Dragon Transcendent Speed Form


Four Thousand Club
Cost: 10m, 1w

Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5

Type: Extra action... sort of.

Duration: One Scene

Keywords: Form-type, Obvious

Prerequisites: Inequitable Action Advantage

Follow-ups: Blinking Death Kata, Disruptive Wounding Blow

this Charm, the martial artist’s basic training in the shaping of time is complete. They can now hold themselves in a distortion of the fabric of Creation, a pinch in the hourglass through which events flow. Their anima, if active, tightens around their body, trailing afterimages of their form as they move at unmistakably supernatural speeds. This distortion is now perfectly stable and even; the martial artist, quite simply, moves incredibly fast.

So long as this Charm is in effect, the Speed of every action the user takes is divided by half their Essence, rounded down. Movement per tick is multiplied in a similar action. Essentially, the user takes half their Essence in ticks while everyone not under similar effects takes 1.

To those observing the character from a normal frame of reference, they appear to move at increased speed; however, from the character’s point of view, the rest of Creation has slowed down. Communication with unaccelerated individuals will be difficult, and characters should be aware that they will grow fatigued, suffocate, become hungry and so on in their time, not Creation’s. Momentum and gravity also apply in an internal fashion, so a character who falls while under this Charm’s effects will appear to fall faster but will not take additional damage.

Example: Talena, an Essence 6, Dexterity 6 Solar martial artist accelerated by Dragon Transcendant Speed Form, sees that an assassin is aiming a blowgun at the back of one of her circlemates’ head. Thanks to the effects of her Charm, which allows her to take 3 personal ticks for every external tick, she is able to dash to their position 31 yards away in one external tick and parries the dart with a stunted Guard action in the tick immediately after. In the next external tick, she sprints 12 yards and punches the assailant’s lights out.

Style: Dragon Transcendant Speed
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