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Realistic or Modern Concrete Jungle

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Something light for the fans. Felt like it went along with the post.


“This is stupid G! Let me the fuck outta here man! I don’t belong here!”

“Jordan, shut the fuck up! They ain’t letting you out of shit!”

Miguel let out an exasperated sigh, leaning further back on the cool, damp wall as he stared away from the now arguing teens. They continued to go back and forth, getting louder and louder with one another despite being in different cells. This is why Miguel hated these kinds round ups. The ones that got taken in were never prepared to be in cells and with that came the chaos. There were still quite a few in here that were crying, moaning and groaning about how they wanted to just go home.

Then you had the ones acting tough like exhibit A- Jordan. He hadn’t shut the fuck up since he got here about being let out, screaming at whatever police officer walked past and hitting his chest like he was doing something. It was beginning to piss Miguel off but he knew the moment he got up to shut him down, the police would be on him like hounds. They already were and had been for a while. So he continued to sit there, letting his eyes stare past the bars and at the free people on the other side. He had zoned out enough to jump in surprise at the sudden loud bang of metal. He whipped his head around to see both teens from before now trying to fight one another through the bars and it looked like the other one was able to get a hit on Jordan.


“Yo, chill!” Miguel called out to them though he didn’t bother getting up like a few others did trying to stop the fight. It wouldn’t end well for any of them. And seconds later it wouldn’t. The doors to the cells would be swung open and a parade of blue would rush in, grabbing those in the altercation and removing them. He would watch as some were slammed to the ground, sickening thumps being heard from their heads hitting the floor while others were slammed to the wall. He unconsciously rubbed his sore arm that had been forced to bend in a way it shouldn’t have. Miguel was sure there were a few cuts and scratches on his face as well. One still stung quite a bit but he wasn’t worried about it now. There were bigger things to think about.

If there was one thing he couldn’t stand it was these damn cops. He knew there were quite a few that weren’t as abusive as the very ones in the cell with him but damn, they sure were few and far between.


Miguel looked up to see one of the cops reading off a list before looking up to stare at him.
“You’re next, let’s go.”

Miguel pushed himself up from his spot, pausing to let the cops from before walk out before walking out himself and following the cop down the hall.
“When do I get my phone call?”

“You will be going to the interrogation room.”

“What?” Miguel hissed, glaring at the man. “Interrogation? Man, I haven’t done shit! I want my phone call!”

The police officer opened the door and pointed inside.
“Go. We have a few questions for you.”

Miguel stared the policeman down, his dark eyes narrowing on the older man’s face for quite a while. There was an internal war going on inside of Miguel and he wasn’t sure what to do. On one hand he wanted nothing more than to throw the first punch at this man and fight his way out of here. But he knew the consequences would likely have him dead. He’d be trampled within seconds, pushed to the ground and beat up like a rag as they screamed at him. He could take the beating until he was down to an inch of his life or maybe shot dead. But no matter what, he’d be hurt or dead, his family would be livid (especially Logan. She’d
thrive off of this), and he’d be just another number. A name protested about before forgotten.


Miguel’s thoughts were cut off as he looked up at the officer who was now staring at him impatiently.
“You walking in or am I going to have to force you in there?”

Miguel let out a small growl, letting his eyes flicker back inside of the room. After a few seconds with a fist clenching over and over- Miguel would succumb to his thoughts and go on the submissive. He turned around and went inside the tiny room, just wanting to get out of there and go home.



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"Girl, I'm tellin' you, it was crazy! People was all over the place, screamin and runnin and fightin. Shit was crazy! I swear I heard a gun go off or something too, man. Shit was fucking, postal."

Celeste raised an eyebrow as she shifted her head around so she could hold on to the phone she held between her cheek and shoulder as she listened to her friend go on and on about the chaos that went down at the party after she'd left. "You and girls get out alright, Kiki? You know Miguel got caught right?" She flipped past another page in the magazine she wasn't paying much attention to as she waited for an answer. Kiki was another good friend of hers, the two weren't as close as her and Mari, but she was cool enough for Celeste to tolerate her calling at 2 o'clock in the morning and rambling about the party.

"Alot of people got caught. It was like open fucking season, in there. But yeah we got out alright. What about chu? I seen you run off with that light skin boy. He still at your crib?"

"No he ain't here!"

"He ain't there? You ain't hit that? What
did you hit?"

Celeste huffed into the phone and there was a moment of silence before Kiki chuckled.
"Did you hit anything tonight?"

"Yeah I hit that Bianca and that red bitch Tisha. Me and Mari beat the shit out of them."

"I know that's right! I heard about that shit. Aye, what'd she she do again?"

Celeste took a deep a breath and was about to respond when she heard a loud, agressive knocking on her window that nearly made her jump out of her skin. She froze, the phone still clenched in her hands as she stared at the window and didn't make a sound. The room fell silent with the acception of Kiki's distorted voice calling her name.

Celeste swallowed as she sat on her bed paralyzed and with a bated breath as she stared at the window. A few moments passed before she heard Khalil's voice. She didn't know whether to be relieved or outraged as he banged on her window.

She started at it blankly for a few momements as he spoke.

"Open up! I got sum for ya'll!"

Celeste's eyes widened as she drew back slightly.

"Cece..you still there?"

Celeste swallowed thickly and raised the phone to her ear again.
"Imma call you back. This niglet done lost his goddamn mind." She hung up before Kiki could respond and glanced at Anubis again. "Nunu, you bout to see some shit tonight." She stomped over to the window and viciously pushed the curtains aside as they'd been the ones to do her wrong before she opened the window. Before any words came out of her mouth, her fist sailed towards him and in an attempt to hit his jaw. A strike that may have caused her just as much pain as it caused him if it managed to connect. Her hand still ached from the fight earlier, her knuckles were slightly bruised, but she didn't care.

"You dumb ass mother fucker, if you don't back the fuck up and yo black ass back home to yo mama, Imma kill you. Who the fuck you think are, coming around here at fucking 2 AM in the morning?! It ain't like that no more! "I told ya' ass not to come round me no more and you over at my damn house?! What is wrong with you! What part of leave me alone did you not understand you piece of-

Her words caught in her throat as she caught sight of a sleek steel handle and felt her heart skip a beat, in fact she was sure it'd skipped several of them. All of the anger left her eyes as was replaced with fear and confusion. Was he really that upset? She'd noticed how broken and empty he'd looked at the party. She knew she'd done some damage, but to this extent. When her heart began to beat again, she could hear each thump in her ear. She took a step back as she looked between Khalil's face and the gun.

She searched his eyes for fear, reluctancy, confusion anything but the rage and hatred that was before her. She blinked and finally met his eyes again, trembling as she tried to scrape the courage and confidance that had been present when opened the window but quickly abandon her at the sight of a gun. She swallowedand opened her mouth to speak. What could she say? What was there
to say? She was quite sure things weren't the way they were back in the classroom. She couldn't be his voice of reason anymore. He wouldn't listen to her even she could manage to speak.

But no matter how angry he was he wouldn't do that to her. He
couldn't do that to her. She repeated those words to herself over and over, ones she were sure were a half truth.

Is this how he'd felt that night? Backed into a corner with nowhere to go and the certaintly that death would claim him any minute.

Her lips wouldn't move, her feet were like cement. She stood with her back to the edge of a steep cliff and the only bridge she could've used to get to the other side had been burned down. And she'd been the one to light the match.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.ae208c32c00b97db59b5a5ad7a97e898.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.ae208c32c00b97db59b5a5ad7a97e898.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Around the fourth solid bang on her window, he heard footsteps from within coming closer. What he expected? Was Makai to open up the window, in complete confusion of what was going on before he got three put in his chest. What he got? Was a solid hook to his jaw, which made his head do a full turn. Will had to be giving this girl some sort of punching lessons as he felt his jaw slack a little bit from the strike. He took a deep breathe in as she yelled, letting her go on and on, he didn't give a shit about what she had to say now.

It wasn't until her shouting came to an abrupt stop that Khalil slowly returned his eyes to her. His gun hand was now rubbing his jaw as he glared her down, seeing the flash of fear in her eyes as her whole body froze. Khalil always knew guns had more power then just to harm people,
it could control people. You point a gun to the head of the hardest mother fucker on the block and he'll do jumping jacks for you on your command. Though guns weren't the way Khalil liked to handle his business. He had never actually killed anybody with one before, as he got down to things with fists. The closest he had gotten was shooting somebody with the intention to kill, though missing terribly. The fear that she showed on her face, in her eyes for him. Almost made him second guess what he was about to do. But the feelings of pure hatred for what they were doing before clouded over it.

Khalil clenched his jaw, his hands were shaking but his whole body was still and his expression emotionless.
"Where's Makai huh? He too pussy to answer the fucking window at a time like this?" He shouted his last words into the room, not caring who around the block would hear him yelling at this time. "So whussup 'Kai? Get ya meat out from between ya damn legs and step up nig!" He shouted climbing through the window, moving past the frozen Celeste if he would have to. He didn't give a lick about her at this moment, he wanted Makai. "You wanna fuck my girl, but you won't show ya damn fa-" Khalil's yelling stopped as he pointed the gun inside the room, scanning everywhere.

There was not a single sign of Makai.

Khalil felt an incredibly sickening feeling in his stomach at the thought of what he just did. He himself froze, glaring at the empty bed as he felt a shiver rock his whole entire spine. He was so sure of it, so sure Makai was in here with Celeste doing the things that made Khalil's mind go crazy. And he was wrong. Khalil felt the gun drop from his hand, landing with a thud on the floor, the point aimed at her door. He himself collapsed to his butt. His head falling down into his palms. What the fuck did he honestly just do? He was prepared to kill his best friend for real, over a girl that wasn't even his no more. Not to mention, he wasn't even there.

He dropped his head back behind his shoulders, a headache stabbing at his very mind. So many problems, and he just added more. The more his mind thought of what he just did, the more ways he realized how bad he fucked up. Celeste and him where already at the point of no return before this, and now he didn't even know how much further beyond that point that he just pushed himself. He put his fingers in through his hair, on the verge of pulling it out as he tried to let out a deep breath. But it was shaky, and his breathing was quick and short.

The sad part was, he didn't even feel relieved that they hadn't done nothing. He felt angry or frustrated that they hadn't done nothing.
Why did part of him want that to happen? Why did he want some excuse to return back to this room so bad, or have something he could actually blame Celeste for? He felt his body shiver again, another cold feeling, even his heart felt as if it was pumping ice throughout his body. He gulped and turned to her, sliding the gun with his foot towards her feet as he looked up at her. Those same sad and scared eyes on his face as he had the last time he came to Celeste with a major problem. Though this time there was no innocence in his eyes, no matter if he killed someone or not. He was a murderer. Khalil glanced down to the gun now at her feet and then back to her, before opening his mouth.

"Do it."


@Aster Sapphire





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The next few moments dragged by slowly. She heard him speaking, she detected the anger in his tone but the words didn't process. She heard Makai's name a few times, but that was it. All she heard was the future sound of a gun clicking and her screaming as Khalil pulled the trigger.

She stumbled aside as Khalil stepped inside and pointed the gun around her room, demanding for Makai to come out. She inhaled shakily and a small whimper left her mouth as she braced herself against the wall and stared at him, and waited.

She remained where she was, unmoving even after she him freeze. As he slid the gun over to her, she gasped and side stepped it as it were a bomb and stared at it. She looked up at him just in time to see that look in his eyes and felt her jaw twitch.

Was he really that broken? He couldn't have been that broken. Enough to show up to her apartment with a gun? With the intention to kill his best friend? Her friend.

She grit her teeth at his words. Do what? Shoot him? She swallowed as she stared at the gun and then back at him. She ran a hand through her hair. "I....I'm not gonna fucking... I'm not gonna kill you! Khalil... You...Y-You came up with a gun..." Her tone was low. Small and shaky like a leaf in a storm. "You came up here a fucking gun and if Makai were you would have used it! You were gonna kill your best friend, Khalil?!"

Her tone raised slightly as her voice filled with anger and fear. "Khalil what is WRONG with you?! This ain't you! I know this ain't you!"

She sniffed and rubbed her eyes as they started to become damp and blur her vision, but it was no use. Her face was already wet, and her eyes were red. Tears and snot ran down her face as she remained with her back to the wall, shaking as she hugged herself tightly.

"G-Get out..." She choked out through her tears. "Get the fuck out and go get some help because you are FUCKED UP, Khalil!"

She choked out another sob as she pressed herself further into her corner and lowered her head so her chin touched her chest. No longer paying attention to Khalil, but keeping her eyes locked on the gun. She swallowed thickly and sniffed again as she dug her nails into her skin. "You don't need to be walking around with that thing right now..." She said, her voice small and still absent of any confidence.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.9f2491f6c19f6df8194afc0e13faad7f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.9f2491f6c19f6df8194afc0e13faad7f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Khalil felt his body suddenly jump up as she spoke, another shiver running down his body. "HE WAS... You guys were.. I thought! I-I thought you guys was together, I-I don't even know!" He said looking over at her, clutching to herself in the corner. The eyes she was looking at him with had nothing for him but horror. He was worse then nothing to her now, now he was a monster.

He took a step back from her, anything to give her that distance, anything for her to stop looking at him for what he truly was. But the next words she said broke it all, he took a hard step towards her "YOU DON'T KNOW ME CELESTE! THIS IS ME! I AIN'T SHIT, THERE AIN'T SHIT TO MY NAME! THIS. IS. ME!" He jabbed his finger into his chest as he shouted at her, his eyes wide and his hand shaking harder.

He snapped his head around, turning away from her, covering both eyes with his hands as he ducked his head.
"And FUCK it! I ain't leaving... Because I am fucked up.. I'm fucked up without you Celeste.. I'm going CRAZY and I don't know why! Ain't no helping that!" He turned back to her. His eyes were lost as he took another step towards her. "Only way I'm getting out, is if you take that gun and put one in my dome!" he shouted taking another step closer to her huddled in the corner. "JUST DO IT!"


@Aster Sapphire



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William Alan Hendrix


Will grinned as Logan casually brushed her shoulder off. "Yeah, you're a regular Malcolm X alright. I was lucky to have you. Boys in blue don't know what hit 'em," he remarked lightly, finally standing up and brushing off his hands as his heart rate began to steady from the run. William made a mental note to avoid alcohol in the near future, especially before any sort of strenuous physical activity. The run hadn't been so bad, but the sound of sirens uncomfortably close behind made for a serious adrenaline dump under the best of circumstances.

Any chance of true relaxation faded as he noticed Logan's eyes roving around their surroundings: the alleyway, the streets beyond, and the few people walking down them. Luckily, they hadn't seemed to attract much attention with their mad dash. Still, Logan was right to be cautious: Bed-Stuy wasn't a safe place, especially at night. Successfully fleeing a police bust only to end up mugged in a dark alley wasn't on his to-do list.
Out of the frying pan... he thought ruefully, shaking his head as he surveyed the scene.

Will took a protective step between Logan and the street, passing it off as he simply leaned against the nearby brick wall, listening as she spoke to him again. Though his grin had disappeared, he chuckled.
"You kiddin' me, Lo? Getting to see you teach that asshole a lesson in manners just about made my night. I wouldn't trade all that underage drinking and awkward dancing in the world for that," he said, keeping his tone light. He paused briefly, clearing his throat. "I almost didn't show up, you know," he said slowly, raising a hand to rub the back of his neck. "...But for what it's worth, I'm glad I did. It was good, getting to talk to you again now that Summer's over and things are--" He shook his head, stopping himself from rambling on.

He shrugged, "Anyway, I hope you enjoyed yourself, before... 'all of that'," he said, waving his hand noncommittally. "It's been a rough week. I think we all needed to cut loose a little bit."

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Celeste fired back, yelling at the top of her lungs. "What makes you think I want to kill you?! Because I...I still- I JUST DON'T. I CAN'T. Why do you wanna die so badly huh?! Why won't you just move the fuck on already!"

She snapped at him and stepped out of her corner. Storming closer and pushing him away from her. Away from the gun. "NO, KH WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO FIX?! Do you hear yourself right now?! You're in here asking me to kill you right now! Don't tell me that this really you, because I know it ain't! There's plenty shit to your name but it's not THIS shit! You not some punk that run around asking his ex-girlfriends to blow his head off!"

She stood inches away from Khalil, looking up at him so she could look him with the meanest look she could manage. "You need to go. Now."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.246c8572a225c5d017f8b1b8fb8d2a04.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.246c8572a225c5d017f8b1b8fb8d2a04.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"You are right! I don't even look at my exes. So why the fuck am I coming to you?"
He shouted out to her as she moved away from him. Giving him a shove away from the gun as he stumbled back a few steps, yet kept his eyes trained on Celeste. Why couldn't he just leave, why couldn't he move on? He was so close to doing so at the party, why had just seeing her with Makai send him into a murder rampage. Would he have really pulled the trigger if he saw his best friend laying in that bed? He bit down on his lip, the answer scaring him. Because there was no doubt in his mind that he would have.

"I think it could fix plenty for you.. You want me gone so bad then get rid of me! Or fuck.. Do you want me there to see you and 'Kai grow from being friends, to talking heavy, to fucking 'n loving?" Khalil asked, cocking his head slightly in question. "Because when that happens what's gone stop me from doin' this same shit. In case you ain't realized yet Celeste, I'm one selfish muh fucka." He spat out to her.

They were inches away from each other as she spoke out to him, a venom in her voice again as she tried to muster up a mean look. Though Khalil kept his feet planted in the ground, shutting his eyes tight and folding his arms. He spoke surprisingly low this time, his voice croaking with some words he spoke. "I ain't leavin'.. What's gone happen if I don't? You gone call the cops on me? Let em take me then, I don't care.. Ain't shit for me left... let em take me."


@Aster Sapphire





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"You arent listening to me! Don't tell me whats gon " fix something" for me! Cause what you want won't fix shit. I don't want you gone like this! That's what YOU want, it ain't what I want. That being said, I know damn well just how fucking selfish you are. So let's talk about you. Let's about what Khalil Bishop Steele wants. Cause thats all that matters right?"

She sat down on the bed and glared at him. Figured she might as well get comfortable since standing and screaming at him wasn't getting her anywhere.

She took a few deep breaths and stared down at her feet. "All he did was walk me home. Cause he's a good friend. You can't be this fucked up because we aint together anymore. You can't be this fucked up after what you did..."

She stared at him and clenched her jaw as she took him in. "So what do want? Besides me shooting your ass. I dont want that, but fuck that right? You want me to tell you that no matter how much you hurt me, I wouldn't go fuck your best friend. After what YOU put me through you don't have to worry about me fucking with anybody for a real long time. Is that what YOU wanna hear? Is that what's gonna get you off the ledge? You wanna know that I'm just as hurt and pissed as you are?" She hissed as she spoke to him, glaring at him with...not quite hatred. Her eyes were tired and broken instead

"You wanna know about I get jealous and angry every time I see Imani? You wanna know about how insecure I am now, Khalil?"

She huffed suddenly and lashed out at her side table, knocking her lamp over. Why did she say all that? She gripped the sides of her small table, her back turned to him and her head hung low.

"I'm not shooting you...and I'm not calling the cops."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.1587d3229eda752ac30648bf87e3de3f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.1587d3229eda752ac30648bf87e3de3f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Khalil shook his head, plopping down to have a seat on the floor as she finally sat back down at her bed. He lifted his chin up slightly to rest his gaze on hers, while her eyes remained stuck on her feet. This was the first time in a long time they had spoken at each other in level tones, no matter if they were still going after each other. When she spoke up about what she was doing with Makai, Khalil felt his heart picking up pace again, just feeling jealousy at the name being mentioned. And he hadn't done anything but be a friend to her.

"And so what? Me and you started off with a walk home.. Plus it was after a party, you can't blame me for thinking shit was gone happen. I don't care if we ain't together, that's still my boy you coulda been fucking. What the hell would you do if you seen me taking Mari home?" He said using Makai being his best friend as an excuse for his extreme jealousy. It didn't matter who it was, whether it would be Makai or a freshman that looked like goofy's crack baby. He probably still would have done the same exact thing, and he just didn't know why.

He had more to say, but suddenly after she brought back up what he did he couldn't say anything anymore. It all went right back to this, something Khalil had been doing his whole life but yet only regretted this with every fiber of his body. But so what, regrets couldn't change what happened. Though she continued, telling him everything that he felt. Feelings she had repeated so often and that she shouldn't have had to have ever said in the first place. He just sat there silently looking to her, letting his thoughts flow along with her speaking.

What exactly did he want? He knew he didn't come here just so he could fucking kill Makai. There was more to it then just that, but wh- the sound of a smashing lamp sounded throughout the room before another silence came over them both. Khalil took a deep breathe in before he rose from his seat on the floor, taking a step over to her bed and sitting down next to her. "Don't shove me away, don't start yelling.. Just look at me and listen.. Please." he said with pleading eyes though he wasn't just going to let her shove him off like that anyway.

He took another deep breath, never moving his eyes off of her from where he sat.
"I can't.." he stopped, the words getting caught in his mouth as he gulped. Come on now Khalil, speak your mind. "I can't apologize enough times for what I did.. I can't unfuck.. Imani.. I can't make you forget about the pain I gave to you. I can't do none of that. But I also can't just let you go." He shut his eyes tight his fingers shooting up to either eye and pressing down on them, fighting back whatever was about to come up before he opened them again. "I.. Don't want to hear about how bad I hurt you no more.. Because I think about that every single fucking time your name crosses my mind. And that's practically every second of the day." He said, shifting his body on the bed so he was facing her completely.

"What I want I can't have. Yeah, I want you back of course I do. I want to be able to go back and kick it with you at kings again. I want to be able to go and watch you dance again, and be the first one to hug and kiss you after. I want to be able to talk to you, without it turning into screamin' and shoutin' in 5 seconds. I want to have that girl that I can come to when my head bout to explode, cause I'm telling you. I'm real close to that point right now. And you can keep telling me how I lost that chance, and how I hurt you and did you wrong, and how you want me out of your life. But you fucking lied to me Cel. You lied to me at that party saying you really done with me cause I know you not! No matter how hard it hurts your heart to admit it I know you aren't done with me. Even if it's a tiny speck of a feeling buried deep inside of you that knows it's not done with me I know it's there. And I don't give a fuck whether you deny it for the rest of your life or even if that shit ain't true, I ain't gone stop, like the stubborn muh fucka I am, I won't stop."

His talking never stopped either, everything starting to flow more easy the more he spoke. Every word coming out with even more emotion behind it. He struggled to keep himself intact as a single tear rolled from his cheek. He wasn't crying or anything, he just couldn't stop it from falling for some reason. His words began to slow down now as he opened his mouth again. "You ask me why I can't leave you alone.. Why I can't just move on? And the answer is.. I don't know.. I don't know why I can't get you out of my head. It ain't just because of what I did to you because you ain't the first." He said honestly "I don't know why or how the fuck.. You make me do all this... I was about to just kill my best.. fucking.. friend, because I'm still hung up over you. So what do I want? I want to forget about you.. More then anything I just want to move on. But I can't.. I really just can't.. Because I don't just want you Cel.

I need you.."

@Aster Sapphire



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Celeste Romaine


The sound of pressure being applied to the strings on her mattress caused her to tear her eyes away from the broken lamp on the floor. She looked over her should at Khalil, shocked at how close he was as he sat on her bed. It was a strange sight to see. They used to sit in that bed together and do everything. Laugh. Talk. Love. Weep. Then all that ended, and unless she counted Anubis, the bed was now lonely. Now he was back but it didn't feel the same way it did before. Slowly, she looked up at him and met his eyes sharp brown ones as she waited to hear what he had to say.

She dug her nails into the spread as he apologized. Which each memory he recalled she felt a knife pierce her heart. She remembered how show off for her on the basket court. She wanted to smile at the thought of his pouting face as he watched her rehearse with another boy. The thought of the two of them laying side by side and pouring their hearts out to each other made her want to cringe as she sat next to him now.

She actually did cringe however when he called her out on her bullshit. She did have an ounce of feelings left for him. Part of her hated herself for that. He'd lied and cheated and acted a fool and she was still somewhat wrapped around his finger. She looked back down at her hands as they wrung them around in her lap, still listening as he continued to talk. Her head finally jerked up and she looked over at him as he uttered his last few words. She blinked, with her mouth idiotically hanging open as no words came out. He couldn't have meant it. She looked at him, trying to find a sliver of evidence that he hadn't meant it. That he was just toying with her and decided to play the last card in his deck. She swallowed and leaned back against the headboard as she fiddled with a strand of her hair, raveling and unraveling it around her finger. She sat in stunned silence and stared at the floor, as if she expected it to give her an answer.
"So...what? What now? Because I don't know what to do anymore, Khalil...we can't keep messing with each other's heads like this...I gotta go my way...you gotta go yours. But then you go and say all that...so what we gon do? We're not good for each other, Khalil. Not anymore..."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/embed.php-12.png.7b7c9d46de30a1c8c3b22cbb4a773e0b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/embed.php-12.png.7b7c9d46de30a1c8c3b22cbb4a773e0b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dark brown eyes flickered over to look at William over his comment about him and the boys in blue. She knew she shouldn’t have analyzed the sentence the way she did but she couldn’t help it. Maybe it was the hormones that were raging through her body or the alcohol that was still clouding her judgement. But she could have sworn that was some sort of… Flirtation? Logan mentally shook her head, her stance going slack. There was no point thinking about it like that. That sort of thing… A relationship between them? That could never have worked…

Logan pushed away the thoughts and decided it would be best to ignore the unhappy feelings that were washing over her. It wasn’t time for this kind of thinking. She looked back over at him when he moved, watching as he leaned against the wall. She found herself following him when he finally settled down, leaning back against the wall beside him and staring up at the night sky.


She looked over at him for a few moment, letting out a small laugh. A hand reached back, running through her hair with a sigh as she turned to look over at him with a smile.
“I don’t know about teaching. I just hope they know not to touch a girl they way they were before. But the drinking and the dancing is wonderful too.” She replied, giggling. With the clearing of his throat she calmed herself down, looking down at her hands for a moment and listening to him.

A small wince was the response when Will talked again and Logan felt absolutely terrible about it all.

“Will, I’m so sorry,” She said, frowning as she looked over at him. It was obvious to see the guilt on her face. “I know we don’t talk at all and it’s completely my fault. I just… I don’t know. I built up such a reputation over the years about myself and I don’t know- I just didn’t want to leave it you know? No, that makes no sense. I shouldn’t have decided to do something like this. It was wrong of me to put you through that and I know I should just suck it up but…” Logan let out a small sigh, getting slightly upset with herself. Here she was again, rambling on when she should have just kept her mouth shut.

“… I’m happy you decided to show up too.” She spoke softly after a few moments of silence, looking at him. “More than you know Will.” She looked away once more, wrinkling her nose as a small smirk came to her lips. “Even if you didn’t dance with me. But you’re right. It has been a very rough week and we certainly needed this. Even if it did end with us running from cops."

Interacts with: Will




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.9f7ce0f1f9d024a2280d10571d862c7a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coollogo_com-305331187.png.9f7ce0f1f9d024a2280d10571d862c7a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Khalil kept his eyes locked on her as he finished, watching her every movement. How was she going to react to all he just said? Was she going to deny everything and try right back on her attempts at trying to get him to leave. Or was she going to listen to his words. He bit the inside of his lip as her head jerked up, her eyes scanning his very soul for dishonesty. He didn't take his eyes away from hers for a second though, not even when she leaned back against her headboard and went silent for what seemed like hours.

Maybe Khalil had said too much for all the crap that had already happened tonight. She twirled with her hair as Khalil continued to stare at her, simply waiting until she finally spoke up. The words she spoke sending yet another tingle down his spine. The questions in which she responded with were even harder to answer, causing Khalil to cock his head slightly in thought. But what she said.. Could it mean that she was open to try again? Now Khalil felt his gaze leave hers and become incredibly focused on the cloth of sheet in front of him. He couldn't rush things and fuck it all over again, things were far from being fixed, but did he actually make progress? So many thoughts were colliding in his head before he looked back up to her, awaiting his own answer.

"Don't say that.."

He said lowly, his head shaking from side to side to her saying they aren't good for each other no more. "Because even through all of that pain, fighting, screaming and yellin'... We right here on this bed talking it out.. And I don't know about you, but I think the fact that we could just do that is hope for us." He paused for a moment, looking down at the bed and then back to her. "So who says we gotta go our separate ways, Cel. I don't care how long it takes." Suddenly he moved forward on the bed, going to take her hand that was rested in her lap. "It could take years for me to build that trust up for you again, or even half of it. But as long as I know you trying to trust me back, and I'm not just doing this for nothing. Then I'mma keep trying, no matter how long, that's word to me Cel. I wasn't playing when I said I needed you." He spoke, his eyes pleading for the thought of a second chance before he realized he had her hand in his grasp. Damn Khalil, too far, too quick, he thought as he reluctantly pulled his hand back from hers. "My bad.."

@Aster Sapphire



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William Alan Hendrix


As soon as Will saw the wince, he knew that he had said too much. He listened to Logan's apology, thoughts racing through his mind. He didn't want to broach the issue -- not like this, not now. He mentally berated himself; it must have sounded like little more than a disguised accusation to Logan. He had no right to complain about their friendship, regardless of how difficult it was at times. Still, for better or worse, it was out in the open now.

His mind raced as as Will considered how to respond, idly shuffling his feet. That's when he saw it: that slight wrinkling of her nose, the smirk that seemed equal parts warm and mischievous. He realized now how much he had missed that smile, the same one that brought the feeling of warmth to his chest -- a sensation he couldn't blame on the alcohol -- that was all too familiar and also very much unwelcome thanks to the trouble it could cause if he ever chose to acknowledge it.

More urgently, William realized he'd been wordlessly staring directly into those deep brown eyes. He quickly tore his gaze away; he didn't want Logan thinking he had zoned out while listening to her, or worse. He lowered his eyes, taking a sudden interest at the concrete below his feet. That smile of Logan's, for all the trouble it has just ignited in his brain, had solved his problem. Slowly, the smile returned as he spoke, his tone quiet but firm.
"Lo, you've got nothing to apologize for. I mean it. I knew what I was signing up for when we started this. You mean a lot to a lot of people at Midwood..." He raised his head to find her eyes again. "...including me."

"You were there for me when I didn't have anyone. After my mom and Lance... you were there." He sighed, shaking his head briefly and staring out at the street to watch a passing cab. "But you don't owe me anything, Lo. You never did. You've built something important here and a lot of people look up to you for it. The last thing I want to do is get in the middle of that. If that means making some sacrifices between the two of us, then so be it. That's a price I'll gladly pay."

He chuckled, his tone softening. "As for seeing me dance... be careful what you wish for, Abrams. Trust me when I say you might have preferred getting busted."

Interactions: @JujuBee
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/embed.php-12.png.9dcc57697fd9ec9792709ae360b56e78.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/embed.php-12.png.9dcc57697fd9ec9792709ae360b56e78.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If there was one thing that Logan wasn’t necessarily good at, it was her patience. She didn’t have much patience for anything and anybody. This wasn’t always the best thing when it came to certain events such as messing around with the younger ones in the house or trying to explain racial issues to people she deemed ignorant the moment she looked them in the eyes. But with that patience came the waiting game and that’s exactly what she felt like she was going through the moment she stopped talking. Logan had taken note that sure, Will had been looking at her for most of the time but had he actually listened?

Logan blinked, feeling slightly foolish. Of course he had listened. This was
William Alan Hendrix. The same guy she’d finally met and talked to over the summer. The very one she’d come to have a special fondness for over how he treated her. He’d always been there for her to listen even if it wasn’t the most convenient time for him. This time would be no different. Shit, what else would he be doing? Staring at the quiet buildings across the street? They were on a street late at night. There was hardly anything here to keep them distracted.


But the waiting. It was the waiting that got to her. She could feel herself growing antsy, her worry increasing with every silent second that was shared between the two until he finally spoke. She let out a silent sigh of relief, turning to look at him as she hung off of every word. She couldn’t help but keep her smile when she took note of his own. It faltered slightly at the mention of his family and Logan couldn’t help but feel guilty for him again. She remembered that as though it had happened yesterday.

“I’m so sorry you of all people had to go through something like that. You didn’t deserve that at all. But look at where you’ve gotten since…” Logan took a moment, taking a deep breath. “You are so strong Will. With everything you’ve gone through. Including me because Lord knows I haven’t always been the easiest to handle. You’ve made that clear with the sacrifices.” She said, giving him a small, teasing smile. Right after however, she sobered up and chose not to look at him anymore, letting her eyes look up and stare at the sky.

“I appreciate the fact that you’re there for me and so willing to do what I want when it comes to us being out in public. To pretend as if you don’t know me and receive whatever it is I throw at you, even if it isn’t all the way good.” A wave of nervousness washed over Logan and she clenched her fists, reminding herself to keep herself calm. “But for how long?”

That question had been eating at Logan ever since the first day back to school. Sure he’d done well for the week but how long would he go on like this? Another week? A month? The year? There was no possible way he’d do that and Logan knew it. But she couldn’t bring herself to step up the way she was supposed to and all she could think about was the countdown to when she’d be given the ultimatum and lose him. Logan didn’t want to think about it anymore than she had to however, turning to him with a smile that was just a bit forced.

“Hendrix, try me with your dancing. It can’t be that bad. Besides, if it is I can teach you some moves. Or we can get Celeste to teach you some dance moves herself. Then you’ll be the life of the party. One that hopefully won’t be crashed by police.”

With that Logan turned around and began walking, glancing back at him.
“Might as well take a walk now that everything’s calmed down right? I’m sure we’ll come across some place good enough for us to sit because this right here isn’t it."

Interacts: Will




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Celeste tensed as she felt Khalil's skin meet with hers for the first time in ages. It didn't send the same tingle through her body that it used to. Just like his presence on her bed after all that time, it felt cold and unfamiliar. She shook her head as he talked, her eyes glued to the floor as her eyes squeezed shut.

"Playin' or being honest, it don't matter Khalil. You right, I ain't over that shit yet and it's gonna be a long time before I am, but I will get there. I want all this behind me. That means that we gotta cut each other loose. For good."

She looked up at him with her lips pursed and studied his face. Of all the moments in her life where she'd experienced outright unfairness, this one moment between her and Khalil took he cake. It the cake, the ice cream, the soda pop. All of it. Of course he'd say all these now of all times. When it was too late for them to mean much to her, but at the same time made things much harder. Just like he'd been before, whether he knew it or not, Khalil was her weakness, one that she'd been trying to get rid of since the day broke up. Part of her wished that he'd continued to sleep around with other girls. She wished that he'd keep mocking her in class, calling her a bitch and a hoe in front of everyone.

It would have at least been a lot easier to leave him behind. Her eyes drifted back to the gun on the floor, the sight of it still making her stiffen on the bed. She tore her eyes away from it and glanced back at Khalil with a heavy sigh.

"There's not hope for us anymore.
Us is done. Us ended a long time ago and it's not coming back. All that's left now is for you to do your thing and for me to do mine . That's it. My thing don't involve you, Khalil. It's over between you and me. I'm looking out for myself alright? I'm tyring to do what's best for me and...that's not you. Not anymore. I'm sorry, Khalil but it's over..."


William Alan Hendrix


Will's eyes flicked toward the street again. Logan had called him strong... that seemed generous. Compared to Maria, he'd gotten off lucky. And he'd still ended up losing Lance to "the system", Scott to the bottle. And now here he was, hiding in an alleyway with a stomach full of alcohol listening to reassurances from a girl that had a knack for sending his mind reeling. The irony of it, of course, was that the same girl and her reassurances meant the world to him. Logan made herself sound like a challenge for him to overcome... she didn't realize how much the opposite was true.

...But for how long?

He flinched; the words echoed in his mind as he glanced over, noting the hands clenched at her sides. William frowned, trying to find an answer that would appease Logan only to find that he didn't know any better than she did. For all of his own reassurances about the sacrifices he was willing to make for them, Will had... doubts about how long this friendship could last and where it would lead. Even if it stayed alive through the secrecy and the concerns of image and reputation, there was no avoiding the figurative end of the road at the end of this school year. Logan was meant for bigger and better things, he knew. College, at the very least. He had little more to look forward to than the nearest recruiting office. Still, that was a problem for another day. For now... for now he was just glad to have close by.

He glanced upward to make eye contact, opening his mouth to reassure her when he saw her smile. Whatever that moment of doubt was they had seemingly shared... it had passed and that was fine by him. He followed suit, forcing a smirk of his own.

"I think Celeste would rather knock me out than oblige me with dance lessons most days," he remarked dryly. His tone softened as he added, "But you're right. About time for a change of scenery." He made his way out to the street, walking slowly as he turned to wait for Logan to follow.

Interactions: @JujuBee

Mentions: @Aster Sapphire




Trigger warning: Domestic Violence/Abuse, Sexual themes

Imani looked at Amari after the whole scene, nodding at his words. It was probably for the better that he went home and she didn't trail in his footsteps. After all, she still had her little "reputation" and that reputation follows those that she goes home with. Even if all they do is grab a bite to eat. Imani watched him as he went, her own body slumping slightly. The only thing that caused her to keep on going was the hunger that burned in the pit of her stomach. She had forgotten to eat breakfast and only ate half of a granola bar for lunch. Now it was three o'clock in the morning and the only thing in her system was alcohol and weed. Not much of a meal.

"Shit." she cursed out, watching as people raced by her screaming profanities and flashing their gang colors. Imani decided to pull her hat down to cover her eyes, her head down as she made her way back to her place. Despite all of the commotion that she found herself in, her mind always drifted back to the same thoughts. She bit the inside of her mouth nervously as the building she lived in grew closer and closer. She dug into her shorts pockets and pulled them out, shaking the small bits of weed from them. She stops at her building and looks up at it, looking at the window that lead into her place. "Can't stand here all night." she said under her breath, adjusting her top and jogging up the steps and opening the door. She walked up the stairs that lead to her floor, seeing the all too familiar door with the number '221' on it. She reached up to the top of the door frame and grabbed the key, unlocking the door and putting the key back.

The sound of the tv filled her ears and she let out a loud sigh, taking her hat off and setting it on the table.
"Deshawn, didn't I tell you to go to bed at midnight? It's 3 o'clock in the morning. Go on to bed." The sound in her voice was one that wasn't angry but instead exhausted. Her curly honey brown hair fell in her face which she tied into a ponytail. When the shadowed figure stayed in its place, Imani glared and made her way over to him. She grabbed the remote from the table, her back staying turned to him. "I said get your ass to bed." she put down the remote and turned to face him but the face she found sitting there made her want to run.

"Bitch, who the hell do you think you're talking to? That's no way to speak to your daddy." the annoyed look he always wore when he spoke to her made her want to leave. She took in a shaky breath as Master P stood, his broad and tall body easily towering over her own. Master P walked to her and grabbed her chin, making her look up at him. He looked her up and down, an amused look on his face as if she were the special of the day. "Where you been, Mani?" he asked, licking his lips and using his other hand to run down her side.

"No where. Just finding new customers like you want." she spat out, not really in the mood for his games. Imani refused to look at him, flinching under his touch and almost growling at him. Master P's hand stopped when he noticed her not looking at him and he pinched her cheeks together. "Oh yeah, did you make any money?" he asked, his eyes squinting into a glare. He brought her closer to him, his nose burying into her hair as he smelled it. He let out an "ahh" when he pulled away, grinning at her. "You smell like booze and weed." he said, snapping her head to the side and looking at her neck. He stuck his tongue out and licked up her neck starting at her shoulder.

"Tell me how you made me any money tonight, Mani." he whispered into her ear, causing her to ball her fist up. "I told you, I found new customers." she said, her voice strained and her eyes closing. Master P nodded and moved his hand to her hair and grabbed a good handful, pulling her head back. Imani closed her eyes and yelped out in pain, looking at him.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Mani. I know you went out to a damn party. You know I have people. You go out dressed like this and come back with no money for me? Did you think I was that fucking stupid? Huh? Get on your knees." he said, throwing her down and causing Imani to hit her head on the arm of the couch. She let out a groan and held her head, rubbing on it. There was a swift kick to her side and her head being pulled back again. Imani grabbed at his hands and whined, causing Master P to laugh. "Just do your job and shut your mouth." he whispered into her ear. Imani looked back at him and for some ungodly reason she decided to fire back.

"Go to hell." she growled out. This proved to go against her favor, however, when his heavy hand made contact with her jaw. Imani let out a painful yell, holding her jaw and fell to the ground when he let go of her. "You wanna act tough? Bitch you ain't nothing but a lil bitch. I'll put you in your damn place."


@Anthony Davis
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/embed.php-13.png.c7b3ed1a23d15e5172d52644f5ef478b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/embed.php-13.png.c7b3ed1a23d15e5172d52644f5ef478b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It had been hours since Miguel had been shipped into the damn jail cell with all of the others. The party hey’d been rounded up at had been over for a while and Miguel was sure it would sooner or later be time for school. He’d however wouldn’t be there for it and would actually have an excuse as to why. Not his usual ‘oh I was with my gang’. Nope, this time he was actually in jail. He could see the sneers and cocky smirks that would come not his teachers’ faces when they found out. Fuck, how much he wanted to be out of that cell now to knock them down.

What irritated him the most however was the fact that he still hadn’t gotten his phone call by now. Shouldn’t they have let him call home? To his aunt? He was sure Logan was home by now, they would have been wondering where he was. On second thought however, she might not have. He didn’t spend too much time at home at night despite the lectures he’d receive from his aunt but he always came home at a certain time because he was respectful. That and the fact she would beat his ass if he came home after it.

Something told him he’d be getting his ass beat as soon as she saw him.

An officer meandered past the cell and Miguel jumped up.

Dark eyes slid his way, their mouth twitching in annoyance. “

“My phone call. I want a phone call.”

“You’ll get a phone call… Though it’ll be us calling to tell your family you’re dead if you keep fucking talking.” They hissed at him, their eyes narrowing into slits as Miguel glared back. Fists clenching, he stared them down, letting his tongue run the length of his teeth.

“Calm down John. Keep moving.” Another one would speak, walking towards the two and moving the officer.

The officer would respond with a gruff, glaring at Miguel for a few more seconds before turning. The anger that Miguel had been suppressing for so long was slowly on a rise now. He couldn’t help it. They’d all been testing him since he’d been here. Not just him but all of the other teens they’d gotten as well.

Fuck man!” Miguel shouted, slamming his fist against the cool metal. “I just wanted a fucking phone call!”

“Yo Guel man, chill out. Chill out man.” One of the other guys in his cell said, quickly grabbing at him and pulling him back. Miguel didn’t bother trying to respond, letting himself be pushed back to his seat from before. He slumped down, trying to take deep breaths over everything that was happening. He needed to calm down. If he didn’t then surely something would happen and it wouldn’t lead to a happy ending.


Miguel looked over to his right, staring at another young man who had been taken in. It was Rome, a guy he’d grown up with when he got to New York. He had never bothered with trying to join any of the gangs and rather kept to himself when there was bad news surrounding him. Miguel had always respected the kid, loving the fact that he was someone that seemed to actually have a chance out there in life. Hopefully one day he would be.
“What is it Rome?”


“You good? Chilled?”

Miguel didn’t respond for a moment before finally giving a curt nod.
“I’m good.”

Rome nodded in response. “Good, we don’t want to get too crazy in here you know. Could cause something bad. We just gotta be cooperative. They can’t keep us in here for too long right?”

Miguel nodded.
“You’re right. They may be buggin’ and brutal but we gotta chill out.”

“Very much so.” He responded. “But anyway, that party… Shit was sweet. I’m ready for the next one.” He said with a small grin and a chuckle. It would be enough to get Miguel’s mind off of what had happened and he’d chuckle as well.
“For sure.”

“Like did you see the fights that happened? Shit was crazy! Cray-“

The sound of the cell opening would be heard and everyone would look up to see Tiny, one of the girls in the cell being thrown back in. Her make up would be a mess, her body shaking, and loud sobs escaping her lips.

“Tiny!” Her boyfriend would shout, jumping up and making his way over to her. He’d pull her close into his arms, trying to see if she was okay before glaring up at the cop who was closing the cell door. “You fucking punk! Can’t do shit to us but when you’ve got a girl you gotta play big boy!”

“Excuse me?” The cop asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“You fucking heard me! Little
bitch!” He declared, standing up as some of Tiny’s friends came to pull her away.

“You got a lot of nerve talking like that when
you’re the one in the cell.” The officer snarled, eyes dark and staring at him. Miguel was silent, watching the whole ordeal as was everyone else. Some looked afraid while others looked ready to pounce at any moment.

“Triflin ass bitch. Say that shit to my face!” He growled. Before anyone could stop him, he’d slam himself into the bars, reaching through with a hand and grabbing the officer by his shirt before pulling him close.

“Hector, no!” Some shouted but it was too late. The officer would rip himself out of the protective boyfriend’s grasp and with a new fire in his eyes would swing the door open. Just like that the two would be at it, the officer trying to restrain him as Hector continued to throw punch after punch. If it had been any other time, it would simply have been Hector to be the one to get taken down. But they’d all been in there for too long. Tensions were high and this would be the event to break it. One after another, teens in the cell would join it, trying to get their friend back and push the cop out, screams being heard from everywhere.

It would only take a matter of seconds before the cell would be filled with other police officers, each one going for their target. Miguel wasn’t sure but he could have sworn there was now something of a… blood thirst going on. From the cops or the kids, he wasn’t sure. But he knew it would only be a matter of seconds before shit hit the fan even worse then it already had. He watched from the sidelines, doing his best to keep calm as he saw his friends being taken down one by one and before long everyone would be restrained. Those on the sidelines would be as well and once again Miguel would find himself pushed up against the cold brick, his cheek screaming with pain from earlier as it was pressed on.

“Let go of me!” Miguel screamed, his voice being drowned out by the screams around him. The commotion. The chaos.

“Stupid teens. Can never do something smart.” He heard the police officer growl in his ear. It would take only a second for Miguel to put the voice to face. The same bastard from earlier.

“Yo fuck you man. Maybe if you weren’t such a mofo to everyone, you’d actually get a sliver of respect. But I doubt that. You ain't shit.” Miguel hissed, struggling against the hold he was in.

“You little-“

Miguel would feel himself being pulled back before being slammed against the wall once more, a yelp escaping his lips. “Shut up! Stop talking!”

Don’t. Touch. ME!Miguel screamed, his struggling getting even more aggressive than before. He would manage to throw the cop off of his focus and be free of his hold. Without a moment’s hesitation, Miguel would turn around, his hand already balled into a fist as he slammed it against the cop’s cheek. Watching the cop fly backwards would feel good. It would feel like something of a victory though it would be a lot shorter than he’d be anticipating. Within moments he’d be tackled to the ground, a searing pain in his side though it would easily be shadowed by the sudden pain in his arm. His screams from the pain would mesh into the screams of the others, wiggling this way and that on the floor as blow after blow of pain would be radiate throughout him.

He wasn’t sure what happened. So much had occurred in those mere minutes, the tension now far gone and out of the reach of those who were trying to reel it in. It was nothing but anger in that cell. Anger, Rage, whatever one would call it but it was obvious that it was dangerous. That it was deadly. Miguel would come to learn this in the next second when he’d hear those familiar pops. The ones that meant a life was over.



He along with everyone else would freeze at the sound, screams being heard from a few of the girls who couldn’t exactly handle what was going on. Miguel’s head would whip around and he’d see the blood spatter on the wall fresh and bright as it contrasted against the white paint it raced down on. He would feel his stomach drop, his stomach grumbling with nerves as he couldn’t help but stare at the scene before him. But all would come to a hush within him, his breath stopping when he’d allow his eyes to slid further down. There, laying awkwardly on the bench he’d just been sitting on was none other than Rome. The blood would flowing from the shots that could be seen on his chest, the red stinging his shirt. There seemed to be so much and Miguel was sure it was getting on his pants. But what caught him the most were the eyes of the one he called friend. No longer was there a life there. No longer would he see the glint of happiness he friend gave him. The fire in his eyes when he’d be up to a new task, the determination, the mischief. No longer would he be able to look into his friends eyes and refresh his hope for the one he knew would make it out here. Instead he’d have the glassy, cold looking eyes engraved into his mind for life. It would be his parting view of Rome and Miguel wished that he could have been anywhere else other than there.

The world would seem to come back to play after being paused and a loud wail would emit from one of the girls, Rome’s name being cried out with grief. The scuffles would stop, no one fighting the police anymore as they were pulled up and dragged out. Miguel hissed, hobbling on his feet when it would be his turn to be dragged out. He already couldn’t see out of one eye and he was sure he’d twisted his ankle and that his arm was either broken or sprained. There was a lot more that he could have self diagnosed but all of that was simple. Mere little paper cuts compared to Rome who lay slumped in the cell.

“Rome!” He’d hear that girl again as he was finally pulled around the corner, his sight never laying eyes on his friend once more after that.

It was for real now, this place was absolute hell and Miguel wanted nothing more than to get the fuck out of it.



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Khalil felt his jaw clench so hard that the back row of his teeth flared in pain. There was hope for them, for a split second there was hope for them. And then just like that it was gone, and that cold feeling crept inside of him again. He felt a shiver run down his spine again, causing him to grip the sheets on her bed between his fingers. Any words he had left to say were gone, any thoughts in his mind were blank. All that was left over him was that cloud of loneliness, the cloud he felt had been following him for most of his life. That was until, he had met her.

He gulped, now chewing on the inside of his lip before he nearly jumped out the bed. He stepped over to the corner of the room, swiping up the gun he had brought and putting it in it's same place of hiding behind his shirt and between his boxers. His breathing was quick, his chest puffed with every step he took and once he reached the window ready to step out without a look back, he felt his whole body stop. He froze there at the window, his eyes locked on his exit with his back turned to her. He began chewing on the inside of his lip once more before his head snapped around, eyes locked on her for what would be probably his very last time ever alone with her. His eyes were already red, and his cheeks were stained with streaks. But the words he said next did not come as a surprise to him at all.

"I love you, Celeste."

And with that he hopped through the window and down the fire escape.



Each step he took towards his house felt like he was marching ever closer to another dead end. He was trapped on these dark Brooklyn streets, the streetlights only shining down on some lucky blocks, and the rest were clouded by the darkness Bed-Stuy held. There was a cold weight behind him, itching and calling his name, begging to bring power back to his empty body. Though Khalil kept on stepping, until he took a turn for the worse on Spruce street where killers came to die.

Khalil had his head ducked as he stepped, the words Celeste had said continuously playing in his mind. The image of her face, the pain she felt embedded into his very thoughts. Those images and recent memories wouldn't have stopped playing in his mind, until he heard a deep voice cut through his thoughts.

"Who you is partna?"

The voice asked Khalil as he walked, causing Khalil to stop dead in his tracks and whip his head around. To the left of him, sitting on the steps of their brownstone was three T Bloods. One was clad in an all red jump suit, the other shirtless, in red basketball shorts and wearing a white du-rag. While the final one sent a flash of rage and fear streaking through Khalil's heart. Dressed in a wife-beater and red basketball shorts with a black du-rag on, was Meech's younger brother, Janai. One of the T-Bloods that were there to betray Khalil and his father, and kill him in the end. Two of them were sitting on the steps sipping on 40's, while Janai was leaning on the railing, a blunt in his hand. The Juke box had the "Flava in ya ear" remix playing and all three of them where grilling Khalil like a fresh piece of meat.

Janai, the one who had spoken up, exploded out into a fit of laughter once he realized it was Khalil walking down their block at this time. Khalil grit his teeth, eyeing all three of them for any sudden movement. Looking around at the brownstones he knew he was on Spruce, not the safest street for Khalil to walk down, especially this late. "Ain't this about a bitch... What's brackin' Steele? A little far from ya block ain't you? Fuck you doing on mine." Janai said, pushing off from his railing and stepping up to Khalil's face. The other two in the back also stood up from their seat on the steps, coming behind Janai as clear support.

Khalil remained silent though his heart was pounding in his chest. There was three of them, and one of him. And he was way to far from his block to find any help. Without a doubt, this had to be the worst night of Khalil's life. And even though the odds were against him, and fear should be running rampant through his very heart. There was something that kept him feeling secure. It was that cold metal pressing against his back, that feeling of power begging to be grabbed.

"What I'm doing on ya block? Shit.. I wish I could tell you I came to give you a breath mint.. Ya breath hot as fuck B." Khalil joked though his face never shifted, and his eyes remained locked on Janai. It was that type of reckless talk that basically asked for death. Janai laughed though the anger was clear on his face as one of the T Bloods in the back stepped up. "Who the fuck he talkin' too Janai? I'll fuck this ni-" Janai raised his hand for him to stop talking. "Bool it blood.. We finna jump on his ass in a bit." He said before taking another step to Khalil and shoving him back.

"Where you get these balls from huh? Talking reckless to me the last thing you wanna do partna. I ain't hear you playing 'round and acting tough when I put a hot one through ya pops-"

"Watch your fucking mouth." Khalil spat out, rage taking over his whole body in one sweep as he bounced back up to Janai, getting face to face with him once more.

"Or what? What chu gone do? You ain't 'bout shit now Steele.. You's a bitch to me.. Hell, you's a bitch in these streets."

"And fuck you is Janai? You ain't nothing if you ain't Meech lil bro. Yous a chump to me, my dick got more respect in these streets then you do. YOU ALL CHUMPS TO ME!"

In an instant, Janai charged him, grabbing on to the collar of his shirt and slamming his head into Khalil's nose. Khalil felt the instant pain as blood began to squirt from it and the other two T Bloods began to come at him. He swung a right hook at Janai's cheek as it clipped him and sent him barreling back. But it was no use, the T Blood on the left dove at Khalil's legs lifting him up and slamming him hard into the pavement, all of the breath shooting from his body as his back flared in pain. Khalil's eyes shut tight as he felt another fist slam into the side of his face, and then another. "GET OFF ME!" Khalil tried to shout as he squirmed under the two T Bloods his whole body in pain at this point.

Janai shouted out to the two who were giving Khalil the beating of a lifetime. "HES MINE!" He shouted out in anger as the two backed up, swiping their hands together and still standing on either side of Khalil. That was where they made their worst mistake. Khalil gripped his nose and busted lip with his left hand as he glared at Janai who's left eye was already shut tight and bloody from one punch. Janai began to step over to him, his fist clenched tight. It was just at that moment when Janai stood over him, ready to pounce that Khalil took what little fight left in him and kicked out to sweep his legs. It didn't do much except cause a quick distraction Khalil needed to get up, and finally draw upon the power of the cold steel he needed.

Khalil fired a warning shot into the air before dropping the gun down to aim at Janai. Khalil's whole body was still flaring in pain, but there was a new found adrenaline, a new anger from all of the events that happened this week. From J-Liv being murdered, to Celeste officially ending all ties with him, now down to this moment being harassed by the same T-Bloods that killed his father. The other two T-Bloods took off running, though Janai remained frozen as the gun was aimed on him. There was a newfound fear all across Janai's face. A gun could do that to you. A gun didn't just have the power to fire off a bullet, but it also had the ability to drain all the power, all the strength from a man, and then give it to the man behind it.

"Ight Steele, put that shit down you ain't no killer."

"I'm not? Act like you know me!" Khalil spat out forcefully stepping closer to Janai with the gun aimed at his skull. The power he felt coursing through his veins blending with the anger made him feel wild.

"I-Ight.. C-chill with that Steele.. We can work this out playa.. Money, drugs, anything you need you know I got chu!" Janai said as he backed up though it only brought a sick smile to Khalil's face.

"You got me huh? Just like you had my pops too?! Fuck money! Fuck drugs! I want revenge.." Khalil shouted out again as Janai began to tremble backing up even more with a gulp as he quickly tried to turn and take off down the block. But Khalil was too quick, within a second of Khalil pulling the trigger and permanently embedding himself into the system they created, the bullet flied out, and landed into the upper right side of Janai's back. Khalil watched Janai's whole body contort, before it twisted back and he dropped to his knees before sprawling out to the ground.

Khalil felt his hand shake as he watched the body drop, sprinting over to what he had just done. It wasn't the first time he fired a gun at someone. But it was the first time the bullet landed, the first time he watched a body drop to his doing. The first time he had taken a life. Khalil stood over the lifeless body of Janai, a pool of blood quickly beginning to paint the concrete under him. Still sitting inside of his hand was the weapon that gave him power, the very power needed to take a life.

Khalil Bishop Steele, was now a murderer.


@Aster Sapphire




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September 17th, Monday | Midwood High-Home Room | 7:20 A.M

Another eventful week in the books, though it's time for a new one to begin. Tisha's party may have been the highlight for many or a disaster for some. The cops coming in at the end sending some unlucky people off to holding facilities or just keeping some in over night. Though many may of heard through the news already, the most unluckiest soul was shot and killed in the same cell they kept him for holding

Principal Kalter has called for an early home-room for the students to discuss the events that had occurred with their assigned teacher. All students should be arriving at school and heading to their homerooms as it is constantly repeated on the loud speaker. Many have already begun sporting shirts of the slain Rome, and the talk of the school is all about his murder already. The goal of this week? Make it out with no new deaths.

(( Feel free to include your morning in your post or head straight for the school. Just make sure towards the end of your post your character arrives at the homeroom. It is up to you whether your character has knowledge of Rome's murder or not, but everyone is about to find out in their homeroom. Make sure you have read @JujuBee post before posting as well.))

@Aster Sapphire @lonecoyote @JujuBee @DreamsAreForDreamers @TheUnspokenGodess @Safton @Of the Red @Anthony Davis

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If there was one thing about Miguel that everyone would come to learn about him, it would be the fact that he was a quiet soul. He seemed to do more watching than being the one who was watched. His eyes could be considered as always seeming cold and calculated and his aura something of a chilled vibe. But the moment he stepped into the halls of MidWood high it would very much so be obvious that the same quiet yet cool acting young man would be far from his usual demeanor.

Unlike many of his fellow students, Miguel wouldn’t be wearing a shirt for Rome. Miguel was never the type to wear a shirt with a face on it that had ‘R.I.P’ on it. He instead would show his mourning with the color of his outfit. From head to toe Miguel would be engulfed in black everything. The only difference in color would be the green and white bandana that was tied with his brother’s black and white bandana that was securely placed in his back pocket. The tip would hang out, swinging every so often with the limp Miguel had while walking. His steps would be slow and a growl would rip from his throat at every touch and nudge given by anyone around him. He would even go so much as to stare one of the sophomores down who though it would be a good idea to talk smack when they bumped into him.


Miguel wouldn’t start swinging. That was a given for him even if the sophomore didn’t know but the livid look in darkened eyes would be enough to know not to essentially- Fuck with him.

It would take a longer time than usual for him to finally get to the homeroom. His good hand would reach up, pulling his cap lower to shield his eyes as he made his way to the back row. He’d pause for a second at his desk before slowly sitting down in it. If anyone had been looking they would see the clear flash of pain on his face before it would be masked over with that same indifferent look he’d been pulling off since he’d gotten out of jail. His aunt had been absolutely hysterical as well as his uncle. His little cousins weren’t exactly sure of what happened but knew well enough to be happy their family member was back home. Logan had been far beyond livid. It had been a range of emotions for him. He had immediately grown angry the moment he saw her. She was in fact the reason to him even being snatched up by the feds. So she wouldn’t get too much of a greeting from him. But the moment she’d found out what happened- how he’d gotten hurt and the death of rome- she’d become a whole new person.

It would make an hour to calm her down but a teary hug from her would be the end factor as well as the factor to know just what had happened to him. He’d have one bruised rib as well as a fractured one, which would become obvious from the inspection his aunt gave. The cuts would easily be treated on his face and the most they could do for his black eye would be ice. It would be his arm and foot that would cause the most problems. His arm was either fractured or broken completely through. The pain would be enough to tell him that. As for his limp, he’d chalked it up to having a sprained ankle. His aunt had insisted on him going to the hospital to get an official check up but a livid response from Miguel would be enough to stop her from prying anymore into it. So they’d wrap up the arm and ankle the best they could to keep it from moving too much and let Miguel go on.

He didn’t want to come to school though. This had been the last place he’d wanted to go but he sure as hell couldn’t deal with the doting of his aunt and uncle anymore. One more question about how he was and he was sure he’d go crazy. So he’d take the few hours away from the house at the school. It wouldn’t be too bad right? With a short sigh (as it hurt to breathe) Miguel would get himself into the best comfortable position he could and wait in silence for this hell to start up so he could get finished with it.



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Celeste watched Khalil and once again saw something inside of him snap. She was distracted for a few moments, focused only on blocking him out, it wasn't until he jumped up suddenly and made a beeline for the gun that she felt herself snap back to reality. She gasped sharply as she scrambled further away from him and moved to take cover behind her bed, damn near breaking a bone in the process. She waited for the deafening sound of the gun shot that she was sure would the last sound she heard. She braced herself and waited, but he simply tucked the gun back down into his hiding place and made his way towards her window. She wanted to say something, stop him before he left but the words didn't reach her lips. All her body allowed her to do was stand and watch as he moved away, for a moment she felt a relief that left as soon as it came. He paused at the window and looked back before he uttered those final words and left.

She blinked for a moment before she screamed in outrage as she stormed over to the window and slammed it shut before she violently closed her curtains. Anubis poked his head from beneath her bed and cocked it to the side and peered up at her.

"What the hell just happened?! Did he really just say what I think he said?! After he stormed up here and pointed a gun in my face? and threatened to kill my friend?!"

Rather than give her an answer, Anubis stretched and raised a leg high in the air as he began to lick himself. She stomped over to her bed and flopped onto her stomach, with her face buried in her pillow. Moments later, Anubis joined her and perched himself on the back of her head as he proceeded to lick himself and shed all over her.

She sighed as she batted him away and turned over onto her side. "Move you dumb cat..."

He obeyed and instead curled up by her chest with a lazy purr. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug as she sighed. The thoughts buzzing in her mind gave her headache. From the party, to the police raid to what had just happened, she felt as if her head were about to explode. Needless to say, she didn't expect to get very much sleep tonight, and she had no intentions of looking forward to school tomorrow. Every time she felt she was closer to breaking through the surface of her problems, another ten pounds of dirt was relentlessly thrown on top of her. She was knocked three steps back for every two steps forward and soon enough.

She squeezed her eyes shut and did her best to ignore her thoughts as she delved into a night of restless sleep before the restless day that was ahead of her.


Celeste trudged up the steps of Midwood High as he eyes drifted around at the other students. No matter where she looked she saw grief in the form of the T-shirts that had been created for Rome. Some stood in the hallway huddled together as they wept quietly, while others got up on their soap boxes and preached the need to pursue revenge. She ignored them all as she made her way to home room. She wore no T-shirt, she wore no black and her eyes were dry. She felt like she have been more upset, but at this point, news like this didn't upset her the way it used to.

So many times she'd seen the same headlines in the news papers, heard the same stories on the radio. She hated how common this had become. She hated how she didn't get as angry or sad as she used when she heard news about yet another innocent kid being shot dead. Now all she did was shake her head with a sigh before she tried to go about things as normally as possible. Hopefully that's today would go. Even if not much good could be expected from a day "normal" day at Midwood.

She entered homeroom silently stopping when she saw Miguel. seemingly okay. At least that was a bit of good news. That he was here instead of with Rome. She took in his all black attire and the dangerous flicker in his eyes, before she continued to her seat with a sense of pity for Miguel she didn't want to try and get across to him. Instead, she sat down in her desk and didn't acknowledge anyone as she waited for the day to begin and end.

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William Alan Hendrix


William tightened the gloves around his fists, stepping up to the heavy bag and rolling his shoulders. Routine was routine, after all. As he started in, his fists rocking the bag back and forth on its chain, his mind drifted back to the weekend. The party had been... something. Being surrounded by a bunch of teenagers more carefree than he could ever be had rubbed off on him... at least for one night. He still remembered (or half-remembered, anyway) the alcohol-fueled fog that had cast that entire night in a breezy, easygoing light. Well, except for his talk with Logan -- that he remembered perfectly. Not to mention the adrenaline rush caused by the not-so-distant lights & sirens as the two of them clambered down backstreets and through alleyways.

He lowered his fists for a moment, panting. A smile appeared on his face, only to disappear as he shook his head and raised the gloves again. Will had gone to the the house -- devoid of partygoers and police -- hours later, in the early morning. He had sobered up by then, and wasted no time in jumping the Nova and driving it home. By the time he made it back, Scott was already up. He gave William a long, drawn-out, and nigh-unreadable stare before ultimately turning back to his newspaper. Will heard about Rome's death late the next day, having slept off the better part of the afternoon only to be greeted by a hangover.

William glanced at the clock, letting out a sigh as he removed the gloves and headed to the bathroom for a shower. He knew the mourners -- his fellow students -- would be out in force today, wearing shirts commemorating Rome. Hendrix wouldn't be one of them. Rome seemed like a decent guy; Will hadn't known him well --"acquaintance" would be generous -- but that was beside the point. The white son of a former cop trying to show solidarity with a young black man murdered by cops? That was just asking for trouble.

An hour later, Hendrix walked into homeroom, seeing Celeste and Miguel already seated. He paused at the door for a brief moment, his eyes settling on the latter. He felt like he should say or do something. Instead, he silently walked to his desk and sat down. This would be a long day.

What could you do? Say?



@Aster Sapphire


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It wouldn’t take too long for another body to finally make its way into the classroom.

Logan walked in as she usually did though for once the young woman would be silent. Just like many of the others in the school, she wore a shirt that had Rome’s face on it, the words ‘Rest In Peace’ laid out at top of it. The bottom of the shirt would be tucked into her high waisted jeans, a small black flag pin sticking to it just how she wanted. Circular, black glasses would take up her whole face, leaving only the hardened frown that seemed to switch to a snarl every so often, a wrinkled nose, and furrowed eyebrows. It wasn’t much for show this time as she usually did with her accessories. But this time it was to hide her red, puffy eyes.

It hadn’t been a very good time for her after the party with eh drinking and fighting but the 'after party' had been splendid. Her walk with Will and the conversation they held with one another had been absolutely amazing. If there was anyone at that party she would have chose to run away with it was always going to be him. He’d kept her entertained as they walked the dark and suspicious streets- not just with the teasing but with the more somber topics they’d come across. A conversation with him was always intellectual and Logan always left them feeling enlightened in some way. That night would have been no different except for when reality finally hit her.


Finding out her cousin was in jail was nerve wracking enough. Immediately, Logan began making plans to protest and fight the police over the freedom for her cousin and the rest of them in there (but mainly her cousin). She’d began pulling out the research she’d kept for moments like this, rehearsing everything she was going to say over and over again until she’d see him soon after back home and injured. She’d been worried, trying to get him to go to the hospital but he refused it in a not so polite way before shutting himself away from them. Logan had tried to get him to open up but he seemed to be the most vicious with her. So she left him alone though she still kept close just in case. It would be after that she’d find out about Rome.

She was absolutely devastated at what had happened and spent a long time crying her eyes out because of it. But no later would Logan finally become one with her opinions over the death and the rage that carried it. She’d immediately begin making plans for protests, going from door to door for support for not only the supplies needed when she’d storm the police department but any donations that could go to Rome’s family. It had been mere hours and already Logan was ready, her followers in the Black Student Union standing right beside her in solidarity as they’d done so many times before. But school was school and her grades still needed to be at the top. The fight could come last.

Her eyes would flicker around the room, a frown coming to her face at the sight of Celeste wearing usual clothes. She was sure Celeste would be one of the people who’d do something in response for Rome. A t-shirt, something black, anything. But to see her the way she was?

‘… Maybe they weren’t friends… Just leave it at that.’ Logan thought to herself walking right past her. Will would come into her view next and a flash of anger would be unleashed inside her.

He was probably happy about the death of their fellow student. Just another one for him not to worry about. Hell, he probably was siding with the police on this one. That inconsiderate piece of sh-

‘Stop it Lo. You don’t know a damn thing about what’s going in his mind.’ Logan scolded herself, feeling slight shame at being so quick to judge him as though she knew every single thought of his. ‘It makes sense for him to not be wearing a shirt… It would only make it worse for himself… I hope that’s the reason why.’

She would walk past him, only flashing the tiniest of smiles in his direction. She would sit down in the seat next to Miguel who ignored her. Logan wouldn’t let it get to her however, giving him a once over to make sure he was okay before turning back around. Now all she had to do was make it through the rest of the day.


Mentions: Miguel

@Aster Sapphire




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