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Fantasy Crimson Night Main Thread

Maverick Lucian/Lycanthrope/loner
Maverick had got what he wanted and made his way back outside. He immediately noticed the woman earlier in distress was more aggravated. He walked up behind the woman " Excuse me is there a problem here? " Maverick asked curiously. Of course he knew there was a problem; but usually when bad actors start to draw attention, they tend to back off more so in public. Still he stood firm looking at the two woman for a response. He hoped the situation would not escalate especially with this vampire. He did not want to be dragged into any conflicts, but he would not pass up someone in need of aid.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising , Sybil Sybil
Orma Harvinci - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
Orma leaned forward, glancing at the person..... before sighing and flipping forward over the car to land. "Fine. I am going. There wasn't a problem until this one pulled a gun." She pointed one of her armored fingers at the scientist, keeping her hearing trained on her. If Stella goes to squeeze that trigger while she isn't looking, the vampire would know.
She looked up at the man, tilting her head as she seemed to pay the scientist no more heed by her body language. "
Maybe you can help me?" He smells funny. Possible food?... No, not this one. Bad idea. She shook that idea out, something telling her neither of these people was worth the trouble. No, Orma wanted info without having to get involved too much. If she got involved, who knows what might happen?
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
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Dr. Stella Verin - Scientist - Human
Stella scoffed, "There was a problem when you refused to get off my car when I asked you the first time." She lowered the gun, putting it back in it's hiding place. "Now I'm going to go home and get some sleep before I crash..." She walked passed the woman and opened the car door. "Thank you sir. I'm fairly certain she wouldn't have gotten off even with my gun aimed at her." A small wave of dizziness hit her and she swayed into her door, smashing her remaining donuts. "Damnit..." She had been up for more than 24 hours...her boss would kill her if they found out.
Sybil Sybil Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Pavel & Dominic Bersk - Lord & Unknown - Blood Vampire
Dominic stared down at Rosetta, his eye piercing through his broken helmet. looking down into her soul. His remaining arm, Swung Matching Pavel in speed., Grabbing her "Kill Me?" He Threw her down the stairs "NO!" Pavel ran to the the stairs to catch Rosetta but Dom was already bottom, Swinging at pavel, But weak from exhaustion, he made a mistake and he realized it when hi brother flipped him over his shoulder Pavel still managed to catch Rosetta He turned to zane. "ZANE IF YOU KNOW WHATS BEST, YOU DO SOMETHING!" Dom was standing at this point and looking at mat, and zane.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Dafyddwilliams14 Dafyddwilliams14

Samuel Ebeck - Wereking - Werewolf
Samuel look up getting ready to offer Yanica a drink. When a voice came singing through a window that was cracked open, "Great he's at it again....Yanica, Alex...let's go make sure Trinton gets home..." He stood and walked to the door opening it for Alex and Yanica. He might need their help with Trinton if he got out of hand.
Fuzz Fuzz ImABloodyFrickinPirate ImABloodyFrickinPirate

Alex Ebeck - Hunter - Werewolf
Alex nodded, "He must have been drinking all night...it's a good thing he's a werewolf or that alcohol would have killed him by now..." He said with a small frown heading out the door to find and take Trinton home.

Rosetta Gin - Warrior - Blood Vampire
Rose tired dodging the man but he was as fast as her Lord. She had expected to come crashing down roughly but instead was caught in Pavel's arms. She glanced up blushing slightly before quickly moving away, "S-sorry my Lord...I should have been more careful..." Rose's blue eyes landed on Zane as she watched him watch things go down.

Zane Hellcelf - Underling - Blood Vampire
Zane tapped his chin glancing to the man who had thrown Rose, he rushed the him. "Nothing personal but I don't like my play toys being roughly handle by others. Plus I don't think I'd be able to trust you..." He pulled his blade aiming it for some part of the man's body. It was silver so it wouldn't kill him but any further wounds would weaken him more. Fuzz Fuzz Dafyddwilliams14 Dafyddwilliams14
Pavel & Dominic Bersk - Lord & Unknown - Blood Vampire
Pavel Stood Watching zane, take action, for once. Dominic stood still confident his armor would protect him form the blade, but the blade went into one of the weak dents in the armor and went through. noticing this he Promptly grabed zanes arm. His eye widening "HAH, THIS IS WHAT PAIN FEELS LIKE AFTER FOURTEEN HUNDRED YEARS I'D ALMOST FORGOTTEN!" Hed Begin to crush his Wrist until he let go of the blade, and slammed him to the ground. "You know You remind me of someone. i wonder who he is." he was smiling under his helm. He went to throw Zane threw a wall till he felt something like a blade strike his Back plate. Turning he saw Pavel holding a saber. "Hah, finally using a metal blade for once, we'res the other one? better yet, wheres mine?" Dom went to hit Pavel upside the head with his Bracer, but he blocked it. "You know mothers ways. Its where you fell all those years ago." Dom's eye widen once more. "So the courtyard?" He kicked pavel sending him back. Dominic, grabbed Zane's collar "Sorry Have to go, I'm taking this kid with me as well, have fun" Hed Burst through the door with speed nabbing the sword on his way out. the way he did this was he threw zane on the ground, stepped on his head. grabbing the sword, sticking it in the sheath, picking Zane back up, and running again.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
(Tell me if i wen a bit to far on this one, i wasn't to sure my self.)​
Au'Bena was a psychic vampire. But more importantly than that, she was a reveler. Although she had her duties as the elder of the psychic vampires, she hardly ever followed the rules, being one of the more rebellious (albeit older) members of the psychic family. Tonight, she had went to a club, the same one the two vampire brothers had went to a couple of days earlier, though that didn't matter. Although the emotions of dancing and joy in the club were fine and all, they were nothing to the long lived Au'Bena. She craved a more raw emotion, something thrilling. That's why, when she used her powers to coerce someone into following her down an alley, she started tearing into their guts as they still breathed. All the while, Au'Bena feasted, not on her victims blood, but on their cries of agony and suffering. The raw emotions of death and fear were the only things that satisfied Au'Bena now, ever since she had her fill of everything she could feed off of. Lost in the ecstasy of it all, Au'Bena took a moment to realize her victim had expired. Whether it was man, or woman, cute or ugly, didn't really factor into this ugly mess of a corpse. Ironic, she thought, considering how much humans care for their physical appearance, when all they leave for her is a bloody pulp. She wiped the stains of blood from her eyes and hair and flicked out a cellular phone. It was new technology for her, but she embraced it. In some ways, the powers of science were greater than her own magical abilities.

"Let's see here..."

She muttered as she scrolled through her contacts, blood staining the phone. She calmly selected one of the many random contacts she had from the psychic vampire family. Although she hardly valued any sort of connection they shared, her position as an elder had it's perks. She dialed up two of the most eager vampires she knew, Joe and Luke... Strangely, they shared the same numbers. Whether or not they picked up, Au'Bena spoke the same words, as if reciting a poem.

"John, Luke, I'm sorry to call you at this hour, but there's been an incident..."

She messed his name up, again... A feign tone of worry was carried on her lips. She glanced down to the mangled body, licking some blood off of her nails. Although not a blood vampire, she enjoyed the tangy metallic taste of it.

"I was attacked by one of those freaks..." She paused "Again..."

A sly smile formed on her lips as people walked past the alleyway, a magical force compelling them to look away

"Like last time, I had to defend myself... But I may have done too much... Do you boys think you can spare some time to try and save a human?"

She couldn't care less, even if the human was still alive, though through experience that line always sold it.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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Erick Sheris
A shrill screech echoed through the night as a woman fell to the ground with her arms and legs having been torn off by the man standing before her. He sheathed the sword used to bring about her powerless state as he walked forward drawing one of his guns and fired as the woman surged towards him like a mindless beast only for such a reaction to end with a bullet through the monster’s head.

Some time afterward the man known as Erick wandered around after his most recent kill, or rather an act of mercy as he justifies it. His foray about the street staring off into its alleys was all he could do to avoid looking at others until passing by a particular alley that caused him to look away for whatever reason. He paused and walk its way again only for the same result to occur, at this point he wasn’t oblivious to the fact of his mind being manipulated in some way. After all, he was used to doing similar acts as well as have said acts being performed on him so this was not something he could ignore. Reaching his hand up to barely unsheathe his sword to allow its enhancements to take hold and grant him the ability to look into the alleyway only the see a sight he was used to and was almost immediately disappointed not by the fact a human was killed, but that was only because he was expecting something more civilized than some woman hanging over a corpse. He stepped forward aware that this intrusion would immediately alert her to his presence so at this point he fully unsheathed his sword with each of its segments rattling as he brought it closer to the ground at which point he finally spoke: “Another pint of blood that I have to spill today...just perfect.” In a cold unfeeling, and dissatisfied tone.

GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger (sorry for just jumping into Au’Bena’s situation.)
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Orma Harvinci - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
The woman was talking directly to this rather strange man, but she could feel an incredible wave of emotion as she stood there. The feeling caused goosebumps on her skin as her bones felt it like a subtle wind against them. She knew she could track it from the residual smell, but that smell itself made her drool slightly. Her years of constant hunting made her very acutely aware of her surroundings and her range of sensing appetizing emotions was amazingly far due to it. She would raise a finger to keep the man from speaking for a moment despite not even giving him a chance to. "Shhhhhhh....... did you feel that? Someone just butchered someone or some people. GOOODNESS that was a strong one!~
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
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Maverick Lucian/Lycanthrope/loner
Maverick's eyes opened wide his irises glowing a crimson red. A deep growl emitted from his chest at the sudden contact. He had not allowed anyone to touch him in several centuries. It always provoked the primal creature within. However he was able to calm himself down, by focusing on what she had said. The scent of fresh blood faintly linger, and focused more when he concentrated on it. He gracefully moved her finger from his lips. He looked in her eyes "Yes i can sense the fresh blood. However if it is a killing then there is no helping the victim now. It would be pointless for me to investigate. besides i have no business with the local clans. If you wish to investigate further do as you wish." Maverick stated proceeding to walk away from her his eyes reverting back to a dark blood red color. It was true he no longer held any affiliation with the local clans except to just prove he was there. Well and to stay out of trouble. He kept walking till he finally stopped at the end of the sidewalk waiting to cross the road. What would be the point of continuing this existence. Daily just living a calm and peaceful life. He pondered the thought. Things were usually more organized among the vampires and werclan. To casually conduct a feeding of this magnitude, along with what that vampire said "Shhhhhhh....... did you feel that? Someone just butchered someone or some people. GOOODNESS that was a strong one!~" this must mean she was a psychic vampire. However adding that meant a human was most likely killed. If so depending on where it happened could of bin a rouge feeding. If that were the case it would be wise to report it. He looked back to the girl then in the direction he smelled the blood. Should he really do this. He had spent a long time evading any contact with their world. The one he used to belong to. Know a situation might draw him in to that world again. Well thats if he allowed himself to be pulled in. Perhaps just this once he might....intervene. He pulled out his phone, as it range for a few moments. A woman answered on the other end " Yes master? " Maverick focused his eyes " Please come pick up some provisions i have aquired. I will leave them at a coffee shop i shall send you the address. " Maverick waited for her to acknowledge before hanging up. He gave instructions to the employees along with tips for holding onto them. He made his way back outside. Regardless of Whether or not the female vampire was still there. Maverick began making his way towards the direction he smelled the blood.
Sybil Sybil
Orma Harvinci - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
The vampire’s grin turned into a slight frown as her conversation led nowhere, her finger lowered as the man walked away, now just thinking about her options. She could go investigate this, and possibly get a meal out of it, or use this as a distraction so she would go unnoticed as she makes some meals on the other side of town. Hmmmm decisions decisions decisions!
As she had spent her time pondering, she saw Maverick walk back into her view, the man looking at her for a fraction of a second before heading in a direction. She could deduce he was going to investigate, so she walked along behind him, no real hurry in her step beside keeping up.
You know for someone who doesn’t like to get involved, you are are going in the wrong direction. You a beast? A bloodsucker? Must have a semi-decent nose to smell it these many miles away. I know a psychic normally has a much shorter range......” She walked with a strong balance to her body despite her leaning and wobbling as she walked. Was she stretching or just being weird the world may never know.
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
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Joe & Luke Ashben - Civilians - Psychic Vampires
Joe rolled over with a groan and grabbed the phone, "Hello..." He said rubbing his eyes, Luke curled up against him and nuzzled his face into the side of Joe's leg. When Au'Bena's voice came over the phone he groaned again. "Where is it and we will come help." It wasn't like they could refuse, she was an elder after all.​
GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger

Dr. Stella Verin - Scientist - Human
Stella didn't know what those two had been talking about and she didn't care. Pulling her phone need out she dialed Clarence, "Pick up..." After about a minute there was an answer, "H-hello..." "Hey have you not work up yet! It's already close to 7." "What...oh shit!!!" She heard rustling in the back ground and something crashing followed by another curse. "Hey? HEY!!!" "What!?!" She sighed as he came back to the phone yelling, "I called you for come pick me up...I'm at the donut shop...I worked until I'm about to pass out..."

Samuel Ebeck - Wereking - Werewolf
Samuel look up getting ready to offer Yanica a drink. When a voice came singing through a window that was cracked open, "Great he's at it again....Yanica, Alex...let's go make sure Trinton gets home..." He stood and walked to the door opening it for Alex and Yanica. He might need their help with Trinton if he got out of hand.
Fuzz Fuzz ImABloodyFrickinPirate ImABloodyFrickinPirate

Alex Ebeck - Hunter - Werewolf
Alex nodded, "He must have been drinking all night...it's a good thing he's a werewolf or that alcohol would have killed him by now..." He said with a small frown heading out the door to find and take Trinton home.

Rosetta Gin - Warrior - Blood Vampire
Rose stood in shock, "D-did Zane just get kidnapped...." Rose asked turning to Pavel in both shock and confusion. She had also be surprised when Zane had actually moved in on Pavel's brother. Getting in a strike or two before being thrown into a wall...once again​

Zane Hellcelf - Underling - Blood Vampire
Zane groaned as he hit the wall, "Not again..." He muttered trying to get up, but Pavel's brother snatched him up. Carrying him with ease it seemed, he hit the floor for a second and then was back to being carried. He was into to much of a shock to even fight back. Not to mention his brain was a bit rattled from hitting the wall. Fuzz Fuzz Dafyddwilliams14 Dafyddwilliams14
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Au’Bena grinned slyly as the twins picked up. She didnt hesitate to begin talking

“Im at the alley two buildings down from the club you and your brother snuck off to the other day.”

She immediately locked eyes with the intruder, remaining on the phone.

“Also, bring an extra bag this time. And don’t be late.”

She immediately hung up, staring at Erick with an inquisitive glare. He would immediately feel a sharp, piercing presence in his forehead as Au’Bena looked around freely in his head. Although the powers of his sword just barely pushed him over the standard powers of a psychic vampire, Au’Bena had hundreds of years of expertise on her side.

“Oh, what have we here? A human... Yet also a vampire?”

She placed a finger on her lips, licking some extra blood off

“I believe this is some sort of misunderstanding, I was attacked by a maniac and had to defend myself .”

She didnt expect him to buy the ruse, but she couldnt be bothered to make a better excuse. If Erick approached, he would feel a draining aura around Au’Bena.

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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Pavel Bersk - Lord - Blood Vampire
Pavel sheathed his blade. "yes, and the bad news is hes going to try and recruit him against us. but last time, he was only able to muster a misfit group of grunts and warriors." Hed walk to his office, motioning for Rosetta to follow. "he made a remark about me using a metal blade, Well, If he wants to meet dusk in battle again he will."

Dominic Bersk - Unknown - Blood Vampire
Hed Continue to speed through as the Sun was rising slowly. "So, What has Changed to the world? Whats new?" hed look down at zane while carrying him. Hed Be entering the werewolf side of town without even noticing it. "I need to Find Blood so I can get to full strength." he Spotted his target, a Drunk man walking on the sidewalk.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Thomas Trinton - Some Loner - Werewolf
Hed Continue further down the street. its a miracle he hasn't crashed yet. He still be singing his song. he took another swig, until he noticed a familiar set of armor.
Fuzz Fuzz (oh wait... thats me...)​
Orma Harvinci - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
The vampire’s grin turned into a slight frown as her conversation led nowhere, her finger lowered as the man walked away, now just thinking about her options. She could go investigate this, and possibly get a meal out of it, or use this as a distraction so she would go unnoticed as she makes some meals on the other side of town. Hmmmm decisions decisions decisions!
As she had spent her time pondering, she saw Maverick walk back into her view, the man looking at her for a fraction of a second before heading in a direction. She could deduce he was going to investigate, so she walked along behind him, no real hurry in her step beside keeping up.
You know for someone who doesn’t like to get involved, you are are going in the wrong direction. You a beast? A bloodsucker? Must have a semi-decent nose to smell it these many miles away. I know a psychic normally has a much shorter range......” She walked with a strong balance to her body despite her leaning and wobbling as she walked. Was she stretching or just being weird the world may never know.
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Maverick Lucian/Lycanthrope/loner
Maverick did not turn his head, but his eyes looked back to the female vampire. He spoke in a calm yet stern tone " I am werkin yes and if you couldn't sense that this close your senses must not be that trained. Anyways i will not be getting more involved then this. I am simply investigating if there was any illegal activity. " he stated reverting his eyes back to the front. They were getting close continuing to follow the fresh sent of blood. From this distance he could tell it was human blood in the air. It brought out within him the hunger he had suppressed for so long. Although he had it under control Maverick would have to keep a eye on it. He holstered his sword on his waist keeping a hand on the hilt. To some it might look like he was cosplaying. to others they would know what it was. Once they were a few feet from the destination. The scent overwhelmingly strong at this point. He turned to her looking her in the eyes " If you wish to depart now would be a good time. " he said in a serious tone.
Maverick Lucian/Lycanthrope/loner
Maverick did not turn his head, but his eyes looked back to the female vampire. He spoke in a calm yet stern tone " I am werkin yes and if you couldn't sense that this close your senses must not be that trained. Anyways i will not be getting more involved then this. I am simply investigating if there was any illegal activity. " he stated reverting his eyes back to the front. They were getting close continuing to follow the fresh sent of blood. From this distance he could tell it was human blood in the air. It brought out within him the hunger he had suppressed for so long. Although he had it under control Maverick would have to keep a eye on it. He holstered his sword on his waist keeping a hand on the hilt. To some it might look like he was cosplaying. to others they would know what it was. Once they were a few feet from the destination. The scent overwhelmingly strong at this point. He turned to her looking her in the eyes " If you wish to depart now would be a good time. " he said in a serious tone.
Orma Harvinci - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
"Awww are we concerned? I will be fine trust me wolf. I used to play with beasts like you in the woods a long time ago, they taught me many things~" The vampire just smirked as her reddish eyes stared at him, that grin never leaving her face. Her range was something else, but even she couldn't have been sure of the situation before now. Being within a few blocks she could sense the older Vampire, not to mention some bastard child of unnatural lineage. Then there was the faded light of someone recently fed on until death. She didn't bother to send any telepathic signals to either since she wasn't exactly friends, simply coming to see the fuss and maybe feed off whoever was the loser. A hunter and a scavenger.
Orma Harvinci - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
"Awww are we concerned? I will be fine trust me wolf. I used to play with beasts like you in the woods a long time ago, they taught me many things~" The vampire just smirked as her reddish eyes stared at him, that grin never leaving her face. Her range was something else, but even she couldn't have been sure of the situation before now. Being within a few blocks she could sense the older Vampire, not to mention some bastard child of unnatural lineage. Then there was the faded light of someone recently fed on until death. She didn't bother to send any telepathic signals to either since she wasn't exactly friends, simply coming to see the fuss and maybe feed off whoever was the loser. A hunter and a scavenger.
Maverick Lucian/Lycanthrope/loner
Maverick eyed the female vampire for a second before looking over to the ally in front of them. He hugged the edge of the corner listening closely " John, Luke, I'm sorry to call you at this hour, but there's been an incident...I was attacked by one of those freaks...Again. Like last time, I had to defend myself... But I may have done too much... Do you boys think you can spare some time to try and save a human? " Is what he heard. A female voice from the scent a vampire as well. Given the blood could of bin a blood vampire. Then he sense another individual. Although it was not certain what they were, given the scent was confusing. He waited patiently to see if he could get any more information. If there was a conflict in the ally it would need to be reported. Incidents like these could spark aggression between the clans. That was something the city would not like.
Sybil Sybil , GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger , Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
Joe & Luke Ashben - Civilians - Psychic Vampires
Joe groaned hanging up the phone and waking Luke up, "We are being summoned to clean up her mess again." Luke waved him away having a bad headache, "Get up now...you know she will blame it on us if we don't help her clean up her mess." Luke groaned but sat up rubbing his eyes, "Oh...okay..." He said in a defeated tone, they quickly got dressed and headed out the door.
Angel_Fox Angel_Fox
GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger

Dr. Stella Verin - Scientist - Human
Stella sighed as Clarence finally arrived, "Took you long enough..." He growled at her, "Well maybe you shouldn't work shut obnoxious hours..." "Hey I would have been home already if it wasn't for some damn vampire!." "What, are you okay?" She nodded, "Yeah can you just take me home." He nodded telling her to get in before taking off to her house. "Thanks."

Samuel Ebeck - Wereking - Werewolf
Samuel look up to the sky smelling something that shouldn't be in his territory. A growl rumbled up his throat making his son turn to glance and him before turning back to Trinton. "Son get him home now...we have unwanted company..." He stood still his eyes glued to were the smell of the vampires where
coming from.
USER=49731] ImABloodyFrickinPirate ImABloodyFrickinPirate [/USER]​

Alex Ebeck - Hunter - Werewolf
Alex headed out of his father place and soon found Trinton stumbling, "Trinton!!! It is already this time in the morning and you haven't even made it home yet..." He said with a frown walking over to the man. As he got closer the smell of alcohol was almost overbearing. He nodded as his father told him to get a move on it, "Pardon me Trinton..." He said as he supported the man to walk faster.​

Rosetta Gin - Warrior - Blood Vampire
Rose followed her leader, "I'm sorry I should have been more prepared...." Rose glanced to the ground disappointment on her face, "I guess a part of me hoped he'd changed...." She felt ashamed of herself and her words as she spoke them out loud.​

Zane Hellcelf - Underling - Blood Vampire
Zane groaned shaking his head, "War hasn't broken out yet and we bloods haven't became the supreme leaders yet..." He muttered wishing the man would put him down, did he have a death wish bounding into the werekings territory. Fuzz Fuzz
Pavel Bersk - Lord - Blood Vampire
By this time they would reach his office. "Hes very vindictive..." Hed Open the door and walk in "He has been since mother stripped him of the throne. Hated werewolv-" He looked back at rosetta "You dont think he went to the werewolves?"
Dominic Bersk - Unknown - Blood Vampire
Hed put Zane down on his feet. "You seem very hesitant to enter here, Whys that?" hed stare down at zane, waiting for the response, then back the man a deep smell entered his nose. "Ah, werewolves."
Thomas Trinton - Some Loner - Werewolf
he looked back at Alex. "Alex, I may be drunk but i know the man that ruined my life. Now if you please let me rip his vampire head off."
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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Parker woke up well rested and hungry. The thing is he tends to work and work until he physically can’t stand it, or up for that matter. So he would pass out for days on end. He’d just woken up from one of those episode. His plan was to make rounds then feed. His first stop was the Ashbens.

He arrived to them opening the door “Hey guys, hopefully I didn’t catch you at a bad time. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Make sure you aren’t doing anything illegal.” He said that last part as a joke. He knows these guys are often within the ways of the law.. And if they lied he had Angel to help him out. Speaking of Angel, the red fox was trotting around and invading their house. She’d jumped on the couch and made hereelf comfortable. Accoring to her, this would be a long one.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Joe & Luke Ashben - Civilians - Psychic Vampires
Joe jumped slightly, "Oh good morning..." He ran a hand through his hair nervously and Luke shook his head. "We were
just on our way to see Au'Bena, she was out to late and for got to bring stuff to protect herself from the sun."
His lie was smooth unlike his brothers, "No need to worry, we got her covered. This isn't the first time she has done this probably won't be the last" He said with a bright smile and a chuckle, he was holding a bag.
Angel_Fox Angel_Fox

Dr. Stella Verin - Scientist - Human
Stella got into her house and showered, "Home at last...now for a nap..." She jumped on her be with a happy sigh. Her thoughts went back to the vampire chick and the man. She didn't know if he had been a vampire or wolf though. The only reason she knew the other woman had been a vampire was she had felt a slight draining sensation the only ever happened when she was around a psychic vampire of some sort.

Samuel Ebeck - Wereking - Werewolf
Samuel's eyes glared at the vampire who rudely intruded, "I suggest you leave before I break you...both of you." He voice was cold and a growl, the lose of his friend fresh on his mind. He was not happy to see vampires at this time.

Alex Ebeck - Hunter - Werewolf
Alex growled, "He might be but you have been drinking let my father handle this..." He turned as his father spoke up he had no idea what his father was going to do nor did he wish to stick around, "Now come on and let's go."

Rosetta Gin - Warrior - Blood Vampire
Rosetta shrugged, "I don't know but it wouldn't surprise me should we follow or call Samuel to warn him?" Rose felt she should have went after him right after he ran off. But she followed her leaders orders to the core, unless it was to harm him. She didn't think she'd be able to do that, she owed the man her life.​

Zane Hellcelf - Underling - Blood Vampire
Zane shook his head, "No, but I wanted a war started between the psychic vampires and werewolves...not us bloods and the wolves." He muttered, his eyes landed on the Silver haired boy, "Um that's the alphas son over there and that's the alpha not sure you should pick a fight with them."

Clarence Ross - Recruit - Human/werewolf
After he dropped Stella off he headed for the office. He had to report that something else had just went down. He drove quickly through traffic to get to the office in order to report to one of his higher-ups. Once there he went for Sigmund's office knocking on the door and waiting for a response. Fuzz Fuzz
Erick Sheris
She didn't expect him to buy the ruse, but she couldn't be bothered to make a better excuse.
She was right in the fact that Erick didn't buy her ruse, his reasons why was the moment she looked into his head and the comment afterward. His reaction to this act was to flick his wrist in the vampire’s direction causing seven of the eight segments of his sword separating to form a bladed whip connecting each segment with a crackling crimson energy. He flicked his wrist and sent the weapon hurtling at the woman but instead of cleaving her in two the blades wrapped around her arms and torso loosely binding her.

“Really, then why do you have no injuries while this... person, has a massive hole in them. Additionally, when you got into my head you dug too far for information you didn’t need.” The man’s words cut through the woman’s previous statement while the last part of his own was filled more with anger than one might expect. He walked forward and into the draining field around his enemy, causing him to collapse on his knees and leaving him open to whatever she planed to do.
GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Au'Bena, bored, raised an eye at Erick's interesting blade. A part of her mind wanted to see what happened next. Sensing no intent to kill just yet, she remained still as the blade wrapped itself around her. She struggled a bit, obviously uncomfortable. However, a sly grin formed on her face

"Oh, no, I think you have the wrong idea completely..."

She started speaking in an overly mocking tone, playing herself off as a clueless girl. 'Finally, some excitement.' She thought to herself. However, a part of her mind was worried. This psychic 'vampire' could still be a threat if he told the others... She didn't really have a gauge on how deeply he was interred in the family. A cold fear crawled up her spine... If this one tells the others, then serious consequences could befell her. At least, as serious as her whole 'loyalty to the family' scheme was. Either way, she committed herself to not show any incriminating evidence, no matter how transparent her lies were.

"Like I said, I was just attacked by a stranger!"

She said in the same playful tone. She opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted as Erick fell to his knees. She nearly forgot about her damaging psychic aura, which surprised her in its efficiency. In one swift motion, she jumped out of the binding sword and landed onto the ground in front of Erick, blood still trickling from her hands. She tilted her head, looking at him inquisitively. She could get away with as many human lives as possible, but as soon as they found a dead psychic, there would be a serious investigation. As impulsive as she was, she thought deeply about this for a few moments. Au'Bena grinned and held Erick by his hair. The draining aura would be more intense, sucking emotions out of everyone in her vicinity.

As she held him, her voice turned dark and sinister, almost evoking a hissing, serpentine tone.

"Now... I trust we can forget this little encounter, hmm?"

She would pull his head up and push him against the wall, keeping her bloody hands wrapped around his forehead. Suddenly, she would kiss him, pressing him against the cold stone of the wall. It was an old sensation, and she got tired of it hundreds of years ago, but she thought it would make it more dramatic...

If the memory wipe was not interrupted:

At the same time, Erick would feel a stinging sensation in his head as the memories of the last hour seemed to dissipate and dissolve. If he were unable to disrupt this process, he would find himself in an alley kissing a pale skinned woman. She was wearing a pure white dress with no stains, a bit odd for an urban setting.

The woman in front of Erick would pick her head up, sensing two abnormal presences near the alleyway. She would push him Erick back onto the wall, walking across the corner to meet with the two presences, whom she thought to be Joe and Luke... Using her psychic abilities, she kept up the psychic illusion of wearing an illustrious dress, while in reality she was covered in blood.

She narrowed her eyes in a glaring manner as she instead came face to face with what certainly smelled like a werewolf and the undeniable readings of a psychic vampire. She rolled her eyes

"How much did you see?"

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Sybil Sybil Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Orma Harvinci - Psychic Vampire - Civilian
The psychic vampire was pleased with herself as she was quiet, getting a warm tingle down her spine of her cold body as she listened to the woman lie through her teeth using her powers. Honestly? She has no reason to say a word. But that was all ruined when she mentioned her and the wolf. “(Ugh what a buzz kill. Honestly.)” The woman would move around the wolf before he even had the chance to respond, cocking her head sideways and holding her hands up with her cloak’s sides lifting the sides of the large covering material. “Just came here for a bit of fun, but it looks rather boring right now. You amusing yourself?
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
Pavel Bersk - Lord - Blood Vampire
Hed Walk over to his Desk Rummaging in the drawers. "It might be best to call him." Hed Pull out a rather Dark hilt. It didnt have a blade, but it had what appeard to be runes inscribed on it. A Cold hiss was heard through out the room. "Don't mind this. But we need to Call Samuel, Even in Dom's Weakened State hes still dangerous."

Dominic Bersk - Unknown - Blood Vampire
He Looked at the Alpha who was now talking to him. "I See I can no longer be identified by my armor. Normally Wolves Run at the sight of me. And i see My brother had the clan Moved into a town where all the main clans are. So Can Someone point towards Humans?" He'd Step forward just once. "Or i can get it from this alcoholic."

Thomas Trinton - Some Loner - Werewolf
He Was letting out a Low growl. But looked down towards Alex. And began to back off, Until the Man Made a remark on 'Getting it from him' he Went back into a fighting stance, Drunkenly, But its still a Stance dammit!
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

(almost forgot sigmund)
Sigmund Wolff - Agent - Human/Werewolf
He Looked up from paper work he was filling out, "Come in." He looked back down at the paper work, it was the case of the murder of the werewolf. He Kept reading through it, Trying to find any clues that it has that could lead to the killer.
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