Cirque du Sommiel

Name: Constane De la Chanteuse

Stage name: Siren

Age: Looks 20

Gender: Female

Role: Ringmaster

Position: Oldtimer



(But her hair is white)


Outfit on stage:


Likes: Music, Books, Silence, and the current performers

Dislikes: Perverts, Love, The circus

Personality: Constance is a very protective girl, she loves the performers and would do anything for them, she is loyal to the circus because of this. She is very laid back, and witty, and she is very smart and cunning. When she needs to attract customers she is very flirty and seductive, but she hates using her old job as a way to attract customers. And she feels guilty for pulling people into the family. Anno can also be very funny on a good day, or when she drinks, which she does often because she feels guilty.


Abilities: Constance is a siren in the sense that she can enchant men to a certain point and she appears to be perfect to them. The men don't know why they are so attracted to her. Her singing is much stronger and it affects both men and women, but not children. It makes her very well liked among to audience. That is why she is the ringmaster.

Natural talents: Constance is very seductive by nature and her previous work gave her a lot of experience in the field. Anno is also a good acrobat, so she can do some stuff as she performs. Anno is also a very skilled singer, her mother being one as well (hence the last name).

History: Constance was abandoned when she was small by her mother who was a starving french singer, and whore. Her mother found herself a semi-rich man, who hated kids, and this mend that her little bastard-child was to survive on her own. Constance didn't mind though, she didn't really like her mother, but the security of having he was nice. She was now living on the street of Paris with no family to help her, when one day she was picked up by a man, he took her to his appartment, and told her she was going to start working for him. She soon realized he was a pimp. and her "co-workers" were all underage raging from 11-15. She was 11 at the time. She worked for him, but everytime she was payed she would steal a bit and after 4 years she had enough money for a ticket to New York. She wanted to become a singer, but it proved to be harder than she thought, even thought she slept with producers and record company directors, her career just did not take of, so she was left on the street again, this time in Massachusetts, she was travelling around from town to time and when she reached Stockbridge she heard about a circus and wondered if she could acquire a job with them. She used her last money to go to the circus and it turned out they had a job-opening, just...for...her.

Tell me if she is to sexual, it wasn't my intention but I think it suits her!
Name: Tsubake (Bc I love that name!) Sophia

Stage name: Dark Illisunist

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Role: Fourtune Teller

Position: (Voulenery) New Comer

Pictures: Shes around 6'7 and weighs an astounding 120 pounds. Looking like she weighs around 98!



Likes: Fooling around with peoples mind, Snakes, Animals (More towards Snakes though!), Drinking, Jokes, and People.

Dislikes: People who think shes a fool, Perverts, People who kill with out reason.

Personality: Tsubaki is a playful spirt, she likes to fool with a lot of things like Voodoo and Love Affiars. She tries her best to joke with everyone and get along with everbody. She likes to make people, think good about themselves. She always tries to make people see what a person truely is. Wether or not there evil or good natured.


Abilities: She can actually sense what lies in a persons future, but the problem to that is she can see two paths they may or may not take. Ever heard of the crossroads in life? Well thats what she sees.

Natural talents: She can tell when a person is feeling inside. Just by their facial expression, like in the T.V. series Lie To Me.


When Tsubaki was 2 years old, she was abandon with her grandparents. When she used to ask why her grandparents would say it was because they had to go do something and they needed a place for her to stay in the mean time. She believed them for 9 years then she realized they were never coming coming to get her, weather they were alive or dead.

She had a rough life at school because she was smart in most subjects, she was always called a nerd. But at the same time she was thought beautiful and popular girls became jealous, not only did she have the wild beauty she was smart. She showed very little interest in guys during her school years but always hung out with them. Eventually she became friends with most (not all) people she had met in her school years.

When she finally moved out of her grandparents house, she lived in a cute little apartment where she owned her pet snake Angel.That she took everywhere with her. She felt as if it understood what she was trying to say of figure out. She sometimes felt like he was a human and not just an ordinary snake. But she learned how to live alone and enjoyed it very much, owning lots of books and computer things.

Did I mention she takes Angel Everywhere even if the place says no snakes she still takes it with her.

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@Anno Bane not too sexual and you're accepted

@HollyLeafForever keep going I won't decline you


Name: Erik Sheffield

Stage name: Diablo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Role: Strong man

Position: new

Likes: Poetry, piano, spring, Scetching

Dislikes: Secrets, rainy days, tea, dogs

Personality: Shy, reserved, naive, kind

Tattoo: Located on the left side of the back of his neck


Abilities: holds the ability of enhanced strength to the point of being able to lift up to three tons. But this gift is not his own for if you touch his tattoo his mind reverts

to that of a crazed psychopath, blood thirsty and ready to kill. He only goes back to normal if either his tattoo is touched again or he makes a kill.

Natural talents: chess, playing piano, writing, origami

History: Erik had lived in a small town all his life with little to no excitement. His mother moved from Ireland America when she was pregnant with him and had always warned him to never go to the circus. But when his high school crush invites him to go along with her he finds that he can't resist the offer.

Due to the holiday we will be starting the roleplay tomorrow have a happy turkey day.
Stage Three:

At this point, stage three, final stage in a trilogy, Illius can be killed by a splash of water to the chest, and he will try to escape, which would also kill him, but at this point he can be reasoned with if someone he thinks highly of, or a family member, a close friend maybe, braves the flames and tries. This form, along with the rest are all extremely unlikely to be taken on, so long as the chains are in place his powers are only strong enough to help him communicate with and manipulate animals.

Natural talents: As before his initiation into the ring, Markus was always nimble, agile, graceful in his movements, but always surprisingly strong. He has a keen knowledge of nerves and pressure points from his time as an acupuncturist's son, and has experience in dance and gymnastics, though the last two were more hobby than anything. He is skilled with an instrument and even more skilled with a needle in his line of work.

The Silver Chain: A literal chain that contains Illius' powers. This chain can only be unlocked with a key last seen with the ringmaster, and he cannot touch said key, the strength of another must drive the key.

Manner of Dress: Illius tends to dress like a jester, though he at time reverts to royalty. (Other appearances are also equally as likely to come into play.)


[/tab][tab=Where We will Now Bring some Sad Truths to Light.]

Time of Taking: When Markus was taken was when the last show ended, so the next would be his first show. In the show was a gypsy girl, she held all sorts of magic that's awe drew him into her trap, where the spider spun a web of sleep and drained his energy long enough for him to be whisked away into the circus where he became the beast tamer.

Markus lived a dull life with a neutral personality. He never had a single problem until he chased a gypsy girl into the circus tent, and took a seat in the stands out of pure instinct to await her performance so that he could see her beautiful figure in the light once more, but when she appeared she used her magic to put him under a trance and he fell unconscious. When he awoke his body burned, but it felt average, his body was covered in scales from head to foot, and in a moment the girl showed. Sweet, kind, calm, was the girl who died that day.

And he was that one who killed her, resulting in the manufacturing of a special magic bond, a "chain", if you will, that restricted his abilities. He has been sleeping ever since, exhausted from the magic control emitting from that which contained him, and he awaits his chance to re-awaken and tame.

Or so they say.

And "they" say wrong.[/tab][/tabs]

*Passes out cuz I B tired* I can fix shit in the mornin'.

Dude Hes soooo cute!!

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