City of Wolves

Fading Shadow

On the Run as always



Age: (18-25)



Foxes or Wolves:

Personality: (One paragraph, Minimum of 5 detailed sentences)

History: (Minimum of one paragraph, Minimum of 5 detailed sentences each)

Human Looks: (Real)

Wolf Looks (Real)

Other: (Two Skills[One Major, One Minor], Flaws[At least two since NO ONE is perfect])

Name: Emerald Rose

Nickname: Eme

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Rank: Princess

Foxes or Wolves: Wolves

Personality: Emerald is very sweet, caring, loving, and very sarcastic. The one thing she loves the most is nature. She does have a temper to her. Though it does take a lot to bring it out in her. There are also times where she can be very sneak and escape from her guard. Emerald can be very talkative. It takes forever to shut her up. But when meeting someone new, she's very quiet until she gets to know that person. There's times where she feels like she needs to be alone to think freely and just clear her mind. To do that, she goes to her secret hiding place in the forest.


Growing up, Emerald has always been known as the Princess of Wolves. But there was never a King or a Queen. Just her. The Elders are the only ones who knows where she came over. And they tell no one. Not even Emerald. The only thing they keep telling her is that she has a destiny to fulfill. No more, no less. The older Emerald got, the more adventurous she got. But that has gotten her into some deep trouble so she doesn't try to go off on her own as much. On her 18th birthday was the day she shifted into a white wolf. The first one in centuries. Now the Elders are even more closed off from everyone. It scares Emerald a little but not much.

While she is trying to skip her "Princess classes," Emerald is focused on practicing with weapons such as sword, throwing knives, and short swords. But in the last month, she keeps being called in by the Elders. The last meeting was to tell her that she has an actual meeting with the Prince of Foxes in three months. Emerald wants nothing to do with that guy. Not back then, not now, and not ever. But she has a feeling something bad will happen soon. Real soon. And it might not be pretty.

Human Looks:


Wolf Looks: She's the ONLY white wolf.




  • Major Skill: Speed
  • Minor Skill: Weapon Combat


  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • She falls in love way too easily.
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Name: Koza Kaukuri

Nickname: Kao

Age: 20

Gender: female

Rank: Gaurd

Foxes or Wolves: Wolves

Personality: Koza is calm and collected and is not easily angered.Koza is not easily frightened and tries to stay confident no matter what situation she is in. She can be angered easily if insulted or if the princess is messed with in front of her. Koza is honest to the point that she'd jeopardize her own safety, but she would not say anything if it were to get the princess in trouble.She would endanger her life without thinking if she could protect one of her companions.She is not very open with her feelings and her past but if she gets to know somebody well she opens up more.

History: When she was a child she was abused by her parents, they were later killed due to various charges on crimes that they had done before she was born. Koza lived on her own for the remainder of her childhood learning to fend for herself and protect herself.Koza learned to find food in the forest by determining what was edible and what was not as well as becoming an adept hunter. Koza to the day still has trust issues.As a young adult Koza practiced with weaponry, as well as tuning in her senses. When she heard the news that there was a new princess she went to the elders to see if they'd allow her to protect the princess.Koza vowed that she would protect the princess with her life and the elders allowed her to be the princesses guard.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/wolv.jpg.5e6d5852187e91a930bd7705cd94e7d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/wolv.jpg.5e6d5852187e91a930bd7705cd94e7d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/wolv2.jpg.4c6fa7df3ef9524d9c942d93bbd9b94d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/wolv2.jpg.4c6fa7df3ef9524d9c942d93bbd9b94d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Combat, hunting, and gathering

Flaws: doesn't trust easily, doesn't commune with many people, has many scars mental and physical from her parents abuse



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my bad sorry (8)) I fixed it if you want more info tell me and I'll add more (^.^)
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Adrian D'Brie



Personality WIP
History WIP
???????? ;; Addie, Ryan, D'Brie

??? ;; 26

?????? ;; ?

???? ;; Trainer

????? ?? ?????? ;; Foxes

???? ????? ;; Fox~

????? ;; xx

Major Skill: Shepherding/Gardening. Adrian, before becoming First-in-Command of the Fox army, was in charge of cattle and sheep. Because of this, you could say he has a sense of leadership and can make hard decisions. However, this brought him to learn all of the hazardous plants. He specialized in gardening, his vast knowledge consisting of every herb, flower, and tree.

Minor Skill: Tactics(Cleverness)/Weapons. Adrian is a very tactful person when it comes to creating a well thought-out plan. Whether it be spy extortion, figuring out his enemies flaws, or finding a needle in a haystack, Adrian can do it; nevertheless, he still has a downside: he gets stressed easily. He also has a fascination for weapons that he later found out of when he was twelve. He picked up swordplay relatively easily and is climbing the ladder of greats, but he usually thinks too much when he's sword fighting.

Gallery of Adrian


Ooh~ can I change his rank to Trainer? Sorry, I just didn't see it.. meep. qwqwq
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