Darksiders: War between light and dark [Inactive]

black ace 3

Leap Year, Baby!
black ace 3 submitted a new role play:

Darksiders: War between light and dark - In this war light and dark once again face off but who is good and who is evil?

In Twilighterra a peace between the two powers of The Shadowside Alliance and the The Grand Light Empire. The peace has however been turned into a cold war on pretty thin ice. if war was to break out once more it would be as bloody and generations long as the last. The Half-Bloods created and placed on this world by the gods but that peace is fraying. The two are at each others throats ready for another war which is seemingly inevitable it is only a question of how long and why it shall begin....
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"I don't see why I have to go to such a vile place so early in the day", Ai protested through forced smile. The other angels lowered their eyelids, giving their usual look that told the being there was no getting out of this one. With a huff and a roll of the eyes, Ai muttered the word "fine" and walked off. There really was no talking back once the council made up their mind.

So, an Inn in which demons and werewolves have been seen meeting up... It does sound shady. Guess it makes sense to send someone there to see if something's up
, Ai thought. What would Ai do though if Ai did find out there was a rebellion planned and all he sinful creatures were meeting there? Fight them all? Report them? Wait, fe needed to calm down. Let's see what happens.

Three pairs of wings sprouted from under the loose cloak. Ai quickly took the the sky and made way to the shadow alliance, in particular, the inn there. Knowing angels weren't exactly welcome, Ai landed in a deserted alleyway, letting the wings hide back under the lengthy robing. "Disgusting", Ai muttered as fe carefully walked through the streets until entering the inn and sitting down at an empty stool at the bar.

(OOC: note: "fe" is not a typo. Its a unisex pronoun, substituting for he or she. Not quite sure if I'm going to keep using that though. xD )
a teenaged looking girl came up "welcome to my family's inn. can i get you anything?" she said friendly enough.the inn had all sorts of races and types though most nursing hangovers from the previous night. the girl herself was human with air of magical ability in her but beyond that pretty normal for a girl whom probably grew up in a colonial village.
"Uhh", Ai stammered, scratching a shoulder uncomfortably and looking away as they tried to think up a drink. Shoot, Ai couldn't even remember if angels were permitted to drink Alcohol. "May I get a Malibu bay breeze, please", the angel finally decided on. "Your family's, huh? It does good business.", Ai carried on, trying to start a conversation while giving the inn a quick look-over and judging the clientele.
starts whipping one and the girl says "yeah. mostly we get travelers and local werewolves from nearby tribes that come to market to trade and come here for food, or drink or both plus talk from more distance tribes. you can stay the night too if you want. though look out or some real drunks from the night crowd may go at 'ya." she chuckles slightly but seems serious about the last part. "here you go. one Malibu bay breeze."
Ai nods slightly as the other talks, trying to keep eye contact. It's only at the last part does the angel shiver before glancing to the left. It was true, a few others were looking this way, one even having the audacity to blow a kiss. Ai gritted teeth for a second before taking a deep breath to calm down. "Disgusting wolves", Ai can't help but mutter under breath before picking up the drink and staring into it.
Issei was walking near Shadow Alliance territory. He simply was walking seeing where his interest will take him. Issei then sat down and looked at the sky. That's when he saw an angel with a disgruntled look on his face. Issei thought to himself, the Empire is starting a fight huh. Issei stood up and summoned dragon wings which are a part of his humanoid dragon form. He followed the angels direction and kept him just in sight. The angel landed in an alley, the dragon landed on one of the buildings. He watched it entire an Inn. Issei hopped down and entered it as well. He sat at a table in the far corner.
Luna sighs at one of the customers who blew a kiss, the one being a perpetually drunk dwarf " Werlag isn't it alittle early to get this bad a drunk flirt?" she says in a bit of a scolding voice. she sees the new customer and quickly heads over "need anything sir?" as for Ai she may hear of attack plans and such but it is clear with the plans themselves and and the ones saying them nursing bad hangovers that it is just paranoid conspiracy types and really,really bad drunks.
"coming up." she says and grabs some of the stuff for him then comes back and sets it down for him. "anything else?" she asks though wonders what brings a younger guy like him out here. he dosn't look military so it can't be for 'protection' or the like.
Issei thought about it and said "Some chicken nuggets and dried potato wedges would be nice." Issei picked up the cup and drank a little from it. He kept a close eye on the angel waiting for him to make a move.
Mmm.. This kid isn't looking at me with the same eyes as most guys. What's his problem? Does he know?, Ai questioned to hirself. Keeping eyes on the fruity drink in front of them, Ai pondered on what would be the best way to approach this. Finally, the angel turned their way and took a sip of the drink before pointing at them.

"Hey, is it really ok for him to be here? Just concerned, this kind of setting isn't exactly kid appropriate", the angel asked the bartender with a soft smile, trying to hold back a grin.
"You askin for a some trouble, angel." Issei said really loud so everyone in the bar could hear. Issei stood up and pointed at the angel with his gaunlet hand. How dare this fool start something me, was Issei's thought.
An old elf entered the bar, his clothing intertwined with various vines and muscular frame for a man his age instantly made him stand out among the patron. He walked up to the bar and waved over the bartander.

"Just a pint of ale, my dear."He said with a kind smile before turning around to see the rest of the patrons. He noted the tension between the angel and young lad, the latter of which looked familiar."You two have nothing better to do then pick a fight?"
Ai glared at the snarky kid. That little brat is blowing my cover, Ai thought. The other patrons' eyes were on them, and the room was growing quiet, until an elf that just entered spoke up. His words gave Ai a chance to calm down. Putting down the beverage, Ai smiled at the young boy and pushed back a lock of grey hair behind an ear, giving view to a gentle smile.

"Actually my name is Ai, but people do tell me I look quite angelic. Now, as the gentleman says-- should we really pick a fight in such a lovely bar? Why don't you sit down and drink your little juice like a good kid should", although Ai said this all with a smile, the last sentence was purely venomous.
Luna serves the man his drink and relaxes as The Fight seemingly is avoided though the last sentence. however the patrons were mostly just interested in a bar brawl breaking out though a few demons look nervous at the thought of angels. they weren't exactly fond of them and the inn keeper didn't allow weapons to be brought in and had the sheer might to back the rule up.
"Angelic? Yeah...Well..."He said slyly as if trying to be diplomatic with his respond. He took a sip of his ale before continuing."Your confidence aside, who is more deserving of that advise of yours? The one who picked the fight or the one who continued it?"
smiles abit at the new stranger's words though hopes the kid and the person she herself was pretty sure was an angel thinking about it weren't about to go at it again.
Ai rolled it's eyes at the elf's words before finishing the drink and putting the money and tip on the counter. "Thank you for the lovely drink, miss", the Angel said before walking out of the bar, head up high while passing the elf on the way out. Guess getting more information about the inn would have to wait for another day.
Luna calls after the stranger "miss, you can rent a room for a night or two here." mostly to be nice and help out the business in anyway she could. though her dad managed the keys to the rooms of the pretty much only inn in town.
Ai stopped before exiting and turned their head to face the bartender again. "Oh?... Alright, I may just take you up on that", Ai said flashing a smile.

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