Dragon's Overwhelming Might


Four Thousand Club
Cost: 4m per +/-1 DV

Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive

Duration: Instant

Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental

Prerequisites: None

Follow-ups: Dragon-Body Focus

One of the techniques that forms the basis for Dragon Style, Dragon’s Overwhelming Might teaches the practitioner the principle of “release”. On the moment of an attack from or against them, the user lets forth a strong kiai, roaring in their opponent’s face as they simultaneously release a torrent of raw essence. The shock of this sudden power will knock a foe off balance, whether they are attacking or defending.

Depending on when it’s used, it will either add to the user’s own DV or subtract from an enemies’. As with Excellencies, DV cannot be modified by more than half the character’s normal dice-adding limits. Depending on the elemental variation, the following effects also apply;

Air: The character’s fury causes even the winds themselves to recoil momentarily. The DV bonus granted by this Charm is doubled against ranged attacks.

Earth: The impact of the user’s released essence drives their feet into the ground below them, even as it dulls the impact of their foe’s weapon; when used to supplement DV, this variant makes the character immune to Knockback from that attack.

Water: Like fighting waist-high in a river, the torrent of water essence released by the character inhibits the movement of the user’s foe; when used to reduce the opponent’s DV, the reduction to their Dodge DV from this Charm is doubled.

Fire: The nature of Fire is tied closely to light and heat, dangerous qualities which can sear the skin and blind the eyes; one gets close to the flame at one’s own peril. So too is it with this variant, which doubles the DV bonus granted by the Charm against melee attacks.

Wood: Just as the forest in its fullest bloom is a riot of colour and life, so too is the deluge of Wood essence released by the user a chaotic influence, scattering the target’s focus and drawing their attention in a hundred directions at once. With the enemy unable to fully concentrate on the character’s attack, this variant doubles the penalty imparted by this Charm to the target’s Parry DV.

This Charm is especially deadly when used in conjunction with a Coordinated attack; its DV penalties stack with those of the maneuver.

Style: Dragon
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