Developing Your Character


Another Sci-Fi GM
How to Know Who You Are

Given the lifespan of your character, and the rapid aging, your character will have almost zero personality to start with. Your character has been alive for only a couple days, and not much can happen during that time. So you may be wondering, "how do I build my character at all?" This is how. RPers must use the actions, reactions and opportunities their character may come across to build their character. An example of this would be; one day the character nearly falls down the mountain, therefore they are afraid of heights. Another example; Fred accidentally drops a rock on your character's foot, you now have a grudge against Fred, and if similar events occur over the course of a couple days, you become a negative character who has low levels of trust.


Pregnancy and Birth

Both pregnancy and birth are extremely painful, and it is important that others are around to calm the mother during this period or she may die of anxiety alone. Pregnancy usually lasts around two hours, and because it is so rapid, it is crucial for a mother to eat more nutrition than normal, and often dies during child birth due to the womb ripping. If a pregnant woman does not consume a considerable amount of food and nutrition, it is likely that she will die even before the baby is born. About 1/4 mothers die, and often have two children in their lifetime as a prime, though it is not uncommon to have more or less than two children.


Physical and Mental Mechanics

Along with rapid aging comes rapid healing. Injuries can be quickly healed if managed correctly, but if not, depending on the severity of the injury, there could be drastic consequences. Example; someone breaks their leg. In this situation, if the person who has broken their leg is held down and given drap berries, others can hold the person's leg in place while it heals for the next hour. If not treated correctly or held in place, the bone will not grow back properly, and the person would be better off without the leg completely.

Your character absorbs information very easily. From the moment your character is born, knowledge comes almost as instinct. Within the same 24 hours of which one is born, he will speak his first words and in most cases walk on two feet. Memory is just as absorbent, almost every occurrence your character experiences will be remembered.


Knowing What to Say

Knowing what to say can be hard in this RP. Some of you may think because you are playing as humans, and I put this RP in the futuristic section that most vocabulary would just be normal. However you have to imagine the amount of generations have gone by (well I guess you kind of have to just imagine how many) and how much time people live for to tell all of the facts of life. Everything is broken down into the essentials. Example; the bark that these people eat is called "bread bark" yet no one knows what bread is. Vocabulary is exclusive to these people. If you are unsure whether the vocabulary you are using is acceptable please ask before posting. Thanks :)


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it possible to have less than two children in the RP?

A: Yes, it is possible for a woman to have less than two children. Just like in today's world (irl), the average amount of children women have is 2.36, however it is not out of the norm to have more or less than that many children.

Q: If I am a mother and give birth, will I decide if my character dies?

A: No, as the GM I will decide whether or not a mother dies during child birth. This if for the purposes of making sure no one goes into a god-mode-like state, and making sure the story is consistent and fair.

Q: Do we seriously only have 30 in-game days to play our character??

A: Yes, and no. Your characters will only have 30 days to live; however, thanks to your female-friends, more characters will be joining the game. The mothers DO have priority to assume the role of their child, but only one of them. Other children may be played by other RPers.

Q: What should I know on this thread to properly play my part as a roleplayer?

A: Everything. Just read the tabs dude.

Q: How do I know what my characters background info is? Specifically pertaining to relationships like mothers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters etc.?

A: Good question! Depending on the impact it creates for your character, you could either make it up on your own or ask me to provide you with background. For something less impacting (say a grandmother), you could probably make up your own relationship background. For something more direct (say a mother), I would prefer you ask me for background so that I can regulate consistency in story mechanics, regarding all other players.
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