Darksiders: War between light and dark [Inactive]

"Nope, I'm perfect," Sarya replied. She glanced around the bar again and took a large gulp from the mug, loving the bubbly feel of the cool drink wash down her throat. "My compliments," she said to the waitress. "This is really good. Best I've had for a while."
blushes abit "thanks. i help out with making the stuff though never tasted it." she says smiling and starts serving other customers in the tavern and directing those who want a room to her dad, the inn keeper.
Ai nodded at the inn keeper in thanks before sighing in exhaustion.

"Are demons and such always so rowdy?", the angel asked before putting the key in their cloak. "I've only been here for an hour or so and I'm completely drained."
Her face saddened. "People just don't want to have fun?" She looked at the man in the back, "If you gotta problem say it and don't throw bones." She while drinking her last beer, or maybe her second to last. "Waitress just one more please!" She said she flung her cup in to the air, then falling and hitting the ground.
"Agreed but old habits die hard."The old man replied to Clare giving a disapproving look at Issei,"You young races have a predisposition to violence it seems, it is disappointing to see that has pasted over the years."
Luna sees the demon passed out and semi-drags, semi-carries her to a corner with a bunch of soft bags used as cushioning where they put a passed out person who dosn't have a room.
"Blasted forest!"The vampire said irritated, kicking aside a tree brance he almost tripped over. He turned to his friend next to him."Are we past the border yet? It seems like we were working for hours."

"I am not sure, sir."The aid said fumbling with a map and looking around for any trace of there location. The forest was dark and thick with each line of trees in one directions looked the same as the other."If we are following from when we last knew were we where we should be across the border...And there should have seen a village by now."

"For shadows sake, I swear this country is...." He tried to say when he felt something whoosh past his ear before hearing his aid scream in pain. He turned seeing his aid clutching an area of his arm were a bolt was sticking out.

"I would consider your next world very carefully, vampire, at least while you are guest in my country."A voice came from nearby but the vampire could place."Ow, and yes that was a silver coated bolt to your friend there, the next one is a wooden stake and aimed right in your chest."

The aid howled out in pain as its human features began to change to more wolf like features.

"You dare attack my aid?! Where are you?"The vampire called out looking around for the attacker.

"You come illegally in my country and forest, I think i should be the one who ask the questions."The voice came but from a different direction."Why are you here?"

"I didnt come illegally! I was invited!"the vampire called out."If you contact my father, he is an important figure and..."

"Quite! You have proof?"The voice replied.

"I am not answering a voice. Come out!"

There was silent for a moment, before the sound of movement as dwarf stepped out of a bush nearby in his hand a loaded crossbow which true to his word had stake aimed directly at the vampire.

"I recognition you, you the big light hero."The vampire said in surprise."Your shorter the an expected."

Anger was visible as the result of the quip, making him fire striking the vampire in the shoulder. The vampire was pained but not seriously , he charged forward the dwarf baring its fangs and claws. The dwarf moved quickly to reload only finishing when the vampire began to leap on to him. He fired.

(sorry had to rush it.Brb)
Luna looks over to the sleeping demon and smiles shaking her head as she serves the other guests as the day goes on. meanwhile in the forest a cloaked figure comes over and says just loud enough for the attacker to hear "as efficient as ever i see my old friend, i guess i shall take care of this and our issues with the two nations?"
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