Dragon Form


Four Thousand Club
Cost: 10m, 1w

Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 4

Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-1)

Duration: One Scene

Keywords: Elemental, Form-type, Obvious

Prerequisites: Dragon-Body Focus

Follow-ups: Dragon Manifestation

The Exalt plants their feet firmly, and swings their arms up and out, curving their hands through the air in sinuous motions; then, with a mighty shout, their hands snap together before them, and their anima flares into a full display of elemental fury. Their living essence forms itself into the shape of an elemental dragon, coiled protectively about them and ready to strike where they will. Woe betide any enemy that comes too close.

Activation of Dragon Form automatically pushes an Exalt’s anima up to the 16+ level. If they are a Terrestrial Exalt, the damage inflicted by their anima is doubled; if they are of a different type, their anima now inflicts damage as if it were Terrestrial. In both cases, they can now damage creatures and objects up to their Essence in yards away, and cann also direct their anima away from a certain area, allowing allies or objects to come into close range without damaging them. No more than one version of Dragon Form can be employed at a time. Each of those versions grant different additional benefits, which are:

Air: The great winds of Creation possess incredible power to set the other elements in motion: they can drive a fire across cities, flay the deserts with storms of sand, set the forest to a fierce dance and carry the ocean to its fullest fury. All elementally-aspected allies (Terrestrial Exalted, Elementals and so on) within the Charm’s area of effect, including the user themselves, double their movement speed and jumping distance. This does not stack with the Air Aspect anima power.

Earth: The stance of the Earth Dragon is as the roots of the mountains, fastening the greatest heights of the world to the deepest depths below. While active, this variant of the Form Charm grants the user’s Essence in bonus dice to them and their allies within the Charm’s effected area when making rolls to keep their balance or footing.

Water: The Essence of water is elusive and mobile; tighten your grip upon it, and you will find only that it flows from your fingers with all the more speed. When the water variant of Dragon Form is active, the user and all allies within the Charm’s radius add half the Exalt’s Essence to any dice pools used to escape any effect which physically restricts their movement, such as chains, deep mud, or a clinch.

Fire: The dragons of Fire rage with an eternal hunger, consuming all that they touch to fuel their passionate flame. The damage doubling effect of Dragon Form stacks with the increased damage afforded by the Fire Aspect anima power. If the user is not Fire Aspect, they simply triple their anima’s damage instead of doubling it (Or just double it, if they are a Celestial Exalt).

Wood: Those who have walked in the ancient forests know this well; the darkness and silence of the deep woods, stifling the air and filled with the wordless menace of the great trees. This variant of Dragon Form taps that silent dread; it adds half the Exalt’s Essence to the difficulty of Morale checks made to face them.

Style: Dragon
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