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The raven's patience had already been tested and the day had barely begun.

Sasuke let out a sigh, his dark eyes scanning some documents that were neatly in a stack on his desk. Itachi, his older brother, had a brilliant idea of hiring an assistant to handle day to day things in hope to take some of the stress off of Sasuke's back. "Enough." Sasuke snorted, his eyes flicking up to meet his older brother's own dark ones.

The older Uchiha held his hands up, a smile coming onto his face as he let out a laugh. "
You need to trust me little brother. You're going to end up with stress lines on your face such as my own." Sasuke rolled his eyes, now focusing on the paperwork in front of him. He had too much to do and Itachi had to get the fuck out of his sight so he could do it.

Eyeing the large clock on the wall of his office, Sasuke frowned. The idiot was already fifteen minutes late and he had no patience with any of that nonsense.

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