Advice/Help Creativity problems...

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Due to a big hit of writers block, I'm having trouble making characters that seems well-made, creative, etc. So what do you guys/gals/NB pals do to get inspiration/the creativity to make a decent character?

(Talking abt Text Rps, I'm good abt making DND characters, but text based is my weakpoint)
Just start writing the character and see where it goes from there, instead of planning them out from the beginning. I build my characters around a few key central points, like a general foundation to build upon, and then expand them over time. You can develop backstory and add likes and dislikes, and other small features from there. It's a very natural process like getting to know someone in real life, except you're writing them.

Ideas need time to mature, characters are no different, so I like this method.

Also, don't concern yourself with uniqueness. It's not that relevant. The #1 priority is entertainment value for the reader, followed by several other metrics. Uniqueness can be cool and enhance certain stories, but in many cases, it's used as a crutch by poor writers.

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