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Fantasy DarKode Academy

"That would be nice. I got a map of the school but I can't read maps. I should learn though." Kasper smiled weakly before shaking her head softly. "I usually don't let people see me this way because of the look of worry you are wearing. However I will make an exception since your being so nice. For me what you did was saving me." Watching him for a moment before looking elsewhere. "Your such a gentleman helping out the new students." Moving to lay down on part of the bench as she breathed. "Sorry you got caught up in this. I promise if we meet again I won't worry you."

As he ran off to get the water she closed her eyes. "My first day and I'm already giving trouble." The transcendent vampire spoke softly as she slowly returned to normal. Taking the bottle gently with a shy smile. "Pleasure to meet you Zylen." Kasper took a long drink feeling much more better.

The young woman was a distraction, one he could afford to admit was entirely pleasing and yet incredibly inappropriate. Not only was she his charge but she was to be his student as well. With a sigh, he began placing the bags from the trunk on the ground. Lota and Katniss were to be staying in the academy, and were it not for the security, he would have allowed her to stay within him. He could already see Zerrian's smug smirk when he realized that he had been right about Lota. Terrence wouldn't give his brother the satsifaction of knowing that he was attracted to the silver-haired woman.

"You'll find the one you're meant for," he told her, a small smile on his lips, "I'm glad that Hephastus found the one meant for him; he used to be so cold that we were all worried he wouldn't even look. Actually, he didn't even find Katniss because he'd been searching for his mate, it had all been a coincidence, but I'm pleased with the results." The half-demon looked up, his eyes falling on his cousin and his wife. He listened to Lota, attention on her fully, as she explained how she would be able to find her soul mate. He was startled to realize it was very similar to their race of demons.

"That's.. very much like our own method, but yes, I have been in love before. Not anymore, I'm smart enough to know when it's best to give up," he mumbled, lifting one of her suitcases and placing it on his shoulder. He placed another against his opposite shoulder and began tugging a third one along. He ignored the students in the vicinity, focusing on the couple that were just a distance away from them. It was still a sore subject, admitting that he never had a chance with the violet-haired vampire, but he was hoping that he would find the one meant for him someday.

'And she will find the one meant for her,' he thought, looking at Lota from his peripheral vision. She would no doubt have people lining up to prove themselves to her, to show they were worthy of her attention, and he wouldn't fault them for it.

"Quit that already," Terrence sighed, playfully cuffing the back of his cousin's head with a suitcase, "We have to get the ladies to their dorms, and I'm pretty damn sure some of these people are going to have to go off in private themselves." They hadn't exactly been subtle in what they wanted to do to each other.

"Shut up, T, or you'll find yourself on the other side of my fist," Hephastus warned the other male, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist to pull her closer. While they had decided to ignore the people around them he still didn't want them getting any ideas. He loved Katniss, more than he thought he ever could, and he relished in the feeling of having her so close. H felt another sharp pain n the back of his head and turned to glare at the culprit.

"You really want to me slit your throat, don't you?" he growled at the brunette, only receiving a cheeky grin in return before Terrence moved forward and into the corridor that led into the academy. Shaking his head he picked up the bags and followed with Katniss still wrapped securely in his arm. His mind was already coming up with different ways to get back at the half-demon for what he had done.

'I can always humiliate him in front of his students. I'm patient enough to wait for the term to start,' he thought, a devious smirk making its way onto his lips. And he would be recruiting his little minx to assist him in his revenge. While it was childish of him he didn't really have the heart to care.

@Minta Rpfever

Meanwhile, the blonde haired vampire was looking up at one of the cherry blossom trees. She was immensely reconsidering whether or not her presence was required within the academy. Alexander had reassured that she was more than qualified, but her reasons for being there were entirely selfish. Brushing a soft lock of flaxen hair behind her ear, she tore her violet gaze from the tree and toward the corridor where she had seen two couples go through. As much as she wished to retire, the transportation to the institute had taken a lot out of her, she couldn't bring herself to leave the serenity of the outdoors.

'There's a certain charm to the area, one that makes it impossible for me to resist the allure out here,' she thought, closing her eyes as she leaned against one of the pillars that faced the corridor. Misa relished in the breeze that caressed the marks on her face, shivering slightly with each brush of her long hair against her ivory skin. The tattoos on her body were entirely too sensitive for her liking, but she had become accustomed to it and could easily ignore it if she had to.

Just a little away, electric blue eyes were watching the blonde with amusement alight on his features. He had decided to stay away from the crowd, to keep his identity away from the masses for just a little longer. There were rumors of who the Headmaster was, how couldn't there be, but none of them were definite and none of them were right. The demon was having entirely too much fun watching everything around him: the interactions, the fights, the glares. His anonymity was something he was currently glad he still retained. He still got the usual glance, but he paid no one any mind. While his eyes were fixed on the vampire, his thoughts were on another woman entirely. A fiery brunette that was insanely insatiable- something which both startled and pleased him.

'I'll pay her a visit soon. She's never too far nowadays,' he reminded himself, having heard a few of the other staff discussing an 'unruly and entirely unprofessional harlot' in the teacher's lounge. Now that irritated him. By all intents and purposes, Sabrina was his wife and would receive the respect she deserved. Not because of her mating to him, mind you, but because of her intellect and her wit. They would learn that she wasn't someone to be trifled with, and he would watch it all with satisfaction. He knew better than to make Sabrina out to be a damsel in distress; he would only receive a glare and possibly be restrained from any sexual activities with her. Now that was the worst punishment he could think of besides having her completely loathe him.

'I have a feeling I'm going to be very amuse very soon,' he thought, looking over to the parked car that belonged to the two couples that had just entered the building. A small smirk began to appear on his lips, frightening one of the first years that had been glancing in his direction, but he was much too immersed in his thoughts to really pay any attention.


She felt him before she saw him, it was like a built in radar whenever he was within the vicinity, but she didn't turn and kept her eyes on her friends. And then he was behind her, familiar heat enveloping around her as his body pressed close to her own and placed his chin upon the top of her head. Usually, she would have pushed him away, but she was entirely too excited for the prank she was planning to really care.

"We're not trying to be subtle," Macy told him, flipping her ebony hair over her shoulder before leaning into Farah. While it hadn't been outright said, her friends knew that her and Destra weren't just acquaintances. However, they knew better than to question anything the blonde did and had wisely refrained from saying anything. They all remembered what happened to the sixth member of their group, but they were down to five now so it all spoke for itself.

"Even if they see it coming they won't be able to stop us," Maliyah said, a vicious little smirk on her full lips while her icy blue orbs glinted with malicious glee. It was times like these when her friends were relieved they had never been on the receiving end of her pranks. Not purposely anyway.

"More like they wouldn't want to," Thorton spoke up, his dark eyes glaring at the man that was leaning so suggestively against the leader of their pack, "They know it would only been three times worse if they sabotaged your entertainment." The other three nodded in agreement, their mind no doubt conjuring a bloodthirsty Maliyah planning and then exacting her revenge.

"That's only happened once, and she will learn her lesson," she reminded them, the spark in her eyes fading momentarily. That was the reason why she despised Caterina so much. The damn President of the Shadow Council had wrecked one of her pranks the year before, and she had even deflected the one that was meant as payback the week later. No matter what Maliyah did the Perfect Caterina was always one step ahead of her, and she was beyond frustrated about it. But she would never admit that she thrived on the challenge. Flicking a lock of fair hair behind her shoulder, she bumped her back against Destra's chest to get his attention.

"What are you doing here anyway?" she asked him honestly curious. Usually, she never saw him in the mornings. Then again, she was always plotting and he was doing who-knows-what.

@Loren Copeland

Caterina's Dorm Room

She listened to him, her breath catching in her throat with every word that slipped from his lips. Caterina was unsure how to respond to him, feeling entirely out of her element in his presence. However, as he spoke she felt the tension ease from her body and be replaced with a calm that had evaded her since she set eyes on him. Her worries had been for nothing, he wasn't afraid of her but what he thought she had wanted to do. The very idea that she would turn him in was inconceivable, laughable really, and she wanted him to know with complete certainty that the thought had never crossed her mind.

Her face burned, a slight pink beginning to tinge her pale cheeks, his last word resonating deeply within her and spreading the warmth throughout her body. She was beginning to become accustomed to the feelings he enticed out of her, but she hadn't expected to blush at that mere sentence. Fortunately, he hadn't been looking at her and she was able to force it down after some mental restitution. Slowly, she moved from her seat and knelt by the one where he resided. It was out of character for her, showing so much emotion, but she didn't entirely feel herself either.

"How could I ever even think of turning in after what you did? I know those men are dead, and I'm aware that it was your doing, but you saved me and that's all I care about," she said, brushing a strand of blonde hair away from her face, "I had been entirely too terrified to do anything; I had never been in that sort of situation and I didn't think I ever would be. I was shocked as much as I was petrified." Caterina didn't know how else to voice her thoughts, she'd never had to say so much that didn't involve academics or politics, but she hoped he had been able to understand.

'I wouldn't mind... staying here with him right now,' she thought, looking down at her lap where her hands were folded neatly. The blush returned full force, but she didn't look up so she didn't pay any mind to it.

@Crissy Rpfever
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Rowan looked up in time see a woman taking a quick look at her. She smiled back at her with her commonly used ingenuine smile. She allowed the vine to snake back up the tree then pushed off the tree. Seeing as she hadn't explored the place, Rowan wanted to get a good look at her dormitory first. It only seemed right to do so. And it was a way to get away from everyone talking about her. After only about a minute, she tripped over a person lying down and her hand grazed his. Who lies down in the middle of the grass anyway? She thought, not even able to convince herself she was right. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. I-I-I didn't mean to trip on you." She was running out of words to say. She got up and dusted her pants off and held her hand out for him. "I'm Rowan and this will probably be one of the only times I'll be clumsy."

@Minta Rpfever

The celestial elf glanced back over at Hephastus and Katniss and smiled softly. It was beautiful to see that there was true love out there it is just the matter of waiting. Closing up the car she followed Terrence toward the two. Even though he was older and not just a teacher but her guard she couldn't help the urge to want to be closer to him. The half demon intrigue her in many ways she couldn't understand but wanted to try. Watching his walk with her luggage she felt bad having him carry all her stuff. Only if Em was there with her she would know what to do. Sighing softly Lota walked looking around at the trees trying to calm her thoughts for awhile. If only Terrence wasn't so prince like then she would be able to concentrate on what to do.

"It all worked out for them in the end they look completely happy. Someday I will find him I suppose." The celestial elf smiled and watched the older male for awhile. "You are close to Hephastus huh? I am happy to hear that his heart opened up even if its only for his mate."

Hearing that he was in love once made her heart cleanch. Yes it bothered her but it wasn't just the fact that he loved once it was the pain on his face. Seeing that hurt look in such pretty eyes made her heart hurt and she just wanted him to smile. No more thoughts Lota just moved wrapping slender arms around him holding him tightly. "If you want to talk about it I will listen..." Her voice dropping to a whisper as she went to pull away.

Katniss looked at Terrence and smiled softly with amusement. "Your going to start a fight agent man and my bet is on my Emerald." The ebony haired girl spoke with a laughing tone. Even though she isn't a fan of public intimacy other then kissing and holding she knew the demon didn't care either way. The mai female learned fast when to slow things down before things got to far. Staying close to Hephastus as they all headed inside the academy. Terrence looked as if he had something on his mind and by the way his attention is on a certain silver haired girl she knew what it might be in general. Jade green cat like eyes looked up at her husband.

Groaning slightly as something hit him and seemed to fall making a thud sound in the earth bellow him. Blinking open stary blue snake like eyes. Seeing a hand held out toward him he moved slowly getting to his feet. "I am not trying to be rude but you shouldn't touch me. Did you have any contact with my skin?" He looked down at himself seeing all his clothes were in place. Yawning from behind his black face mask. Mikael stretched before turning his focus back to the female known as Rowan. "Stay arms length away from me and you should be fine." The vishkanya's voice was sharp yet smooth.

"I am Mikael." He turned his attention onto a lady bug that was crawling on a flower. Hearing her ramble about being clumsy he shrugged his slim shoulders. "Its fine accidents happen." Mikael mumbled softly as he peered out from beneath fallen black strands of hair.
Courtyard - Agony

Life had surely settled into a lull. Sort of boring but shamefully it was less boring than spending his time in Court. He hated that he thought that way and knew his mind should be always with his people. And it was but people tended to get caught up in the glamour, the haze of high society, they didn't truly understand how exhausting and utterly boring governing a people could be. Especially Hell or the Underworld because everyone there was a liar, murderer or in general evil person. Always trying to usurp, pillage, or be greedy little scumbags. They were like pirates. Pirates with annoying supernatural Powers. That's why he had enjoyed his little vacation to the Golden Gate City. Especially with the mass amount of family gathering there until one of those greedy little scumbags made an attempt at his life. He planned on heading back home but his brother Rage, King Regent in his stead, refused to let him. It pissed him off because he was KING he'd do whatever the hell he pleased including going home. Then they ganged up in him. Sabrina, Rage, Zanely (though no one except him, Halen and Misa knew she was in town), even Misa said it would be too dangerous. Calling it the pit of vipers.

In the end, Lucian had changed his mind, after kicking his ass like it hadn't been in a hell of a long time. He half expect his sister Sabrina to intervene some time during the fight but all hopes were squashed when he saw her sitting in a patio chair with a smug look on her face. She was all for Agony not going home and wouldn't stop her man from THOROUGHLY convincing him to head to a safe haven. So here he was, at the academy teaching the only thing he could teach which was his culture. He didn't hope for a very big class turnout but he would enjoy sharing customs that some might not know. And if he needed, his sister was there to divulge in rituals that he couldn't full understand, like mating and what it felt like. It was the best he'd get without getting his way.

Speaking of not getting his way, he spotted a familiar silhouette strolling across the lawn, lazily taking in his surroundings. He was still catching the eyes of several young women around him but was seemingly oblivious, maybe it had something to do with an entire universe shifting to revolve around one person. He shut his book that he had been casually skimming through and thrust it into the pocket of his dark jeans. His striking green eyes skimmed over the area before he took off in a jog toward the elusive Headmaster, his long time friend. It was as he came up beside him, large hand clapping him on the shoulder, to realize he was studying a new metamorphosis, a change hopefully for the good, in the new arrivals for the term. "What are you looking at Luce?" he forewent calling him Uncle Ruse now because it seemed at little awkward between fully grown men.

@Ravynne Clave
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Rowan tilted her head in confusion. Don't touch him? It's kind of too late for that. "Is it bad if I touch you. I mean, I did, but just my hand. Nothing bad is gonna come from that, right?"She lifted up her hand, which was still as pale as ever, and observed it. . Hmm... Nothing seems wrong. Was there something that's supposed to happen? "It seems fine to me. Also, I respect you wanting your distance, but can you please explain what's wrong, Mikael? I'm very lost at the moment." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the ladybug as well, but didn't say anything. Nor did she speak a word when she saw his chain, a silver one with a blue crow. He must be one of the Crows, She thought, waiting for his answer.

@Minta Rpfever

Yawning once more before speaking while he fiddled with his house pendant that he wore around his wrist. "I am vishkanya. I am poisonous from my blood to my saliva. As long as you don't get to close to me you should be fine. If your hand touched my clothing you are fine." Mikael's tone didn't change from its sharp and smoothness. Shifting his gaze to look over the area he was at. "Most people know so you must be new." Shrugging his slim shoulders and shifting himself back and forth on his feet. "You seem nervous." The vishkanya male pointed out as he noticed people watching and whispering. Sighing he shook his head causing black strands to shift.

"You shouldn't worry about what others say." Mikael mumbled to Rowan as he tried not move around so much. He wasn't used to people being so close even though arms reach was safe unless he used his powers. But even still most stayed ten people away from him and yelled their hellos or conversations toward him. Even classes were difficult for him since most of the students sit on the other side of the room from him.

To say he was amused by his cousin would be an understatement. He knew he would have to be very wary and watch his back for the next few days. Hephastus wasn't the sort of person to let any offense, no matter how small, go unpunished. If anything, he was pretty sure the blue-haired male was already coming up with many ways that would torment him beyond belief. What his was planning, though, was a mystery and one he was a little anxious to see unraveled. The man had been so lost in his thoughts that he was thoroughly startled when Lota wrapped her pale arms around his body. The gesture was kind, sympathetic almost, and it took him a while to realize what she had said and that she was pulling away. Terrence, out of pure instinct to keep her close, dropped the bags and wrapped his own arms around her to pull her back into his chest.

'This is wrong, no, this is beyond wrong, but I at least want to have this moment to myself,' he thought, resting his chin on her silvery head. He didn't notice the mai glancing in their direction, his mind completely overwhelmed by the woman willing to listen to his troubles.

"I'm here as your protector. If anything, you should be the one coming to me if you ever need to," he whispered into her soft hair, gently running his hands through the silken locks. He had always marveled at the sheer beauty of her hair, but the texture itself was beyond anything he could have ever imagined. He just wanted to keep her in his arms, to keep her safe from whoever was trying to harm her.

Meanwhile, Hephastus was still planning how the best course of revenge would be. He wanted to humiliate his cousin in a way that he would never be allowed to live it down. Rarely did he indulge in his childish urges but he found that his cousins always brought it out of him. Just like Katniss brought out the blindly devoted husband that he didn't know resided within him. Turning slightly, he absently pressed his lips to his mate's temple, twining a strong hand within her hair as his lips moved to her ear.

"I'm planning something, e dashur," he mumbled for her alone, his breath brushing against her pale skin, "Would you like to assist me in a little payback on my dear cousin?"Over her shoulder, he caught sight of Lota and Terence in an embrace and couldn't withhold the smirk that made its way onto his lips. He might have just found a trump card in the dangerous game the half-demon insisted on playing with him. One he planned to make full use of, because Hephastus hated to lose.

@Minta Rpfever

The demon had been absorbed in his thoughts, observing the female vampire as she simply enjoyed the breeze that brushed against her. He knew for a fact that she was fond of the outdoors, especially when she was surrounded by nature. It was the reason she loved Ameranth so much; the place was almost completely untouched by any outside technology. His eyes narrowed slightly, watching as a few boys nearby made some crude comments about the fair-haired vampire that he was sure she could hear. He might not have loved her anymore, his heart was completely devoted to the fiery woman he had claimed and mated, but she was his friend and confidante and it angered him that they had so little respect for her. For women in general. All his mind could conceive was: 'What if that was Sabrina?' However, before he could move to do anything, he became aware of a familiar presence that was approaching him. And he couldn't stop the glint of amusement that took residence in his electric blue eyes. He didn't acknowledge him, not until he felt his hand on his shoulder. Only then did he turn to face him, mischief evident in his facial features but there was tension around his eyes, tension that spoke of his displeasure.

"I'm watching the new students. I didn't expect there to be so many," he admitted, leaning his back against the trunk of the tree that was beside him. Dark brows furrowed, uncertainty clouding the blue eyes. Alexander had known what he wanted the minute he had seen the way Misa worried for Agony, but he didn't want to face the wrath of the blonde if she ever found out about his manipulations. He was bound to end up on the receiving end of her blade. Shaking the thoughts away, he looked up and pierced Agony with a sharp look. One that made it obvious he was about to rip someone to pieces.

"I also didn't expect them to have so little regard for social conversation and propriety," he growled, the sound vibrating low and menacing from within his chest. For a brief moment, his eyes flashed a burning crimson that spoke volumes to how upset he really was. He turned, facing the direction where the group of boys were still eyeing Misa in a way that disgusted him. "I'm honestly baffled by the idiocy that seems to run rampant within most of them." Alexander gestured with his hand in Misa's direction, sensing the discomfort that came from her in waves and the lust that emanated from the group of children watching her.

The vampire had been enjoying herself, relaxing against the pillar and welcoming the sunlight that deemed her worthy of its warm embrace. She hadn't been able to lounge about too much when she had been in San Fransisco, there had always been something to do or someone to see. She had been spread thin with the political meetings, high-end balls, and her personal research that would allow her to find a way for Mersey to be tangible. It had taken her months but she had finally succeeded. Shaking her head, golden tresses falling over her shoulders and forward, she opened her bag and pulled out a book that she had kept within. Before she could open it, however, she was assaulted by the comments of some very rowdy boys just a few feet away. It was a known fact among her friends that she was very innocent when it came to many things; Nefertiri often teased her by saying that Ashlin probably knew far more than she did. But it wasn't that she was ignorant of them, but she had been raised in a manner where such things were kept between partners.

'How can they speak of such things in public? And so loudly as well!' she thought, her alabaster cheeks flushing with a slight tinge of pink. Her hands clenched around the book, the white leather protesting slightly against the rough treatement. Their comments only got worse, though, momentarily freezing the vampire by their blatant disrespect for her. The things they spoke of were not only entirely inappropriate to speak of in front of so many people, but they were beyond vulgar and bordered on fantasies of forced intimacy. Unable to take the comments, but unwilling to let them know they affected her, Misa took up her royal mask and turned her back on them to walk away and into the academy.

@Loren Copeland
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The arms that wrapped around her felt amazingly warm. Her face was pressed against Terrence's firm chest inhaling the scent which made her head spin. Her heart pounded loudly and this time for sure he could feel it. Lota blushed as she hid her blushing face against the half demon's chest. Terrence's heart was a steady beat and soothing to listen to. It was nice to be embraced by someone that seemed to want to hold her. Was holding him okay she didn't know but at this point didn't care.

'I will hold this memory forever.' The celestial elf thought not moving from the male's embrace. 'This feels right...' She sighed unsure of what to do. Glancing up at his perfect strong neck for a moment as his chin was on her head.

"Then we can make a deal. You come to me if your feeling troubled and I will go to you." Apparently Lota's hair fell from its messy bun and cascaded down her slim back in silver pools of shining silk. Terrence's hands in her hair was a marvelous feeling that made her extremely happy. The two watching them escaped the celestial elf because all she can see was the male in front of her. His whispering voice made her breath catch. "Terrence I am sorry that it didn't work out." Lota spoke the truth even if it hurt because the half demon needed to hear that she cared about his happiness despite how she possibly felt toward him.

The mai female looked up at her smirking husband with a mischievous smile of her own. "You know I would do anything for you." She purred softly. Hephastus got so many moods that come out for certain people like this childish side. It made her fall deeper in love with him. Katniss casually looked away from the two embracing and focused on walking with the demon beside her holding her firmly with one arm. The tall blue haired male is the only man for her. The kiss to her temple sent warmth all they way down to her toes.

The warm breath spreading across her skin made her pur in delight. "I love you." Hephastus's hand gripping her hair made her gasp slightly and whine. "Don't start emerald we are right in the middle of a school." Katniss's sweet silky voice held a hint of seductiveness. Jade cat like hues followed her husband's. "What are you planning?"
Courtyard - Marisol, Agony, Lorenzo

A small girl, looking more childish that she should, stepped out of the vehicle onto the pavement of the student parking lot. Like him, she immediately noticed a certain lack of spirits but maybe the intense magical barrier some how filtered them out. She hoped so but she wondered if those she screams for would also be filtered out. If those couldn't reach her then fate would surely be tempted. It mattered if she suddenly became ill because she could do what was in her nature but she thought she'd be able to handle it with Rune who was beyond gentlemanly. Wariness around men aside, she knew a good heart when she saw one. Her long dark hair was pulled back with a massive royal blue bow that matched the same color as the Empire waist dress with puff sleeves and a Peter Pan collar she wore. Her hand easily found Rune's giving it an affectionate squeeze as she burrowed closer to him. "I'm really nervous about starting school. And really excited!!" she gleamed, resting her head against his arm. She was still a little surprised hearing her voice. It was weird after years of being mute, she tried to talk all the time just in case if suddenly decided to go away. Sometimes things do that, she decided. "Should we find our dorm rooms?"


The price of conversation with Lucian was that he always felt like he was a child around him which technically he was given their respective ages. The man was far too perceptive for his liking but that meant he made a great ally if ever he needed one. Agony didn't and never wanted to be on the receiving end of the man's wrath. So as soon as he noticed the tightening of the eyes and the brittle and angry attitude he knew something was up. Lucian beat him to the problem before he could ask though, we'll manicured hand sweeping toward the source of his irritation. Agony followed, breath hitching when his eyes settled on a most ethereal creature he'd ever had the pleasure of looking upon. It still hurt him that he had to leave her so quickly and after she had done so much for him, he never thanked her properly. He was relieved and happy to see her again even if it looked like a dream. The sun shining upon her cast a halo and he didn't understand why no one was falling at her feet, adoring her like they should. Then in the next instant he was all but consumed with Rage as he turned his head to Lucian. His Tanned hand twisted in the material of the Headmaster's shirt and pulled him closer. "What the f*ck Ruse? You let her come here? I'm here. Where you sent me.. She could be killed!"

Just like his long time friend, his too green irises bled red and his vision along with it. He couldn't fight back the growl from deep inside, something else that wasn't quite him when he thought about the danger Misa could be in. Something stupid might have been done if his Demon hadn't snarled and urged him in another direction were they (meaning it and Agony) heard filthy strings of comments made about his fair haired beauty. When a none too gentle shove, Agony released his friend and huffed toward the pestiferous boys, anger boiling up inside him. They didn't hear him, or were too oblivious with their indulgent fantasies to bother noticing that he came up behind them. He slapped them on the backs with a pseudo friendly smile yet his eyes betrayed his disgust, his voice low and dangerous. "Hello boys. It's a nice day isn't it? Fresh air," he clapped them again. "Clear skies," a hand on the back of both their necks. "Pretty..Girls..," his claws bit into the skin enough to threaten but not harm. Though his dark being purred at house easily it could snap their necks, encouraged it even. So fragile were adolescent children. "I couldn't help but overhear just how eye catching you think some of these young ladies, although, some comments about Miss Amaranth were..highly uncalled for. Which I absolutely.. WILL NOT..tolerate. How about some heartfelt," he bit off bitterly, "apologies." Both students nodded so vigorously he believed their heads would snap off but doubted they really understood the consequences of their bold proclaimations. "Shall we?" He asked but didn't wait to head in the direction. Misa fled too. He called after her, almost titling her name as he would in polite society. He refrained only because he wasn't sure of the prefix she wanted to use. So he was left calling after her by Miss Amaranth.


His day started in the Headmaster's office and he was led to believe that it wasn't going to be a pleasant experience judging by the whispers about it going around in the Teacher's Lounge when they weren't revolving around the young lady, obviously planning her weekly lessons, though he had to admit she looked a tad young. He'd talked to her though and she seemed delightful and focused. Enzo also found out she was at least 100 years older than he was and married. He didn't know to whom but she seemed so giddy it brought smiles to his hearts. In the end, all Headmaster Matthews wanted to talk about was his concern about a student who was beginning to be socially withdrawn because he was of a rare species. A poisonous one. He thought it might be in the student's best interest if he had some interactions with beings who could be around him without fear.

He had to agree that with the Vishkanya it could be near impossible to make the kind of social connections children needed for healthy growing. Enzo was more than happy to oblige and new a couple of adolescent Zelran he could befriend. Mikael will have friends by the start of school, he'd make sure of it. But first it he had to convince him that both Mika and the Zelran were compatible as friends and couldn't hurt each other with their poisons. That's how he found himself strolling across the lawns, picture in hand, trying to find one student amongst the masses. He almost gave up, almost heading back inside and sending out a messenger to find him instead when he heard a panic masked behind a steady cool voice. It came from a slightly young man covered head to toe, something he hadn't been be keeping an eye out for at all. He approached the pair of students engaged in conversation. "Mikael Eriksson?" he smoothed in as to not interrupt any potentially important conversation.

Library - Destra

The determination of the group never failed to amaze him. What if they had put all their energy into something less malicious and toward something that could better their community? He almost laughed out loud at the thought. Maliyah? Not being a the devious little prankster that she is? Ha! Not going to happen. At least not for a long time. Maybe when she was older maybe more settled than angry but definitely not before the school term was over if he had to guess. "I'm very well aware of the 'incident'. I was there. Witnessed the whole thing," he grinned, not daring speak of how he thought it was sort of funny that Caterina had messed up the prank. It would destroy something he wanted to very much keep in tact for the time being. Or maybe it wouldn't affect it at all, Liah might just be a little Monster, not that he'd mind. He didn't want to chance it.

Thorton though. Destra hadn't realized just how much he(Thorton) disliked him until then. He was staring him down like he was the scum of the earth, something he found sort of hilarious because everyone should have known Maliyah didn't have the same type of admiration for him as she did her little clique. In a lot of ways they were more important to her and he was perfectly okay with that. He actually encouraged it. But still it was a joy to see the death glares from the masses. He wanted to see how far he could take it before the little blond physically reprimanded him that is, hit him hard enough he'd bruise.

His hands settled on her Slim waist, his eyes trained on the group as he pulled her even closer before he circled around it, holding her there. "Mmmm.. Boring school sh!t. I am capable of more than offering you a warm body but I heard you and came running. Like any man, or woman, should," Destra hummed lowly. He was intentionally loud enough for the others to hear him clear more so as his lips moved toward the shell of her ear. This was something he was enjoying, the satisfaction worth the wrath he could incur. And when he caught the little appendage between his teeth, he was staring down Thorton who gave him the most detesting looks. "You should be careful though. Don't hurt yourself and have extra for fun me. We both know what Kitty Cat would do if I decided to join in. So I'll just be your little cheerleader, yeah?"

@Ravynne Clave @Minta Rpfever

Rune smiled softly over at Marisol as they walked. "You look beautiful." The necromancer male wasn't the most romantic male but he does try to express what he feels for the girl beside him. She has been through a lot and is such a fun and sweet girl that makes him smile. He wanted her to know that he is trying for her. Squeezing her hand back lightly with the hand holding hers. Marisol seemed to be adjusting faster then he was which made him chuckle. "I am sure spirits are around just not bothersome." Rune can feel her worry through what they share just as she can him. "I am here with you and you know I won't ever be to far away from you. You will be popular. Your smart, fun, funny, and sweet. Just don't get along to well with other men." The necromancer male smiled placing a kiss to the top of her head. "I don't want to unleash an army of the dead on them for taking your attention away from me." Hazel eyes moved around and nodded his head pointing. "I think the dorms are that way."

Hearing the sound of light footsteps on the grass he lifted his stary blue snake like orbs toward the direction the sound was coming from. Then they widened slightly seeing a male that was just about as tall as the tree near by. "I am Mikael." He nodded trying not to stare at the male's waist and stomach which is just about his height. Studying the male for abit while he tilted his head back to look up into the male's face. The older male must be a teacher he looked to old to be a student but not extremely old to be considered old. The tall male had a handsome face but what caught the vishkanya's attention was a pair of magnificent eyes.

What really got him curious was why he was being looked for. Mikael shifted his body as he pulled his eyes away from the male. Staring wasn't one of his things but the taller male clearly made him want to. "Can I help you mister?" Subconsciously he started fiddling with his house pendant once more. It seemed today he was popular with new people. "Please don't get to close to me I am sure that you were warned about my predicament." The vishkanya's stary blue snake like hues moved from the tall male to Rowan and back upward. Is it just him or does he feel really short. "May I ask who you might be?" Mikael's voice not once faltering from its sharp yet smooth tone.
Courtyard - Lorenzo

The boy answered and he was relieved that he hadn't accidentally called some random student by some other name. Talk about embarrassing! A smiled settled over his lips as he watched the boy gaze him over, looks he weren't entirely surprised about. Nor were they unwelcomed not by the pretty blue eyes starkly contrasting against alabaster skin. He forced himself to look away, to watch the student milkeing about just to escape how they bore into, sinking deeper than he thought they would dig out his very being and it was quite unsettling. "I am very well informed about your peculiar.. Predicament. I've actually come to discuss some aspects of your lethality and your position in this school," he informed seriously, a little too formal for his liking but it was a better distraction than cloudy cerulean.

When he turned back he took note of his and their Height difference. It must be difficult staring up into the sky for so long. He huffed and tilted his head. "Would you like me to sit?" before he finished the question he adjusted his gray athletic shorts then plopped down in the grass. Even slouched he caught that he was eye level with his chest but that wasn't what mattered. He just wanted to get on with the convincing. "Continue with your conversation," he waved toward the young woman, "I'm more than patient enough to await your attentions."

@Minta Rpfever
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As the teacher sat on the grass Mikael tilted his head downward to look at him feeling better since his head wasn't back. Rubbing the back of his neck a moment with a gloved hand. "I'm sorry Rowan but I must handle this. If you want to talk more later I am always usually here napping. Just remember not to get to close." Turning toward the tall male once more he lifted his chin toward a more privet area. Waving a gloved hand toward the girl before heading off toward a gazebo.

As he walked he did something he hasn't ever done outside his room. The vishkanya male pulled off his gloves revealing small milky smooth hands. Mikael the pulled down the hood and face mask. His black hair was to the nape of his neck the front chin length and pushed to the left side. "I don't have a position in the school other then learning. I have no social life unless you count people screaming hello from across the courtyard. As to how lethal I am...I stay covered because I risk poisoning anyone with my blood or salvia."

Once beneath the shade of the gazebo where no students really go except for him since its more of a facility hang out he pulled himself up onto the side and motioned for the male to sit. "Is there a test you want to do on my blood to see how deadly I am? Here is a story that only the headmaster knows. A long time ago when I was young to young to fully understand what my kind can do there was this girl a year older then me." Mikael sighed softly and started to play with his pendant once more glancing over at the teacher before continuing. "She kissed me just one of those childish pecks but within seconds she died. After that I finally understood why my parents stayed with our own kind. But I didn't want to be stuck in a desert with just my people so I started to cover up and keeping people away. Now you know part of my story." The vishkanya's voice did falter that time dropping to almost a whisper. The breeze caught his black hair moving it across his pretty face.

Zylen watched the girl with eyes almost as black as his ebony strands. He didn't really understand why his worrying over her bothered her so much. “It’s only natural that I worry. Seeing a beautiful lady like yourself without a smile on her face, how can I not?” He furrowed his brows in honest confusion “Why does it bug you so much?” he questioned feeling relief as she began to look a little better.

“I could give you a few pointers if you'd like, maps are pretty simple once you understand them and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at explaining things” and just like that he was over his earlier confusion. Zylen is someone that just doesn't see the point in dwelling over unnecessary things. His confusion wasn't a necessary thing so he had moved on to the next. When he was confident that she would be able to walk steadily he offered her a hand. “Well then, shall we get going?”

Zylen waited patiently to see if she would take his hand
“It’s my pleasure, I enjoy helping out those in need. It's really not a problem though maybe next time we can do something fun” The girl was rather nice and he couldn't help but wonder if she would be a new friend in the near future. “For now though, we are lucky. Its such a beautiful day for a tour of the campus”

@Minta Rpfever

Caterina's Dorm

There was so much emotion in her voice and it resonated deep within River, in a place only she could possibly reach. That night still haunted her too, he could hear it in the trembling of each word on her tongue. The fear she had felt, it had scarred her more deeply than those perverts would ever know. She still felt that fear and it made it angry all over again. Curse their miserable souls he thought as he bent at the waist to sit up.

It was strange, how his mood could darken so quickly but logic seemed to elude him when it came to her.
“Don’t worry” he whispered, letting his bangs fall forward to hide the rage he felt on his face “Your safe, I won't let anyone hurt you” he told her, his own voice now full of emotions he didn't understand. Why did he desire to protect her, to comfort her? It didn't make any sense and yet at the same time he couldn't ignore it. Her warmth beside him only magnified them and without looking he reached over to place his hand atop her head. “Never again,” he spoke softly, “You don't have to be afraid… Anymore”

The blonde strands of her hair was soft beneath his hand and it put texture to the image he had of her. In front of others she out on a mask, one that was meant to keep them from seeing her but was it his fault. Was it this fear that she desired to hide so desperately? A terror she only showed to him? How long had she desired for him to be there? Someone who knew what she felt, could understand? He wanted nothing more than to embrace her at that moment but he didn't dare. He couldn't do anything without her consent. He didn't deserve to give her comfort, not with the blood on his hands that was now sure to grow.

@Ravynne Clave
Rowan smiled in fake relief. "Oh, it's only poison. My hand did graze yours, but I'm perfectly fine." She paused for a second, thinking over what she was going to say which saddened her, though she didn't show it. "I don't think you've heard of me either. Apparently someone let out that I, who died and was revived, was coming here. It seems this isn't common? But your poison won't effect me. After all, you can't kill what's already dead." She laughed a little before continuing. "Yeah, who wouldn't be nervous on the first day, especially if you know that people are going to talk about you. I'm hoping that they'll eventually just get over it and see me as any other student here."

She watched the teacher come over so she stood up. "I guess I'll see you later, Mikael. Bye!" She walked off, turning to the direction of the dorm once more. She walked in, admiring the beautiful furniture before moving down the hall, passin a few doors before reaching one with her name as well as a another's, which she ignored. Then she began to settle in, unpacking everything she needed to.

Kasper gazed at him watching the confusion take palce. Giggling softly as she closed up the water bottle. "You seem like a real nice guy so I will tell you. I have no one else but me to worry about me. I don't like causing worry to people I don't know." Brushing her ebony strands back with a smile. "Nothing privet there." She sgrugged her slim shoulders leaving out the story on how she killed her whole clan from trying to kill her.

Shaking her head and scrunching up her nose with a laugh. "No thank you I am giving up on map reading. But I would like to explore with you. I suppose I could use a friend and tou seem like a great person." The transcendent vampire watched Zylan closely and smiling once more. "You don't dwell on things do you?" Once her body stopped shaking and the headache went away she was ready to stand. "Beautiful lady? Why aren't you a charmer." Kasper teased lightly while looking up at him.

Taking his hand Kasper stood up feeling much better. "I would like to hang out sometime. Next time I will try not to end up like this." The transcendent vampire felt a little light headed but better then before. "The day is nice." Kasper picked up her purse and got her large luggage bag. "Shall we?"

Zylen listened to her every word nodding in understanding
“I think I understand, I don't like worrying others either. I guess I can't really say anything” He smiled “I like to help people, not worry them. So I guess I can somewhat relate to you” The girl suddenly reminded him of himself and he couldn't help but wonder if she too felt alone at times. “But you shouldn't hide your pain when you need help. Though I suppose I should take my own advice.”

He couldn't help but chuckle at the expression that came upon her face
“But you can't give up, be stubborn and refuse until you get it!” he exclaimed pumping his fist up in the air, trying his best to encourage her with a big goofy grin. “Then consider me your first friend on campus!” he was really happy to have made a friend and his smile widened as he continued “No I don't, not unless it's something that is worth dwelling upon. Otherwise I see it as a waste of energy” He shrugged.

Zylen continued to smile as she took his hand
“If you do that's alright to because now you have me to shield you from them” His dark eyes watched her closely to make sure she was alright before he held out his hand “Should I carry that for you?”

Front Gate

I’ve got to hurry before he catches up Zeus thought, his breath coming in fast pants as he ran up the path that led to the school. For the past three months he had been there constantly, every move he made Gou was like a shadow that was ever present. He couldn't so much take a crap without him being right outside the door and it was weighing heavily on his nerves.

He doesn't seem to understand my need for personal space he sighed seeing the gate up ahead. Zeus still didn’t know how he had managed to break away from him but finally, he had arrived. Just when he was about to slow to a walk he stumbled and tripped over something.

“Hey! What's where you're going” Looking up Zeus came face to face with a young girl with long black hair and bright purple highlights. “Hey! Are you listening? I said watch where your going!!!” With puffed up cheeks she wore an expression that was clearly annoyed.

Ashlin had just arrived herself. She had come to check out her very first school, with her moms permission of course. And no sooner had she arrived was she ran over by the older teen boy. And there he sat, just staring up at her with wild wide eyes. Bending down she looked at him in the eyes “You didn't hurt yourself did you, you don't seem to have. You're running from someone aren't you”

With the recognition in his eyes she sighed
“I can tell, you have that look on your face but you… They aren't after you to hurt you. Your just running for your own selfish reasons aren't you?”

Pushing up on his feet Zeus apologized and tried to run but she reached out and grabbed hold of his shirt, preventing him from going anywhere. “Nope, I'm sorry but your not going anywhere. I think we should wait for who you're running from don't you?”
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Terrence didn't know how to respond to the young woman in his arms. He hadn't been thinking of Tsubaki for so long and he didn't want to start. Not now when he had someone he had to protect. His arms tightened around the celestial elf, clinging almost desperately to the ethereal being resting within his arms. His mind was only focused on her, on her safety and what he could do to keep her happy.

"There's nothing to say, nothing to remember," he mumbled, removing any thoughts of a certain cold woman from his mind. It had been a vain hope to believe he could be anything more than a coworker. He would make sure he would never make that mistake again; he refused to go through any more heartache for a woman. Gently, he pulled back from the embrace and gazed into Lota's eyes. There was so much he would have told her had he not already promised himself to forget it. There was just something about her that made him want to expose himself completely.

'These are dangerous emotions to have for her,' he thought, once again needing to remind himself the position he was in. If his thoughts persisted then he would have to keep her safe from him. It was entirely unlike him to be so unprofessional, and he was beginning to wonder if Zerrian might have been the best choice for the job. But Terrence was selfish, and he had been the one that had volunteered to keep Lota safe. And he would keep his promise. Leaning down, he picked up the suitcases, but stopped before he could do much else. Just a few feet away was one of the people he wished never to run into, someone that could take his cousin away from him. Tensed, he turned to Hephastus and forced a smile on his face.

"Well, come on then, hurry up!" he told him, lightly bonking the other male on the head with the suitcase he carried before hurrying down the corridor.

Running his hand through his blue hair, the tall male wound his arm tighter around the mai and pulled her close so that her body was pressed close to his side. What he planned to relate to her could not be overheard, especially not by the brunette that stood only a few feet away from them with his charge. His eyes found the pair again, the mischief in his eyes growing when he saw the conflict flash across his cousin's features.

'Maybe my revenge will be a good thing,' he thought, knowing what thoughts were not doubt crossing the other man's mind. They might have resembled his own from so long ago. He, himself, had tried to convince himself that his feelings for his mate were wrong. Inappropriate even.

"I'm planning on exacting a little payback on T, one that might just benefit him as much as Lota," he told her, gesturing with his free arm over to the couple discretely, "That idiot won't do anything on his own if I know his character well." He was so focused on his wife that he internally startled at Terrence's presence behind him. Glaring at his relative, he took hold of Katniss and her bags before heading off after him. Something was wrong with Terrence and he planned on beating it out of him if he had to.

He had been anticipating Agony's reactions to the sight of the vampire, had been wondering just what they would be, and if he was right about the spark he saw between the two. The expression on the other man's face was far more than he had been expecting. His eyes seemed riveted to the young woman, practically drinking in her form as if he were in a trance. The demon repressed the smirk that wanted to appear on his lips, knowing full well that Agony would be suspicious of his motives should he see it. He just wanted them both happy, and it might have been because of his own mating, but he was hoping that the two would be able to find happiness with one another. Maybe he would even enlist the assistance of his fiery little mate if he had to. Alexander didn't even flinch when he was grabbed, the front of his pressed shirt now wrinkled under Agony's abuse. It was a small price to pay if he turned out to be right in his assumptions. He watched the crimson that bled into the other male's eyes, the rage within them seeming endless in his worry for the blonde.

'I just hope I'm doing the right thing,' he thought, stepping away when he was released. Gently, he ran his hand over his chest to try and smooth out the wrinkles Agony had caused in the fabric. He was slightly disappointed by the treatment but had been expecting it somewhat. Alexander knew he had taken a huge risk when he asked Misa to come to DarKode, but he knew how worried she had been. He wouldn't be surprised if she pulled all her hair out due to the stress she would have caused herself. Shrugging off the encounter, he turned on his heel to head into the school. He had a wife to see, one that he planned to greet in a way he had been aching to do for hours.

The young woman had been wanting to put as much distance between herself and the boys as soon as she could. They had thoroughly embarrassed and disrespected her. They might not know anything about the Old Laws but by all intents and purposes they were questioning her honor. With her free hand, she tugged on a stray lock of golden hair, wringing the strand within pale fingers with too much force to be comfortable. Outwardly, her face was calm and polite, but she was seething on the inside. It was only the teachings and her position that stopped her from breaking the boys behind her. Misa wasn't a violent person, not if she could help it, but even she couldn't stand what had been said about her. She might have been royal, but she was also a warrior, and it ached to walk away after what she had heard. And then she heard it. The voice that she hadn't heard since the attack on his life was calling to her. Mentally frowning at the formal address, the female turned and had to calm the sudden erratic beating of her heart. She hadn't been expecting to see him, not so soon, but her feet were already carrying her toward him. Her eyes didn't stray from him, even if she was keenly aware of the presence of the cretins that had spoken ill of her.

"Mr. De Muka," she whispered, deciding to be just as formal as he was. Perhaps it had been a subtle hint to not act too familiarly with him. Misa would be sure to respect his wishes and inclined her head in his direction, it was a hello as much as it was for respect of his position. "How may I help you?" Reluctantly, he eyes moved to the two cowering figures that refused to look her way. However, as if sensing her gaze, they looked up and bowed their heads once again. It shocked the young woman, but she was unable to question it before they were speaking.

"We're sorry for what we said. We-"

"Yeah, we didn't mean it, honest!"

Misa was unsure of what to say, but she chose to turn the other cheek and forgive their transgression. Should it happen again, though, they might find themselves missing a few limbs the next morning. With a simple wave of her hand, the two boys scurried off, leaving the vampire with the man that she had been worrying over for weeks. And yet, she couldn't meet his gaze for fear that he would reprimand her for her presence.

@Minta Rpfever @Loren Copeland


Maliyah didn't know how to react to the male's presence. Rarely was he ever around when she was with her friends, and she could feel the tension rising with every second that he remained close to her. It confused the blonde, but she was more irritated than anything. If there was one thing she despised it was her crew walking on eggshells around her. She could see Thorton glaring in their direction, could feel his gaze burning into her as well as the others. Her right brow twitched, displaying the waning control of her patience. Crossing her arms over her chest, she decided to ignore them for the time being. Her eyes hardened, feeling familiar hands roaming along her waist before they wound around her, locking her in place. It was his words, however, the seductive and suggestive undertone that had her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

'What the hell is he up to?' she asked herself, feeling his breath on her neck, and she had to resist the urge to shiver at the sensation. She couldn't, however, stop the thrill that shot up her spine when his teeth nipped at her lobe. It was a sensitive spot, and he very well knew just how much it affected her. Her hands reached up, tangling within the fabric of his shirt. Maliyah could feel the muscles beneath, the very same ones she'd had the pleasure of clawing so many times, but she repressed the urge to push him against the shelf and have her wicked way with him in front of her friends. Her back was to them, so she didn't see the stunned looks from Farah and Lionel or the glares from Thorton and Macy. Her hands fawned over his chest, delicate fingers releasing the fabric and tracing patterns until they were wound within his hair. Icy blue eyes glared into Destra's, her full lips turned down into a frown. She had no idea what he was up to, but she knew it wasn't good if his smug look was anything to go by.

So she stepped up on her tip toes, pressing her lips just below his ear.

"I suggest you behave and cease whatever the f*ck you're planning," she whispered, keeping her voice so low no one would be able to even guess at her words, "Or you might just find yourself at the end of one of my experiments." Maliyah had recently been working on something that would arouse someone at the slightest breeze. She could already imagine Caterina's furious features, eyes glazed over with a desire that she had no idea what to do with. She was sure the Shadow Council President was repressed, very repressed; Maliyah was only planning on doing her a favor.

@Loren Copeland

Caterina's Dorm Room

Gently, she brushed a stray lock of blonde hair out of her face, but she refused to look up until her blush had receded. The last thing Caterina wanted was to be questioned on the state of her flushed features. It was a question she would be unable to answer and one that would only further her problems. She was only relieved that he didn't hate her. If anything he seemed concerned for her well-being, and she couldn't understand why but she was immensely pleased by that idea. Never had the young woman been so thoroughly enraptured by someone like she was by River. His voice reached her eyes, so soft she had to strain to hear him, but the words pierced through her and sent pleasant waves through her still form. Caterina was a little startled by the sudden touch, and she looked up at him with the surprise evident within her blue orbs. But once again, he wasn't looking at her.

"I'm not afraid," she whispered, her eyes softening even as she couldn't see his features, "I've gotten to meet you at last. There's no need for me to be afraid of nonexistent shadows." That night had haunted her for so long that she feared she would never be able to recover, but she was beginning to find that his presence alone was enough to chase away the nightmares she had had. Caterina could barely remember why she had been afraid in the first place. Uncertainty shone within her eyes, her brows furrowed, before she took a chance and grabbed his free hand with her. She repressed a gasp at the slight shock that burned through her, and simply kept her hold firm but gentle.

"Thank you for saving me that night. I'm not sure... if I would be here otherwise," she replies gratefully, leaning forward to bow slightly even in her knelt position beside him. She was being vulnerable, exposing a weakness, but the vampire couldn't find it within herself to care. He had already seen her at her worst, why hide that she wasn't as impervious as others thought? She was just as prone to fear and anger and hatred as anyone else, but she had better ways of hiding it than most.

'But I won't do that with him, I can't do that to him,' she thought, raising her head and looking up at him through her thick lashes.

@Crissy Rpfever

Kasper smiled softly as she started walking beside Zylen. "We have that in common. I try and help others as well." Giving him her bag. "I suppose if you want to teach me I will learn to read a map. It may be useful in the future." Laughing softly letting him get her luggage. "Maybe we can do something that doesn't involve with luggage." The transcendent vampire gazed over at him. "I will try not to hide it from you at least. I still don't want to bother others with my problems."

"I have nothing but time to dwell over everything." Kasper laughs softly showing off her hidden fangs. "Do you know if the academy supplies blood?" She blushed at the question turning her head away. Her steps graceful as she moved. "My first friend...I haven't ever had a friend before. Mainly because I haven't stayed any place long enough." Wrapping slender arms around his free arm smiling. "What are you doing tomorrow? Would you like to hang out and do some map reading?" Kasper didn't know why she felt so relaxed when this male was around but she was. "To bad I can't trap that power in something I can wear. I am sure you don't want to just hang around protecting me from everyone's thoughts."

(Sorry Kasper's first half was having trouble)

The celestial elf held him close for a moment letting herself enjoy this memory. She wasn't sure how he felt but having him close by made her feel safe. If he didn't want to talk about the old love at all at least he knew she was there in case he ever did. Terrance's cologne wafted lightly up her nose. Sighing softly as strong arms held her tightly. This moment was blissful no matter how innocent it was.

"Okay." The silver haired elf responded softly. Terrance pulled away and gazed at her for a moment. Not sure what else to say since he clearly made up his mind about something. Lota then smiled up at him gently. Yes she would probably get hurt but honestly right now she couldn't bring herself to care. The celestial elf decided that she would do anything to make him smile. Lota then moved slightly away from him as trying to give Terrance some space. Though there was something that made her want to be closer to him. Not just intimately but on all levels. Gosh she was being so stupid wanting a man that only will ever see her as the girl he rescued from being a magical slave.

'Stop before I get hurt. He doean't see me as anything other then his charge.' Lota shook herself inside her head. Zerrian should have been doing this but she didn't want him and was glad that the half demon decided to do it. Even if this is all that it turns out to be at least she can be near him for some time.

Terrance picked up the luggage once more and started to move. Lota's body moved before she could stop it. Leaning up she placed a soft light kiss to the half demon's cheek before heading into the school as if trying to get away. Her face burned hot as she moved through some people. 'What was that?!' The celestial elf scolded herself trying not to look back at Terrence.

The mai female stayed close to her husband as they spoke in hushed voices. His arm around her felt so good. It was really amazing to see this childish playful side of Hephastus. She loved him from head to toe and from every personality he has.

Katniss gazed up at him watching his face change. The demon was so stunning it was hard to keep her eyes off him. Jade green cat like hues studied the tall male beside him. She wondered what her gorgeous husband had planning in that stunning head of his.

"I think its time he moves on and Lota seems to have his attention. She also is about his type. I will most certainly help you just tell me what I can do." The mai female smiled very cat like and watched Terrence awkwardly move away from the celestial elf female. He clearly was into her and though she really didn't get involved in others personal matters this was family. The half demon wouldn't make a move so she will make him do it. Terrance hit Hephastus once more and was rushing off which caused her husband annoyance and they too rushed off after him.
Courtyard - Enzo

More gracefully than unfolding a massive person could be, Enzo managed to pull himself up to follow the little bossy boy. A spare glance backward toward the girl heading toward the dorms. Had he misread their situation? It sort of bothered him but he let it go on favor of getting to the whole reason he spent the better part of two hours searching for one student. When he turned back around, Mikael was yanking at his clothes like it was 150 degrees in the middle of a drought; he stopped in his track.

A dark brow lifted in curiosity, "Mr. Eriksson, why are you removing your gloves and mask if you think you'll risk poisoning people? I could die as far as you know."

His chuckle reverberated through his chest as he ignored the boy's offer to sit next to him. It would be an awkward fit so he climbed the stairs of the gazebo, ducking his head under the doorway even though there was still a foot or so before he was in threat of bumping it with his head. It was just a habit. Then he sat down on the ground in front of Mikael, eyes still level with his abdomen. The story was sad but not the first one he's heard still it hurt when the boy looked so down trodden.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you and I understand your fears coming into school here. Your fears are very very real. Trust me, I know. But I think I may have a solution to at least some of your problems," he spoke with a softening smile.

"My name is Lorenzo Milliken. I'm the Mithridatology Professor here at DKA. I mostly teach children the dangers and uses of poisonous, venomous and toxic animals, plants and creatures. Like yourself. I know what you are and what your capable of. I've met your kind before albeit in a more hostile situation but still." He found himself with his cheek propped on his hand, discreetly admiring the color of the boys skin, how silky it seemed to be, and how he wanted to touch it. It was so close too. Within his (only his lol) arm's reach. He grinned to himself, trying to suppress the warm feeling welling up inside.

"I want to touch yo- TEACH you! I mean, I'd love if you would enroll for my class. It would be mutually beneficial for us both if you did. Plus you'd get a couple of friends you wouldn't have to keep on guard around and I know you're probably thinking 'This guy is crazy. No one is safe round me.' But I can assure you that with me and other's of my kind, you pose absolutely no threat."

@Minta Rpfever

Library - Destra

Destra the ever present tease and quintessential flirt knew the warning tone all too well. Another thing he's been the subject of to many times to count. He almost growled when she all but pawed at him, playing into his game better than he could. Just the sensation of it brought up memories of many "study dates" and weekends they'd spent together where she'd do the same thing. She was magnificent really and if he was ever looking into a maybe getting girlfriend, she could be the one with their insane chemistry and fun they had together. Alas, he wasn't and she didn't usually date guys like him. That was okay though.

When her hands found his golden locks, his weak point she knew very well, his eyes shifted, his own look of warning. He had no one to blame for it but himself.
"But I take pleasure in other people's discomfort. I'm enjoying it, aren't you?" he murmured quietly this time, not wanting to give away his game to the others. Speaking of, they all stared dumbfounded while the two were locked in embrace. Des thought it was funny.

"They hate me enough as it is and now I'm manhandling their precious leader. Liah, they look like they might smite me down like the hand of God. Save me!" he whined jokingly, arms tightening around her petite stature so he could lift her up. But then he sat her down and unwound his arms from about her waist and leaned back to give her a gentle peck on the temple.

"Should I be going so you can get back to your shenanigans? I don't want to suffer your wrath if your unable to do what you planned to do today. The last time that happened, I regretted it very dearly."

@Ravynne Clave

Mikael glanced at Lorenzo for a moment then smiled with a small laugh. "Your right I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. But I figured that if you were looking for me that you must be immuned. However I should have waited to know for sure." As he sat on the edge of the gazebo the light breeze blew his black hair slightly. Sighing softly as he turned up his eyes to look at the older male. "I'm sorry that I possibly put you at risk." Straightening his back and leaning his head back to feel the sun on his face. "It has been a long time since I haven't worn so much clothing."

Hearing the laugh that vibrated through the teacher's chest made his heart skip for a moment. "Sorry that the gazebo isn't made for tall people." Seeing Lorenzo looking troubled for him he smiled softly and sighed once more. "I was young I suppose the worst of it is the fact I didn't understand till it was to late. I was making a friend but ended up killing her instead. I had time to understand that I can't be like everyone else with normal friends or relationships. I grew accustomed to my life of being with drawn." Aquamarine hues glanced up at the taller male. "You know how it feels?" Unsure of if it was true he decided to test it to be safe since he already messed up in his excitement. Running a nail down his palm and holding it out for the teacher.

"I will enroll if you are truly immuned to me or at least able to cure yourself." Crimson liquid filled his palm. "Lorenzo Milliken..." Waiting to see his aquamarine orbs grew wide with surprise. "You met vishkanyas before? My kind aren't the friendliest to outsiders." Mikael's skin not only was smooth but was the color of the very milk he used to keep it soft. Coconut oil worked well for not only his skin but in his hair. But it wasn't without its scars one on each wrist and on his left palm. Blood dripped from his held out hand.

The vishkanya's aquamarine snake like eyes widened once more. "Touch...me?" Shaking his head thinking that he misunderstood what was said. "Of course teach me." Laughs softly before lifting his bleeding palm to Lorenzo's lips. "If you don't die from this I will let you teach me heck I would let you use me as a lesson. I am just glad that I may have a possible chance to connect to people." Heat filled Mikael's cheeks as they burned a light pink.
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She leaned into his arm as they moved toward the tall dormitories she wasn't really prepared for. Not that she couldn't stay in a room with another female, Marisol just hadn't been too far away from Rune since he helped her on the beach. She knew of some people that couldn't be too far away from someone they shared that type of bond with. They said it physically hurt them to be. Of course she didn't have that exact bond so it should be okay. If it wasn't, she was going to hate explaining why either one of them were sleeping outside (or even inside) the other's dorm. Probably outside because there was no way Rune was going to compromise her reputation or the comfort of her roommate.

"You know that male attentions are inevitable but even if I was friendly with them, you are the best, Rune. Super cool, super cute, and just awesome. You are prime best friend material (even better boyfriend material she doesn't add)! All the girls should be lining up. Probably would be if I wasn't attached to you like a little leech! Oh! You know what?" she rambled on talking about some other random topic that popped into her head. She kind of felt on edge mostly because she knew her shy and quiet nature would come rushing back as soon as Rune wasn't there. It usually did. It was like he was the sun and she depended on him. She did depend on him for everything.

Marisol was in the middle of asking about lunch plans when the world went silent despite the crowd of teenagers in the courtyard. Instantly panic started to settle through her and the answer to her earlier fears sedated, overwhelmed by the new fear. Her hands found purchase in the material of Rune's shirt, clutching at him in a completely different way. Clearly distressed, the girl lost all strength to stand and she sank to the ground staring forward into the sea of students. Like the time on the beach, a speckle of white blinded the rest of the scene, making it seem her world see dim. The vision and spirit phased through bodies rushing at her, hands outstretched reaching toward the harbinger.

She could see it already. The scene on some back street in the city, definitely outside the the school's protection but not too far out. Some woman surrounded by a couple of thugs when the male spirit's image swooped in trying to help. Marisol saw the confusion on his face, freckled face ruddy with exertion. Some how she knew he was trying to refrain from using magic; the muggers were only human. It was useless she realized as she watched, the pressure building up in her head, pressing against her chest and making it hard to breathe. He wasn't able to fend them all off but at least the lady got away. Poor boy was stabbed multiple times before the others ran off. She could see the edge of the school through his eyes. Surely he could make it there and get help, is what his final thoughts were and he almost made it. He was inches away from breaching the perimeter, barely able to touch it before he collapsed. There he died, spirit leaving him. It was the out stretched hands she was seeing now.

He was reaching for help and not knowing he was actually reaching for his prediction. The force inside her was a lead weight, crushing her from the inside out until the only thing that could ever hope to relieve it blasted past her lips, a high pitched, screeching wail. She couldn't tell if people were watching her while she was doubled over holding herself as she screamed the boy's fate into the ground but anyone inside the borders heard. Any supernatural creature nearby heard. They heard her until the ominous warning faded away and Marisol fell forward on the grass, unconscious and thrusted into the void.


Agony let them go, face still hardened in disgust until he looked upon Misa once again. All his anger dissipated right there in her presence. She still had a strange calming effect on him that never failed to astonish and bewilder him to his core. But everything about Misa Amaranth did things to his core, he cursed to himself. Absolutely everything. Even now he noted the strange inner peace and how he no longer wanted to rip things ( or people who maliciously insulted her) to shreds for the sole reason that it might put her off. Being overly valiant can do that to some women. Misa seemed like she could handle herself and wouldn't appreciate the damsel in distress trope of their situation.

He did want to shout though. It was a completely separate feeling from inner peace. The dark skinned man still felt she was willing to throw herself in danger and that wasn't okay with him. Just as he looked up it fled, the need to reprimand just because he couldn't take his anger out on her. It wasn't like he was hers or she his. They weren't married in any sense. He didn't have a right to. His mouth snapped shut and instead he reached out and pulled a stray blade of grass out of her platinum silks.

"Misa," his voice barely came out above a whisper to him, the pounding in his ears almost drowning himself out. When had that happened? He asked himself, suddenly feeling the heat in his ears and neck. She was making him fluster! He almost flinched at the idea; he was always so sure of himself. Agony Remane de Muka was not a dubious or childish man and yet he was standing before the most radiant woman unable to stop the flood of heat or form more than a whisper of her name from his lips.

Her beauty had stunned him to silence; left him twiddling thumbs behind his back (Let's face that he had too much Pride to let her see that). The man finally broke out of it when the awkward silence almost warranted a hasty escape and he preferred her presence than leave. "What are- how are you doing today Princess? Well I hope? Besides the crude youths that are in serious need of an education in social refinement and rudimentary manners."

His words seemed a little bitter toward the end. Those boys deserved a discipline he wasn't able to give without seeming boorish and overprotective. All the while he gazed upon her like he tended to do whenever she was around and not as clever as he thought with hiding it. He rolled back on the balls of his feet, gently scratching his cheek that was heating up the longer he admired her. The man forcefully dragged his eyes away from her resting on the entrance of the school. He was almost 100% positive that she knew he was staring at her and he didn't want her to see him as cretin unable to properly and respectfully conduct himself around a woman let alone one of outstanding social position.


This young man was just about to enter into the dormitory entrance for the Crow House the third year would be staying at. He hated that his sister and best friend would be in Dragon House and yet he couldn't he'll but feel this would be a perfect opportunity to expand his circle of friends and maybe even become a little more sociable and friendly. It's the optimal exercise for him. His sister was already off to her own dorm room with the mass of luggage she just had to to cart along on their journey. He shook his head but couldn't really complain since she said he wouldn’t have to carry a thing.

He was glad he only had a couple of duffel bags and his garment bag with his new uniform in it because she looked like she was using a ton of magic trying to cart all her belongs off without him. Julian's hand was on the handle of the door when it started to rumble, vibrating beneath his touch right before the loudest scream, though familiar, ripped through his body. He knew the scream because he's heard it before but even so he tore off in the direction he knew Marisol would be. He hoped she was okay and wondered what she was even doing here in the same thought. And just then his sister questioned him about the sound. She'd heard it too while unpacking. Just like him she immediately recognized it as their older cousin. He told her that he'd take care of it that there was no need for her to come. It went against her nature not to when he or their family was in danger but he insisted she leave it to him and hesitantly she did.

When he burst through the ring of students gathered around a crumpled girl, Julian felt a trickle of fear before his eyes locked onto a young man standing too close to Marisol for his liking. "Iniabi!!" he called for her, eyes transposing from warm to warning as red seeped into his irises. It had been such a long time since he called upon his demon lineage that he felt the uncomfortable shiver along his hands where his nails were replaced with talons. The watermark upon his cheek flashed wildly in his distress, like it matched his heart rate. "Get away from her!!" he roared uncharacteristically, his sister pressing back inside his thoughts once again. The ground around him bled shadows from the silhouettes of the students watching their exchange. From these shadows men started to materialize dressed in their guard attire.

They tried to catch him as he charged forward toward the unknown male with every intention of putting as much distance him and Marisol as possible. 'Eliminate the threat.' his sister told him once. By the time he came to his cousin the boy had her in his arms and it only enraged him more especially when the guards started toward Julian with every intention of stopping him from harming the other or putting himself in harm's way. Your Highnesses were being thrown out all over the place and some of the shadowed men were already heading toward his target.

One man caught him by the back of the shirt and yanked him backward with a slew of apologies following after but Julian ignored it and moved toward the young girl. When he reached her, his arm went about her waist and his other hand mad move to shove the boy away from her. "Let her go before I remove that arm of yours!" he growled, taloned hand clamping around the males forearm. That touch stilled him. The haze of anger faded as quickly as it had boiled over. The talons disappeared and the red irises receded back to their honey brown. He looked at Rune then shifted to the unconscious girl wedged between them. Immediately he released him his next growl directed toward the men still coming at him. He quickly eyed them all, the men who came at his Aunt's order no doubt.

"Leave," he commanded.

"Sire?" a few questioned, stopping in their tracks. None wanted to accidentally plow down the Queen’s nephew. Even the men headed toward Rune came short of him when pausing. Julian sneered and another bellow came from him.

"I said leave me be!" This time it was clear, loud and a bit angry but as soon as it was spoken the shadows scattered, fading away leaving the trio amidst a very entertained crowd. Then he went quiet, deep purple lines glowing in random patterns beneath their feet (well legs and bodies but you get the idea) until opaque walls surrounded Julian, Marisol and Rune. He released Marisol and left her in Rune's arms but he did lay hand on her forehead with eyes closed and a few words chanted in his first language (Russian). When he opened them again he looked up at Rune. "She's there. My cousin is amongst the dead in the chistilishche."


Enzo laughed again, this time loud and uninhibited. "Trust me, they were not all that welcoming to my kind but that's a story for another time," his eyes crinkled in amusement. He watched Mika for a long time, eyes raking over him longer than appropriate or necessary but his mind was clouding over with an unfamiliar feeling. It really started when he was watching the boy "test" his vulnerabilities or lack thereof and challenging the fact that he couldn't be poisoned when he was already a toxic creature.

When the young boy held out his hand, blood dripping onto the floor of the gazebo, Lorenzo watched it mindfully and wondered when the last time he actually got to taste blood. For his kind it was difficult to obtain unless the bodies were drained first. Biting with their venomous nature would turn any creature into one of his kind whether they were alive or dead. Zelran tended to refrain from it, young and Fledglings moreso because restraining the second set of incisors was more difficult.

To Enzo it looked like Mikael wanted him to lap it off his palm, which in his subconscious he wouldn't have minded one bit. But he couldn't run the risk of a little bit of venom he may have in his saliva to infiltrate the wound so he closed the boy's fist with his own. He turned it on its side to allow the blood to path through the crevices and freely drop of the growing splotch on the wooden boards. "This will do." He informed holding his own palm underneath the drippings. At first contact with Mika's blood, spider like black veins webbed away from the droplet as it was being absorbed into his skin. The gentle hand closed around the boy's fist reacted in same way, black scatter over his knuckles up into his wrist.

As soon as enough was gathered for him to drink from he pulled that hand away towards his mouth. "So I drink this and you'll freely join me if I don't keel over? That sounds like a hard bargain," he joked with a gentle squeeze to Mikael's closed fist before shrugging then he tipped the hand against his mouth and let the blood flow in. His tongue flicked along the skin, picking up every trace of it he could. Once it was gone he held that palm out for Mika to see and waited. He waited until a freight train of warmth ran him over. He suddenly felt lightheaded and happy, so much that it unnerved him. He pulled away from Mika completely but his being didn't like that. It didnt make him feel bubbly at all but that smell did. Where was that coming from? he grinned overcome with heat. Like a little dog he sniffed the air happily and sighed when he traced it back to Mika's hand. His own tanned fingers smoothed over his wrist then brought it to his nose. "Tiny Mika, you smell delicious. Very very mouth watering," he purred happily, nose brushing against the skin there. Apparently all sensibility and appropriate behavior was being thrown out the window.

@Ravynne Clave @Minta Rpfever
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The necromancer male walked slowly beside the girl with a smile on his lips that only she could see. Seeing looking at the dormitories be kissed the top of her head. 'No worries Mari I am only thoughts and emotions away. If need be I will sleep in front of your room door if it made you happy.' His thoughts a whisper through their link. They shared a powerful bond but Marisol could move freely, act freely, and even be away from him. She would know if anything were wrong and he needed her because she could even enter his body and see through his eyes. Placing another gentle kiss to the top of her head. If one asked Rune about giving life back he would pretend that he had no idea what they meant. He didn't ever use that ability lightly because of the cost. However his thoughts thoughts changed after meeting Marisol he gave her a chance to live once again and being able to see that radiant smile and hear her musical laughter made his heart swell with emotions he didn't fully understand except for one the urge to keep her happy.

"Oh Mari you know exactly what I like to hear." Rune laughed softly stopping a moment to rest his arm by setting the luggage down. The necromancer could have called upon spirits to carry their things but he promised the beautiful radiant woman beside him that he wouldn't do that because they didn't like it. People that knew him before Marisol probably wouldn't have believed that there was someone that could not only get close to him but wrap him around their finger would have laughed. Rune stayed closed off cold and distant but she got through and now that she did he doesn't want to let her go. Hazel eyes turned to the banshee female beside him. "Girls can line up all the way down the street for me but none can compare to your radiant beauty and heavenly laughter Mari. You are the cutest leech that has latched itself to me." The last sentence was a joke the necromancer couldn't ever see his sweet as a leech.

Listening to her nervous ramblings made him smile and laugh deep in his chest. Then it happened the banshee gripped his shirt before falling to her knees. He knew these signs all to well so staying calm he knelt down beside her staying calm because if he panicked she would. This was her curse is what he called it being able to see ones death having to witness it and not do anything. It is why Marisol would always be stronger then he is. Not physically no but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Lifting her up gently into his arms. Rune held her close letting her head rest against his chest above his heart which pounded like a drum. The vibrating scream filled the ground then the air around. But keeping himself planted firmly he held the girl that made him feel complete.

As if things couldn't get worse a male showed up yelling and tossing threats around. Rune's hazel eyes glared back at the male. Demon or not he wasn't going to lose Marisol. The people faded as he just saw the male calling upon shadows. "Mind your own business." The necromancer spit back in a low warning voice. Holding Marisol tighter against his chest. Standing his ground and staying as calm as he could for Marisol's sake lifting his head his smooth voice spoke with power. "Spirits come to me protect me and Mari!" The shawdow guards now having to pass the spirits that were called upon blocking their way to Rune.

The necromancer didn't care that some of the shadows were trying to stop the male hazel eyes glared straight into the demon's eyes. "Try it I dare you." Rune gave an amused smile as the demon grabbed his arm. The spirits fought the shadows back while the necromancer lifted his head. But then he saw a change in the demon and the shadows were being sent away. A wall surrounded the three of them. Rune let the spirits go as well to show good faith.

"I know where she is at." The necromancer snapped carefully moving Marisol adjusting her so he was now cradling her. Placing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Who the heck are you? You maybe royal someplace but your status means squat to me. Touch Mari again and I will find away to rip your soul from your body." Gazing down at the sweet female in his arms. "Mari come back follow our thread. I know your scared but I am here. I won't leave you in the dark I promise to be your light as you are mine." Rune whispered softly into her hair his hazel hues still burning a hole into the male. "Wait did you say cousin?"

"Good that means you will talk to me another time. I am sure it was a unique experience on both sides." His smile soft as he spoke trying to picture how it may have went. The vishkanya could feel eyes wondering over him but that wasn't a surprise who's eyes they were was the surprise. Lorenzo clearly raking him over made his heart patter faster against his chest. The laughter made him giggle softly as he watched the older male.

Mikael watched aquamarine snake like hues unmoving from the teacher in front of him. He didn't expect for the older male to do it however it was confirmed when his hand was covered by the teacher's hand closing his own and turning it to drip into his palm placed beneath the blood. The wound closing slowly on its own but what really caught the vishkanya's attention was the black veins webbed and moved.

Mikael didn't move as Lorenzo brought his blood filled palm up to his lips drinking it. "I would have enrolled anyway." He gave a small smile. Aquamarine snake like orbs watching the teacher closely. "How are you feeling?" The vishkanya spoke softly his wound now closed but covered in blood. With his slender free blood soaked hand he gently touched the black veins on Lorenzo's face mesmerized by the etheral beauty that the older male held. His slender body shook with anticipation as the teacher moved away slightly before sniffing the air. "I smell of blood and coconut." The tanned fingers spreading across his wrist sent a heat through him till it reached his cheeks causing them not only turn a light pink but flush. Lost in the sensual aura that was radiating from Lorenzo. "Milliken..." Mikael's voice changed to a soft longing tone yet shy as his hues stared into the male's. The abbreviation of his name leaving Lorenzo's lips made his body twinge with electricity.
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All the questions and comments were definitely heard by the older man and he only responded with a few heated smiles, all wicked and delicious. He almost grumbled when the hand he had been studying and sniffing to his content was pulled away but didn't have time before delicate fingers brushed his temple, down his cheek and to his chin. He liked the tender feel of it, the hint of something more his brain way soldered together in the heavy haze overtaking him. There was something wrong, he knew that but the last time he had been around the Vishkanya, he'd only been agitated. So why was he behaving like this? His body acted on it own, unceremoniously pulling the boy of his little perch and into a straddle on his lap. Enzo leaned into Mikael's hand, the tiny trails left by his fingers exploding when left over blood was smeared across his cheek. It (the blood) disappeared before the hand fell away thus a new wave of farraginous emotion poured over him. His blissed out feeling deepened to something a little more needy.

His nose nestled underneath the like of his jaw where his smell was most potent and he inhaled his sweetness enthusiasticly. Meanwhile he left the boy's arms alone his own slipping under the hem of the long sleeved shirt he donned. The skin, like everywhere else, was silky and smooth beneath his touch. How can a person be this smooth?? His question lost upon his tongue flicking out against the boy's pulse. It was rapid though it was unknown if it was out of fear or something else completely different. The thought of scaring the poor guy didn't deter him from scraping his skin lightly with his teeth. "Mmmm.. Enzo not Milliken," he grumbled while nipping his way to Mikael's lips. Beaten by his fingers, he didn't settle in for a kiss until he teased the boy's open with gentle brushes. However, his kiss wasn't gentle at all as they took on a more ravenous pace. "See? I'm fine," he grinned goofily (sp?) when he finally acknowledged some of the questions.

@Minta Rpfever

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