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Fandom Dragon Age: Origins- A Retelling


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Revas.jpg.7ba8adaeb04a7ffdf97ee05f02852aaf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Revas.jpg.7ba8adaeb04a7ffdf97ee05f02852aaf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Health 75/100

(shield) Basic Information

Origin: Dalish Elf

Class: Rogue - Bow & Arrow

Specialization: Ranger

(d20) Stats


Pinning Shot

Summon Wolf

Shred (for Wolf)


Arrow of Slaying

Shattering Shot



(helmet) Armor

Standard Dalish Scout Armor


1 Dalish Longbow

1 Quiver of 25 Arrows

1 Iron Dagger

1 Flask of Venom

(chest) Current Inventory

Wolf's tooth

So it would look like this. My worry is that it'll make the rest of the box kinda huge? Or does it look okay?



  • Revas.jpg
    109.9 KB · Views: 13
Hm... I think I liked it already out more than the drop down accordians. But that works pretty well! It is pretty, compact & practical so it ticks all my boxes ( :D )

Also I think I figured out that the Sidebar will just automatically have that piece of white line thingy up the top no matter how we fiddle with the code. Oh well.

I'm gonna post my own version tomorrow when I'm back at my comp (:3)
Neat, want the code so you can make it your own, or are you gonna do it from scratch?
I am in eastern standard time, right now it is 2:50pm



Health 100%

(shield) Basic Information


(d20) Stats


(helmet) Armor


(dagger) Weapons


(chest) Current Inventory


(<3) Notable Relationships


[Fieldset=NAME HERE]
[progress=100]Health 100%[/progress]


{slide=(shield) Basic Information}


{slide=(d20) Stats}


{slide=(helmet) Armor}


{slide=(dagger) Weapons}


{slide=(chest) Current Inventory}


{slide=(<3) Notable Relationships}




Here you are. I added a Notable Relationship part. Of course you are free to edit and change anything to fit your fancy. I finished the one for my character this morning :]

Altibon Da'Lanic


Health 100%

(shield) Basic Information




Arcane Warrior


Activated: Heal

Sustained: Combat Magic, Spell Wisp, Arcane Shield

Passive: Aura of Might, Fade Shroud



(d20) Stats

High magic and willpower

Cunning is above average

Other stats are about average

(helmet) Armor

Heavy armor that boosts his magic and willpower; has an average fatigue for heavy armor.

(dagger) Weapons

His sword is enchanted so that it is impossibly heavy to all but Arcane Warriors due to how they channel their magic. It also boosts their magic and gives extra fatigue.

(chest) Current Inventory

A couple health and mana potions along with some ingredients for them.

(<3) Notable Relationships

None at the moment.

I felt I needed to add in some details about his armor and weapon which really just give more details concerning his armor and weapon. Nothing that makes him overpowered, just explains the part in the character sheet that says his equipment boosts his abilities as an Arcane Warrior.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Revas.jpg.52e9925765b8386d28d0dc66f6386119.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Revas.jpg.52e9925765b8386d28d0dc66f6386119.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Health 100%

(shield) Basic Information

Age: 23

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 115 lbs

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Mint green / cloudy white

Hair Color: Red

Sexuality: Panromantic

Race: Elf

Origin: Dalish Elf

Clan: Sabrae

Vallaslin: Ghilan'nain

Class: Rogue - Bow & Arrow

Specialization: Ranger

(d20) Stats


Pinning Shot

Summon Wolf

Shred (for Wolf)


Arrow of Slaying

Shattering Shot



(helmet) Armor

Standard Dalish Scout Armor

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/DalishScoutArmor.jpg.5ccac1b7d4e9e0ed6e330e810b7ea082.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/DalishScoutArmor.jpg.5ccac1b7d4e9e0ed6e330e810b7ea082.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


1 Dalish Longbow

1 Quiver of 25 Arrows

1 Iron Dagger

1 Flask of Venom

(chest) Current Inventory

Wolf's tooth

(<3) Notable Relationships

Family: Maren (Mother)

Best Friend: Tamlen- deceased

Lover: Jan- deceased

Neat :] Here's my finished product.

Still not sure I like that the box is out all the time. What do you think?



  • Revas.jpg
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  • DalishScoutArmor.jpg
    175 KB · Views: 15
I like the box being out all the time (:3) But that's me. Hmm... I need to make the bust shot picture already. Also UM REEVAS' NOTABLE RELATIONSHIPS ARE SO SAD?! So many dead people.

Also that new section is pretty great - I was kinda wanting a spot to say about Kallana's connections & stuff. That is perfect (:3) I totes need to make up Kallana's code already...

Viper said:
I am in eastern standard time, right now it is 2:50pm
(Thanks (^.^) ).
Yea, I've been using the box out on other roleplays and my companions love it, so I'm keeping it out... I've also had a couple of people refer to this thread and my other and ask me for the code (before I posted the code earlier.) Like, do people usually just skim the OOC thread of RP's they're not in? It was unexpected for me, haha.
That would be unexpected to me too ( :P ) Hello browsing people! Also do people not know you can yoink codes by quoting them?? Huh.
Hey browsing people, if you're browsing, tell us your favorite Dragon Age character!!
Fun trivia: average height of races according to DA:O's game code - someone here found the info. Because I wanted to figure out at what height a dwarf would be tall.
Jaye said:
Fun trivia: average height of races according to DA:O's game code - someone here found the info. Because I wanted to figure out at what height a dwarf would be tall.
Six feet is kinda tall for an average human though. TIL I'm still shorter than the average elf.
Jazimon said:
Six feet is kinda tall for an average human though. TIL I'm still shorter than the average elf.
??? The average listed height for humans was about 5'9"! (Where did you get six feet from?)

I'm as tall as the average elf ( :P ) 5'3"
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Health 100/100

Origin: Noble Dwarf

Age: Late 20's

Class: Warrior

Pronouns: She/her/herself​

(shield) Basic Information
Eye Colour: Grey-Green

Hair Colour: Blonde (Golden Ash)


Body Type: Stocky but tall

Height: 4"11'

Weight: 133lbs

Gender: Woman, maybe Demiwoman

Sexuality: Androsexual, maybe Pan-

Romanticity: Probably aro-spec

Race: Casteless (née Dwarf)

House: Ex-House of Aeducan

Inheiritence: Ex-potential Royal Heir
(d20) Stats




Pommel Strike

Mighty Blow

Powerful Swings

Two-Handed Sweep

Specialisation: Champion

War Cry
(helmet) Armor

Superior Dwarven Guard Armour


(dagger) Weapons
Quartermaster's Battleaxe x1

Quartermaster's Crossbow x1 - unskilled
(bag) Backpack
» ...

» ...
(chest) Camp Chest
» Currently N/A
(<3) Notable Relationships

Unofficial heir to; Exiled from;

House of Aeducan:

Family house/caste; Exiled from;

King Endrin Aeducan:

Father; Late king of Orzammar; desceased

Trian Aeducan:

Elder brother; Late heir to Orzammar's throne; desceased

Bhelen Aeducan:

Younger brother; Current heir to Orzammar's throne;

Gorim Saelac:

Used to be her 'second'; now casteless & exiled

Kallana considers any connection to Orzammar & other dwarves to be void or at least 'ex' as she is now casteless.

So... I think I like this as a basic post template? Name in a header up the top and with this over here as the sidebar.

Opinions (mostly o nthe sidebar) would be appreciated. From other players and from mystery followers, if we still have those.

(I played around a bit with the code template. Note sure if the additions are yay or nay.)

EDIT: Jazimon pointed out the redundancy of having the character name up the top, hence it is now removed.

Stats List:

Skills from Champion - Cunning+1, Willpower+2

War Cry (Activated)

Rally (Sustained)

Motivate (Passive)

Superiority (Passive)

Skills from Warrior Powerful -

Powerful (Passive)

Threaten (Sustained)

Bravery (Passive)

Death Blow (Passive)

Skills from Warrior Precise Striking -

Precise Striking (Sustained)

Taunt (Activated)

Disengage (Activated)

Perfect Striking (Activated)

Skills from Two-Handed -

Pommel Strike (Activated)

>Indomitable (Sustained)

>>Stunning Blows (Passive)

>>>Critical Strike (Activated)

Sunder Arms (Activated)

>Shattering Blows (Passive)

>>Sunder Armour (Activated)

>>>Destroyer (Passive)

Mighty Blow (Activated)

>Powerful Swings (Sustained)

>>Two-Handed Strength (Passive)

>>>Two-Handed Sweep (Activated)

Skills from Reaver - Constitution+1, Phys.Resist+5

Devour (Activated)

Frightening Appearance (Activated)

Aura of Pain (Sustained)

Blood Frenzy (Sustained)

Stats on skills/talents:

» 28 Potential skills total

» 12 Activated talents

» 7 Sustained talents

» 9 Passive talents

Maybe 14 skills is viable? Unsure.

Idea for later: how many quests? How can skill be split over quests? Maybe.
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I love the separation of camp chest and backpack! I'm definitely going to change mine to that. I'm trying to figure out if I like the name on top since it's already on the side. I might put mine in a border...hmmm lemme mess with it for a bit

Think I'm going to change backpack to rucksack xD
Jazimon said:
I love the separation of camp chest and backpack! I'm definitely going to change mine to that. I'm trying to figure out if I like the name on top since it's already on the side. I might put mine in a border...hmmm lemme mess with it for a bit
Think I'm going to change backpack to rucksack xD
...I totally did not think about how the name is in the fieldset anyway <_< HMMM OKAY MAYBE NO NAME UP TOP.

I had 'backpack' because that's what origins and 2 call the extra inventory spaces ( :P ) But yeah I figured it would be good to keep track of what we actually have on us at any given time, as opposed to things we own in general.
Oohh do they? I'm keeping it then~ And yea I was just messing around with dividers and borders and I think it just takes up even more space. We'll be fine without the name on top since it's on the side and we already know who's who. Also, I see you listed your talents and specialization as separate... Are we allowed use our specialization and still have 6 slots for our attacks? Because if so I get to use 2 more talents :o
Jazimon said:
Oohh do they? I'm keeping it then~ And yea I was just messing around with dividers and borders and I think it just takes up even more space. We'll be fine without the name on top since it's on the side and we already know who's who. Also, I see you listed your talents and specialization as separate... Are we allowed use our specialization and still have 6 slots for our attacks? Because if so I get to use 2 more talents :o
I asked Viper about it (way back when) and it seemed that we get skills+specialisation? I mean, I feel like it doesn't really make a bunch of sense to have 6 skills including specialisations, either?

Maybe @Viper can iterate this for us.
I had brought up the talent/spell limitation as well before. In the game most people end up with around 16-20 by the time we face the Archdemon. Granted since this isn't focused on combat as much I figured that many talents/spells would be a bit much so I had suggested around 10 total would be a good number. Doing it that way makes it more like the game. 6 activated talents/spells and 4 sustained/passive ones. In my opinion that would be a good amount for a good balance. Then again if we are limited to 10 then I would likely just add Group Heal and Revive when we get our second specialization and then add a couple more sustained/passive abilities. Basically making my character a better healer and tank.
Oh, wait, no, I misunderstood. @Viper did in fact say that our Specialisation skills counted towards our six skills. My bad.

Uh. It seems I didn't address it originally but... Um. Viper what's the point of specialisations? especially what's the point of eventually having two specs? I mean at this point the Reaver spec is the only one that seems to have much of a point (since it comes from the who Urn of Andrestae thing what is spelling).

I'm pretty okay with only having active skills, but... Hm. Maybe I just have to shuffle some things around. idk.

«tries to think at 2am»

EDIT: Because I make great choices at 2am in the morning (as opposed to the 2am that s at night or something) I have now included a list of all the potential skills I would chose for Kallana a few posts up higher where the siderbar is??

Fun times. Side note how the heck did I manage to cut it down to 6 skills? I'm a genius.
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The point was to give you more options for attacks as well as develop the character more, since being a bard vs an assassin does reflect the characters personality. I said we could have two since it was requested, that was the sole reason.

The specialization talents must be included in the 6, just because you are a spirit healer does not mean you automatically have group heal and revive as apart of your arsenal. You guys are making this so much more complicated than I wanted this RP to be, I'm about to just forget about the whole talent part. It seams to be causing WAY more trouble than it is worth at this point. Would you guys prefer to just not have this headache be any part of the RP? Even the specialization part could be nixed if it would clear up confusions.

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