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Colosseum Clash of Blades (DwlfTheDuck Vs. ResonantStorm)


Island of Thoughts
Roleplay Availability
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Starting post below. Not gonna delete this post this time.
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Iseni wandered into the ruined city, idly kicking at stones in his path. Karma had said that whatever artifact he was after now was here. Right? Probably. Who cared? Still, there was probably some stuff to be discovered here. Maybe an inter-dimensional door, although personally he'd been hoping for something more... interesting. It was just like Karma to send him off on something without any information on the thing he was looking for. "You'll know it when you see it," huh? So cliche... But then again, it was good security, Iseni supposed.

Pacing over the lip of a rather severely damaged building - well, in reality it was closer to a big pile of rubble, but still - Iseni spotted a stone temple of some sorts, inscripted with odd carvings that he couldn't make head or tail of. Stepping inside, Iseni spotted an oddly clean, glowing, double-headed axe. Aha. This looked like it was right. Hmph. There could be protection. Delving a hand into a small pouch on his waist, Iseni withdrew a small pebble with a sigil inscribed on it. Idly, Iseni tossed the stone into the shrine, stepping back to evade any possible traps inside it.

@DwlfTheDuck, You're up.
In reaction to the pebble being thrown, white smoke suddenly bloomed, surrounding the shrine. One could see the shadow of a powerful looking form, carrying an axe, marching confidently through it. The shadow amidst the smoke lifted the battleaxe, and brought the knob down upon the pebble, with resulted in a crunch and several, seperable fragments of stone.

"Who DARES attempt to steal this... thing. That I was told to guard!" A deep voice bellowed, it's owner obscured for a second more. All of a sudden all of the smoke vanished into thin air, and Freyr was was revealed. "Didn't you know that you would have to go through me? I am Freyr the Modest! Nobody goes through me!" A smirk formed on his face, displaying his vast confidence.

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"The pebble wanted to steal it." Iseni fought, surprisingly successfully, to keep a grin off his face. This wasn't the first time he'd found a guardian of some sort protecting the artifacts he was paid to stea- well, borrow. Sometimes, some of them were a bit confused from being summoned. Iseni figured he might as well use that as an advantage and try to take the easy way out.

A confused, vulnerable look crossed upon Freyr's face, but he quickly hid it with a look of pride, and pure confidence. Was is really possible? That in the centuries that he had been relaxing in Valhalla, pebbles became living and sentient? And skilled in the art of robbery? Surely not, and anyway, he had crushed the pebble. That would have killed it. He brought the knob of the axe down upon the fragments of pebble, hard, three times, just to be sure.

"Well, then," he said, with a confident smirk. "It appears that the pebble has failed. He is now dead, slain by I, Freyr the Modest!" He lifted his axe up high in a moment of triumph.

Had he been fully aware and not confused by summon fever, it would have occured to him that the enemy was not, in fact, the criminal mastermind pebble, but the mage standing before him.

"Yes, but the shrine seems to have been destroyed... so it may be better for me to take the artifact to a new shrine, no? Then you won't have to guard it." Iseni held out his hand, doing his best to keep a reasonable, calm expression on his face. If the guardian of the artifact decided to hand over the axe now, it'd be a lot easier. If not, well, who said violence was never the answer? Karma wouldn't mind - it wasn't as if it'd cause a public issue.

"Fool!" Freyr laughed at the absurd suggestion. "It is only fitting to keep the artifact in an ancient shrine, otherwise its magic would not be enhanced! For a mage, you are unintelligent!"

It occurred to him only then that the mage didn't want the artifact preserved, but wanted to steal it.

"Aha! Your plan to deceive me, Freyr the Modest, has failed!" He bellowed, lifting his battleaxe in a gesture of confidence. "I saw right through your true intentions, trickster scum!"

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"Nooooo... I'm fairly certain that this ancient shrine is destroyed..." Iseni spoke, even as the significantly taller Viking bellowed about his "true intentions". "I mean, there are other, still standing shrines... wouldn't they be better?"

It was at this moment that Iseni happened to look at the Viking properly, as his battleaxe was raised. "Oh... Combat. How droll." Iseni sighed irritably as he swept his cloak around him, sigils flaring to life as he drew the black katana from it's sheath, flipping it around into a reverse-grip stance.

Freyr didn't hesitate - it seemed likely that he would, didn't it. He took a step that seemed far too big for his feet towards the pebble trickster, and in the same swift motion, brought his axe underneath his arm, slicing upwards towards the pebble trickster's chin.

"ASGARD!" he bellowed like a madman.
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Iseni froze for a split second as the Viking took a huge, single step that seemed far too large to be true, costing him a second as the viking's axe swung up towards his chin before he nimbly skipped backwards, his katana rising above his head to protect against the viking's most probable next attack - it only made sense that he'd swing the axe down after raising it high. The sigils carved into the blade of his weapon pulsed with a muted red glow, lines lighting up along it's edge as an almost silent hum filled the air around it.

The pebble trickster dodged the first attack, seemingly easily. That was fine, though; most people were able to, even if this pebble trickster seemed more capable than most people. If there was one thing that, however, Freyr was good at, it was following attacks through in an unexpected fashion. Just as the axe got to about nose height with Freyr, he tilted its blade to the side, allowing the air to aid him as he spun in a full circle, fluidly. The flat side of the axe's blade faced the sky as he brought it around with a powerful swing towards the trickster's head, screaming like a madman as he did so.
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