Darksiders: War between light and dark [Inactive]

Luna motions to her dad, a pretty big burly though warm looking guy behind a desk that had 'Rooms' on it waiting for any new guests. the thing said 1 silver per night.
Issei said "Well you damned angel, angelic my foot. I tailed you here when i saw your wings. But since the nice elf asked me not to, i won't kick your ass." Issei sat down and continued with his meal. Though he didn't undragonize.
He smiled at the diffused confrontation, a small victory but it showed he still had the old diplomatic touch. He picked up his drink and walked towards Issei.

"Last thing i expected seeing a dragonling so far from dragon territory. At least not out in the open."He said standing behind free seat in Issei table."Can i sit here? I could use the company."
"Yeah why not. Well i'm a dragon who wants to see the world." Issei answered as he gestured to the seat across from him.
Clara entered the bar, she ordered a beer, and sat alone at a table.her day beating up people was over, time to drink.
"Been there."He said taking the offered seat and took a sip of his drink."It is a good world to see when you know where, the southern shoreline has its charm. I warn you though the residence of these lands tend to ruin that charm. Case in point, the "angelic" angel."
Luna came over and gave her the beer. they had a few demons even now though not usual that they came around these parts. then again Werewolves weren't to far and are part of the same...well country though they were pretty loosely governed especially compared to the Empire.
"Wait, give me five more beer after this!" She drank all of the beer, wiping her mouth, her cheeks tinted pink from the beer. "Oh waitress, I WANT MY BEER NOW!" she laughed crazily. Clara could get destructive and angered easily when drunk.
Luna soon gets her the drinks though is put off by the crazy laugh. though she knew her dad could handle her if it got out of hand. he was a pretty infamous war hero though unpopular opinion that shadowside wasn't too bad landed him in unofficial exile out in the darkwood colonies.
"That angel from earlier was no resident of these parts. I tailed him here straight from the border." Issei informed the druid.
She drank all of them in a matter of minutes, she laughed again. "Missy, hahah, may I get another beer?!" She glared at the waitress and laughed again really hard, her hands pounding the table.
she got her another one to her ready to cut her off if the demon gets out of hand. they've done it before though mostly it had involved dwarves that were trying to grope her and with her dad stepping in. though they had the rare demon go overboard.
She took her hand and started dancing she took her hand and had her beer in the other hand. "LALALALALA!!! Dance with me waitress!!" She danced around singing and drinking.
Sarya pulled her hood further over her long, pointed ears to hide them. Then, gripping her sword tighter, she marched down the street, towards a pub that seemed pretty lively. Inside, there were several strange characters, and even another elf and the waitress was busy dancing with a very drunk demon. Sarya kept her head down and went to a dark corner near the back of the room, awaiting the opportunity to get a drink.
She stopped dancing with the waitress and flipped the hooded girls table over, "HEY GIRLIE, DON'T HIDE THAT PRETTY FACE!!" She tickled her chin drunkly.
Sarya jumped away from the fallen table and unsheathed her sword. Stepping lightly around and towards the demon, she growled, "What the hell are you doing?" Gripping the sword with both of her hands, she advanced until it was pointed to the demon's chest.
"Woah woah girlie, calm down, just trying to have fun with strangers!" She said giggling and admiring her sword. "I like your sword,.."
Sarya narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brow. I overreacted again. She slowly lowered the sword and stepped back. "Thank you, I guess," she said in reply to the demon's comment about her sword. She'd always been proud of it. After all, it was her father's before her and suited her perfectly, not to mention that it was elven make and very beautiful.
"So shall we dance?" Without a answer she took the girl and started dancing. "LALALA!!"
Before Sarya could sit back down, the demon took her hands and started twirling around the room, singing, "LALALA!!" She snatched her hands back and retreated a few steps. "I really don't dance," she said angrily.
As Ai talked to the elder about purchasing a room, the angel couldn't help but overhear the others. That brat is really starting something. I'm a bit rusty but maybe I should put him in his place... No, not here.. Ai thought. Ai almost jumped when the other females started dancing. "What the..."
Issei was starting to get fed uo with the drunk in the bar. So he grabbed a chicken bone from his plate and threw it like a throwing knife at the drunk. If it hit, it would get her smack between the eyes leaving a red dot. Issei would either way have a smile on his face and because she's so drunk she can't tell who did it.
free it seemed she tried to serve the new customer before she was taken up by the demon and brought dancing. meanwhile she instead got hit by the bone with an "ow!" and she looked in Issei's direction and she said to him "please don't harass the customers especially drunk. it always starts a bar fight that we all have to clean up after..." meanwhile the inn keeper says to Ai "easy there. it isn't worth the trouble, trust me i've been there plenty of times in the military."
Sarya kept her distance from the demon, occasionally throwing her some glares to warn her to keep away. She found another table and waved the waitress over, hoping there would be no more interruptions to take her away from her drinking.
She heads over "sorry about that. at least she is alittle more tame for drunks. so what can i get you miss?" she says apologetically and prepares to take another order from the new elf. meanwhile the inn keeper hands Ai a key to a room "they're up stairs. just look for the number on the key. that room's yours."

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