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Fantasy DarKode Academy


Mikael silently admired the older male's stunning face. The veins that pulsed and moved with life as he gently touched them. They were beautiful to him making Lorenzo seem more ethereal and otherworldly. Not sure what was happening but truly happy that he can touch such a perfect male. Aquamarine snake like hues captivated by the older male's eyes. They seemed foggy almost as if they held something he didn't understand. The blood that was left behind was absorbed into Lorenzo's skin. The vishkanya was lifted from the edge of the gazebo where he was sitting and now straddled the older male's lap. An aroma filled his nose it made his heart pound faster causing his head to feel light. The scent of attraction the lure of heat made his body tingle with anticipation. The sensation of being so close to Lorenzo clouded his mind and the notion of right and wrong disappeared.

Lorenzo's nose was so close his skin the warm breath sent shivers of heat and bliss throughout his lithe frame. Wrapping slender arms around the older male's neck while tilting his head slightly. Lorenzo's body being so close made his own pulse with a longing he didn't quite understand but knew he enjoyed it. The warm large hands that slipped up his shirt and pressed against his skin made a sigh of happiness escape his lips. Mikael's skin enjoyed the attention the older male was giving it. Gasping and arching as the teacher's tongue flicked against the skin of his neck above the pulse. Teeth that gracefully moved over his skin made heat spread downward to Mikael's lower abdomen. The vishkanya lifted eyes to look up at the teacher holding the male close beneath him. The ravenous kiss made him feel light headed his breath coming in fast heart racing against his chest. Lorenzo was so enticing Mikael couldn't get enough of the older male beneath him. "Enzo..." Slim fingers entwined into locks of the teacher's hair as he tilted his head back while leaning up pressing a hungry kiss to Lorenzo's lips.

Dammit! That little brat got away. He'd been preoccupied asking for directions and Zeus had taken off. Spirited away out of his grasp before he could even blink. He felt incredibly idiotic and stupid for letting one small fry get the best of him like that. More than that the deep concern for his well being sent him in a panic which wasn't like him at all. Gou was never anything but perfectly rational in his concerns and strategies but that changed when a inky haired boy decided to be extraordinarily troublesome in transition. As usual Zeus couldn't grasp that any day he could suddenly decide to start rejecting the transition and Gou had to be there when it happened. To try to save him even if it meant finding some unknown way to return him to normal.

Not really caring who saw him he unfurled his wings which really just looked like a big bright light and took off in the sky toward the barrier of the school. Zeus didn't really know where anything was except campus so he hoped that's where he'd go to get away. More than anything he hoped he went back to the academy and didn't get himself lost in such a big city. And foremost that he was alright. From above he spotted his young protégé sprinting toward the campus he streamlined his wings, dropping in fast toward the inky blot. His hand connected with the back of Zeus' neck his intention to push his ass to the ground as well as break his fall. He didn't even notice the little girl holding him in place, tunnel vision narrowed solely to the complete pain in his ass. "Zeus!!!!" he snapped, anger welling up inside him and bubbling over.

@Crissy Rpfever

Caterina's Dorm- River

Her voice sent chills along the many columns of River’s spine. Each word spoken resounded within the deepest parts of his very soul, reaching even further with the soft touch of her hand around his. He was becoming increasingly aware of the feelings welling up inside of him, however the more he felt the more confused he became. What was it that made him so protective of only her? Why was she so special to him when he had only barely learned her name?

Whatever it was, it made each hair on his body stand on end and yet it warmed his heart. Taking the presence of her hand as an invitation he removed his hand from her hair. With a gentle tug on their clasp hands he pulled her into his arms, wrapping only his free arm around her slim waist.
“If this makes you uncomfortable then I apologize. You are free to move whenever you like but I…” he trailed off, resting his forehead against her small shoulder trying to find the words to express what it was he was trying to say “I just… I need this small comfort…”

His arm around her didn't tighten but he didn't move his head from its place either.
“Am I so important that I chase your fears away?” He asked her so quietly he feared she wouldn't hear him at all. His heart raced and he felt he could cry. He clung to her like a small child afraid of loosing their most precious person. “Hadn’t I been there… that thought scares me… Those shadows I now shield you from, they are more than that to me”

River trembled under the weight of his emotions
“They are the ones who caused you fear and that makes even the shadows they are now, my enemies”

@Ravynne Clave

DarKode Campus- Zylen

Gently and every so carefully tossing Kaspers luggage over his shoulder Zylen walked beside her, listening intently to her every word. “Well, the key to reading maps it to point out landmarks that are unique to each particular place. That bench we were just sitting on would be an example” he began simply “but I will show you next time, right now we have a tour underway” He grinned sideways at her pointing out buildings as they went.

“That’s all I can ask, and in return I myself won't hide my own problems from you, or I will try not to anyway.” He replied as they walked down the sidewalk side by side “I won't lie, it will be a challenge for me to be so open about my hardships, especially when I've kept them hidden for so long” Every since the events that had put his father in the hospital he has kept his feelings to himself to in turn help others. No one had every gotten close enough to peer behind the curtain and this girl, this stranger was already getting a glimpse behind the curtain.

“I don't think I have anything tomorrow though I can't ever really tell because things come up at last minute sometimes but if they do, those who need me have a way to get in contact with me.” He smiled ”Yes, next time let's leave the luggage behind. Would you like to go tour the town tomorrow? Maybe grab some lunch while we're there?” The sight of her fangs didn't bother Zylen as he simply nodded “Yes, they do. What good would a school for supernaturals be if they didn't supply our nutritional needs? We can't very well be good students if we aren't taken care of properly”

@Minta Rpfever

Front Gate- Zeus, Ashlin

Ashlin felt the wind stirring before she actually saw him, the male coming down to land frighteningly close to where she stood. As the hand closed around the other boys next she let go twirling to get out of the way before she was sat on. Anger was heavy in the air and she knew that she had no business being there anymore. “Oh look, there he is now” The glare the black haired boy sent her way caused her to stick out her tongue “Be a good boy for Mr. Giant” even if Gou wasn't standing at full height to a nine year old so small he was still every sense of the word to her. Giggling she skipped away “La la la”

The hand around his neck forced Zeus to the ground rather roughly yet more gently than would be his normal. Thanks to the little girl he had been caught and she seemed content with that. Her amusement had caused him to glare and as she skipped away he reached after her “Hey! Get back here you little brat!!!” he yelled, getting frustrated when the strong hand at his neck forced him to be still. “Let me go Gou!” he growled, trying and failing to get away once more.

When it was clear he wasn't going anywhere he crossed his arms and looked away, pure defiance on his face. He wasn't happy to be caught again so quickly and now that he was he was no doubt in some serious trouble
“Why can't you just leave me be for five minutes?!” he shouted, struggling once more against the hand firmly in place at the base of his skull hoping that his grip would have loosened a little.

Zeus knew he was angry but so was he. All he had wanted was some time to himself but it had been ruined. The hand at the back of his neck only seemed to grip tighter with his struggling.
“It hasn't even been a full three minutes! D*mnit Gou!!!! LET ME GO!!!” He was beginning to feel trapped and it made his heart gallop in his chest. He had learned the tell tell signs of a panic attack in the making and he instantly stilled, attempting to calm himself down. Shoulders slumping his head hung in defeat. ‘It’s no use’ he thought looking down at the ground ‘Once he's got me he's got me… I'll never have another chance like that’

@Loren Copeland
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Terrence had been shocked, literal waves of electricity coursed through his body as he bounded away from the other man through the corridors. He had been so caught up by the sight of one of them that he hadn't paid much mind to anything else. Now, however, with the distance being placed between them he couldn't think of anything else but Lota. He could vividly recall the chaste kiss she had pressed to his cheek as he was moving toward Hephastus. Had he not been in such a rush to get the other man out of the courtyard he might have reacted. As it was, he was internally cursing and thanking the person that had appeared for the distraction.

'Who knows what I would have done had I remained by her side,' he thought, sliding past a student who had decided to place himself in the middle of the corridor. It was only his quick reflexes and the boy's instincts that stopped them from crashing. As bad as he felt for the student he didn't turn back to assist him in regaining his balance.

"Sorry about that! Life's at stake here!" he called back, a sly grin on his handsome face as he turned the corner when he heard the student cursing behind him.Terrence was really hoping that kid wasn't a student of his, because he'd more than likely tear out his tongue for using such language. While he was accustomed to Zerrian and Hephastus cursing on a regular basis, he wasn't exactly the sort of person to use foul language unless seriously provoked.

Hephastus growled, the sound rumbling deep within his chest and causing a few nearby students to scurry off. He couldn't even enjoy the fear he had instilled within them, much too irritated with the man who had taken to running away from him after having socked him in the back of the head. His mind was beginning to conjure images of many ways he could get back at his cousin, some straying to very illegal methods that would put him in an asylum. Placing the suitcase further on his shoulder, he tightened his hand in Katniss' and continued chasing after Terrence.

"It seems we have more than just matchmaking to do, vixen," he told her, a devilish smirk tugging at his lips as his emerald eyes remained fixed on the retreating form of his cousin, "We need to exact revenge for daring to assault me when distracted, too." It had been a cowardly move, one he felt was worthy of any retribution he dealt. And no one was more sadistic than his mate. Well, maybe Ravynne, but she wasn't available to him at the moment. Which he was internally grateful for. Having both his cousin and his mate together in one place was sure to be a disaster. Those two were incredibly cruel masterminds when they grouped together. It had taken a lot out of him to avoid the pranks they'd done to him.

'I'm still surprised I got away with half of what I did,' he thought, recalling a time when he had been in bed with Katniss. The day had been rather peaceful, simply basking in the other's presence after a night of pleasure between the two mates. However, the peace had been disturbed by a horific scream from Ravynne that had left him deaf for a whole five minutes. And both women had taken full advantage of the short time to gossip right in front of him. About him!

The silence that stretched after the boys' departure had the vampire fighting not to fidget in place. Fear that she might be reprimanded for her presence kept her from looking at the man she had unconsciously missed. Despite the trepidation coursing through her veins, there was an air about him that had her outwardly composed and relaxed. No hint of her inner battle was shown on her face, her violet eyes downcast to keep the anxiety welling up within her to herself. She could no longer feel the anger she had for having her honor questioned, the relief of having Agony in front of her was much too overwhelming that she was a bit surprised she still felt nervous.

'But I don't regret coming here,' she reminded herself, 'Had I remained in San Francisco I would have driven myself into a frenzy of worry.' And Alexander had know that, so attuned to the emotions his friend felt, that he had asked her to attend the school to try and ease the nerves that had built up since the attack on Agony had happened. Their acquaintance had been short but filled with so many events that she couldn't seen him as a near stranger like when they first met. Tightening her hand on her back, clutching it closer to her side, she steeled her determination and took hold of a stray blonde lock. Gently, she eased the strand behind her slightly pointed ear where the violet snowflake swayed, and peered up at the man who had consumed her thoughts for days since she first met him. However, before her eyes could meet his, she felt a soft caress on her head. Her mind instantly conjured the image of his hand holding hers over the table in that small cafe, and she was struck by how easily she could identify his touch when only having felt it once. His voice, sending ripples of delight and further confusion, had her finally looking at him after attempting to avoid it.

"Agony," she found herself responding, her voice unusually breathless even to her own ears. Violet eyes softened as they took in his features, the face that she had been so sure she wouldn't see for years to come. It took every ounce of willpower not to place a shaking hand to her chest where her heart was pounding furiously. It was in no way painful, just incredibly curious and unexpected, stealing the very breath from her. Had she not been so focused on him she doubted she would have sen the darkening of his face. Startled by the very sight but internally pleased, the vampire was unable to halt the heat that rushed to her ivory cheeks and painted them with a pink tinge. It had been that way from the beginning if she could properly recall. Agony Remane de Muka had the ability to break down her royal mask with a simple look. Why? Misa was unsure of the reason, but she was hoping it wouldn't cause her any more pain. She felt she had suffered enough, but the blonde didn't want to excuse herself from his presence so she was relieved when he spoke.

"Please, your Majesty," she replied, her tone taking on a softer tone in hopes of easing the tension, "While I was thoroughly mortified by their thoughtless remarks, I've contented myself with their apology. Retribution is unseemly for one in my position." As much as she had wanted to physically disable them from ever speaking ill of another woman, her position in the school and as a royal prohibited her from acting like she wished. It was a facade she had long ago perfected. Unknown to her, the markings which were visible on her arms and face glowed as she tried to rein in her frustration. Closing her eyes, pale lids obscuring the violet orbs, she turned her head sharply away from the man who had assisted her.

"I'm very grateful that you stood up for me when you had no need to," she continued, the desire to have been the one to put them in their place overshadowed by sudden shame. With dawning horror, the vampire royal became aware that the man before had heard everything which had been said about her. Fury, humiliation, and terror warred within her and rooted her to the spot when she wanted to do nothing more than to escape.

@Loren Copeland @Minta Rpfever


Maliyah ignored the look he gave her, the smirk on her lips only becoming more pronounced. She'd spent so much time in his presence, in his arms, that she could easily find the spots that would leave him as nothing more than putty in her hands. And as much as she would have loved to relish in that scene, she was becoming increasingly aware of the stares of her crew burning into her back. Were it not for the fact that she liked them she would have beat them within an inch of their lives. However, despite that she kept her fingers within his hair which she secretly loved. The texture, so soft against her fingers, always served to soothe her and she wanted nothing more to remain rooted where she was. Not that Destra himself had much to do with that. The blonde could admit that he had skills, so many skills that she was oh-so familiar with, but she'd sooner chop off his head to keep his hair than officially date him.

Rolling her eyes, her hands gently moving from his silken hair to rest on either side of his neck. The Snow Demon tightened her arms momentarily around the taller man, slightly peeved that he had lifted her when she very much liked her feet on the ground.

'Eh, I can get him back for it later,' she reminded herself, already filing away the many plots of revenge already forming in her mind. Her body startled, blue eyes widening slightly when familiar lips pressed to her temple. The gesture wasn't unfamiliar, but she was more accustomed to raw and unattached passion. Clearing her face of any astonishment, a small pout taking place on her full lips when she was released from Destra's arms. The strength the man exuded, the heat he provided, had always been welcomed to Maliyah. Which was probably why she still kept him when she had ditched all other after one tryst.

"Awe, don't fear for your life just yet, Des," she cooed, her voice taking on a husky sweetness that had Thorton's and Macy's eyes glazing over. Not that she noticed but it served to amuse Farah and Lionel. Running a pale hand through equally light tresses, a small growl escaping from her still pouting lips, she kicked a stray book away and placed her free hand on her hips before turning to her group. "Besides, since one of these idiots can't find the book we're looking for we're at an impasse," she admitted, irritation coloring her previous tone.

"You look like you're in a seriously bad mood all of a sudden," Lionel commented. The other three couldn't help but agree. Maliyah's icy blue eyes were blazing with fury, her hand was fisted in her hair while the other was practically clawing at her hip. Thorton, however, couldn't helped the smug smirk that appeared on his lips when he saw the new-found distance between Destra and Maliyah.

@Loren Copeland

Caterina's Dorm Room

The vampire relished in the sensation of being in her savior's presence, feeling more soothed than she had felt in so long. Her position in the school didn't allow her the pleasure of relaxing without ruining her image, but she had no need to wear a mask when she was with River. She quelled the disappointment that welled up within her when his hand left her head, which was quickly replaced by surprise when she was pulled forward and into the other's arms. Caterina would have been sure she was simply imaging things were it not for the strength of his arm on her back, the heat that radiated from the chest where her cheek was suddenly resting. When she had pictured their reunion, it had been nowhere near what had happened within the last few hours. Reality had provided her with something better, something her dreams would have never had the ability to conjure. His voice, vibrating against her cheek through his chest, brought her out of her thoughts in time to feel his forehead on her shoulder. He was so close to her, his own shoulder just a breath away from her lips, but she didn't want to move. Not when she felt so secure.

The words spilling from his lips, the subtle beating of his heart which she could feel against her own chest, brought with them an ache that coiled around her own heart and left her with a desperate need to hold him closer. It was her need to listen, her wish to keep him close and not scare him away, that kept her from doing so. Her chest tightened, tears beginning to pool in her eyes and obscure her vision, as her heart pounded rapidly within her. From his close proximity, the revelations of his fears, her own anguish at what she almost experienced it was becoming hard to place her thoughts into words.

"But I have you here with me now," she whispered, longing to ease the pain he seemed to be feeling, "You can feel me, right here in your arms. You can hear my voice and see me before you. I'm safe... because of you." No matter how difficult it was for her to relive that day, being within the safety and warmth of his arms left her feeling stronger. Hesitantly, she wrapped her free arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Her lips gently brushed against his clothed shoulder, and she pushed the tears away as her hand tightened within his. She refused to cry when he needed here comfort; she would be the one to help him this time.

"Nothing will hurt me. Those shadows can do me no harm. You saved me that night, and I'm not planning on leaving this world anytime soon," she added, using her free hand to gently ease her pale fingers through the dark locks.

@Crissy Rpfever
River was confounded by the surreal quality the moment had taken. He had relived that horrible night over and over each night as he had gone to sleep however even in his wildest fantasies had he never anticipated this. She wasn't the one who needed comfort this time. Her strength was what held him together at that very moment where the last time they had met it had been his holding her up.

To need such childish comfort, it made him feel weak and yet at the same time he took strength from it. How long had he hid these emotions? His fear of her hating him, had he truly feared that it was it simply an illusion to hide his true feelings? The pain he felt? He could feel the tears coming but until he felt her pull him closer along with the slight wetness of his shirt near her eyes that he let them flow.

River shivered under the weight of his emotions and his fingers gripped the back of her shirt as her words filled his ears. Even as he could hear the unshed tears in its beautiful tune he also heard the truth that rang powerfully yet softly into his ear canal. She was ok because of him, no harm would come to her with him here. No, nothing would touch her ever again, he would make sure of that. Squeezing her hand ever so gently he inhaled deeply of her scent, relishing in the sensation of her lips of his shoulder.

“You're right” he began softly, gulping down the tears to conceal them from his voice. Just as he didn't want her to see him cry he also didn't want her to hear anything but the strength in his voice. “As long as I'm here, you will be safe. I will protect you, I won't leave you ever again” lifting his head but not moving away from her he let go of her shirt to wipe his eyes before he retreated it once more on the small of her back, holding her close.

@Ravynne Clave

The vampier female walked with Zylen's pace. Giving a small smile as they walked and talked. "Hope your patient because I am that terrible at maps. I go but scent or sight but I am new around this area." Kasper laughs softly looking around as they moved towards their destination.

"I know the feeling of sharing feelings is hard. Once you hide them from everyone for so long its like second nature after awhile. That is how it is for me anyway." The transcendent vampire spoke in a soft tone. "Thank you for at least trying with me." Kasper fell silent for a bit as she walked along the sidewalk beside the male. Taking a breath and slowly letting it out before speaking once more. "What if I told you that I have strong psionic abilities?" Glancing up at him to watch Zylen's reaction.

Smiling happily at his words as they looked at the buildings. "I would like that a lot actually. I only seen out a window driving by. Should we meet at the bench?" Kasper laughed at his agreement of leaving behind the luggage. Seeing that he wasn't afraid of her being a vampire. It was nice to not have to hide who she was here. "True I suppose that it wouldn't be a good school for supernaturals if they didn't supply us with our needs."

Finding the dormitories for her house was easy waiting for her stuff and escort was hard. Now her nerves was getting to her. This was the first time in a long time her best friend and the male that guarded her best friend wasn't with her. She didn't have her best friend to run to and talk things out with or have girl talk. The celestial elf had to find a way to talk to a male about all of her troubles. Sighing softly gazing up at the building taking in its beauty and how large it was.

Lota felt overwhelmed with everything as she took in the new surroundings Terrence and the other two will be there soon however it was troubling now. But soon warmth spread to her cheeks as she remembered soft warm skin beneath her lips. Then the thought of being rushed out of the area where they all were. 'Wonder what got sexy agent all worked up?' The thought spread through her mind helping to ease her nerves.

Hearing Terren's voice slightly down the hall she just exited not to long ago told her that he wasn't to far behind. 'Could I actually tell him everything? It would be nice to have someone here to open up to. Would he make fun of me? Call me a child?' Her heart sank at those thoughts. Standing still turning her head slightly to look towards the three coming up. "I am scared..."

"You came to the right person about playful revenge." Katniss purred happily as Hephastus spoke. She missed her play buddy sure but her love is here with her. However Terrence brought this on himself. "We can make plans once he is distracted away from us. First we need to hook those two up." Green cat like orbs fell onto Lota and Terrence.

While they followed the two that were ahead of them she couldn't help the knowing smirk on her lips. The knowing that Terrence was more into Lota then he wanted to admit and the fact that Lota was seriously crushing on the older male. The mai female kept up with the older demon's pace that was beside her. She admired how strong Hephastus was as he carried all her luggage along with his own. The academy wasn't to bad though she wasn't happy to be away from her husband.

'Ravy don't cause to much mischief without me and take care of Helu for us.' Her thoughts were disturbed hearing Terrence yell back toward someone. Her cat like hues moved to look at the other student for a moment. "Watch your tongue and be grateful that you got an apology." Katniss stepped over the mess not offering to help with anything. The language wasn't her problem since her husband is worse then a sailor with it. It was the fact it was at her family that bothered her. Seeing that Lota looked trouble her walking increased to see what was the matter. "I hope my closet is big enough for all my things." The mai female mumbled more to herself then anyone. "Heph please call Ravy and tell her that we all made it and I am missing her already."

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