Divine Storm; Signum's Signature Style [Knocking on Heaven's Door]


The Divine Storm style is of Signum's own creation, a way of dealing with the myriad and generally unnecessarily annoying trials and tribulations of Creation. More than purely a combat style, it also allows her to operate with relative ease where she would otherwise have been inconvenienced, whether minimally or severely. Much of the style revolves around manipulating, altering, or even crafting Fate itself to her whims. As such, only Sidereals could learn many of its' charms; even the few other Exalted who have managed to acquire some minor degree of skill in crafting fate are simply unable to do so with the innate ease of Sidereals.

While some of the more utilitarian charms can be utilized with other weapons or even no weapon at all, most combat charms require a spear to be wielded two-handed by the practitioner, precluding the use of shields or dual-wielded weapons. Additionally, this style cannot be practiced in armor with a mobility penalty.


Simple Charm - 1+ motes

Infinite Heavenly Rebuke - For every mote spent, the Exalt makes one attack at her full attack dice pool. All attacks must be against the same target, and she may not spend more motes on this Charm than her Essence, but the flurry's DV penalty is equal to only the highest penalty for any one attack.

Simple Charm - 1 mote

Master's Will - With a reflexive Craft (Fate) roll at difficulty 3, with a number of bonus successes equal to the character's Essence, a practitioner can forcibly alter her weapon's fate; rather than being in her hands, it is destined to appear in Elsewhere - and it immediately does so. At any time thereafter, with another Craft (Fate) roll with identical rules, the character can rewrite fate so that the weapon is in her hand - and the world itself bends to her will, with the weapon appearing out of thin air into her hands.

Form Charm - 5 motes, requires Infinite Heavenly Rebuke, Master's Will

Celestial Storm - Fate unravels around Signum, then reforms into coherent form as ribbons of Essence bind it into her will. Her movements become quicker than humanly possible, her senses more exact, as fate acts in accordance to her will. Signum moves with inhuman grace, covering ground quicker than seems possible or recovering from an attack even quicker than her slight frame would suggest, and her weapon seems to reflexively move into the path of those striking at her. For those with the ability to see essence, a raging blueish-white aura of the stuff surrounds her; for those without, it appears little more than spectacular feats of speed, albeit with the occasional odd flash of something in the air around her crackling. While using this charm, the Speed of all actions drops by one, to a minimum of three, the rate of all forms of movement doubles, and she adds half of her Martial Arts score, rounded up, to her Parry DV.

Permanent Upgrade (Celestial Storm) - requires Celestial Storm

Celestial Fury - lowers all Flurry penalties by one

-wrath of heaven

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