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Fantasy Crystal Crusaders!

Lucy Mer Ferto

Mentality: Drained

Health: Mending

Location: Forest region

Tagged: @Shura

OOC: ...

Lucy laughed for a second but it soon converted into a rough cough as her throat stiffened. "Just like he said... a heroic stiff." she whispered in her ear. Lucy took in a breath of air and tried to think clearly. Her mind was hit with a sudden wave of guilt that went away just as quick as the scenery around her. She had been trying to place the thought in the far reaches of her mind. The situation she had left Druo to deal with was not optimal. "He is not in trouble I am... I just need to keep my head down for a bit." she stated in a quiet tone as if someone could hear. The major developments that humanity has erected in the world has made life hard for Lucy. Now she had no choice but hide from the flesh bags. "You know...you run a fool's errand. You should concentrate on destroying those who cause the there to be shards in the first place." she spoke in a matter of fact tone.

The Kruso blinked at the mention needing to keep her head low. "Well if it's a place that you need to lay low you should be safe around here. Not many humans venture out this far, its mostly Kruos out this far." She explained softly as they started to approach the base. Dori blinked and looked back at the woman after her last statement. "Well... seeing as the Metalloids have been sealed away for over hundreds of years already. The ones who caused the shards are gone. Though some have started to show up again. The humans who have the shards are those who managed to find what we couldn't collect." She explained as she neared the entrance of the base. It wasn't the first time people had spoken of hunting down the shard holders. Some Kruos thought humans were responsible for the death of their kind when in truth humans had no idea what the even had. Though the appearance of more Metalloids was starting to worry her. She would have to venture to the sealed grounds to make sure things were still safe.


Crystal Base

Waking up

As Darius lay on the couch, his eye lids would flicker and his hand would tighten on his chest. He had slept long enough to build enough energy to awaken, His eyes opening slowly, the Image at first was blurry, the roof of an Unfamiliar building loomed above him, His eyes gave of a sort of red glow. as they shifted about the room, taking in the sights and the sounds of the Area around him. his eyes would move upward to look upon the figure sat by his head. 'Oda' he would of heard that name spoken when he was brought to the crystal's base. Looking at the large female he would note the crystal growths on her. 'the corrupt one eh." he would think to himself as he silently observed everything. not wanting to give them an indication he was fully awake yet.

Slowly he would begin to plot his escape. his eyes darting around looking for ways to escape the base, to get home. to continue his endless wait. 'I must leave here' his mind would think as his body built more and more energy. his hair growing longer slowly. as his body made some subtle creaks and cracks from growing in height. feeling it was nearing his time to escape. he would wait for the perfect opportunity. as he listened to them speak. hoping it would elude to giving him an indication of their intentions.

@DamagedGlasses @Absurdisan #anyone else I forgot to mention.

Crystal Base - Sitting on the Couch

So it was this man who started the fire? Oda thought back to the smoke she saw and hoped it was under control. Eve's hand on her shoulder was a hugely comforting feeling, and Oda relaxed a little. When Eve suggested punching the man squarely in the face if he tried to escape, she couldn't help but grin widely, and then Eve's wonderful comments about being one of the Kruos as much as anybody helped her jitters settle a bit further. Knowing that Eve trusted her to help out was a great confidence boost as well. She was still nervous, but at least there were people around who she knew and trusted. She'd hate to put them out, but she knew they would look after her if things got tense.

Footsteps alerted her to someone's arrival through the door and she turned on the couch to see who it was, seeing Erin's blue-purple shock of hair and violet eyes - Oda knew Erin pretty well since he visited the base every once in a while, and he was a nice man, apparently having boundless energy and a quick mind. Oda enjoyed talking with him about all manner of things, and seeing him in battle was very impressive. She wasn't quick-witted like him, but that didn't seem to matter. When he walked up to couch and offered to help, Oda smiled widely. "Oh, hi Erin! I didn't know you would be back here so soon!" She stood up and approached him, opening her arms wide, the crystal deposits on her shoulders and arms clinking against each other quietly. "Of course, I'd love your help - but you've got to give me a hello-hug first!"

She wasn't looking at the man on the couch, his dull raging aura a subtle presence in her mind but nothing more. Oda was sure that with Eve and Erin here to help, they could keep this fearsome man restrained until they could at least ask him some questions. Truthfully, she was a bit curious to find out what had happened as well, and if he tried anything she could just punch him in the face, just like Eve said to!


@DamagedGlasses @Seanzah Angel @Fujiwara Tadayoshi @People coming to the base
Lucy Mer Ferto

Mentality: Calm, Exhausted

Health: Mending

Location: Kruos Base

Tagged: @Shura

OOC: ...

Lucy felt a sly grin form on her face. It seemed the little hero didn't catch onto what she meant. Looking over the structure of building she got an European vibe from it. The structure was aged as vines crept up along the sides with the occasional structural crack. The beauty of it didn't seem to fade in the very least. It made Lucy's skin crawl from the site of it. "Metalliods huh. If you mean those metal globs I have collected a few chunks of them here and there." stated Lucy, her voice returning. "A few are in city limits you know. Humans are different and news will one day spread of them quite fast." she thought about this Internet thing they crafted. From what Lucy could tell from fighting them they were rouge and seemed hungry to destroy living things. Then again she fought small ones that tried to attack her with dagger like protrusions. About as dangerous as a kitten to a human.

"Oh, hi Erin! I didn't know you would be back here so soon!"
Oda exclaimed at Erin as she stood up to approach him and opened her arms wide, the crystal deposits on her shoulders and arms clinking against each other quietly. "Of course, I'd love your help - but you've got to give me a hello-hug first!"

Oda seemed so bright and happy that it forced Erin to be more happy, too. He smiled at her, chuckling at her bright attitude. It was rather rare for a Kruos to be so happy amidst such dark and negative energy. "One hello-hug coming right up." He said, opening his arms as well to share a hug with her. He kept his head just above the protruding crystal deposits on her shoulders as he did, and pulled away after a few moments.

"It's good to see you two." He said, looking at both Oda and Eve. Then he looked down at the Kruos on the couch and frowned. "Not so good to see you..." his voice trailed off and he sighed deeply with exasperation. "I have a feeling this one is going to get us in a lot of trouble." And he did - it was a gut feeling, deep within his mind. A voice in the back of his head was telling him to take the Kruos and dump him off at the nearest cliff to get rid of him. But then another voice spoke of hope for him. Maybe he could be of use.


Dori sighed softly as she neared the base. "Yeah... I've had to get rid of a few of the damn things but they are like weeds, you get rid of one another two pop up." She grumbled before shaking her head. "Eitherway. You are welcome to stay here if you need to." She offered as they reached the entrance and spotted several others gathered around the couch. Thankfully no fights and broken out. "Like like almost everyone's here." She chuckled softly before letting the woman down from her back and onto one of the chairs in the living area. Dori rolled her shoulders slightly feeling much better now that she wasn't carrying the extra weight. It wasn't that the woman was particularly heavy, but Dori was far from the strongest Kruos around. The brunet sighed looking over to the other Kruos that was on the couch glade she didn't have to carry him back as well. It probably would have taken twice as long. "Good to see you'r all back and safe. It's been a bit... exciting around here." She chuckled.

@Stickdom @King Of Imagination @TheMadIceCreamMan @Seanzah Angel @Absurdisan @DamagedGlasses @Felix

Sylas had figured it would be a good idea to follow the other Kruos, they didn't seem as though they would be bothered to have him. And based on the fact that numbers could always be a help, especially when it came to the metaloids. Sylas knew all too well how important numbers could be, and how much they could have helped to prevent the tragedy of losing his mentor. A quiet, nagging voice in the back of his head said something, but he couldn't make it out. However, it sent a shiver down his spine, and a sense of something sinister lurking in his mind. He ignored it, just as he always had. He knew what it was. It was the corrupted part of his gem. He sighed, shaking his head, and moved up to the other Kruos, the one that seemed to be in the lead.

"So, what is this base you're talking about? Also, what was that I heard your friend mentioning about the metaloids in the city? Shouldn't we deal with that?"


Crystal Base

Target in sight

Darius's eyes would move to the newer arrivals, gazing upon the fire girl. His eyes would narrow with anger and rage, the feeling of which would radiate from him, the Air feeling heavy as he shot up from the couch rather quickly, Startling those whom had not been watching him, His body slowly Armoring as he began moving towards the girl from the earlier fight. "You.." His eyes glowing red from behind the helmet as he approached her. The large Kuro known as Oda, attempted to intervene in his advance, as she was asked to stop him should he awaken.

Knowing their attack was coming Darius would deflect the punch, and use the momentum of Oda's punch to topple her over, stepping over her, kicking away her hand as it attempted to grab him as he stepped over her. nearing the fire girl, He would Spy Dori in his path. His eyes narrowing as he grabbed her and forced her aside. his hand reaching out to grab the fire girl by the neck, lifting her off the chair and into the air "
I said I would kill you" the fire girl would struggle slightly as his grip tightened her body still weak from earlier.

@Shura @Absurdisan @TheMadIceCreamMan @everyone else present

Dori sighed as she started to sigh until the large Kruos stood. Up she moved to introduce herself and start gathering information as to what happened when she was suddenly grabbed. There was no anger or aggression behind the movement which baffled her to no end as she was picked up and set aside as if she were some sort of child... or minor obstacle. The brunette blinked out of her confusion when the large Kruos grabbed the woman she had been helping. Cursing under her breath Dori drew her blade shifting the two crystal sabers into one large Scimitar. Hoping to end the fight early and keep from more damage and violence she swung the dull back end of her sword and slammed it into the back of the head belonging to the aggressive Kruos. Her goal was to simply knock him out not kill him.

The strike vibrated through her blade as she followed through. And just like one of the many trees which had fallen to fire before, the large Kruos fell, knocked out once more. Dori let out a heavy sigh. "Alright... so how about we lock this guy up?"
Lucy Mer Ferto

Mentality: Angered

Health: Mending

Location: Kruo Base

Tag: @Everyone in the base

OOC: ...

"The Metalliods aren't the issue here." Lucy thought to herself. The room was getting crowded and in her present state the situation wasn't pleasing. The faces around were all unfamiliar to her, as usual, expect when she saw the Black Knight laid down on couch struggling under his weight. A chill rode up her spine. Concentrating on him she felt his energy stirring. It seemed everyone was busy chatting up ignoring the brute. "The hell. Lay him down in comfort huh." she thought to herself. All of the sudden he rose up from his spot as his energy flared out, at her. A grin formed on her face, "I don't get a break today." she whispered to herself. Any sense of safety she felt around her fellow crystals burned up as he simply shrugged past Dori and brought the other large Kruo to the ground with a swift movement. "Tst hello big boy." she taunted when she was lifted from her throat in his armored gauntlet. The clear sound of crushing predominated from her throat but the smile didn't leave her face. "Kill me then and make it snappy." she croaked out. It wouldn't be the first time she got her throat crushed, but this wasn't one of those times. The Black Knight crumbled under the blunt force Dori delivered to the back of his neck. Upon his grip slipping she crashed back into the chair. Gasping for air Lucy took in a deep breath and spit blood on the fallen Kruos. "Wasted your chance again how shameless big boy." she taunted hoping he could hear her words.
Eve Sturluson

When the Kruos had come up from the couch, Eve had stayed calm, only tensing slightly and falling back into easy position to get her spear if needed. However, from what she just saw, with all of the Kruos's here, it was unlikely she would need to lift more than a few fingers. Dori had knocked the big bad Kruos out cold with one blow, and even if she ha full respect for Dori's power and speed of reacting to things, it seemed his power level was sorely lacking. It was a far cry from the psychotic deer-killer that she had met out in the forest just a few hours ago. Looking at the Kruos that he had went for, Eve remembered her getting friendly with a few other Kruos before she had left with the culprit. The two obviously knew each other, but how well, and for what reason were still up in the air.

Walking forward, Eve looked at the newcomer and smiled politely and with warmth, having very little physical evidence that this person deserved animosity, "Hello, my name is Eve Sturluson. Most call me Eve, so feel free to as well. And you're name is?" Eve glanced at the Kruos on the ground, before back up to the female kruos, "I can't help, but feel a bit ignorant right now," Eve glanced to Dori, before continiuing, "What exactly happened before this man started the fire?" Eve realized that Seth was probably done with the cell by now, having been given ample time, and so she looked around and asked, "Could someone go check on Seth, he was susposed to get the cell ready for this Kruos and I'd like to get this Kruos locked up before he wakes."

Eve felt a bit tense after such a high battle, and may have been feeding off a bit on her past reincarnations influence in her adrenaline rush.

@TheMadIceCreamMan @Shura @Seanzah Angel @Absurdisan @Der Kojote @Felix @King Of Imagination


A bit of a twinge crossed Samir's face when Dori talked about metaloids... "Huh...metaloids not heard that name in a while." With so many lives only the faintest memories of his battles with those remained. As they approached the base, Samir felt quite relieved, as much as he liked the idea of constant wandering, honestly he just wanted to relax for a while. Though currently that seemed to be not very possible, as the Kruo that seemed to be exceptionally hostile seemed to be waking up. the threats of death rose from him again. Ahh boy this guy is wonderful! Worse than that ottoman captain I served under in the 15th century... He was about to say something when one of the Krous hit the man with the dull end of her weapon, which took the form of a scimitar. He nodded in approval, "Nice, hmm nice looking scimitar as well, not influenced by anything on Earth, especially not from the middle east. As to locking him up...unless you got a good strong cell, this guy would break Damascus."

@Shura @Fujiwara Tadayoshi <-@hegetsknockeddownbuthegetsupagain @nevergonakeephimdown

Dor let out a heavy sigh as the large Kruso fell to the ground and didn't get back up. "It may not be best to taunt the sleeping giant." She advises as her weapon fade away. The woman looked around at everyone else and scratching the back of her head. A grin crossed her features as Eve introduced herself and nodded. "Well then. I guess it's time to acquaint ourselves on possibly friendly terms. Hello, I'm Labradorite most call me Dori." She greeted trying to break the tension in the room. "I'm not sure who started the fire, Eve. We're still sorting all that out."

She muttered before her gaze shifted to one of the new comers who had spoken up before. "Ah well you had mentioned the Metalloids right? They haven't been active. Making them very very difficult to find. Two were taken out this morning but things have been quiet since. There will be another patrol in a little bit if nothing come up on the scanners though." She assured with a slight smile. Then heard another spoke up and tilted her head "Damascus?"

@DamagedGlasses @King Of Imagination @Seanzah Angel @Absurdisan @Felix @Der Kojote @TheMadIceCreamMan

Sylas nodded, metalloids in large numbers could be an issue, but if there were only two or three, that wouldn't be too big a deal. At the mention of Damascus, Sylas' memories from what his mentor taught him came back, as well as some of the knowledge that his mentor himself had had. "Isn't Damscus a type of steel? Folded or twisted, many layers, supposed to be pretty tough. Common material for swords and other weapons, even today. Well, at least human weapons. Am I correct?" He looked to the Kruos who had originally brough it up. He looked young physically, but his eyes had an older, experienced look to them that led Syylas to believe that maybe he had been reincarnated at least once.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Theothers


Samir was about to correct Dori when another Kuro spoke up. Without missing a beat he spoke up. "Incorrect! though you are right about the materials as well general method of production of the material, you are incorrect of the amount of Damascus in use, as the recipe was only rediscovered a few years ago!" He stopped, and began looking around, he slowly began to slink back, "umm...of course...I umm..only know that because I'm a native to the region...and spent years there and...ummm...sorry to have jumped on the topic like that.I at least remember that much. Vague memories of the crusades and all...and a lot of...middle eastern history..." He sighed more than a twinge of sadness was in his voice, "Being on the 1st quarter of your reincarnation cycle always is problematic..."

@King Of Imagination


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