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Fantasy crystal gem Academy

"Well I'm not gonna lie, I haven't used it in a bit so I may be a little rusty so no promises on quality." Ryan went into the class and sat in the middle of the room.
"well just have some fun you two"Hinode wrote a letter to her telling Terra that we need to get to class and sent it to her by magic he then started to walk to the classroom

the teacher in the magic class got up when the whole class was there she then cleared her throat"okay if you are a unicorn pick one spell out the pile and join a group.if you are a dragon you only can use your fist no magic and join a group.if you are a Christian you can only use the speed boost spell on your teammate."

@See Me Play 0715


"I'm sorry I have a bit of a speech impediment the last ones are you I can't really say Christian see so you can only use the speed boost spell on your teammate."the teacher watched as the other kids got in to groups
"Whoops, my bad, so Hikaru, let's see if your reaction speed increases with this 'speed boost' sorry if this stings." Ryan recited a simple incantation and poked Hikaru in the chest "there, now to test my theory." Ryan threw a punch at him, it would miss him anyways but only by hairs if he didn't speed up.

@Blood dog @LeSoraAmari
"everybody has a team right can you send one person up here to draw a number out of the box."



"Guess I will go." Ryan walks up there and picks out a random number "4, what does this mean." Ryan had no idea what he was doing up there but he mine as well ask

@Blood dog
"I'm going to draw two numbers as well and whatever those two numbers are are these two teams fighting."
Hikaru dodged the punch Ryan threw at him only by a millisecond "So I can't use any magic.. Only hand to hand combat.. Works for me" he chuckles to himself as he looks at Ryan and smiles at his teammate "I wonder what this other team will be"
"Who knows but I can say this, the fight will jog my memory on what all fighting skills I have and how well I van use them." Ryan still had that sinister grin on his face, he knew full well how good his fighting capabilities were, it was well beyond most Griffins, most mages actually but he didn't brag about them.

@Blood dog @LeSoraAmari
"Oh really?" He looked at Ryan and smiled, it was a shame Hikaru couldn't be at his best since he wasn't allowed to use magic. "Well, since you can use magic you will be in charge of that. I have to get in close to fight"
"Fine by me, you stall them for a good while and when I say move, I highly recommend you move, or you may get hit in the process, just a recommendation, its your call if you move you not really." Ryan was getting energetic over a fight that may last only a few minuets at most.

Hikaru looks at Ryan and says "I'd prefer if you didnt order me around, I'm not stupid so of course I will move. Anyway, I will stall them then, what spells do you know?"
"I'm not ordering you around, I'm just giving a suggestion, its just a little thing that I love to use." He lifted one of his fingers in the air and drew a pentagram in a circle and then five ancient scribes that wrote out 'death' and one of his assault rifles fell from it "This is the main one I know, shoots three shots and its done, though you could equivalate those three shots to three railgun shots, mean, fast, hard, and accurate."

"Ah I see... Well thats a very pretty gun, I would show you my swords but like I said. I can't use magic so you will have to wait. Its quite annoying since I wont be at my best in this fight, but oh well" he giggled and looked at Ryan "Well, i'm ready, are you?"
"Always ready for a good fight." Ryan let go of the gun and watched as it shattered to thin air "I also have an ace up my sleeve for the last shot, but you may have to wait on that one, that one is my pride and joy, spent years perfecting it, even though after I use it, it practically knocks me out, I may still show it off this once."

Terra got the message before making a playpen for them to play in for the kittens and bunny. She didn't want them to get lost or hurt. Once this was done, she quickly made her way to the school building. "Sorry I'm late." The chestnut haired girl told her teacher and went to sit down next to Hinode.
Hinode gave Terra copies of notes that he took"these are the notes that you missed."

after everybody got a number the teacher got a box out and got two pieces of paper from within"We Got Game 25 and team 5."
"it's no problem I kind of like last year we went on so many missions even the classes were intrusting but now we have to take notes and listen to lectures."
las0r0o7 said:
"Always ready for a good fight." Ryan let go of the gun and watched as it shattered to thin air "I also have an ace up my sleeve for the last shot, but you may have to wait on that one, that one is my pride and joy, spent years perfecting it, even though after I use it, it practically knocks me out, I may still show it off this once."
Hikaru laughs, "Well, I would like to see your ace, but hopefully you don't need to use it, unless we are pushed into a corner" he sighs as he looks at the other teams assembling "This should be good..."
"Yeah, we have to be able to assess with our minds to be able to do well in battles." She said, copying down everything that was being said by her magical pen.

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