Different Blood [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

Different Blood - 1x1 with LynxAmelia and PeterPan

Typically, Vampires and Werewolves are natural enemies, but what would happen if an adversary came forth that threatened both races? Would they put their differences aside to end the evil that has brought both of their races toward extinction?
See what will occur when they come together attempting to put an end to the villian that plauges both Vampire and Werewolf.
Read more about this role play... 
Name : Angelique Allen

Age :

Appearance :


Height :

Weight :
95 lbs

Skills :

Racial : Transformation into wolf form. Instant healing (except those caused by silver). Super speed. Super strength.

Acquired : Strong in close combat. Capable of mind control on some occasions. Control of elements (water in particular)

Clothing : Normally dressed in hand-me-downs. Prefers comfort over fashion. Cannot afford armors so she usually wears whatever she finds and isn't tattered. Prefers darker shades.

Accessories : Wears a scarf, leather gloves and boots. Rarely seen with a short cloak.

Biography :
Born the daughter of the clan leader, Angelique found herself the lone survivor of the gory attack by Thlaklin. Stunned, with nowhere to turn to, she swore to avenge her clan and rid the planet of this dreaded demon.

Personality :
Though capable of being cheerful, the loss of her family has made her far more aggressive than what she was. Fiercely passionate as well as cunning, she wishes the most painful death for any and all of her enemies. As in accordance with her race, she is loyal but not very trusting. Suspicion clouds her mind at every turn and it would be hard for anyone to gain her trust. Master at the art of lying, she would rarely get caught with them, though she would never be a traitor. Treachery, she feels, is worse than murder and far more unforgivable.

[ @PeterPan ]
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Name: Aerrow Evans Allistar. (Last name changed after his creator, his real last name is a secret to him only.)

Age: 2,557



Height: 6 feet even.


Racial: Has excellent hearing, and sight. Can heal really fast, can heal others with his blood. Natural hypnotic powers that is used to bring in prey. Eyes can see desire and and past if contact made. (One is isn't perfect at yet is turning into a bat.) Can disappear in what seems like thin air when in the shadows and reappear elsewhere in a matter of seconds

Achieved: Excellent in potion making and curses. Learned from gypsies. A top class fighter, knows every and all fighting styles and has it perfected. Great strategist. Eyes can see desire and and past if contact made.


With his family: Classy and somewhat old school. Always clean cut. Sometimes what you expect a stereotypical vampire to dress like. They dress like they're royalty, or in suits.

Alone: Depends on his mode. When he's alright he dresses till what might be considered clean cut. But sometimes when he's away, as a secret, he likes to wear t-shirts and jeans, converse , and a beanie.

Hidden pleasures: He loves to sketch and play instruments. His favorite being piano and ocarina.

Bio: He is the son of the clan's "family" that lives in a castle in the woods. He is to become the new head, until his clan is wiped out and he won't rest until he avenges his family.

Personality: He can be sarcastic and doesn't take to taking orders. He thinks highly of himself and tries to seem as elegant and prestige as possible. He does have a hidden soft side though that he tries to hide. He believes in undying loyalty but because he is used to a leader position he thinks it should be brought to him, not ever the other way around. He is naturally a great,happy and funny guy but because of his position he is used to hiding it and having to act all proper. All in all he is just greatly misunderstood. (Vampires have to be elegant for they are all about image, but when he was a human he was a viking so it was and sometimes is still hard for him.)
[i'll go ahead and make the first post]

Angie, as she was called, sat perched high up on a tree. It was her turn on the sentry. Friday's always were her turn. She closed her eyes and slapped an open palm over her forehead. There wasn't any turns anymore. There wasn't any 'we' anymore. There was no 'clan' anymore. There was only her. Her and the empty cave in the middle of a forest that no one knew of.

Behind her closed eyes, ran memories of her clan, her family since her birth. Her birthdays, the day when she came of age, her training, her first hunt, her first kill... All of that was celebrated with great joy. She had even been given the title of 'Lightning Claw' by the Northerend clan. Her clan. A clan that no longer existed. She shouldn't have gone hunting that day. She should have listened to her mother's warning.
"The woods are too quiet, the wind has gone still. Stay with us, Angie. I fear grave danger." The words echoed in her mind as she thumped the tree she sat on.

All life seemed to have fled the forest ever since that fateful day. The day when an demon decided it would be fun to see how quickly he could kill her family. No one stood a chance. Not even her brother, the strongest wolf in all the clans in the region. She had howled in sorrow, she had howled in call. None of the other clans seemed to respond. Perhaps they fled too. Or perhaps they too were slaughtered. All she knew was that she had to leave. She had to get revenge.
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Aerrow was walking through the woods. He walked with a purpose, with elegance, and he hated this. He still can't believe what had happened. One moment he was sitting at the grand table, people were giving him their graces, showing respects, everybody was there and having a good time. Food was being brought to him, poured in glasses and then served to him. They were to discuss the southern family that had been growing to become quiet the burden. Their brother John had just kissed his hand and gave him wishes, the meeting was going to start, then somebody entered with a message, saying that brother John had been murdered. Confused everybody looked at brother John, but he wasn't he anymore, it was demon. Chaos broke out and his people guarded him, shielded him and he got away. When he returned home a few days later everybody was dead. Who or what was that demon, and why? Why his people? Why did that demon kill them?

Now, after another long while of researching trying to figure out what that shape-shifting demon was, he was walking through the woods. It had been over a thousand years since food was being brought to him, maybe even almost two thousand years people were doing the hunting for him and serving the blood in a glass. Now he was without his people, starving, and left to hunt by himself. He was always stuck in that old run down, at least on the outside, castle in the woods. He wasn't sure how far a town was or how often people came through here, but he needed to eat.

He heard a howl and turned around, where was that coming from? He got the general direction but he couldn't tell if it was from a regular wolf or not, he knew a pack of werewolves lived in these same woods. He sighed, sure vampires and werewolves were enemies but he couldn't help but wonder if they had met the same fate as his people. He wasn't sure if he should check, he wouldn't know where to look for them. Turning back around he continued his hunt.
Despite her sorrow, Angie's perky ears picked up the sound of movement. Prey. Ever since her clan was attacked, all the animals had fled the woods. And strangely, all their tracks had been wiped clean. It was impossible. Animals ALWAYS leave tracks. Unless, of course, they were wiped away by something else. Rain? No no, there hadn't been rain for days, despite being cloudy.

Slowly, she lifted her eyes to the night sky. It was a deep, violent purple. Even the bright full moon bore a red hue. Symbolic? Angie chuckled wryly. Everything seemed to remind her of the slaughter of her clan. Everything. The woods were so empty that not even the chirping of crickets were heard. Nothing..

Her attention was brought back to the present when she heard the source of the movement head away from her. She was starved. She wasn't about to let her only food in days escape. She leaped from tree to tree in complete silence barring the small rustle of leaves caused by her landing each time. She would track it down with its scent but the only smell that overwhelmed her sense was that of the rotting flesh of her clanspeople. In fact, she wore a cloth over her nose to keep it away. She heard the sound more clearly now. Footsteps... It had been a while since she'd hunted humans. Her mouth, despite being hidden by the cloth, bore a wide grin. This hunt was going to be fun.
Vampires didn't carry scents which always worked to their advantage. The only time it didn't was on the most skilled and wise of hunters, when they realized that an absence of scent in the woods, full of scent, was off. But barely few noticed that, that took years of training. He kept walking until he heard something in the silent woods, the ever slightest rustle of leaves. He walked slower, even if it was an animal he would eat it. He was that hungry. He sniffed as he heard it get closer, that wasn't a wild animal. He stopped walking and gave it a moment to get closer.

"May I offer you stepping down and stop hunting me like I'm some lowly creature. I assure you I'm not something you want to eat." he said turning around to the direction he knew the source was coming from. His instinct told him he wasn't alone, his senses told him it was a werewolf. He knew that werewolves didn't travel alone, most of the time they seemed to hunt in packs. It could have changed throughout the years but the last he knew it was like that. "Where are the others, call them off. I'm not prey." He said looking at his nails, a sign of boredom. His eyes were blood red, showing his state of starving.
Now that she was far enough from her cave, Angie lowered her mask and sniffed the air once more. Then she heard a voice... acknowledging her? She sat on a low branch, her eyebrows quirked in curiosity. All her four paws were on the branch, her brown tail dangling idly. Her eyes, her mother's violet, narrowed down on the human's form before her.

She grinned though. Even though it may not be human, thanks to the red eyes it sported, it seemed to have a huge pride. Yes, 'it'. It wasn't her habit to attach a gender to prey. For once, it seemed fun to play with food. "You are prey until I say otherwise," she said, a broad smirk on her face, "I don't see a reason not to kill you." Looking over him once, she scoffed, "You don't even look that good. I sure hope I don't have indigestion eating you. I'd probably keep you as the appetizer for when I find a larger prey."
When he heard the words that were spoken he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Oh god, you're one of those idiot types aren't you?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Well last I checked, vampire was poisonous to werewolves and visa versa. Unless you still want to test that theory go ahead and have a go. I would love to see you try, you'll be a few centuries behind." He said and continued walking. "and what larger prey? There aren't none, a fool can tell that much. The place wiped clean." He said looking down at his feel and staring at the grass. "Its hard to tell, he didn't have a scent or energy or presence, but the work is his. The demon was here."

He spoke of the demon and wondered how long he was in the forest. "Tell me, did the demon attack you? How long ago? When did he pass through? Oh what does it matter? Where is the nearest town, I need to feed. If I'm not fed then I'll be no match for the beast. I need to eat." He took another step and tried to sniff the air, anything with a pulse but he didn't find anything. The distance must be too great. He needed to eat now.
For a moment, Angie felt hurt. It seemed easy to do that these days, given how much the loss of her family had affected her. Her eyes dropped to the ground and her tail went still, the perkiness of her ears lost as the fell down floppily. Despite this, she was still alert. "So, you claim to be a vampire?" she asked, her tone stiff and icy cold, "My father has told me that there haven't been vampires around here for centuries. So where did you come from?"

She particularly avoided answering his questions. Her clan never hunted humans, partially because they looked similar and partially because they were almost always diseased in one way or other. "They are junk food, dear child. Stay away from them." "I don't know where the human settlement is," she said honestly, eying the vampire fully. She'd never believed that vampires did not bear a scent. But now, she couldn't help but accept it for a fact. For no matter how much her nose twitched, she simply couldn't attribute a scent to him.

Her own stomach let out a soft growl. Embarrassed, she put a paw on her tummy. "Excuse me," she muttered as a force of habit. Humans were starting to sound good right now. Maybe she could follow him to a settlement.... For a moment, she let herself wonder whether he was worth telling the truth to. Her mouth made a decision of its own. "I think that demon was the one that took out my clan," she said absently, "I haven't fed in a week myself." She had only her stamina to thank for letting her survive this long. "All animals have fled this place. The ones that survived that is." She sighed and hopped off her branch onto the ground and then pulled herself up to her full height, which, apparently, wasn't much compared to the vampire. "Maybe we could hunt together?" she offered reluctantly.
He rolled his eyes when she said said that he claimed to be a vampire. "Or, get this, I am a vampire." By now he had already pinpointed where her voice was coming from and he was looking up at the branches. He smirked she said what her father told him. "No offense then your father must not have been of the wisest and most skilled kind. I come from the castle about several miles that way." He said pointing in the direction that he came. "I've been there for almost 2,000 years now, my clan was there before me. We've always been there, we just don't like to interact with your kind."

Soon she admitted that she didn't know where the humans were at and he gave a deep sigh, he ached for food, why didn't his maker just let him learn how to hunt instead of deciding that he was going to be the new head. Now instead of knowing how to properly hunt for food, he knew diplomatic stuff and was always served. This can't be too hard though, he did it for 500 years before his maker brought him here. He knew how to fight and lure and then eat. It was just finding where the humans are that was the problem.

Soon she jumped down from the branch and stood up straight, he let air escape his nose. "You're a small one aren't you?" He said lifting an eyebrow. When she suggested hunting together he took a moment or two to think. His maker always told him that werewolves were nasty, filthy creatures. And seeing her he figured he was right, but he wasn't a good hunter, and he needed food fast. Sighing and figuring he didn't have a choice, he nodded. "Fine, come on then. The old maps said that there used to be several human establishments in this direction, its a lot of miles to cover but if there is nothing here then there is no choice." And he started walking.

"It probably was the demon that killed your people. He is a tricky one. Shape shifter. When it turns it can mimic every last detail, down to the scent, memories, speech, everything. Your guard gets completely down then that's when it attacks. Except for no matter how much I research I can't find its origins."
Angie did not like this man. If he was a vampire, it only gave her more reasons to not like her. And now he'd taken to insulting her father. She took a step back and put her hands on her hips, her long braid falling over her shoulder. "My father," she began, her violet eyes narrowed in anger, "Was a great Alpha. It was because of him that the Northrend clan is the most powerful clan around for centuries. When he said 'around here' he meant in these woods, in our territory. I have never seen you in our territory before and hence, he was right."

Angie was practically bristling by then. It was one thing to call her an idiot. It was something completely different for her father to be called on by a blood sucker. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose with two fingers before saying, "You know what, I don't like you."

In a matter of seconds, she was back up on her branch, resuming her initial position. She gave an insincere smile and nodded her head. "I think I'll travel alone. Maybe I'll leave one guy alive for you in thanks."
When she defended her father he had to stop himself from laughing. "You think we've never been on your land before? That this is the first time? You're right when you say you haven't seen me. I don't venture this way, but my people always cut through. Obviously he isn't as great as you think if you didn't know that." He knew that wasn't the case. Vampires didn't have a scent and long ago, probably about a thousand years now, since their territories were so close, they decided to never interact. There could never be true peace but they decided that as long as they pretended that the other didn't exist it would be okay.

When she said that she didn't like him, he just shrugged his shoulders, it wasn't a lost to him. "Likewise. But don't make me laugh, a werewolf eating a human? Isn't that against your nature?" he said as he continued to walk. He knew he couldn't trust her, how could you trust a beast, it was a good thing he pointed in the wrong direction. It wasn't too off but it definitely wasn't on. "I can just tell you're going to make it off fine. Didn't know what attacked your people, never thought to go look far enough for food. You'll probably have another month, as best, before you die." He had started walking and then he smelt it. It was several miles off like he thought but he could smell it.

Blood. Oh he could tell exactly how! The person was female, early twenties, roller blading or something of the sorts. Fallen down or off and skid her knee and elbow, deepish wounds and dirty, but mostly gravel, probably a man made trail. He smirked and took off, in a different direction that he pointed her at.
Angie almost groaned as she began chasing the vampire. Slow. So pathetically slow. It was either him or her anger had caused her to chase with more passion than she would've cared to. And when she reached him, she did the most childish thing she could think of. She stuck a foot in front of him to trip him.

When she succeeded, she didn't hesitate to put a foot on his neck to keep him down. "Where do you think you are going?" she growled, snapping her jaw at the end of her sentence, "You know, for all your big talk, you aren't that smart. What did you think you were going to do? Run into town and grab a victim?" Then she let out a laugh, "Outrun a werewolf? If you are that desperate, I would have stuck to my word and helped you hunt. Out of pity. Now," she eased her weight off the man's neck a little before saying, "If you ask nicely, I would hunt and you can eat. Only if you ask nicely and ONLY if you don't run from me again."

The werewolf was being true to her age. Innocent, inexperienced.. She obviously did not know how to deal with a vampire and behaved what she thought was right, but what might be dangerously wrong.
Aerrow was so caught up by the scent that he hadn't noticed that the girl placed her foot in front of him, by the time he did, he had already tripped. When she placed a foot on his neck and started talking big, he rolled his eyes. When she loosened her footing, he kicked up, knocking her in the head. He was up in a matter moments, he knocked her down. He placed her on her knees, he placed a foot on the back of her legs, he grabbed both hands behind her back and another on the back of her neck. It didn't matter how she would have tried to move, he could easily stop or kill her in any position.

"First things first, no I wasn't going to go into town and just grab a victim, they were going to hand themselves to me. You really don't know a thing about vampires do you?" He said with a smirk. "Out run a werewolf? No, I'm not fool enough. But you are fool enough to try to beat the strength of a vampire. You are out of your league. But maybe I can help you out..." He bent down closer, bring his mouth to her ear and whispered. "But ONLY if you ask nicely..." He said mocking her words.

Then he tossed her, skidding her across the ground and to hit a tree. "Only the strongest and wisest of werewolves who had years of training had the ability to keep up and defeat a vampire. What makes you, nothing but a young one who know nothing of my kind, stands a chance? Now, I have a meal to catch, you can have the body when I'm done." He sniffed the air and started to go after the scent again, but stopped with in her hearing distance. "I assume it was a same demon that went after your family? Do you even know how to start searching for him?" Then he took off.
Angie was truly ashamed. She didn't want any help from his kind. And now he was humiliating her so? Right then, right at that moment, Angie wished he would kill her. But that wasn't the case. He simply threw her to a tree and let her crash into it. It wasn't much of an injury but she was bleeding nevertheless.

She was never meant to be alone. And now that she was, she was trying desperately to cling onto some form of company, no matter how futile it was. And that had resulted in this current condition of hers. All of it made her want to weep and scream in frustration.

It wasn't long though, before the blood loss, coupled with hunger, caused her to go slightly limp and fall unconscious.
Aerrow was walking forward until he smelt another scent of blood, one a lot closer. He turned around and took a few paces that way to see the werewolf girl laying unconscious and bleeding. He tilted his head and looked at her, was he a little too rough? She must have been younger than he thought. He sighed, even if neither of them had clans anymore, even if she probably didn't know of the pact that was made between their people long ago, he wasn't a man that went back on his word. Cursing he went over, biting his thumb making him bleed. He knew werewolves had fast healing abilities but this would help stop the bleeding which would help her healing powers speed up. After healing her wounds he picked her up and started running back to his castle. He would lay her on the couch to rest and then head back towards the town to get food.

The castle looked ruined and nasty on the outside. Truly as if people haven't been living in it since castles were in use. He walked inside and everything else said otherwise. It was a like a blast from the past, everything looked brand new and perfectly kept since the day it was made. He had already cleared up the bodies of his killed clan, but the emptiness of the place made him sigh. He walked into a lounge area, a spot where they used to take humans and lay them on the table to share while they talked politics and such. He laid her out on one of the couches. "Don't touch anything.." he said even know he knew she was unconscious.

He came back faster than it took him to get into town. He found farmer, well the farm owner. A middle aged woman in a business suit. He hypnotized her and got her to drive him back, in the farmers truck of course. In the back was a dead cow, it was going to be slaughtered for meat anyways so he took it after they killed and loaded it back. Reaching his castle he made the business woman go inside while he carried the cow. He went into the room that he put the girl and placed the cow on the table, impress that the table could hold. Normally he would have left so that she could eat alone and he could eat alone but he couldn't hold back anymore. He was hungry, he was growing weak with it. He sat down on the chair and called her forth. She sat down on his lap. "Move your hair to the other side. I hate it when hair gets in my mouth and in the way." He said and she obeyed. After flipping her hair she leaned her head away, exposing her neck. At first he grabbed both of her shoulders then he bit into them, moving one hand to her back the other to hold her head still. She gasped at the pain and breathed loudly at the feeling of her blood leaving her body and going faint. He had almost forgotten how delicious blood was when you drank it from the source.
When Angie first stirred, she was confused, mainly from the lack of food and partially from a throbbing headache it caused. But her nose went into action immediately. She smelled.. food! That was the only thing that mattered to her currently. In a moment, despite the dizziness, she had already sunk her teeth into the skin and began tearing it away before she ate hungrily on the patch of raw flesh that she'd just uncovered.

It was only after her first few bites that she noticed the vampire nearby. It took her a few more minutes to realize that he was feeding on someone right there! She put her hand over her mouth to not to spit out whatever little she'd bitten off. This was something she had definitely not expected. She was thankful for the meat though. "My apologies," she muttered, standing up rather slowly, "I think I'll just.. go now. Thank you, by the way," she said and stepped around the table, heading towards what she thought was the exit.
Aerrow heard her stir awake. Even though his mouth was still on the woman's neck, his eyes peeked up at her to watch. He saw her reaction when she finally noticed that he was in the room and seemed shocked. Next thing he knew was that she was trying to leave. He rolled his eyes. He moved his mouth away from the woman's neck and used two fingers to cover the holes that me made, he didn't want to waste a drop. Even though a drop of blood dripped from his mouth and went down to his chin before he wiped it and licked it off his fingers before he spoke. "That's not the exit if that's what you're looking for." He said and then sighing he shifted his body to look at her.

"You know even though you say 'my apologies' its still rude to leave. I was nice enough to help heal your wound, I at least stopped the bleeding, brought you back to my place and when I was out on the hunt brought you food. And the thanks I get is a rush leave." He said giving her a moment to sink it in before talking again. "Eat, I know you're starving, it would be rude to leave it since I did go out of my way to help..." Then remembering her reaction when she saw him, he looked back at the woman's neck. "And don't tell me the reason you were leaving was because I was eating? I'm hungry too and this his how vampires feed. Normally I do drink from a glass but the kitchen is far enough and I needed food now. I mean you eat raw meat, blood can't sick you out." He said, wanting to finish his meal but deciding to wait just in case it did unease her. He supposed he did have enough energy now to go to the kitchen to get a glass.
Angie winced a little. She hated being guilt tripped that way. "I'm just.. startled I guess," she muttered, "It isn't exactly pleasant to watch you drink from a woman on your lap," she said, finally building the courage to actually look at him. "I mean, eating animals is one thing. That," she nodded her head towards the woman, "..is something different altogether.

"But alright, if you insist.." she said, walking back to the couch and sitting down. She then proceeded to slowly and methodically peel the skin off the cow with her rather sharp claws. "Hope you don't mind," she said, keeping her eyes away from the vampire as she changed into a wolf with a sleek black coat and bright violet eyes. She always ate in this form of hers. It was easier to eat and much much less messy. And with that, she began eating once more, hastily at first but slowing down eventually. Not surprisingly, she'd finished the whole of the cow by the end of it. Barring the head.

As she sat up on the couch, licking her lips and nose for any remains, she let out a small contented sigh. "Thank you once again," she said politely, her tail wagging slightly.
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When she made the comment about eating animals was one thing but him drinking the blood from a human was another, he just raised an eyebrow at her. "What are you talking about? That is what I'm doing. I'm eating an animal." He said looking at the woman and swiped away some hair that had fallen on her neck and in the way. "Humans are animals. I only leave two little marks on them though, your kind tears them apart." He now looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. "And if I remember correctly in the woods you were willing to eat me before you knew I was a vampire. And fine with going into town to find a person. All of a sudden humans are bad?" But she had went back to her spot to eat. When she said that she hoped he didn't mind before turning into a wolf to eat, he just waved a hand. He removed his fingers from the holes and as soon as blood started to pour he quickly put his mouth to it to drink.

He finished his meal before she was done with hers. He had went and threw the body on the floor, he had no use for it anymore. He sat patiently on the chair as she finished and leaned back with a sigh. She seemed to make herself pretty comfortable rather quickly. "Aerrow." he said, giving her his name. "Did you see the demon?" He asked her straight off the bat. Maybe if she saw it or something, its true form that he missed he could narrow down what this demon was even better and actually have a decent grasp on what was going on.
Immediately, her tail stopped wagging. "No, I didn't," she said, looking away from the vampire. "Aerrow, right? Well, Aerrow, I was out hunting. I didn't see who attacked my clan, but I can assure you that it was strong enough to take on 50 of the most powerful werewolves in the region." She gulped once before adding, "And kill them all."

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "It was very quiet though. As in noiseless." She shivered slightly when she remembered it. "Was cold too. And I remember all animals just.. running away. As though they were running for their lives." She looked down for a moment, "Maybe they were."
Aerrow listened to what she had to say and sighed, while scratching his chin. Great, so she didn't see it so he didn't have any more information to go off of. "No, they weren't running for their lives. They were just scared. The demon wouldn't kill the animals, its not sport enough for it." Since this seemed to be a different type of demon of obviously could be wrong, but from his experience when a demon was strong enough to take out not only a coven of vampires but a pack of werewolves, they usually don't go for small pickings like animals.

He thought for a moment and he knew that werewolf senses were stronger, especially those in the smell area. Sure he had a good sense of smell, but usually only if it involved blood. "You don't remember a scent or anything? Do you think you would know what the demon would smell like?" Then he thought about how the demon had gotten into his home. "What about a family member? Did one go missing for awhile or was out longer than normal and finally returned?"
Angie sighed. She didn't know if Aerrow was truly stupid or just pretending to be so. "Blood and burnt flesh is a stronger scent than any demon's. And didn't I just tell you that I was out hunting? I wasn't there when the demon attacked." She wasn't exactly proud of admitting this but it was the truth.

"Now if you'll excuse me," Angie turned on her tail a couple of times before curling up on the couch. She was extremely tired and after her large meal, she was quick to fall asleep. In about three seconds flat, she was out cold, only her tail flicking once in a while in her sleep.
When she explained herself, saying that she had already told him what she was telling him now, he just waved a hand to ignore it. "Do you honestly think I was listening to you before?" He wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, he was hungry and there was the scent of blood. How could he possibly listen to the words of what a werewolf had to say. Then she started to lay down. "Excuse me? I offered you to eat not to sleep in my home!" He said but it was too late and she was out. He stared for a moment before getting up and sighing.

He went over to a bookshelf, pulled out a book and opened it. It had a scanner in it, he pricked his finger and dropped blood on it. The bookshelf moved to reveal a doorway, the only true exit. He had decided to bring her here to this private meeting room just in case she woke up when he was gone, then she couldn't explore his home. If she tries any of the doors in here it will just lead her to room after room, looping back around. He would monitor this room while he will be gone, so that he can come back when she was awake. Right now he was going to head for his library. He needed to search for more books. He needed some kind of lead. He would bring the books back, he shouldn't been gone for too long.
Angie did not sleep for long. It was encouraging to find the room empty. "Now to find a way out.." She stood up on the couch and yawned widely before stretching and hopping off it. So many doors... She was bound to find her way out eventually, right? She walked up to the nearest door before turning into her semi-human form and turned it open. "Such a bland room.."

It had another door in it. Opening that, she found a similar room. With a similar door. At about the tenth door she encountered, she returned to the same room she was in first. "Well that was a dud," she muttered, heading to the next door. As the cycle continued and she landed up in the same room, she yelled, "Are you fucking kidding me?!" The last door. It had been her habit to get things right only in the last possible try. No such luck here though. When she returned to the room, she punted the nearest piece of furniture and howled in anger. "Where the fuck are you, Aerrow?! Let me out of here!"

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