• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy DarKode Academy - Rules

Ravynne Clave

Professional Hunger Inducer

These are the general rules for this role play. Please adhere to each and every one of them.

1. Refrain from any god modding.

2. Do not kill off someone else's character without the creator's permission.

3. No auto hitting or auto dodging. And do not attempt to control any character through your own post.

4. When you post be sure to add the area you're in above and underline it!

5. Respect :RpN: rules and stay away from R-rated topic. They will not be appreciated here.

6. If you wish to be part of the Shadow Council, PM me with a post of your role play. I am very picky so be sure you're confident in your abilities to impress. If you are chosen, make sure to place your position as I have done on your profile.

7. No fighting among members. Drama in the OOC is strictly prohibited, however, IC drama is more than acceptable. What's a role play without some battles and arguments, right?

8. If you wish to add something to the story line, run it by me first!

9. Each member is limited to ten characters. No more! However, if one dies, you are entitled to replace it with another.

10. If you have any problems or concerns with someone else's post or character, bring it up to me IN PRIVATE. I don't want anything but friendly conversation in the OOC, and I only wish to see role play posts in the role play threads.

11. The only students who live off campus are the Shadow Council members. The others live within their house dorms with a roommate. The Head of Houses live in the academy as well as the Headmistress, only the other teachers live off campus.

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