D&D - Crisis in Espen


Level 20 Mizard
Hey Everyone - I should be messaging you all the pre-written portions of your character bios soon. As I will mention, that is just a base, not your full character. Its supposed to help you make sure you feel relevant in the world and in the mystery adventure.

However not all of my game can be planned with just those details, plus there just some other formalities to get out of the way.

Inside the spoiler is the character sheet I would like you to fill out. You can be as brief or expansive as you want. Preferably you would use bullet-points but anything really goes. I want this to be as a casual stress-free experience.

Any and all details you add might help me add another dimension to the plot. So please be thoughtful if you can.









Markings/Other Appearance Details:

Background: (What Background do you think you will be?)

Personality Trait

: (Can be from the book or customized)


: (Can be from the book or customized)


: (Can be from the book or customized)


: (Can be from the book or customized)

Alignment: (Ask me if you are not sure)

Long-Term Goals: (What are you goals after you succeed in helping the Duke)

Important People: (preferably with your Character's opinion of them)

Some Recommendations - Parents, Siblings, Mentors, Rivals, Close-Friends, Previous Employers
Associations: (Any group your character might be a member)

Some Recommendations - Guild Membership, Monasteries, Religions, Loyalties, Lords

Hobbies and Interests: (What does your character do in down-time/long-rest periods)

Please give at least four in bullet notes

Important Events and additional History:

Any notes you want to add to your pre-written history.
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Skin in picture does NOT represent his actual skin color...


Name: Arterrian Korrithon

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 140 lbs

Hair: Chocolate Brown

Eyes: Shiny Silver (Yes, actually reflective)

Skin: Grey-ish Tanned complexion


Markings/Other Appearance Details: No Visible Markings

Background: Sage of the "Tetra-Maju". Instead of history, he is more well-versed in the lore (and religions?) of elementals and the powerful beings (gods) there-in. [[Arcana, Religion]] He has also studdied the link between elements and the old beings. (The two languages I would choose would be Giant and Draconic. If I must choose just one, then Draconic)

Personality Trait: He has a secret aspiration for acquiring all of the book series "The Ruination of Man". Long since out of print.

He is very well versed in Dwarven Folk-Tales!! (Including their legendary warriors)

Ideal: He will never pass up an opportunity to further his goal or gathering elemental energy. He will only forgo this if one of his methods conflicts with said opportunity.

Bond: He feels as if he is an outcast. He is only truly comfortable when he is surrounded by paper, ink, and stone walls.

Flaw: He has an intense fear of Loneliness. If it comes to him being alone or tossing aside his work, he will do so to NOT be left on his own.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Long-Term Goals: Combine all four elements into a unified, stable, AND easily malleable state in a living subject. This is to prove to the world that the interchangeable relativity of elemental-magic is real, founded, and proven.

Important People: Professor Kropapapalopolis (Only one who gave credibility to the 'chance' that the theory was correct), Slate (His rock elemental pet... thing.)

Associations: Long standing member of the "Alchemic Acclimation Association" and ranked tenth-most contributor of alchemy goods. (He had to make a living... But unfortunately, these guys are CHEAP as hell, and don't pay very good)

Hobbies and Interests: Scribbles spell seal blueprints (none of which have worked as he intended).

Staring at crystals (Ogling at larger crystals in shop-windows).

Charting the stars in association with the lay-lines.

Napping (He LOVES to sleep).

Reading and keeping up with advances in wizardry and magic in general (Books).

Listening to gossip about the interactions between authority and peasants.

Important Events and additional History:

((Work in Progress))
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Name:Lana Sombre

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 120lbs

Hair: Black, shoulder length pulled into a ponytail

Eyes: Green

Skin: Tan

Markings/Other Appearance Details: N/A

Background: Criminal - (Spy Variant)

Personality Trait: I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster.

Ideal: Maintain Order within society comes at a cost

Bond: I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my parents died.

Flaw: I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Long-Term Goals: Acquiring information for the order

Important People:

  • Parents - Deceased
  • Master Zaro - Mento/ Master
  • Enzo Guismar - Has been tasked to assist

Associations: (Any group your character might be a member)

  • Order of Blind Truth

Hobbies and Interests:

  • Meditating
  • Reading
  • Hanging around the local taverns, places with high social activity

Important Events and additional History:

Class Features: Criminal Contact
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Name: Koth'Quel Icaboz "Jester"

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 178 lbs

Hair: Shaved Bald

Eyes: Gold

Skin: Deep Red

Markings/Other Appearance Details: Two long horns protrude from his head and arch backwards within his jester's cap. His entire body from head to toe is draped in a jester's garb. His tail is thinner then most tieflings, and he is able to wear it like a belt around his waist under his clothing.

Background: Entertainer (Jester)

Personality Trait

: I know a story relevant to any situation.


: Society only works when everyone accepts their place in the hierarchy. Those are the top are the best people to control the masses.


: I made a deal with another Tiefling to leave the Devil Lands with the help of Lord Rajra without knowing what it would cost me.


: I will keep my secrets even if it will cause suffering to those around me.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Long-Term Goals: Jester's goal is to take a seat in the throne room of an Emperor of Uria. He does not have a preference towards one Emperor, only wanting the power of such a position. He is working closely for the Baron to build a relationship so that he can get a good word in with Emperor Wymon IV, the Emperor of Central Uria.

Important People: (preferably with your Character's opinion of them)

Devil Lands

Maldreshor -

A Devil Lord who he served in the Devil Lands as a Jester.

"A Devil of refined taste. Never entertained, always cruel. Unlike humans he was not easily manipulated by petty words."

Zazikz Zarguotha -

A Tiefling man who escaped the Devil Lands with Jester's aid.

"He was always paranoid and worried and concerned about a Lord Rajra. I have no idea what the two had promised, I hope with his death I am free of his word."

Circus Caravan

Quent Burns -

A human man who runs a traveling Circus. Jester met him when he first arrived in Uria.

"A strange man whose quirks are incalculable. He cares only for the enjoyment of others. When we met he promised me a place in his band, knowing I was a Tiefling."

Arianne West -

A human woman who taught Jester how to sow fabrics for costumes.

"A naive girl who believes what she wants not what she should. She was the one who told me to hide my face and be judged on my worth, not my race."


Duke Adelar Wendrake II -

The Duke of Espen, a man knowledgeable of war. He hired Jester after seeing him perform multiple times for Lord Garnell Rowe IX.

"The Duke lacks enough insight and considerations to believe eyes peer his way within his own walls. The dagger of war looms close to his back, and he's ill prepared."

Duchess Ariana Wendrake -

The wife of Duke Adelar Wendrake II. She holds a lot of sway over the dukes thoughts.

"The Dutchess is a woman of love, for her children, her husband, and her people. She holds many questions which are best left alone. But how the arrogant will seek knowledge where there can only be pain."

Enzo Guismar -

The chief adviser to the Duke, he holds knowledge beyond what any other in the Duchy could hope to have. A powerful monk whose loyalty is unquestioning.

"Monks seek knowledge above all, and that seems to holds true for Enzo. Perhaps in another life we would be allies. Until then I seek to keep my distance and avoid the man."

Leon Westson -

A strong abjurer who was recently hired within the court.

"He holds many mysteries, all which seem mostly mundane. He doesn't seem as loyal as the others here. I believe he is here for the pay, not for his own moral compass.. I do not believe he can be trusted beyond his contract."

Sir Kagnar the Stout -

A dwarf paladin and old friend of Duke Adelar Wendrake. He is captain of the personal guard and has a strong draw towards ale.

"The dwarf is very dangerous, but loyal beyond all else. I doubt he will leave the Dukes side till one of them part. He's trustworthy as long as you are mindful of his foolish oath and morals."

Aya the Farseer -

A diviner that works for the Duchess.

"I have never liked diviners. Secrets are made to stay hidden, if I wanted one to know where I was, they would know. Regardless, I can tell by my position and livelihood that she is either incompetent, or the Duchess asks the wrong questions."

Lady Larissa Summervale -

The treasurer of Espen.

"The woman holds a high value in gold and silver. The woman believes everyone has a price, yet she is foolish enough to believe everyone's price is in gold."

Dame Karine the Smiling -

The captain of the Duchess personal guard.

"The woman holds a smile as I hold a mask. Despite her efforts, one need not look far to understand the thoughts and motives of a paladin."


Lord Garnell Rowe IX -

A lord who controls the town of Garnell within Espen. Jester worked in his court before moving up to the Barons.

"The man is far less trusting then the Duke is. He never listened to the words I said, only asking that I perform. He was wise enough to suspect enemies in all facets of life."

Rika Quill -

A half-elven woman who served within the Lords Army. Since I left she ascended to captain of the guard once the previous captain had gone missing. "The woman has ambition for great power and a position near the top. She will try to reach the top as quickly as she can. However unlike myself she will do so even with volatile or corrupt actions."

Quincey Sigmore -

A human man who served as the adviser to the lord and a trained cleric.

"He is a man who seeks to bring his faith and beliefs to the people and the lord. He will only be satisfied when everyone plays to the lessons he teaches."

: (Any group your character might be a member)

Duchy of Espen -

The group of people in service of the Duke; from the knights to the cooks. In this order Jester sits as the court Jester and adviser at times.

Lordship of Garnell -

The group of people in service to Lord Garnell Rowe IX. His lordship controls the Town of Garnell, located within the Duchy of Espen. Jester was a part of lord Garnell's court before raising to the dukes.

Le Cercle de Merveilles -

A large band of acrobats, magicians, clowns and animal handlers that make a wandering circus. In order to bring shows across the Urian landscapes from town to town. They set up for anywhere from a week to two months based on how well the money from the locals flows. It is lead by Quent Burns. Jester had joined this troupe when he first arrived in Uria. you started as a freak magician but once you adopted his guise he was one of the top performers.

Barony of Worthum -

A Barony in the far south of Uria, it was ruled by Baron Herald Esquire III before it was burned to ash. Attacked by a neighboring barony, Herald III was killed when he went to fight with his troops. After this Jester decided to leave for greener pastures, knowing he would soon be killed.

Court of Maldreshor -

A powerful Devil lord. He has many slaves and tieflings in service to him. He is known as being exceptionally cruel and vile. Jester had escaped his court and the Devil Lands it is within. He hopes never to see it agian.

Hobbies and Interests: (What does your character do in down-time/long-rest periods)

  • Learning of the local lore and rulers by performing for villagers and asking questions.
  • Playing songs he enjoys on his piccolo, some of which he learned in the Devil Lands.
  • Repairing and tending to his outfit and costume.
  • Writing down notes for jokes, stories or anecdotes to remember.
  • Bonus:

    Making pokes and jabs at the various acquaintances Jester has in the Duchy of Espen.

Important Events and additional History:

Back when Jester was working for the Barony of Worthum he had married a woman, Elise Cornell. She was a Tailor and the two had bonded over their trade. Elise was a very opinionated woman. She was driven, beautiful, and above all else, trustworthy. The two first met when Jester was working for the circus passing through Worthum. She made many suits for the Duke and told Jester should could get him a meeting.

The two talked a lot when their paths crossed, always about herself or the situation of Worthum, never about Jester himself. Eventually the two became closer. Jester grew to love her and felt he could be honest with Elise and shared his secret, that he was a Tiefling. She was shocked, but after a conversation on what that meant she agreed to keep his secret and not too long after the were married.

A few years later the people of Worthum were unhappy, and talk of rebellion rose. Jester had a great dislike for Rebels who would seek to overthrow the order of society into civil war. Yet in his rants Elise stayed silent. Soon she was vanishing in the evenings and Jester had to wonder where she went. He shadowed her and found where she was going. A meeting for the Rebellion. She was a part of it.

Knowing the fate of a Rebel and the shame that would go with it, Jester broke his own morality for a moment of mercy. He killed his wife in her sleep, so she wouldn't be remembered as a chaotic rebel plotting against the Duke. Jester revealed who lead the rebellion and it's members, who were executed. They claimed that it was the rebellion leader who killed jesters wife, and Jester had the pleasure to hang him personally.

From that experience Jester vowed never to put such trust in anyone, believing love will make one take actions counter to what they should do, or what they want to do all for another. Love it turns out, was nothing more then a weakness.

Other Notes:

  • Jester will never reveal what he really looks like.

    When eating he will either do so in full privacy or use his magic to appear as someone else while he eats.

  • He will sleep in full garb if he can't have a locked chamber without windows.

  • His mask's nose is capable of siphoning liquids (such as water) along the base into his mouth.

[*]He will tell no one his name (Koth'Quel Icaboz) instead using Jester exclusively.

[*]He will almost never confirm or deny any rumors regarding himself.

[*]When casting his spells he has


motions, words, and components used.

  • Friends -

    He withdraws a container of

    black eyeliner

    which he

    applies to his masks eye sockets and on his eye lids


  • Mage Hand -


    upturns his hands

    and says

    "My Hands are Empty"


  • Minor Illusion -

    Must be

    touching a piece of fleece

    which he has along the inside of his left sleeve allowing this to be cast almost freely.

  • Alarm -

    By taking a

    silver teaspoon and a small bell


    taps them together

    while saying

    "I shall remember this place."

  • Illusory Script -

    Writing on to a piece of paper

    with a

    lead ink costing 10 gold pieces

    (which is consumed on casting).

  • Hideous Laughter -

    He takes a

    chocolate tart and a ravens feather


    dusts the tart with the feather

    while saying

    "Would you like a taste?"

  • Sleep -

    He takes a

    handful of rose petals

    which he

    showers in front of the target

    while saying

    "Beyond a veil of petals you dreams await."

[*]When casting his racial spells he

must speak in Infernal


  • Thurmaturgy -

    He speaks one of the following depending on the function of the spell:

    Echo. Light. Shake. Thunder. Open. Change.

  • Hellish Rebuke -

    He says

    "Burn in Hellfire."

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Name:Xanzaphir the Silent 'the Disgraced'

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 157 lbs

Hair: Light ash blonde undercut, with a layered top and bang.

Eyes: Blue with gold flecks

Skin: Porcelain

Markings/Other Appearance Details: As a half high elf, has tell tale signs of heritage with pointy ears and sharper features.

Background: Soldier - Disgraced/Hedge Knight Variant

Personality Trait:

I can stare down a hellhound without flinching.


Responsibility. I do what I must and obey just authority.


I would still lay down my life for the people I served with.


I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Long-Term Goals: Xanzaphir hopes to restore honor back to his name and regain his knighthood, hoping to serve under Lady Ashwin once again.

Important People


Petkas Siannodel - Elven father, no relationship except genetic. “The only time I heard of him was when I was knighted - receiving the Quiver of Ehlonna in his stead”

Rowan Brightwood - Human mother, raised him as a child. “Most of my memories consist of her trying to get rid of me…she found solace in Rianna, and we are on slightly better terms”

Lander Brightwood- Human stepfather, took care of him as a child. “Probably the most accepting - he married my mother despite me and even helped raise me...”

Phillipa Brightwood - Step - sister, fourteen years his junior and has only met in passing, without her knowledge. “Although I know I have a sister, she is clueless to the fact we are related.”


Dame Rianna The Watchful - Half -elf, personal knight of the Baroness and mentor to him. “I am only grateful for the many things she has done for me - including taking me in and fighting for my life in court"

Baroness Elicia of Ashwin - Lady of the court he served under until he was banished. “I can’t blame her for my mistakes, she did what was best for her Ashwin and I can hope she will allow me to serve under her once again”

Noel Valentine - A young human squire, left his training when his honor was lost. “It was foolish of me to think she would follow me after such a grave mistake, but I had hope.”

Lord Payton & Lady Maxime Luna - Baronet nobles and the parents of Jayce, the boy he killed. “I haven’t begun to apologize enough to the family, even if they were the same to push for my own execution”

Caitlyn Ashe - The friend he ‘saved’ that day, fled from Ashwin. “Most rumors would present us as lovers, we were maybe friends once - but she has nothing but hatred for me now.”


Milo Rein - A young commoner boy who became his squire shortly after they met. “He was only a street rat before he came under my hire, I hope to teach him better than the last...”

Baron Benedict Fusridge - The baron of Nightsummit, who he originally hoped to gain his knighthood back from. “I’ve helped the man with plenty of his barony, yet I was never offered a station at his court.”

Lord Reiner Tuskore - Presides over Deerpass, one of the small loyal towns of the Nightsummit. “A cheapskate, honestly - for the amount of missives I had completed I wish I had earned more.”

Court of Espen

Duke Adelar Wendrake II
- The Duke of Espen, who Enzo hired him to protect. “I have yet to have a personal conversation with the man, but that’s probably a good thing...”

Duchess Ariana - Lady of the court, can usually be seen with her husband or her children. “Not really a woman of note, other than her marriage - but what happens behind closed doors is none of my business.”

Enzo Guismar - The chief advisor, recruited him as a guardsman with offer of his knighthood back. “He is quite the mysterious man, he holds both knowledge and secret. However, to regain my honor, I must trust him…”

Adri - Assistant to Enzo, and his first contact of the court. “I find him more reliable than his master, and it was his way of presenting Enzo’s offer that had me accept...”

Sir Kagnor the Beloved
- Captain of the duke’s guards and a rather unexpected dwarven friend of his. “I’m glad to find someone as accepting as him in the guards, else I would be an outsider yet again…”

Sir Davis the Redflower
- Military Advisor to the duke, and a respected acquaintance. “There are times I can tell he looks at me as a half-elf, but he respects me for my skills.”

Dame Karine the Smiling - Captain of the duchess guard and a loyal knight paladin. “The few times we have spoken has been an exchange of tales of knighthood and a mutual respect.”


Court of Espen

The court of people that Xanxaphir is a guardsmen of, working under the chief advisor, Enzo.

Lordship of Nightsummit

A small barony that he established (some) fame and money in by collecting on missives and working directly under the town’s leaders.


One of the small loyal towns under Nightsummit, probably where Xanxaphir is the most known.

Lordship of Ashwin

The small barony court that he earned his knighthood under before he was banished from the land and stripped of his title.


A small town under the barony of Ashwin in which Xanxaphir was born and raised until he was taken in by the court.

Hobbies & Interests
  • Gambling in the evening

  • Spending time at the local tavern exchanging adventuring tales (mostly listening)

  • Walking around the city, looking at landmarks or just people watching

  • Checking in and training Milo

  • Riding his war horse (exercise regime)

  • Catching up with war politics

  • Tracking animals

Important Events & Additional History
  • Born as a bastard child of Rowan Whitgaze and Petkas Siannodel in the small town of Bridgecrest, which is loyal to the barony of Ashwin

  • His father was originally on a business trip and charmed by the simplistic caretaker that he took home for the evening

  • Having the disgrace of a half-elf for a child, Rowan immediately tried to find someone willing to raise him

  • Rowan got married to Lander Brightwood, and they raised Xanxaphir until he was a teen

  • Met and became friends with Caitlyn Ashe, a local who actually defended him despite his status as a half elf

  • Was taken in by Dame Rianna the Watchful to be a squire in the court of Ashwin

  • With his mother finally relieved of her burden, she settled down to have another child with his step-father

  • Started as a squire under Dame Rianna, learning to become an archer and a knight

  • Knighted by the Duchess of the Court, Elicia of Ashwin

  • Received a rare gift from the father that disowned him, a special quiver with magical holding properties

  • Earned his title as “Xanxaphir the Silent” - stealthy and silent in the field of battle and rather timid in conversation - although his silence is his own recognition of his race.

  • While doing the night patrol, he heard a scream and the struggle of a fight: it was a local Baronet’s son, Jayce Luna and Caitlyn Ashe, his childhood friend.

  • Thinking the situation to be the rape, he executed the boy in cold blood on the street, not expecting the repercussions.

  • Having made a terrible mistake, he was taken to trial and judged by the local nobility - most of which wanted his own death.

  • Dame Rianna fought for the sentence he got, which stripped him of his honor, knighthood and titles

  • Banished from Ashwin and forced to roam the county of Orwyn

  • Found his way to the barony of Nightsummit

  • Earned his keep with missives posted on in local taverns and slowly started to gain local fame

  • Finally, he took a missive from the local lord of Deerpass to sentinel the town from local bandits

  • Finding the bandits in the act, he critically wounded them before turning them in - not realizing the head had a rather lustrous bounty

  • Lord Reiner rewarded him with more political missions for the small town and the others loyal to Nightsummit

  • Met Milo Rein on the streets of one of these towns, and the boy was quick to look up to him - it was this that got him to offer him a position as his squire

  • Eventually he gained an audience with the Baron of the barony, who commended him for his efforts and awarded him some cash before sending him on his way

  • Realizing there was no chance of a knighthood, he relocated and found his way to the Duchy of Espen

  • In the night, after a visit to the local tavern, he met Adri - who offered him employment under his boss and as a guardsman to the duke.

  • Originally wary of false promises, Adri eventually convinced him to take the offer after hypothesizing it may lead to knighthood in Espen.

  • Has lived in the Court of Espen for a couple of months by now.
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