Death Note: A New Beginning

BW Red

New Member
Character Sheet


[b][u]Alias:[/b][/u] (Mostly for detectives.... a fake name or letter.)




[b][u]Disposition:[/b][/u] (Pro-Kira?)

[b][u]Faction:[/b][/u] (Kira, Detective, Shinigami?)






Name: Hanako Kimura

Alias: Kazumi (Kazu) Ikida

Quote: "Let's do something the whole world will remember!"

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Disposition: Pro-Kira

Faction: 2nd Kira



History: Hanako grew up with a very wealthy family. She had an older sister and parents that loved her. She seemed to have the perfect life until she grew to be ten. Before that year, she walked, talked, and experienced things as any normal person would. A few days after her birthday, her house was broken into and she was kidnapped, her sister being shot down right in front of her in the process. For the next year, she was held in captivity as her captors collected monthly payments from her parents to keep her "safe". Through out that year, she was abused and hurt, both physically and mentally.

When she was finally found, some screws weren't in quite right. In the beginning, she went to counselors to help her but she outsmarted them. She learned how to act and lie perfectly in her captivity so she'd live. They deemed her sane and left her continue with her life. Soon, she graduated high school with straight A's and moved out right after. As soon as she was out of high school, she changed her name from Hanako Kimura to Kazumi Ikeda to sever all ties with her past self. She also bleached her hair blonde and uses red contacts. She now is going to college to become a detective but not without some surprises along the way.

On the way home from school one day, she found the Death Note on the ground and picked it up without a moment of hesitation.

Personality: Saying Hanako is insane is an understatement. Hanako is completely crazy but knows how to put on a sane mask to fool everyone. She always must have her way or others will pay the price. Hanako is also extremely childish and often doesn't know what she wants from life. After seeing news of Kira, she knew she wanted to meet him/her but she didn't know why. She is extremely unpredictable and dangerous but can turn into a great ally if you treat her right. She's relatively okay under pressure but she easily breaks under captivity. Reminders of the captivity she used to be in sometimes brings on panic attacks. She has extreme abandonment issues and can be a bit paranoid.

Extra: Depending on how people treat her, she could turn away from Kira and help the main detective. Also, her hair used to be black and her eyes blue before she bleached it and got contacts.

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Posting this just to reserve the main kira, and I'm making the character now. Expect it to be edited onto this post. Nice chara by the way friend, I look forward to working with you ^w^

: :N a m e: :

Chisaki Onto

: :A l i a s: :

To people at school he goes by Chisa.

Always likes going by Juniper or June for short.

: :Q u o t e: :

Kira quotes:

(When acting like normal his text will be darker)

"If you want to help out a bit, why don't you hand me that banana over there..."

"Some people believe in magic, whereas others believe in logic... I however believe in defying my own logic.

"Your life is basically in the hands of a child... I think you're pretty much screwed."

"All of the world is my game... You are just one piece... But what happens when the pieces break? Would that be considered cheating?"

"I bet you think you have everything figured out. Although, the world isn't as black and white as you imagine..."

Chisaki harmless quotes:

(When acting stupid and sweet his text will be light)

"I just love the tooth fairy! She brings me all sorts of coins and stuff for my teeth."

"Are rainbows really magical? And is there a pot of gold at the end of them? I think I would want to slide down a rainbow if I could..."

: :A g e: :


: :G e n d e r: :

Male? Yeah.

:D i s p o s i t i o n: :

Neutral actually

: :F a c t i o n: :


:P i c t u r e: :


5'1 and his hair is dyed that color.

: :H i s t o r y: :

All of Chisaki's life was rather boring to him... As a child he only remembered the fun games he used to play with his grandpa. Well one day grandpa told him, "Sonny, you don't need to wait every week to play a game with me... Just think about your own life, and what do you see? It's a game of choice, and there are multiple variables right? That means no matter what you can always win." Shortly after telling him those words, his grandpa passed away... Naturally the young and sad boy remembered.

From that day forth he decided to live out his life like a game, and he took some risks, as well as some gambles... But in the end he figures he always wins the jackpot.

While Chisaki is an immeasurably intelligent person, he chooses not to let that show on the outside to anybody... So in class he always chooses wrong answers and gets B's and C's on his report cards..

His family never really minded, as they weren't very close to him. They didn't even know the half of his personality.

Chisaki lived out everyday, wondering if something interesting would happen... Would the game change, would the game change... Is always what he wanted to know... Because unfortunately for him, he didn't have knowledge of the future...

But boy did things change as soon as he found the Death Note... This little white notebook was practically made for somebody of his caliber, so Chisaki was overjoyed to find out that he could now control all of the game pieces.

Chisaki vowed to himself as well as his late grandfather, that he would win the world, to win the game.

"Tic, tac.... no."

: :P e r s o n a l i t y: :

On the outside, Chisaki appears to be someone who absolutely sweet as well as stupid, so naturally he goes along with appearance and acts that way. He smiles when appropriate, and makes the funniest and dumbest comments on the planet. When he is acting this way, it seems that he is very lovable and endearing, and most people can't help but to just snuggle up to him and be friends.

But every coin has another side, and so does Chisaki.

This side is absolutely al about results of winning the game. Not a hint of friendliness is given off of his aura, and he can actually look very menacing. This side has no qualms about the death of others, and the biggest thing about this side of Chisaki, is that it's when he's his smartest.

There's almost nothing that he can't figure out over time, and puzzles like lie excite him. It's almost as if he's always running on adrenaline, and he needs to know what's around every corner.

When around people that are playing the game with him, he will act like the normal and typical idiotic Chisaki, because there isn't anything you could expect of such a child right? Only that he killed his dog once, threw a lollipop at a baby, and broke out windows on his paper delivery route...

But that's all in the past.. Right?

There are times when Chisaki can't help but act his normal self, and this is when the sweet façade falls through. During these times, Chisaki can go a bit crazy, but it's also during these times that he can solve the most difficult of problems...

Everything is about end results for Juniper.

Juniper must win.

Juniper is god now.

"I will win..."

: :E x t r a: :


His notebook.

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-Real Name Disclosed-


Detective 'X's' name may happen to be her alias, but this enigmatic person has never confirmed such convictions. Her Alias is LUCY, which she elaborates is in all caps. Speculation suggests it is a code, though it could all be a ruse.


From a visual stand point LUCY appears to be in her early twenties, though looks can be



Her close work associate 'GACT' has stated himself, that LUCY, is indeed a female. Whether GACT is telling the truth, could all be apart of their little game. GACT has exposed himself to the very public, he has solved many crimes and has worked with the police force itself. The common eye states him as a very professional and calm man, leading to our trust.


She has not yet revealed her disposition on the 'Kira Case' it can only be assumed she is anti-kira. However knowing her unpredictable nature, it could very well be either.


A confirmed and working detective, she is assumed to be the master mind to the solving of each major crime. Is currently working on the Kira case.


Origins unknown. We can only assume her accomplishments. Apparently she has caught the true 'Jack the Ripper' and solved several conspicuous massacres. Though she has kept herself away from public, only the most high up personal know of her existence.


Sir GACT himself states LUCY as a enigmatic person, full of life and energy. She is dedicated and cunningly intellectual. She treats her job as a game, aswell as life, though she does act quite odd at times. VERY odd.

*A picture is attached to the document, signed with these very words.*

“The world is full of obvious things which nobody, by any chance, ever observes.”


Can I reserve the main shinigami? I can't fill out a char sheet right now. Also I haven't read death note for a year or two so how Canon is this going to be? 

Name: Kyzul

Alias: none (Mostly for detectives.... a fake name or letter.)

Quote: "Death is beautiful, it's the last, climactic, step of life"

Age: I don't think shinigami have an age

Gender: Male

Disposition: Indifferent though could be considered pro-kira because of the nature of his 'job'

Faction: Shinigami

Picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/demon__death_note_shinigami_tribute____3d_model_by_lordwafik-d5q3v6d.JPEG.857379f73172632c7d0aac58ef271ec1.JPEG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21897" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/demon__death_note_shinigami_tribute____3d_model_by_lordwafik-d5q3v6d.JPEG.857379f73172632c7d0aac58ef271ec1.JPEG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> credit to orignal artist of course

History: As most will know a shinigami's life is pretty dull. Most sit around all day, gambling and scribbling away in their deathnotes. Kyzul was no exception to this until the day (which was particularly boring) he approached a fellow shinigami named Utyikal. Kyzul spent many days following Utyikal, attempting to persuade him to drop his death note into the human world. Kyzul didn't want to sacrifice his own death note but still wanted to go to the human world and see it for himself, for real. Kyzul succeeded and eventually they settled on Kyzul putting his deathnote into the human world and Utyikal then handing over his death note to him. (this made no difference to Kyzul, but honestly, Utyikal wasn't the brightest shinigami out there)

Kyzul is interested in human life (and death) and is not afraid to communicate. He also retains a sense of humour, an extremely rare thing when it comes to shinigami.

Extra: (sorry for it being so short, there really isn't a lot that goes on in the shinigami world so I couldn't write a lot on the history. If you know how I can extend it say and I will)



  • demon__death_note_shinigami_tribute____3d_model_by_lordwafik-d5q3v6d.JPEG
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I'd like to be the secondary shinigami if no one objects... I will post a character sheet for your approval... But I hope you're not expecting some horrid twisted creature for a shinigami... There's no reason for them to be ugly now is there... ^_^  



"Death is never beautiful to the dying... But to the observer it is art..."

You never ask a lady her age...

Gender: Female

Disposition: Indifferent but bends to the will of the holder of her Death Note.

Faction: 2nd Shinigami


A shinigami with the taste for the finer things in life Noctis refuses to adopt the less than appealing appearance of many of her kind. Refined and poised she sees all things in life in terms of their application as an art form. Death seems to be her favorite medium and sitting in the Shinigami realm had become quite boring. Sick of what she referred to as constant eye sores she desired only to enter the world of the living so as to have a better canvas and more supplies with which to pursue her art. Little is known about the shingami before her advent into the living world, mostly because it is the tendency of most shinigami to keep there pasts a secret, as they are of little importance to the task at hand. Noctis is indifferent when it comes to the wielder of her book though she would be less then pleased if the person who would come to command her was less than aesthetically pleasing.


In a word Noctis could be described as haughty. Elegant in demeanor she is not afraid to speak her mind when she is displeased, which is often. She dislikes things that she finds "unartistic" and this is her main qualm when killing. Depending on the level of pleasure that she receives from gazing upon her target the deaths she brings can range from swift and painless to torturous and gruesome.


Noctis is absolutely infatuated with apples and the appearance that people see is fabricated because she was displeased with her original form.



Kenneth Freedman


"The reason I came to Japan to help you is to stop this monster from spreading his corruption. Not to work at a Goddam DESK!!"






Anti-but could waver

Faction: Cop



Graduated top of his class in the Academy, and has received the highest medals. His sense for justice came at the age of 8, when a Assailant Killed his parents, and escaped. He has been searching for him/her ever since. He was sent to Japan by the american government, out of fear that the 'Kira Kraze' Would spread more homicides, and the fact that the previous Chief in Japan had been Killed by what they assume was Kira, Or just another heart attack.


Believes in a sense of Justice, But has lately Become concerned at the slow rate crime has been 'solved'

((may I make a detective? Or a false Kira))


Name: Veritatis cupitor

Alias: V

Quote: "This book, this 'Death Note', Kira... It's a curse to the user as well as the people. It is not to be used for anyone, much less yourself. Blindly you sever the bonds of family, brothers and sister, mothers and fathers, and all for the sense of 'Justice'... Hear this....The Shinigami is in control. You are not."

Age: 19

Gender: male

Disposition: Anti

Faction: Detective




Personality: Kind, Caring, and explanatory. That is if he trusts you


Sorry guys, a whole lot happened in my life the last week so I couldn't post but now I'm back :) So let the games begin *evil laughter*

Name: Kimiko Nori

Alias: Koyuki

Quote: "In life, we find out what we see and hear. In death, we realize everything that is gone."

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Disposition: Anti-Kira - (Swaying May Be Possible)

Faction: Detective



History: Nimiko was born and raised in Kyoto. She lived there for the first ten years of her life, then moved to america for four years due to her parents being chosen to assist in a national bank-robbery case. She ended up being the one to finally solve it at the age of thirteen. A year later, she moved back to Japan, taking up a life in Kyoto, while her parents stayed in America. Two years later, she is renowned for her abilities, as she has helped solve several large cases.

Personality: Nimiko is a calm person. She likes to win as much as everybody else, though she never does anything to stand out at school. She has a strong sense for Justice, and finds that the killing of criminals is theoretically beneficial, despite being a forcing of end to a life, which is unforgivable. In public, she keeps herself on a low profile, with her having gotten the school staff to keep her grades and such private information.​
Well, it'll be a mystery I shall refrain from solving.

Must be some supernatural energy emitted from this roleplay and all the members are going to die.

I think we're the only three left O.o .
Actually, funny you should say that, my health feels as if it's on decline recently... I seriously do feel like I will die soon, and not know what from... ^^;

Well your going to die along with the rest of us now that you've signed up. But that's okay!

Same, I've had a throat infection for a week now and haven't been able to attend school. >.>

I must only have a few hours left...

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