
Sex: Male
Species: Draki
Age: 25

Height - 20 feet
Wing Span -
Weight -
Tail Length -
Draki Type: Wind
Appearance Description:

Human appearance:
Build: Mesomorph, solid muscle.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200lbs
Appearance Description: Damian has a large, muscular figure and holds himself with the casual confidence of someone who's assured in their own abilities. He's surprisingly fast and agile when he wants to be; moving with a fighters grace that betrays his otherwise docile nature. His body language is closed off around most people, save for a few close friends, but it's more of a subconscious habit than any real desire to push people away. Damian looks almost nothing like his siblings, possessing blond hair and purple eyes that he gets from their late father Goliath King.

Other? He has a few scars (not really visible as a dragon) including some claw marks from grappling with other draki as dragons, burns from working with hot metal, and few miscellaneous marks from hunter weapons.

Tattoos: Damian possesses a grey version of the tribe's tattoo on his right shoulder. A large tattoo of a Chinese dragon spans the length of left arm to his chest.



Hobbies and Job:

Job: Damian has taken on his own self-created position of 'searcher.' Whenever there's an opportunity, he'll head out of town looking for signs of other draki (you never know who could be lost out there) and keeping tabs on any hunter activity. He'll also accept requests, so If there's something (or someone) you need inside or out of town he'll find it and bring it back (or whatever else the request calls for).
*Requests can be anything: delivering gifts to family/friends in other tribes, looking for lost momentos, bounties (people or item), etc.

More officially however, he is—perhaps the best—mechanic in town.

Hobbies: Damian would rather keep busy than allow himself to think about the past. When he's not busy with his job, he can usually be found working on some new project in his shop or fixing up broken machinery around town. Damian not only fixes things, but he also makes metal sculptures and tinkers with spare parts to see what sort of new contraptions he can make—often teaming up with Embry for that extra spark of crazy inspiration. He takes on volunteer work as much as paid commissions and enjoys being given a worthy challenge for his skills both as an artist and mechanic.

Romantic Interest: OPEN

Character Sheet:

Full Name: Embry King
Nicknames: Em, Bri, Ember
Titles (Royal?): No verifiable lineage
Sex: Female
Species: Draki
Age: 16

Height - (Tallest 20')
Wing Span -
Weight -
Tail Length -
Draki Type: N/A (Yet)
Appearance Discription:
Ability: (If a unknown draky type)

Human appearance:
Build: Mesomorph, lean.
Height: 5'4
Weight: 100lbs
Appearance Description: Embry is lean with a bit of a wiry figure. She carries herself nonchalantly, but her movements are bold with the undertone of someone who'd welcome a physical challenge. She has a tendancy to lean or perch on nearby surfaces.
Other?: Her ears are pierced (several times over) and so is her nose and left eyebrow.

Tattoos: N/A (Yet)



Hobbies and Job:

- She likes to sing and draw, but she's rather shy about showing this to others.
- Enjoys helping Damian with his work, especially restoring antique vehicles.
- Wants to do something active once her dragon awakens, like scouting or becoming a warrior.

Romantic Interest: OPEN (PM me if interested in taking this position, otherwise I might eventually create an NPC)
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Full Name: Mazikeen Lavern

Nicknames: Maze

Titles: Huntress

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Age: 17[/FONT]

Human appearance:735d49ec1feb52e5b4f7b904a443cbb6.jpg

Build: Thin lean muscle

Height:5’ 4”

Weight: 107

Appearance Discription: Sholder length dark blackish hair. Striking green eyes. Freckles on her cheeks and a bit on her nose. A pale complexion. Normally she wears the cold hair piece and green draki claw earrings. A gift from her family of hunters that has been passed down for centuries. While hunting she normally wears a black, skin tight body jump suit that is laced with fine threaded armor. She needed to move and be quick which required a outfit such as this. Knifes are in her boots, belt, back, and arms. Along with a few more deadly tricks.

Screen Shot 2018-03-06 at 12.24.20 PM.png

Tattoos: From her lower back, hip, to left leg wrapped a green dragon style tattoo. Full of detail and beautiful to everyone who sees it.

Personality: She is quite expressive and kind. Strong willed in what she believes in and stubborn in the same respect. She is on the rise to becoming the next leader of hunters. The new commanding in chief hunter. Holding a dominant but not… lets say overbearing personality that is needed in these kind of hunts. She is truly kind, caring, keen, and trusting to few. Many hunters who are about to pass away our brought to her. She has a strange but calming ora that helps the dining. Her looks help a bit to with men.


When Maze was young, she went to school, had a family, and lived a normal life. This all ended when her family sent her away to fulfill what many member of her family have done before. It was a honor to be apart of the clan of hunters hat her grandfather, mother, brother, everyone has been apart of. Having the determination she began training when she was 13. Pushing her self to be the best human hunter. At least for her age she was. Over the years she has gown and increased her abilities on all levels of killing. While she doesn't have many friends, she is close to the hunters in the tribe. Knowing that to all of them, this is their life. To protect the world and kill all evil. However, she sometimes wonders if what she does is right. To kill these beautiful creatures that dance amongst the sky.

Hobbies and Job: Huntress, Soon to be Commander of Hunters as she was nominated a few months back.

SOUL MATE: Amir White
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Full Name: Atlas Garrier
Nicknames: Juvenis
Titles: Hunter
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 19

Human appearance:

Build: Lithe, toned
Height: 6’1
Weight: 178
Appearance Description: Atlas is tall and slender with unkempt, medium length black hair. He has bright blue eyes with a recent scar over his left eye. He has a long straight nose, pouty lips, and a sharp jawline.

Tattoos: He has a tattoo that represents his parents on his rib cage

Personality: Atlas is a rather tortured person with a seemingly permanent edge of sadness in his manner. He is a man of few words and prefers to keep his thoughts to himself. While he is perfectly at ease taking orders and is highly uncomfortable being looked to for direction, he also has a powerful independent streak. In many ways he is most comfortable in the role of observer and likes to go unnoticed whenever possible. However, if he has a choice between spending a lot of time alone or enjoying a rowdy tavern with friends, he will always choose the latter.
Atlas has a strong moral code for himself and he follows it strictly, which can sometimes get in the way. He values honor and honesty, but he doesn’t usually expect the high standards he has for himself from the people he meets. When it comes to making friends, he is willing to bond with almost anyone and doesn’t break a friends trust lightly. He has some lone-wolf tendencies, however, and isn’t strictly loyal to anyone, no matter how close he is to them. That isn’t to say that he believes in ‘every man for himself’ and Atlas does have a protective streak, but he is overly cautious about not letting his loyalty blind him.

Atlas was born in a small village to a young couple with no other children. The village was highly secluded and they hardly knew of the fight between Drakis and humans. In many ways, he led a very sheltered childhood, away from the idea of war and warriors. There were no weapons in the village and everyone there was a farmer, hunter, or gatherer; all to provide for each other and their families. They were a closely knit community, to be sure. Inevitably this small retreat from the dangers of the world wouldn’t last and one day his childhood home came burning down. His mother, who was secretly a former dragon-slayer, swept him away to a small cave nearby, then returned to the village to save as many people as she could. The smoke from the burning village nearly suffocated him even at such a distance, but a few days later he came to his senses enough to go back and search for survivors. The entirety of his young life was burning before his eyes, searing the image of a two-winged beast flying overhead into his mind.
He traveled for miles, scrounging for food in the woods, until he reached a small town. At the first mention of dragons a fire was lit inside him to learn all he could about them and how to kill them so he could take his revenge. He traveled from town to town, feasting on their stored up knowledge about fighting Draki and he soon became a skilled hunter. Just recently he has been looking to join a hunter’s guild so that he can join the fight in earnest.​

Hobbies and Job:
Job- Dragon slayer, hunter
Hobbies- Whittling, playing musical instruments, sparring

Romantic Interest: Aurora Mars
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Blair Stone

  • Full Name
    Blair Ashen Stone

    Softie, 'Push-over Princess', 'Unrightful Heir'...

    Younger princess of Mountain Tribe; younger sister to Alessandra




    Golden white, located on her left shoulder blade

    Quite unlike her older sister, Blair is much more quiet and dependent on others. She's pacifistic, endearing, and rather ignorant of others' intentions. In her mind, everyone deserves a second chance and wrongs can easily be rewritten. Hopeful and aspiring, she enjoys spending time with those who see her as a person rather than as a princess. She could easily be described as ditzy, too, and nonthreatening. Very friendly, however, and trusting. Could very well be her downfall, but she would never wish to give someone reason to hate her. Often, she is seen as meek; doesn't ever wish to take her place on any kind of throne, as she feels unfit to rule over people. She would much rather live among them. Admires her older sibling a lot, thinks she's very strong and sees her as a role model.

    Was born just a year after her sister, although she always seemed so much younger and frailer than her older sister. When the war was going on, she was always isolated for fear that she might somehow get killed. Which wasn't far off, considering her small stature and fragile appearance. This made her more ignorant to what the war did. However, she was still devastated by her parents' deaths and appeared to find most of her comfort in her older sibling. She still gets along very well with the rest of the tribe, and tries not to let her past affect her too terribly much. That is, if she can help it. Bringing up the past around her can have some detrimental effects, so it's best if its avoided.

    Hobbies and Job
    Sewing, babysitting, cooking
    Often can be found tending to the children of the tribe, as she feels at home with them

    Romantic Interest
    Miltiades Akivii
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Full Name: Evan Reyes

Nicknames: None at the moment

Titles (Royal?): None

Sex: Male

Species: Human

Age: 23

Build: Lean & Built

Height: 6'2

Weight: 150Ibs

Appearance Description: Evan doesn't actually wear glasses, but are instead replaced with goggles, and always seems to be wearing a fluffy hoodie, he carries a bag of materials (medical, knives etc.) which clings to his belt on his left thigh, A hand made very own chainsaw sword created with scales of a dragon to pierce against another dragon. The sword has the scent of a dragon to deceive one. He wears a bandanna wrapped on his right wrist in case of emergencies, black leather gloves always on for precaution

Tattoos: Like in the picture, he has countless tattoo's on his body, but not so much it covers every inch of skin. Both of his wrists carry ambigram tattoo's shaped like a bracelet, wing tat from his shoulder blade to his forearms and a cross in the middle on his hunch

Personality: Evan has two personalities, One in combat and his casual one. His hunter persona is always serious, and stoic, always focused on the mission at hand to impress. He carries brains compared to his twin he's always quick to strategies. In his casual persona, Evan is a bookworm, intrigued by stories of the old from hunters and fairy tales. He's not serious around people he likes (which is rare) in fact he's pretty chill. Although to others he may seem heartless at first, he's actually a softy when it comes to sob stories.

(Read Isaac's B.I.O)

Hobbies and Job: He's a hunter, enjoys killing for sport though he doesn't show it at times, reading, learning new things

Romantic Interest: Not interested


Full Name: Isaac Reyes

Nicknames: None RN

Titles (Royal?):None

Sex: Male

Species: Human

Age: 23

Build: Lean & built

Height: 6'3

Weight: 150Ibs

Appearance Description: Unlike his brothers Isaac carries piercings on his ears, more like studs, he's always wearing black and white uniform. Just like his twin, he too carries a pack on his right thigh of essentials and a white bandanna on his left arm as well as the tattoos on his wrist shaped the same only the lettering is backwards. This is supposed to signify their bondage/ brotherhood after their rough childhood. Carries an eye patch on his right eye from his first mistake during a hunt

Tattoos: Tattoo's only on both of his wrists with backwards lettering of what Evan has

Personality: Isaac also has a double personality. Combat and Casual. In his combat form he's a lot more narcissistic when it comes to hunting often used as bait or distraction as well as chaos in his path. (He doesn't mind at all he's already insane) Because of this he tends to get out of control which is why he's always tamed by either his mentor or Evan. His casual persona, he's a lot more optimistic always encouraging Lionel with almost everything. He does tend to be impatient and bored when nothing happens. Instead he causes plenty of trouble.

Isaac and Evan are twin orphan brother's who grew up fending for themselves as kids. The only recollection of their sweet mother were her stories. This drove them to become strong and keep their dreams alive by one day becoming a hunter. The two ran from society and lived a life of crime traveling between forest and city just to strive. One day they heard of a great hunter named, "Lionel Roarke" and decided to search and admire him from afar. The two decided to work harder and meet the man's level so that way when they cross path's they will be ready for anything to come. At age 18 Isaac and Evan finally met the man and pleaded with Lionel to take them under his wing. They were persistent in attempting to desperately be accepted at any cost. Even if it meant....paying for his tab at any bar for the rest of their lives until he drops dead. Which is how they got accepted and proved their hunting skills. If Lionel could even remember....

Hobbies and Job: Hunter, killing for sport, drinking with Lionel, anything but lounging around, naps are acceptable

Romantic Interest: Not interested
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Miltiades Akivii

  • Nicknames: Mil
    Titles: None
    Sex: Male
    Species: Draki
    Age: 19
    Tattoos: Copper mountain tribe tattoo on his stomach
    Personality: Dense, naive, and very brash. He doesn't really think through what he says, and he'll be blunt and to the point. He doesn't get people not saying what they mean. He always thinks the best of people, and never holds a grudge. Hes a hard worker and follows command easily. He's also a hopeless romantic, and can't wait until he meets The OneTM
    Summary/Background: Mil comes from a long line of architects, draki who build and maintain the tribe and keep it from falling apart, literally. He was very close to his father, shadowing and imitating him. While his father taught him how work, his mother taught him how to love. She taught him to be kind and to listen to others, how everyone should deserve a second chance. Mil loved hearing about how his parents found each other, and cannot wait for the day he finds his mate. Mil's father was injured during the war 4 years ago, and while Mil is upset that his father was hurt, he really doesn't have an opinion on the politics of the tribe. His parent's are now retired and living happily, and Mil took over his father's workload and is loving it. He hopes to meet his mate sometime soon, and worries that he may not have one since he hasn't found them yet.
    Hobbies and Job: Architect
    Soulmate: Blair Stone
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Full Name: Daevon Starke
Nicknames: Dae
Titles: None
Sex: Male
Species: Draki
Age: 24


Height - 18’9
Wing Span - 38
Weight - 3,400
Tail Length - 24
Draki Type: Earth
Appearance Description: Daevon’s dragon form is large and has spiked horns. He has wide wings that fold along his back when he isn’t flying. He has glowing golden eyes that can shift to a muddy brown when he is camouflaging.
Abilities: Stealth and invisibility

Human appearance:

Build: Muscular, slim
Height: 5’11
Weight: 169
Appearance Description: Most noticeably, Daevon has naturally silver hair matched by piercing blue eyes. His physical appearance matches his careless tendencies, meaning his hair is almost always a mess, along with his clothes.

Tattoos: His tribal tattoo is deep green and on the inside of his left ankle

Personality: Serious, yet playful, stern, and yet kind, Daevon is an enigma in more ways than one. In general, he is cheerful and easy to get along with. He is both a morning person and a night person, which can cause him to be an annoyance sometimes. He is semi-hyper-active and only manages to force himself to be still when it is impolite to fidget. He enjoys life most when he can jump from one thing to another and he likes to get as much as he can out of each day. He only really slows down around certain people when he wants time to stretch out so he can enjoy it. This happens most around his parents, as he hasn’t found a soulmate yet.
He takes his duties as scout very seriously, and it is one of the few times where he slows down and puts caution and safety first. He enjoys feeling like he is protecting the tribe, since they mean the world to him. He also enjoys sneaking around and spying on the hunters, since it gives him a slight adrenaline rush.
His secondary job of tending to the animals is another rare time where he is calm and relaxed, trying to make the most of his time with them. He mostly does it because he enjoys the animals, but he likes to help out wherever he can. It also gives him a chance to learn more things when he helps with odd jobs around the tribe, which he loves. He has difficulty sitting still long enough to read a book, but he does like learning, so he has figured out how to learn whatever he wants to know from other tribe members instead of books.

Daevon’s parents are loyal followers of the king. His mother is a valued seamstress and clothes maker, and his father’s job of jeweler compliments hers. They have a nice enough home and raised him to carry himself like royalty. He wasn’t a particularly easy child to raise, always disappearing without a thought for the risks of meeting a hunter, so that is a likely reason why he doesn’t have any siblings. His Earth-type dragon takes after his father, who was his role model as he grew older. His father taught him how to control his emotions so that his invisibility was more effective and that training helped him become a more laid-back person in general. As an Earth dragon, his job of scout was a natural choice and he loves being allowed to go out into the woods alone. Of course, he takes his job very seriously, so he doesn’t play around when scouting, but he feels at home in the forest.​

Hobbies and Job:
Job- Scout due to his camouflage abilities, he sometimes cares for the tribes’ animals
Hobbies- Flying, running through the woods as a dragon, almost any type of art

Romantic Interest: TBA
Full Name: Anaia Melaleuca
Nicknames: Annie, Eyepatch
Titles (Royal?): 'A royal pain in the ass'
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Age: 22

Build: Athletic, not quite thin enough to be lean.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Heavier than she looks
Appearance Description: Annie's most notable feature is her leather eyepatch (her family insignia, painted silver for a metallic finish). Her second most notable is her other eye, sharp blue, encased in violet. Her hair is usually somewhat well kept, if not tousled by the wind. Though invisible from a distance, freckles span across her tall nose, an indication of time spent under the sun. Off the hunt, Annie likes to indulge herself in pretty dresses and vibrant colours. On the hunt, she dresses sensibly, light armour, chainmail, leather boots and a helmet obscuring all but her eye.


Personality: Annie is fun-loving and sociable, often seeking out taverns to talk, laugh and have a drink. Though while she is talkative, she can come across as incredibly annoying, rather than endearing. She asks too many questions, interrupts people, and generally seems oblivious to when she should just shut up. But despite this, Annie is always willing to learn, a surprisingly quiet listener if what's being said catches her interest.

Her philosophy in regards to dragons is not one of revenge, but discovery. She loves dragons, but only for their material beauty and scientific uses.

Biography: The Melaleucas were once a highly respected family in the hunting business, but since the untimely death of Annie's great-grandfather, the family fell into a frenzy of internal power struggles. Many of her relatives had split off to pursue other careers, while Annie's grandparents retired from hunting to focus on trading hunting goods.

This had been the new family business. One Annie was expected to take up.

Annie did not take it up.

Instead, she dug out the hunting weapons, tools, and journals from her ancestors in search of what she thought was the most magnificent creature in the world. Annie had connections through the trade, it wasn't long before she was recruited by a decent hunter's guild. She began her training almost immediately, with a sense of enthusiasm she had never experienced before. The guild members were a loud bunch, patronising sometimes, but encouraging. They helped her hone her skills, taught her the ins and outs of the chase.

Ironically, her first time seeing a dragon in person wasn't even on a hunt. It was nearly nightfall when she heard the sound of powerful wings approaching overhead, cutting through the air like water. She had watched, awe-struck as the creature passed her, it's body moving in fluid motion to stay airborne. The moment was burned into her mind and she was overwhelmed with the urge to study it. Contain it, dissect it, understand it. Bring it back to the guild and so all could appreciate its' impossible beauty.

Hobbies and Job: Huntress, the heavy hitter, uses a crossbow to damage wings, then a long sword to pierce through scales.

Romantic Interest:
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Character Sheet:

Full Name:
Clarisse Laxei
Clari, short stack
Twenty One

Human appearance:
Slender, with some muscle tone but not what would be expected from a hunter
Five foot one
93 pounds
Appearance Description:
Light blonde hair that seems almost silver, normally tied back in a braid. It falls to her mid back in waves when loose. Her eyes are a light shade of violet, and her eyelashes are blonde.

Butterfly (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/24/a8/0d24a8099d431e024aff512601030b83.jpg) behind her left ear

Can I just say she’s not nice? She holds very little concern for anyone who is not her, and the only loyalty she ever shows is to herself. She likes to flirt with the hapless normal people who stumble into her path, and seduce them because she finds it amusing. Oddly enough, when relationships involve actual emotions she struggles to deal with it, and gets very adorable and almost tentative. This is understandable, as her only relationship where there have been ‘feelings’ so far in her life, the guy was an absolute...Well, I'd rather not swear, but there's a lot of trauma associated with that for her. She has issues, okay?
Clarisse has an obsession with being self-sufficient, and refuses to accept help from anybody, as she practically raised herself as a child, due to her mother’s mental illness.

On the surface, she seems self-assured and confident - completely comfortable in her own skin - but as people get to know her more, the cracks in the polite facade she puts up begin to show. She’s a manipulative pathological liar, and often doesn’t seem to realize that she is lying or being manipulative. On top of this, her ego is very fragile, and she has a tendency to push for compliments. She’s beautiful and she knows it, but that doesn’t stop her uncertainty. Also, she harbours a deep self-hate, believing it would have been better if she had never been born, because her own mother hated her, as she was a reminder of a mistake. She enjoys science, and often experiments on captured Draki.

She left a miserable home at nineteen, and promptly fell into an abusive relationship that lasted three whole years, until she got free of him. She joined the hunters, hoping for the strength to never seem powerless like that again. She rarely enters combat, but she can hold her own in a fight. Her main job with the hunters is gaining more knowledge on their enemy.

Hobbies and Job:
Scientist / Hunter
She can play the violin pretty well.

Romantic Interest: Open (It'd be interesting if it was a Draki, but she isn't really loooking for a relationship, aside from one night stands)
(One down!)​
Character Sheet:

Full Name:
Scarlett Felis
Argenta Ferae (Alias), Silver
Lineage unknown

Height -
Roughly 3 point five metres tall
Wing Span -
30 feet
Weight -
Tail Length -
2 metres
Draki Type:
Appearance Description:
Rather small for a draki, and slender with it. Her scales are a gleaming silver that matches her hair in her human form, with gleaming scarlet eyes.

Human appearance:
Muscled and lean
Five foot ten
10 stone
Appearance Description:
Long, wavy silver hair down to her waist. Her eyes are a startling shade of ruby red, with draconian slitted pupils, and her pale skin gives her away as an albino.

Red tribe tattoo on the back of her neck

In a word, Silver is Volatile. In one instant, she's a happy, slightly childish girl, who loves to play games and make friends...The next she's snapping and snarling, spoiling for a fight. She has a limited understanding of normal human behaviour,despite often breaking the rules to investigate human towns (This is why she has an alias). If she decides for whatever reason, she dislikes you, she can be spiteful and petty, but with most people she's the very picture of sweetness and innocence. She's easily tricked, due to her aforementioned innocence, and naivety. She gives off the air of one much younger than herself, and many doubt her age.

Raised with other Drakis, but her parents are dead.

Hobbies and Job:
She doesn't have a job, but she hunts (Like deer and stuff)

Romantic Interest: Open​
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