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corpse house (twi x rob)

Jaron smiled and kissed her on the forehead. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Jaron said. The girl walked in with Yuki in her arms. "You want her back?" Jaron smiled.
Olivia nodded. "It's Nice to meet you too." The baby slowly walked in. Each one of his steps were wobbly. Olivia giggled. "And That's Tyler."
Tyler smiled and laughed. Silvana and Rosaline came in and smiling and they got their children. "I hope they weren't disturbing you two." Jaron shook his head. "They were fine." They both nodded. "Quick update. Our wedding is being moved to this Saturday. The day after your wedding. We need to leave because Rosaline is needed back. And we like to have our wedding while the family is here." Jaron nodded and smiled. "Alright."
Nichole nodded and said"thats fine."smiling and hugged them then handed Tyler over. "They just make you wanna have one of your own. Oh yea jarjar just a heads up when you do knock me up be ready for the mood swings."smiling. "I did throw a knife at kouji when I had a temper tantrum once...or was it a vase? Vase."
Jaron looked at her blank. "I hope it's a vase." He chuckled nervously. "But it'll all be worth it." Silvana and Rosaline left with their children.

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