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Fantasy Crystal Cove

Hi Im Red

Real Life Superhero
  • Hidden deep within the lush and serene forest of Mt. Blue State Park just along the edge of a beautiful lake lies the seemingly sleepy little college town of Crystal Cove, Maine. At first glance one might never believe that the area has been home to the creatures of our imagination since well before the town’s official founding.
    In spite of it’s long entanglement with the likes of demons, werewolves, vampires and more, Crystal Cove has essentially remained a rather tranquil community. The type of place with white picket fences and rather too nosy neighbors who know a little too much about your personal life. Summers here are spent bathing on the lakeside beaches, while winters are either spent on the slopes or next to a cozy fire with hot chocolate in hand.
    But there is only so long that a town so caught up in the affairs of the supernatural can remain peaceful. Between the gruesome quest of a power-hungry demon coming to its pinnacle, the threat of a war between werewolf packs, and the sudden arrival of a group of very old vampires, Crystal Cove is bound to receive a rude awakening. Change is coming for this sleepy little town, and nothing will ever be the same again.

  • All RPnation rules apply

  • No god-modding, please

  • Let us know of your activity level! (If you are going to work, bed or on vacation etc)

  • Cursing is allowed but keep it to a minimum please

  • When the clothes are off you are off until the dirty bit's done

  • Have fun

  • Um ya have some more fun

  • Oh yes! No more than two characters please :)
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Hi Im Red updated Crystal Cove with a new update entry:

Crystal Cove images





This sign is posted deep in the forest where no one can see it, and if they do they are usually killed...
Read the rest of this update entry...
We will start when we have the Alpha Wolf(which is kinda important) and at least one more teen, also when everyone who's made a reservation up until now makes their character
Hi Im Red updated Crystal Cove with a new update entry:

Availability/Starting the RP

Positions open:
Teens: 2 spots

Vampires: 1 spot

Demons: 3 spots

Werewolves: 2 spots

Starting the RP:

I know you all seem to be eager to start this, I am too. However I am waiting on the following to fill in their reserved spots until we start:



Now I will be giving them both notice that if they're character's are not in by tomorrow at 12:00 [Eastern Standard Time] then the RP will be starting without them.

Reservations are only being held for 48 hours!...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Im Red updated Crystal Cove with a new update entry:


I have come to notice that there is a small shortage of male characters, so now I am only accepting male characters!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Crystal Cove: great destination for tourists, travelers come here due to the odd but exquisite scenery. Very few actually live here, however those that do usually have been here for over 100 years. Lurking in the shadows, and blending easily into the faces of mortality, they walk among them all, either searching their new prey or it is just a harmful trip into the city.

Deep in the forest where no mortal would venture, there are the werewolves, not much has been known on what they do out that far, however they seem to leave humanity alone. It's the vampires they attack, they've been in an ongoing battle for centuries; their ancestors fought on the soil of Crystal Cove to reclaim their land and let their new generations live, that was over 3000 years ago now. But for 3000 years, the wolves and vampires fought, with no reason of fighting, only out of hatred of one another.

The vampires live off to the western coast, a very secluded place with very few people who enter, if they do enter most have died. Which is a rare occurrence in the Cove. They are close to both the water and the forest, and far enough into the forest is the treaty line. Where the settlement was made that the two creatures wouldn't enter one another's territory .

Demons are only seeking to rule. The Alpha, named after the devil himself, has plans to recruit any and all demons, raising those from Hell to aid her in an army to take over Crystal Cove where her children of demons and lost souls to stay and help out with an even bigger war. Plans were brewing withing the small family of Demons that live on Crystal Cove, though, many Demons had come to the Cove after hearing of the Alpha's whereabouts. Many respect her, however she has ones -like her own flesh and blood- that loathe her.

Now four(Actually five but we only have four right now) teens that all have gone to live to Crystal Cove have bonded over the years that were there, some oblivious to the paranormal, and others ready to dive into a like of supernatural. All living together on a little beach side home, completely oblivious to the plans of war brewing within the wonderful life of the Cove.

Out on the cool white sand, there was a large fire; man made of course! Jacob had the idea of going onto the beach and having a bonfire, and sleeping under the stars that night with his three housemates; Will, Letty and Emily. They were all sitting around on their own blankets not watching the fire as Jacob held a flashlight under his face, creating what he hoped to be creepy, but really wasn't, shadow on his face. "And as the blood oozed out of her eyes, blinding her, she screamed for help! But the only one who helped was Mary, helping her die faster. She stepped out of the mirror and burnt her eyes out of her brain. Leaving her body for her husband to find in the morning," he finished up telling an old story about the Bloody Mary legend, before laughing, because it truly was a ridiculous tale, and to even speak of it, he tossed the flashlight on for one of the others to share their own 'scary' story.

Lucifer was working, she couldn't be bothered, she had to finish this by morning! She had to. There was a spell, an incantation that had to be done in order for this to work. Certain ingredients that needed to be found, ones that she couldn't get on this godforsaken land. Lucy speculated that maybe, just maybe the wolves or the vampires had such things in their possession. However she couldn't trust those dull creatures, they haven't been alive long enough to know of such things. A long sigh came from her lips as she shook her head. It very well may take another whole century to gather everything and have her way with the world. Lucy didn't have a century though! She needed this done as soon as possible, her children needed to be free and alive! Children, right, "Donovan!" she shouted for her son, there was someone that she could possibly go to that could help her. A man that respected her, a resourceful man.

@Gold Phoenix @Traceless @Jem13 @X3 Infernal Infinity @Aspiel Monroe @HatsuneNeko @TheUnburnt @BongoMancer2 @The One Eyed Bandit @DrHuggies @Sixxx @EternalMusic
Blue- I stumble out of my wolf form and into my human looking down at my baby bump sighing," guess its just us for now" I start walking towards town
((Please do not freak out, I'm an over achiever! This is merely the starter, that is why it's so long! Your reply does not have to be NEARLY as long, however as long as there aren't any 1 liners. At least 50+ words for a reply, thank you! ^.^))
[QUOTE="Hi Im Red]((Please do not freak out, I'm an over achiever! This is merely the starter, that is why it's so long! Your reply does not have to be NEARLY as long, however as long as there aren't any 1 liners. At least 50+ words for a reply, thank you! ^.^))

Will do ( sorry the first on was so short) 
Yay ! Reply tho I'm excited 
Ok good.so reply lol
Letty sat with her arms around her knees, listening wide-eyed to Jacob's tale about Bloody Mary. She gently tucked her blanket closer around her as the story came to it's climax. "Come on." She laughed, tossing a handful of sand towards Jacob jokingly. "Everyone knows the Bloody Mary-tale, she wouldnt burn your eyes out. She'd just slit your throat and leave you to die. Right?" she said with a smirk. Letty didn't really know any supernatural tales, she just felt like teasing. Her hand found it's way up to her hair. Once again, it fell into her face. She shoved it over her shoulder and smiled teasingly at Jacob as he tossed the flashlight for someone else to continue. She enjoyed hanging out with her housemates, even though she missed her grandma. They made her feel welcome, safe, and she always forgot about her past when they were hanging out, like now. On top of that, she never really knew any tales before meeting up with this bunch. So she loved to just sit around with them, listen to their stories and joke around.


Matthew turned the key in his brand new mustang, and waved to the expressionless owner of it as he drove off his property with music blasting out the open windows. Once again, his compulsion worked flawlessly. A brand new mustang was just another object he'd gotten with his powers. He smirked and tapped his fingers on the steeringwheel, when his eyes caught a brochure in the passenger seat. "Crystal Cove? What the hell is that?" he mumbled, and floppily moved his hand to check it out. "Really? A supernatural TOWN? Mygod, I preferred the 1950's." He sighed, but couldnt help to get curious. He pushed "his" car to a full throttle, and decided to check out this mysteriously supernatural phenomenon. Maybe he'd be surprised? Besides, he had nothing but time.
Planning on going on a nighttime stroll as he normally did at this hour to pass the time Azazel looked into one of the many mirrors in his store, adjusting his tie and brushing down his coat. After having made sure he was presentable he stepped out his front door and headed to his first stop on his nightly patrol, the nearby beach.

Nearing his destination he noticed the plume of smoke and the glow of the fire on the shore, stepping to the edge of the sand he began to listen in on the group of teenagers huddled around the fire, his ears pricking up when they began to tell each other stories to attempt to frighten one another. After the one who seemed to be guiding the conversation finished his story about "Bloody Mary" he chose to approach. His shoes trailing across the sand he came to a halt at the edge of the firelight, giving a polite wave to the group he began to speak "I was passing by and couldn't help but overhear your stories" Placing both of his gloved hands onto the top of his cane mid sentence "It seems you lot have an interest in the supernatural. If that is indeed the case I have something that may.." Taking a breath as he paused for effect "Interest an intrepid group of youngsters like yourself" Finishing he smiled as he bathed in the warmth of the fire, a pleasure many immortals seemed to overlook, caught up in their grand schemes.

(I forgot to mention in my character sheet, he uses the name Laurence Hale around non-demons. I've added it to my character sheet now.)
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"Seriously? I had just lit a cigarette," Donovan thought as he put the butt of the Marlboro to his lips. He wasn't ready to deal with Mother, his brain was still cloudy from the party he went to last night. All of the drugs and pretty human girls had relinquished him of his stress, even if it was only for that night. Here he was again however, hungover and already agitated at his mother.

He made his way out of his room and into the hallway walking at a lazy pace. He had no desire to see her, only to puff on his cigarette a little longer in peace. Taking a drag he rounded the corner and opened the door to her study. There she was, in all her splendid ugliness, looking like she just got hit by a freight train. Donovan managed a chuckle thinking about his mother getting hit by a train. Nothing brought him more joy then her death.

Taking a hit of the shortening cigarette he looked at his mother, thinking only ill thoughts he finally said, "What?"
"It's the supernatural!" Jacob grinned, "anything could happen. She could slit your throat, burn you eyes," he said with a chuckle. He enjoyed these nights where they would just get together and tell stories, even if they weren't scary ones. He very much liked his life since he's moved out to the cove, things have gotten exceptionally better for him as he spent more days here. Despite his disappointment for the lack of supernatural things. Hoping to discover so many things when he came here and found jack squat made him want to move back home, however he forced himself to stay and not move away. "Mary could even take all your precious hair!" he chuckled as the man approached. He had seen him before, yeah, he owned a shop around here, it was big on getting tourists. Jacob almost laughed at his overly dramatic pause and nodded his head, "Alright, what stories can you tell us -and please! Only stories that haven't been told," he grinned. The man was harmless, he knew that much, he owned a shop for tourist! What was the worst he could do? Sell them something?

Lucy visibly rolled her eyes as her son entered. Though it may never seem it, she adored her son and wished that he would have done better. Her son was her own and no matter how much he seemed to hate her, she still loved him, and would always until her last breath. "I could easily kick you to the curb, Don, but that would be such grand mercy on your part," she laughed half-heatedly. Easily, she could tell he was drugged up and most likely hungover, she scoffed loudly and looked back to her books, "Where did I go wrong with you? If you stopped wasting your time on drugs and parties. It's pathetic Donovan, I hope you see that if you didn't do all that you would have so much potential to be Alpha," she shook her head, "Just a waste of precious space here," she muttered then looked back up to him, "I need you to get me Azazel and Virgil, I need to speak with them."
"A story you haven't heard before?" Raising an eyebrow at the rather cocky sounding man's "How about I show you something instead?" Returning the mans grin as he drummed on his cane in annoyance. "It is to do with that Blood Mary story you seemed to be so proud of." He'd met many like this boy in his time, overconfident kids who thought their stories were the most terrifying things a person could hear, and it was one of his favorite hobbies giving them a real taste of the supernatural to put them in their place. "By the way, I am Laurence Hale, owner of the antiques store in town. May ask as to what your names are my dear ladies and gentlemen?"
Blue- I see the fire on the shore and notice others joining, they look like they are enjoying them selves but I wonder on ,I have to find a place to hide and I need to buy supplys

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