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Realistic or Modern Concrete Jungle

Makai Sire Woods The amount of shit that had went down in the matter of days was unbelievable to say the least. Makai had laid down on his bed staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours. He had texted Celeste to make sure she was okay but she hadn't returned the text, and maybe it was stupid of him to be worried but he couldn't help himself. The sound of the clock ticking in the far side of the room along with the sloshing tires driving against the fallen rain was enough to start making Makai's eyes feel heavy as he slowly closed them."Despertar y prepararse para la escuela"[Wake up and get ready for school] his mother called out from the hallway of his room and Kai groaned underneath the comfort of his sheets before he heard his mother sigh and walk away mumbling Spanish under her breath. In all honesty with the day he had prior something told him it would be a better idea to stay home, but that wasn't happening.

His mother had wandered back in his room and pulled back the covers forcing the cold air to hit his body before she opened the curtain and let the light hit his scrunched up face. Makai sighed rubbing the sleep from his eye as he stared down at the floor tryibg to figure out what his name was and all that jazz. When he finally got out of bed and got ready his younger brother was already out the door and his father grabbed his coffee before glancing over at Makai, " Be safe out there son". The comment made him nod his head before slinging his backpack over his shoulder and walking out the house towards school. Since the party and the cops bustin everything down Makai hadn't really been on his phone to see the latest updates on today's events and honestly he didn't want to. He was tired of hearing about who was fighting who and who died but as he neared the school he realized that once again he'd be faced with the loss of another youth.

People moved around like zombies while others avoided eye contacted, pissed expressions plastered on their faces as they moved throughout the crowds of students that wore Rome's face and name on their shirt and he realized what was up. That same tense feeling that over took his body when the shooting happened the other day was back and Makai tugged at his curly hair slightly as he made his way to homeroom. He was tired of all the death and people he knew dying over shit that wasn't really worth it. Were they ever going to be able to go to school or walk home without something happening? No because where they were from living in the heat on the moment was more important than the consequences that came afterwards. It was sad really but thats just the way it was.

When Makai entered the classroom most of the students were silent expect for some small conversations and whispers. He looked around and he saw Miguel. At first relief washed over him that his boy was out but he could see the emptiness in his eyes and the body type that gave off a vibe he didn't want to mess with right now. Logan looked pissed about it all and he didn't blame her, he was mad too but he was drained not really physically but mentally. When Maka's eyes locked with Celeste he looked at her for a few moments before taking his seat and pinching the bridge of his nose as he waited for class to start. In this moment he truly believed that there was hell on earth because he was living it.


Vance walks into the room evidently hiding her face with a black hoodie and walking with a limp. She woke up with bruises all around her body. It wouldn't even be this bad if she didn't have to run so hard to get away from police. It just made her body worse and now she can barely walk and there's a big old bruise on the side of her face. She didn't want to attract the attention of anyone in the classroom so she decided to hide her face and body but that wasn't the only thing bothering her. It was Steele....he's different. He's been quiet all day and when he got back last night, he woke her up with his muttering then she got a look at his face. She knew something bad had gone down and now she's waiting for him to break it to her.

Vance doesn't know what the hell happened last night but she knows that either way, she is going to be hanging to Steele till he drops dead. She goes to her seat and ignores everyone taking out her book again. She softly groans in pain as she sits down, her bitch of an ex-sister did do a number on her. Thinking about her gets her afraid for what's to come. The streets aren't gonna be something to be on at night that's for sure. Her brother probably ordered his men to search and take her back ignoring the week deal. She sighs again, she hasn't even told her brother about what happen to her last night and don't know if she should.

Vance then looks at Miguel who had been in with the dude that was killed, or what the rumors said. She wore total black today to show her respect to the guy called Rome, also to Miguel. She wasn't about to put on one of those stupid shirts on that for sure. She was sure whatever Steele gotten himself into, is going to lead up to his death at 18 and he'll be on one of those shirts. So she knows to prevent that from happening, she needs him, because she was pretty sure he wasn't about to let another one of his friends die. Vance gets up softly ignoring her pain and walks to Miguel and looks him in the eye showing him her bruise but knowing that she needed to look him into the eye and opens her mouth quietly

"I'm not about to say sorry about your friend because doesn't make you feel better that just makes you want to punch the person who said that in the face. I'm not about to ask how are you because that is some bullshit question and you will punch me in the face and I wouldn't stop you. So I won't say anything about your friend as I'm already showing my respect in my own way. " She sighs softly "You and me are never going to get along because my deep hatred for who and what you run with but we care about the same person and that person is Khalil...something happened after the party and it's gotten him shaken up and beaten up. I wasn't able to be with him the whole night, since as you can see I've had some trouble of my own that cause me to pass out and he to drop me off at our home and he left again. He came back a few hours later and wasn't himself. I don't know what my idiot brother has done but it's bad when he's likes this. " She shakes her head softly trying to shake the memories "I'm just telling you all this not because I think you're best choice to getting him to say what he did but because you're his best friend and you're only other one around here that cares about him as much as I do.....Just try to get him out of whatever mess he's in. I can't lose another sibling. "

Vance whispers the last part but she's pretty sure that Miguel heard it. She walks away knowing that she had said what she came there to say. She limps to her seat and sits down ignoring the pain again. She opens the book again and starts to read. She was tired of this damn neighborhood and all this senseless killing. What she told Steele, the first time she had told him about her family is still ringing around in her head. She wants to disappear from this senseless world. The only reason she hasn't grab a gun and blow her head off is because she still need to deal with her sisters killers and after she does that...who knows. She finds no reason to stay in a world that is filled murders and kids growing up like she did and doing whatever they can do to survive. She was sure this wasn't only BedStuy in the world and probably won't be the last.

Vance wonders if anyone can prove to her that the world isn't senseless because she knows one person is already trying and that's Steele but with the way he's been acting, she knows that he's getting the know the truth just like she did. That the world is nothing but lies and senseless killings. Hatred runs this world and it's not a world that she particularly wants to live in.....Not at all.

Not at all.






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Khalil felt the ice cold water splash against his face, bringing a dash of energy back to his tired eyes. He glanced up at the filthy mirror, his beady brown eyes peering into his own soul. Though he did not see Khalil Bishop Steele, he saw a murderer. He kept telling himself what he did was justified. That was one of the guys who had betrayed and murdered his own pops, that was one of the guys that were going to beat him up and rob him regardless of the disrespect he had thrown at them. But every time he thought, that same image replayed in his mind. The sound of a bullet tearing through the skin of his body, the shriek of pain he had cried out right before his body collapsed to the floor, only to rest in a pool of his own blood. Things Khalil had seen one to many times before, though not from the view of behind the gun.

His body still ached from the beat down he had received prior to the shot. As he looked into the mirror, he saw a busted lip, his right eye several shades darker then his own skin tone, and his nose flared in pain at even the slightest touch, a big purple bruise across the bridge of it. He gulped, Vance and his mom had been in a frenzy as to what had happened to him, though he refused to tell them. He didn't know if he would truly be able to tell anyone. He spent both days after the party within the confines of his tiny, dingy home. Any sound of a passing sirens caused his blood to freeze over, and his fingers to curl as he thought of an escape. Though two days after the murder, he was still alive, and he was still free. Yet dodging school was impossible today with his mom pestering him about it, and he had no choice but to show his face outdoors for the first time since he put a bullet through Janai.

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Khalil made no attempt at dressing too flashy. He couldn't be asked, and most of all, he wanted no attention to be drawn to himself. He pulled on whichever grey pair of sweats he found sprawled out on his floor, and his Brooklyn nets hoodie. Finally he took out his air maxes still in good condition and pulled them on, about ready to head out the door when he stopped. He thought about the two T Bloods that had escaped when he pulled out the gun, almost sure that they had found out about Janai's death by now, and they knew just who killed him. Word had to have gotten around the T Bloods that Khalil had killed Meech's little brother. And therefore all red shirts would have their eyes out for him, and their guns in any direction he stood. There was no doubt in his mind he needed protection. Khalil quickly dropped to the floor, scavenging under his bed for the same weapon he had used to kill a man not too long ago and stashed it in his backpack, before he was off for school.


Khalil stepped off the bus and walked the short distance left to get to Midwood. Any red shirt wearing individual raising alarm in his head, as he clutched his backpack straps tighter. Though he did not encounter any real T Bloods yet. Once Khalil was on campus, he took the long route around the school to the side entrance. There were no metal detectors unlike in the front, only a security guard to search you. Luckily, this security guard was a long time family friend who went by the name of Kiyan, and often times let Khalil get away with some of his antics in Midwood high. Yet, at the same time he stayed firm with his job causing Khalil to clench his jaw as he approached the entrance, the weight of the gun in his backpack feeling only thirty times heavier as he got near. He hoped to god he would be able to get away with this one.

"Mornin' Steele." Kiyan greeted with a smile to Khalil though his smile began to falter as he took notice of Khalil's beat up face. Khalil nodded to him, " 'Spoppin' Kiyan." his grip on his backpack strap tightening even harder. "Rough night huh?" Kiyan asked not needing to say nothing more as he himself was no stranger to the streets. Khalil nodded "Ain't ever gon be an easy one.. You should see the other guy though." Khalil said a bit coldly as Kiyan chuckled, not knowing that if he were to actually see the other guy, he wouldn't see someone with their ass beat worse then Khalil, but rather a corpse. "Well I bet you handled ya bidness Steele, just don't go looking for trouble in the wrong place you hear?" Kiyan said, always trying a little bit to pull Khalil off that dangerous path, yet to no avail. "You got it, in a rush though, meeting up with a fine shorty early in the caf." Khalil said as he quickly tried to move past Kiyan who then stopped him with his big paw of a hand.

"Hol' on now Steele, you know I gotta search ya bag boy its protocol.. Especially after J Liv." Kiyan said shaking his head with a sigh, as he reached out for Khalil's backpack to check quickly. Khalil gulped, quickly turning away as he spoke fast. "Come on now Kiyan, you know me.. I'd never come to school strapped, plus I don't like the idea of people going through my shit now you know that." Khalil said biting the inside of his lip with hopes it would work. Kiyan just raised a brow and shook his head reaching out for his backpack again "Relax Steele, I won't touch ya damn diary boy. I know you ain't like that it's protocol though." Kiyan said as Khalil grunted, giving up his backpack as he grabbed it.

"Rome ain't that serious, My Gambo's being capped on everyday and ain't nobody wearing shirts for 'em." Some Hispanic boy yelled out to one of the people sporting a Rome T-Shirt, it didn't take long for them to throw insults at each other before it escalated into a full on fist fight. Kiyan glanced behind him, halfway through unzipping the backpack once he saw the fighting begin. He then sighed and tossed the backpack back to Khalil "Hold this and wait here I'll be right back Steele." and with that he rushed off to stop the action shouting a "HEY!" to the fighters.

Khalil let out a sigh of relief as he dodged a major bullet, quickly throwing his backpack on his back and rushing off to homeroom. He'd deal with Kiyan's questioning later, most likely he didn't have to worry about much because he wouldn't suspect anything. Though Khalil had to be grateful for the stupidity of people at Midwood, and how often and easily a fight could break out, saving his ass. Though as Khalil walked he noticed how many people were sporting the R.I.P Rome shirts, Rome being a fairly known kid in Midwood. Being locked up inside for the past couple of days, Khalil had no idea what happened, though the words on the back of the shirts reading Justice for Rome and other things didn't make it hard for Khalil to connect the dots. Looks like the cops had been busy on the murder scene just as Khalil had been. He shook his head, a flash of anger spiraling through his whole body as he thought more about it. Rome wasn't a gang banger or a drug dealer, or anything like that. He was genuinely a good kid, as pure as anyone could be in a filthy place like this. But Khalil was sure to find out more of the story before he would go off on his own rampage, yet rioting wasn't a distant thought in his mind. Partly because, this wasn't the first time this had happened. Hell, Not even a month ago something along the lines of this had happened.

Though as Khalil pushed through the homeroom door, he realized he still had to lay low. For he himself had joined the list of murderers this weekend. Only difference is, they would actually lock him away. Khalil did a quick scan of the room as he entered, his eyes stopping briefly on Celeste as all emotions of the night hit him at once, and just as quickly went away, leaving his hand shaking slightly in his pocket. He wondered, if he didn't love her like he did, if he would have just stuck to his old self and kept things moving after the party, hell even after she found out he was messing around and moved on. Maybe he wouldn't have ended up putting a bullet through Janai's spine. Then again, Khalil would have found his way behind that gun some way some how sooner or later, it was just a question of when.

Khalil nodded ever so slightly to Logan and Will, even to Makai who had no idea that Khalil had the intentions to kill him not even two nights ago. He shook his head, he still felt that jealousy burning in his heart, but he told himself to ignore it. Khalil now had bigger problems on his plate then a hopeless love interest. He then made his way to his seat in the back nearby Miguel as Vance was walking away from his desk. He sighed, wishing he could tell her all that happened yet still refraining from doing so as she herself had enough to deal with. He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze as she sat down, before continuing to his own seat next to Miguel.

He plopped down looking over to his boy who wasn't looking to pretty either. He felt a pang of guilt, remembering the scene at the party as Miguel had to run back in to search for his cousin. He shook his head remembering how he saw the cop slam him into the wall and cuff his wrists. Miguel was in no way Khalil's responsibility, and he knew he could handle himself. But that didn't stop him from feeling bad for not looking out for his boy. He should have pulled up to the holding cell with cash ready to bail him out, way before his aunt could find out anything that happened, that's just what homie's do. Instead he went on a jealous rampage to his Ex girls house only to get rejected... Again. Oh, and he killed a man.

"You straight?" Khalil asked Miguel as he kept his eyes forward, waiting for the class to begin. Those simple words covered everything he needed to say, from him being sorry for not pulling up to bail him out, to him letting him know that he still got his back and is down to ride for him if he need anything. And he knew Miguel would get the message. Though as he sat at the desk rasping his fingers against it, trying to ignore the constant ache in his ribs. He knew, and anyone else in the class that could see that he's not only physically fucked up, but surprisingly quiet and down knew, that Khalil was not alright.

Now it was just his job to hide it.


@Aster Sapphire








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So far it had been good. No one had bothered coming over to try and talk to him and that was exactly how Miguel had wanted it to be. The time in jail mixed with the death of Rome had definitely triggered something within Miguel. It had been a long time since he’d harbored such angered thoughts and dark desires. He could only remember that these types of days had been back at his old home before he’d been shipped up to live with his other family members.


A low growl seemed to ripple from him when Logan sat down beside him, shooting her a glare. But of course she would be unfazed by whatever he would throw her way and instead Miguel would decide that ignoring her would be best. He was still upset with her and while she knew he was mad Miguel was sure that she didn’t realize as to why. He would have to tell her one day but it wouldn’t be anytime son Not when he wanted nothing more than to scream at her.

But of course, the one person who had to ruin it would be Vance. He knew that she was trying to catch his eye but he wouldn’t give her the chance, looking straight past her. He hoped she would take the clue and leave him the fuck alone but nope. She would begin her spiel and the first words would piss him off significantly. Who the fuck did she think she was? Miguel snarled, glaring at her. What, she thought he’d change Khalil? Khalil was grown man for fuck’s sake; He would do whatever the hell he wanted and no one was going to stop him. Not even Miguel. He had learned that a long time ago and Vance would need to come to learn it herself if she ever wanted to stop worrying herself. He wouldn’t give her a reply as she did not deserve one. He had no plans on trying to stop Khalil with whatever he was doing. Shit, Khalil had probably already done it.

The only time Miguel would intervene was when it was actually needed. When Khalil told him what was up. Miguel never pried into anyone’s business and he certainly wasn’t going to start now. Then the topic of conversation would walk in. Miguel would simply glance at him before going back to staring at the desk, cracking his knuckles every few seconds.

He would hear the words come out of his friend’s mouth but wouldn’t bother answering for a few moments.

“Straight.” He’d reply, cracking a knuckle. He was going to leave it at that but figured the rest would be needed if he wanted to be left alone. “Talk to your ‘sister’. She’s worried about you.”

‘And I don’t need her coming to me.’

Interacts with Vance


Khalil @Kingly



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5:32 a.m.

Numb. That's what she was feeling right now. She didn't feel pain, she didn't feel anger, she didn't even feel hatred. All she could feel was numb. The pain stopped hours ago and now she was just like a punching bag. She stopped moving but her breathing was still there. Imani's eyes closed and opened to see Master P still hovering over her. The sweat ran down his face. The look of no concern what so ever. The grin that told her he enjoyed everything he was doing and he wasn't going to stop there. As much as she should feel hatred for him, all she felt was numb. 

6:40 a.m. 

Cold. Her body was cold and shaking. She didn't know when he stopped or when he left, she just knew she was cold. With the strength she had left, she slowly stood. Her frail arms wrapped around her bare shoulders. This was when the pain kicked back in. Everything ached from the ends of her hair to the tips of her toes. Slowly, she made her way to the bathroom, the look of pain apparent all over her face. When she finally reached the bathroom, she turned the lights on and for the first time since she got ready for the party, she saw her reflection. Her fingertips came up to touch on her eyes, the swelling was bad but not the worst she had ever had. She had bruises along her jaw and a cut on her lip. Dry blood from her nose trailed down to her lips. She then looked at her neck where bruised hand prints decorated down to her collar. She wished that these were all the wounds she had, but she knew better than that. Her wrists had the same bruises as her neck and even a few scratches on her knuckles where she tried to fight back. There was a big ugly bruise coming in on her side where she had been kicked multiple times. She wasn't positive if she had a broken rib but she was pretty sure she did. Her thighs had heavy bruising and down her leg were scratches. As her eyes came back up to look at her reflection, she saw that tears were falling from her eyes. She wasn't aware it was even happening. She used the back of her hand to carefully wipe away the tears. Imani then did what she usually did when this happened. She closed the bathroom door quietly and locked it then went to the bathtub and began to fill it with warm water. She watched the water fill the tub and got in once it was to her liking. Carefully, she sat down in the water and grabbed the soap and washcloth. With that, she began to clean herself. She carefully washed the cuts and used the steam to help the swelling of her eyes. Imani's mind was blank and even if she wasn't aware of it, she was crying. Not because she felt bad for herself, but because this was a normal routine for her. 

7:30 a.m. 

The sound of the microwave and Anthony poking her side pulled Imani from her silent trance. Imani opened the microwave and carefully took out the bowl of oatmeal. She sat it on the counter and saw all three boys looking at her. "What?" she asked them, her brow raised as she put a spoon in the bowl and pushed it toward Deshawn. "Why are you wearing so much make up? And long sleeves and jeans? It's summer." Anthony asked and Imani flinched a bit. Deshawn looked at her and then to Anthony. "Man, stop being so nosey. She can do what she wants." he said and Anthony rolled his eyes. 

"But it's weird." Anthony added, grabbing his bowl and then his backpack. "Yeah, she's a girl. She's supposed to be weird, remember?" Deshawn said and hit Anthony in the back of the head. Anthony hissed at his older brother and rubbed the back of his head. Imani smiled a bit and turned to grab her own things. As she saw down to put her shoes on, Anthony came up to her and handed her his bowl. He put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her happily. Imani smiled and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him and picking him up. She put his bowl on the table and hugged him close to her. She pulled away and looked at him to see his bright white smile. His bright carefree smile made tears come to her eyes. He was the reason she did this. The reason she was still breathing and the strength to endure more that this hellish life had to throw at her. She did it for him. She did it so he would never have to experience anything like she was going through. He didn't deserve it. He was so much better than she was at the age of 3. Without her realizing, his small hand came up and wiped away her tears but his bright was still there. The way he was looking at her wasn't with hatred but with admiration. "Beautiful mama." he said and for the umpteenth time since the day he was born, he broke her heart. 

8:00 a.m. 

Imani checked herself in the mirror yet again. She was wearing a hat with her hair down as to not draw attention to the bruises. She also had on a pair of sunglasses and a faded bandana around her neck to hide the ones around her neck. Sure it was hot as hell but she'd rather sweat than have people ask her a million questions about what happened to her. She'd rather not talk about it. 

8:08 a.m. 

She was late. Again. She still walked into homeroom though. She looked to see that seats were packed. She bit her lip and opted for a seat at the front near the door for an easy and fast escape. She had heard talk about what happened after the cops came to the party and busted it. She felt truly bad for the boy and even Miguel whom she didn't even see eye to eye with. But she knew better. She knew better than to try and talk to others when something tragic like this happened. No matter how much you meant it, the person only heard empty words. So, Imani kept her eyes forward, fiddling with the ends of her sleeves. The tapping of heels came to her desk and she looked up at them through her glasses to see the teacher with her arms folded over her chest. "Take off the sunglasses." she told her and Imani shook her head. "Can't." she said, barely above a whisper. Her throat was sore from the event plus her fight she had gotten into earlier in the night. 

"What was that, Miss East?" the teacher asked and bent down so she could hear Imani better. Imani sighed and repeated herself. "Can't." 

"And why not?" she asked her and Imani squinted. She looked to the side and took off her shades to reveal her swollen and bruised eyes that even with enough make up were still the same. The teacher's face went from confused to pity and she nodded, telling the girl to put the shades back on. Imani nodded a bit and continued to sit there in her desk, not really paying attention to anything else but just thinking to herself. After all, she knew that in the end, when no one else would be there for her she still had to live with herself. Everything she was. Everything she is. Everything she was going to be. It was true that she feared that she was going to be just another whore dead in the streets or even worse, one of the boys would find her limp body. It was on this day at 8:11 a.m. that Imani Lashay East knew what she truly wanted. In all of her seventeen and a half years on this Earth, Imani wanted out. She wanted out of this lifestyle, out of this town, and out of this city. 
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