Video Games Dragon Age Anyone...


New Member
I've been playing through Inquisition, wondering who else enjoys the amazing glitches this game has to offer. Among other things, of course. I've spent probably a thousand hours on the DA series, and at some point I had been drawing a comic placed in DA 2 that I posted on Deviant Art.
I love the series myself and was recently replaying uhh, one of the newest-oldest games on the Xbox 360. For whatever reason, I can’t recall the precise title. >.<
I only played DAO and DA2, I've yet to play Inquisition. But I like the series. It's very immersive. I would like to play the 3rd game some time.
Inquisition is amazing, though it can get annoying to play it on the PS3 because it freezes, lags, and glitches out all the time. Still worth it.
Never played Inquisition either but had a fun playthrough of origins before my original PS3 decided to die and take all the saved data with it. I hated Alistair.
I found Alistair interactions with Morrighan quite funny though xD I often put them in party just for that. ^^

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