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Fantasy Cirque du Sommiel

Constance grew more and more annoyed with the girl beneath her. She was making it hard to make the wolflike girl calm, because it made her voice sound strained. And when she broke loose, Constance had to stop singing immidiately in fear of enchanting the girl. She looked even more annoyed at her when she claimed that she was going to hurt her. She had obviously relaxed her more than hurt her, and if anyone was out to hurt anyone it would have been the wolf-girl, but she had avoided that with her song.

"Why you little..." Constance began nearing the girl, who was looking for someone/something called Angel, when someone put a hand on her shoulder.
Tsubaki had been embarrassed that she was wrong about this girl she walked up to her and bowed her head. "I'm sorry miss, I thought something else, I should have waited and seen what you were going to do before acting." She had been embarrassed many times before a out quite a bit.

Tsubaki had raised her head and looked at the wolf girl. She knew she was taking a giant risk, but she walked up to her and sat down in front of her. She looked back at the girl who she had disrespected, and then looked at the wolf girl again. Speaking slowly and calmly as not to spook her at all, "Are you ok, are you hurt anywhere? If you are please let me know." Then she remembered Angel, she just shook her head and brought her attention back to the girl.
The worried tone in the girl's voice confused her and she cocked her head to the side. No one had shown any type of worry or kindness and was not sure if it was a trap. The girl seemed nice enough and she didn't smell like a threat like the other people in the room did. Quinn had actually begun to take a liking to the girl's scent that was safe like Kita's. "No more pain," and it was true besides a dull ache in her chest. Quinn unconsciously leaped into the girl's lap and sat with her back against the girl's stomach. "You don't smell bad," she said quietly while her tail thumped lightly.
Tsubaki was surprised when this wolf-girl jumped into her lap. "Oh, I don't? What about everybody else?" She laughed a bit and looked around the room. She felt around her neck, "Oh no, Angels not there. Angel?!" She yelled but not too loudly as she looked around the room for the snake.

Then the snake appeared she had squrimed through some spots and slithered up onto Tsubakis hand. Settling around her neck.

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