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Realistic or Modern Creativity or Logic?

We can start as soon as we have at least 5 people and 1 from each society, excluding outcasts. You can be an outcast if you wish though
SassyAndroidSera said:
We can start as soon as we have at least 5 people and 1 from each society, excluding outcasts. You can be an outcast if you wish though
I just wondered how someone would become and outcast. Would they choose or would something else happen?
@Calcifer to become an outcast you or your family would have to have committed a more major crime and been kicked out. You can have grown up as an outcast if your family committed a crime. Also, if the society you pick doesn't match what the A's want, they might assign you another one. If you resist you could become an outcast.
SassyAndroidSera said:
@Calcifer to become an outcast you or your family would have to have committed a more major crime and been kicked out. You can have grown up as an outcast if your family committed a crime. Also, if the society you pick doesn't match what the A's want, they might assign you another one. If you resist you could become an outcast.
Okay brilliant, thank you
SassyAndroidSera said:
Accepted! You can start posting as soon as the issue with the main thread is sorted, sorry about that
What did happen to the main thread?
SassyAndroidSera said:
It does say in the Overveiw i think... Society went downhill for a while and they needed a solution
Of course NOW it does. It didn't when I first saw it. It does say it was edited, though.
ok I got confused cause your post said 12:00pm

LordOfThePitch said:
I thought it was night, because they were looking at the starz 'n shiite.
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