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Fantasy Crimson Streets

I have considerable time on my hands these days, so I am finally going to attempt a submission for another active game.

I have no problems posting at whatever rate the game can move.

I am very excited about the prospect, and this story sounds like it will be a hell of a lot of fun.

So I will post a character concept asap.

Thanks Dragongal, looking forward to a great game if accepted.
As I've said, I'm going to be very tough on the CS's, however, I must thank you. I didn't think anybody'd be willing for a go at this, but, well... so far, it's promising.

If you want suggestions or have a question, I'm always happy to Private Message you :)
Thank you. I am sure there will be some dialogue there. I am reviewing the material and working on it now.
Sorry for the delay in getting my submission to you. I hope you find it acceptable, and looking forward to some great fun.
I'm going over it now. So far, it seems good, with one small problem.

When you read characters' minds, even some non-essentials (such as the White Queen and messenger boy) you will have to speak to the user through PM or other means, because, you know... puppetering, or ghosting, or... however you like to say controlling another character. That will be a great deal of work on you.
Thanks. Hmmm yes that's very true. Well, the work is not an actual deterrent with respect to my will to pursue it,

though I do imagine it can become a bit cumbersome at times, and I don't want to slow the game.

So that is worth some consideration. However, we can either change it to something completely different or try to minimize it,

but my but I think in hindsight it will hinder the game movement.

You tell me. I would be willing to remove it and submit another 2nd power, or beef the obfuscate up in some manner,

and minimize the telepathy to say just being able to read falsehoods or manipulative statements to know when

another lies or is full of shit. That way could just treat it like an alarm, for purposes of posting, letting me know in a pm that it was triggered, etc.

That might be manageable. Tell me which way you want to go. I have other ideas ready to roll, just would need to fine tune and submit one,

or a differing set.

In the interest of expediency, so I can help things move forward. I will be striking the telepathy mind reading, for the mundane attribute of genius intellect, with outstanding reasoning ability. I would like to add a passive lie detection at a negotiated or assigned/undisclosed percentage so that it may be tracked and utilized to your means. That would be a good balancing weakness, my own confidence vs. the actuality in the case of wrongly assessing situations.

If that sounds acceptable, I would just like to make some changes to bio/ and background. Just change mostly the story/ minor tweaks to personality.

I should be able to finish that tonight.

Ok Dragongal, I have made the adjustments which should alleviate the issue, and I think you will approve.

Most of the changes are to the details of background and personality, aside from the loss of mind reading and re-vamped power concepts.

I hope you like the changes, I am happy with if it you are.

My apologies to everyone, but I recommend a quick re-read to familiarize yourselves with the changes.

Thanks, look forward to hearing back Dragongal. ;)
See, I thought you actually did a very good job of making it not- OP before. I will read up on it now.

I read up, and you're good :) I will make the Accepted notice later today.

I'm actually going out and socializing today!
Awesome. Good news! I confess that I do not know what OP refers to. Kind of a newb... lol

Well have fun out there, and game on!

Um, Knight, your post was very good, however, I think that if people are going to be posting, we should post perhaps what we are doing when the messenger comes, our response to it, then the beginning of the travel, because our characters cannot meet each other yet; we're not done accepting people yet.

'Tis a shame, I really did like your post.

HOWEVER, I will be posting an example post momentarily. AFTER THAT POST, EVERYONE MAY MAKE A POST SIMILAR TO THAT, BUT YOU MAYN'T MEET ANY OTHER CHARACTERS UNTIL I SAY. In fact, I'd like it if you held off the guards' arrivals; the characters will all be passing through the Second stein on the same day (except those from 1st stein)
Sorry. That's unfortunate. I deleted it, but I was just going by what you had posted:[You may write from whatever position, may it be when The Errand Boy approached you and write from then on until the foyer or when the guard came to you. Put your characters name at the top of each your posts and try to tag each person you may interact with. And most importantly have fun!] I will wait for the others to post first.
By, "and write from then on until the foyer" the and meant that was after everyone else had posted, we'd continue to there.

I think what we're going to do is make our introduction posts, then once I've closed this RP to newcomers, our characters may begin to travel; I was thinking of some of our characters meeting up during travel to the destination.

I see how this would be confusing; I'll edit my post.
No worries at all. I just didn't want you to think I was trying to take the liberty to jump right in lol. ;)
Well, normally there's supposed to be some sort of signal. But I never really got that part of it, either xD

All I know is people can't interact until everyone has made their introductory post.

It was a very excellent post, though. I was sad to see it go.
[QUOTE="Aristos Fortuna]It was a great post, Knight, I can't wait to read more (*U*)

Ohh thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed it, and plenty more to come. Very excited to get this one rolling, I think it will be fun.

Love the character concepts from everyone! Very unique and out of the box ideas. Very creative!


Dragongal said:
Well, normally there's supposed to be some sort of signal. But I never really got that part of it, either xD
All I know is people can't interact until everyone has made their introductory post.

It was a very excellent post, though. I was sad to see it go.
Thanks, I wanted to kick it off grandly to start. I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. (:B)
It's promising so far, but we need some more people. We have some people interested, however.... We'll see how it works out ;)
[QUOTE="The Doorman]
Will it hurt if I'm a tad late?
(I'm a bit slow in character creation... I think too much.)

Just make a CS :) You can mark it WIP.
[QUOTE="Kinzu Hekmatyar]Hello,thought i would greet before i started working on a character sheet .

Kind of you. Of course, you're welcome to ask any questions you may have.

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