Cirque de Monstres (1965)

please read all rules before posting your CS

Cirque members


1. Nora Ravenswood- snake charmer/belly dancer- succubus/seducer- @xx0mittens0xx

8. Stella Bissett- trick rider- Caoineag @Aqua


1. Reserved @StoneWolf18

2. Heureux- juggling/music/puppets- unknown/abnormal strength and tar manipulation @Venus

3. reserved @SleepiestBear7



1. Sebastian Carr -exorsist- @Lady Luna Ravenswood

2. reserved @Kiyoko Tomoe

3. Keith Allen- criminal investigation- @BlueInPassing

4. Michael Reed- homicide investigation- @Atom

5. open


1. Yume Kuro- retrocognition/remote viewing- @Te al Latte

2. Abigail Swade- forensics analysis- @Atom

3. open

4. open

5. open

Cirque member CS


Show Name or nick-name:

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)

Country of Origin:

Years with circus:



Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed.)

Abilities:(don't go overboard.)

What do you do in the circus:(You can do multiple things but, try to use ones that someone else has not been taken. I do not want 7 people that only do fire stuff. Mix it up!)

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (optional)


Investigator CS


nick name:

Age: (over 18.)

country of origin:


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

What you specialize in: (paranormal wise, exorcist, demonologist, folklore expert etc)

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

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((Hope it's alright to post this soon! But just so eager!))


Xaivier Nýchta Lee

Show Name or nick-name:

Jack of all trades



Country of Origin:


Years with circus:



Shadow demon




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c273ea718_Xaivierredone1.jpg.af1b45b83ff94018b4be9bcec6d40c92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c273ea718_Xaivierredone1.jpg.af1b45b83ff94018b4be9bcec6d40c92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Hair as black as raven feathers. 5’ 4” tall(wears boots with 2inch heels though to make himself appear taller.) Amethyst eyes. Blackish tint on his lips. Pale skin.


He is a very kind and gentle young man. A true sweetheart it takes a lot to anger him. He tends to be shy and quiet at first, but as soon as you earn his trust he is a very loyal friend and will not hesitate to put the safety and wellness of others before his own. This often leads him into getting harmed or in distress


He has no memory of where he really came from. As far as he knows he was born to a human family but he is far from it. His parents cared and raised for him as normally as possible. Gave him a good life and education. Ever since he ran off and joined the cirque without warning their relationship seems to be strained.


Can manipulate shadows. Make things with them and phase through things with them.

What do you do in the circus: performer assistant. Keeps the audience entertained during transitions and aids in other performances when needed.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/8374c55e65c89f77c944c2100911731e.jpg.0d66254ccaafad62603103916f10bcff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/8374c55e65c89f77c944c2100911731e.jpg.0d66254ccaafad62603103916f10bcff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He has a pet raven named Faust. Elephant man.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/058f729c6267d4f6254206eb50471b2f.jpg.04c7b4d6c56b7a96342400629cac0180.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/058f729c6267d4f6254206eb50471b2f.jpg.04c7b4d6c56b7a96342400629cac0180.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Name: Jean-Paul Moineau

Show Name or nick-name: Mr. Kite

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)

Country of Origin: france

Years with circus: 41

Species: incubus

Sexuality: pan


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Across_071101090240207_wideweb__300x375.jpg.ca939688a5e2b2bbfb4b3244fc3848b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Across_071101090240207_wideweb__300x375.jpg.ca939688a5e2b2bbfb4b3244fc3848b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: Paul is a rather strange man. He is very eccentric and known for being into odd things. He rarely gets angry but, when he does run for the hills. He loves running the cirque and is very protective of all the performers.

Background: he doesn't talk about his life before the cirque

Abilities: he can bend anyone's will by using a form of hypnosis. although by anyone I mean anyone with a weaker will.

What do you do in the circus: ringmaster/owner of the cirque

What does the inside of their trailer look like?



Name: Nora Ravenswood

Show Name or nick-name: Lady Snake

Age: 21

Country of Origin: england/Scotland

Years with circus: 3

Species: human/succubus

Sexuality: bi


Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: Nora is very reserved and quite, which makes her seem mysterious. She is also very alluring, known for mesmerizing her snake as well as the audience. behinds the scenes she is a mischievous little Halfling who clings to Paul when there is trouble.

Background: Her mother was human and her father was an incubus. She was raised in a traveling renaissance fair, learning to read tarot and belly dance at a young age. She was found out by a fellow member of the fair and ran off. She stumbled upon the cirque where she was taken in. She is now the belly dancer/snake charmer for the cirque.

Abilities: she can get any person she wants but, she uses this power to charm snakes instead.

What do you do in the circus: snake charmer/belly dancer

What does the inside of their trailer look like?



Name: Sebastian Carr

nick name: old man (does not like this nickname)

Age: 28

sexuality: straight

country of origin: Scotland


Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality: don't get in Sebastian's way, he takes everything seriously. Sometimes too seriously and it causes him to yell at the nearest person. he takes things too seriously and acts way older than he is. Earning him the nickname of 'old man' don't call him that or he will yell at you.

Background: he was orphaned as a baby and raised by a catholic priest, becoming one himself. when he turned 21 he took a job as an exorcist for Interpol. He was put on the cirque case for his serious attitude.

What you specialize in: he specializes in exorcisms and is studying to be a demonologist.

How long have you been a member of Interpol: 7 years




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Name: "The Name is Jack. Jack of the Black Pearl"

Show Name: The Fearless Pirate

Age: 24

Country of Origin: England, but has been traveling the seas for a few years

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Pyromancer/Elementalist

Sexuality: Completely Open Homosexual

Appearance other: 6'4", he has a large tattoo on his back, and a scar running along his chest that he shows when he is preforming. During his performance he is completely shirtless, and he wears nothing but swashbuckler pants with jewels hanging down from his pants, and other things he had collected from his travels over the seas.


Personality: Jack is always charismatic, charming, and a big flirt. He tends to be a charmer with anyone, but mostly men. Unfortunately he is also a loose cannon. Jack is defensive of himself, and his friends, though sometimes his old habits get to him and he just flees himself instead of saving others. Even though he doesn't like to admit it, he is actually kind of a softie, and wants nothing more than to find someone to hold in his arms, and tease all he wants.

Background: Jack grew up in England, but as a young child, he left his home to sail on a ship. When the captain died, Jack took over at the age of 13. Only six years later, Jack landed back in England, only to join the Cirque.

Abilities: Jack can control fire at his own will, and is said to have the spirit of a dragon. He can use his abilities to summon fire and use them at different moves, though he usually uses it for his sword fighting and swallowing. If he get's mad enough, or concentrated enough, he can summon his inner dragon.

What do you do in the circus: Sword Swallowing, Knife Throwing, Jumping though flaming hoops.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?:


other: "Oh I almost forgot. I meet an elephant man"

Name: Giovanna (Geo) Cordilia Ross

Show Name or nick-name: Galaxy

Age: 23

Country of Origin: Norway

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Unknown (Suspected to be an Extra terrestrial, or an Enlightened one)

Sexuality: Unknown

Appearance other: Geo is 5'6", which is pretty tall for most girls, and she has long blue hair that almost reaches the floor when she doesn't have it put up, which she always does. She has small bust for most women, and is considered more lanky limbed than broad and muscular, and is quite a dainty and almost frail creature.

Personality: Geo is a kind and friendly soul who enjoys talking to people. Her very personality is very sweet, and she is often seen as fragile due to the fact that she avoids conflict with her own body. However, when she is forced to fight, another side of Geo comes out, which is more violent and is willing to fight without a doubt. But when she is most in tune with her inner self, she is often depressed and lonely.

Abilities: Geo can summon various creatures at will, and is found to be able to summon two max at once. She connects to her spirits though a link to another dimension, where they live. If her spirit is seriously injured, it also affects herself, which is why she summons one and then takes away another, it makes things easier on her.


Clara is Geo's main spirit. Clara has the ability to manipulate sound, and release energy blasts, or power screams at anyone who get's close to Geo. Clara is extremely flexible, and is more of a combat person then a passive spirit. Clara is a stone cold spirit in personality, and only follows the orders of her master, who is the only one she opens up to.


Ariana is a siren. As a passive spirit, she doesn't take much energy to summon or keep in the real world. Her powers work a such. She floats to a specific spot, and sings, drawing people into her location. She can either be used as a distraction so that Geo can summon another spirit, or she can be used as a reason to draw her opponents over to her passively. Ariana herself is quite high and mighty, and can be a little bit snobbish towards Geo when she summons her.


Corona is a physical attacking spirit, and is found to be using a hailbard (A staff with a sword on one end). Corona herself is loyal, and confident, always obeying orders, like a real soldier.

What do you do in the circus: Arealist Tricks, with spirits as her partners/ helpers

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


other: Geo has a little friend who is always following her around. This little friend of hers is her way of finding out what is happening in the other dimension.

"Oh yeah, the Elephant man here tells great jokes~"





Sayuri Koharu

Show Name

Dream Wheel


Laura (Her Preferred Name)

Käse (She Hates & Loves It)



(Appears 17-23)

Doll Appearance


Country of Origin


Years with circus

Since the Beginning

(1876, with Thomas)


Dream Feeder/Witch/Demon Doll

+Vampire (Made Herself Part Vampire)


Laura's not one to mess with. Almost nothing gets in the way of Laura without being pushed to the side, and anything that comes between her and the cirque she loves gets a nice little surprise. When it comes to the protectiveness of her cirque family, Laura can go overboard, but she has some sense of how far is too far. Aside from being overprotective though, Laura's a kind and sociable person, albeit rare she's not too busy to interact with others past exchanging a few words. "The more successful, the less time free," as Laura always says.



Laura's past is one most don't get to know, but she was actually all alone for a long time. The nine hundred years before meeting Thomas was mostly spent moving from alley to alley, secluded area to secluded area, not a purpose to her life at all. Purpose she soon found after meeting Thomas though, her to actually enjoy life alongside her new 'father'. Soon things changed a little when Thomas started up a cirque, and Laura, being the easily scared kid she was at the time, pretty much vanished from the sight of most, only person ever really getting to see her being Thomas. Of course, Laura started showing up more and more often around just the cirque members, until she was a part of the entire cirque family.

Some time after Thomas was gone, Laura took up a place proper in the cirque. It was rather sudden, but the girl who'd been rather shy until then became an adult. She'd literally gone from child to adult, physically, mentally, everything. Her foot went down and she took her place, permission of Paul granted of course to do as she sees fit. She also claimed a little bit of a spot in the main show, though usually she didn't even make it to the show because she's busy doing things usually even Paul gets to know nothing about. What she does though is usually for the cirque, and she definitely does her part to help keep the cirque running smoothly.


Laura can create the impossible. She can turn anything into anything else, make anything move, float, disappear, and can even change the sky. Everything is hers to control, though she does have one limit to her powers; range. It's something she's worked on for a long time, though currently it's stuck at a radius of half a mile. She prefers not use her powers unless she has a reason to, though infinite amounts of cheese seems to be reason enough.

Laura can also change forms to become a demon doll. In this form, she can turn into a clownish snake-like creature to swallow up people, and though it's how she used to do so, now all she needs to is feed off of their dreams through eye contact, or through some form of physical contact such as a kiss of sucking out their blood like a vampire, though sucking blood isn't something she needs do because she's only in part vampire.

Her last power is the ability to eat anything with ease, and to have a weird face while eating noodles.

-sometimes stares at the elephant man while eating-


What do you do in the circus

Laura's act is one that involves lots of illusions and bats. She never really gets the time to do so though, and even when she gets time to participate in the act, it's usually just something she comes up with on the spot to keep things interesting.

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(Will be referred as "He" for Convenience.)

Show Name or nick-name:

Stilts , The Tall Man.



Country of Origin


Years with circus








Appearance other

Heureux stands at the incredibly Tall and abnormal height of 8'5Ft.

He is always seen wearing a Black Mask , A Long Black robe and black gloves at all times.


Contrary to his slightly imposing appearance Heureux himself possesses the Personality expected of an Eight year old Child.

He is known to be quite excitable , kind , oblivious and constantly happy with an ever expanding curiosity for even the most mundane of things.

However because of his Child like Personality he isn't good when it comes to grasping things such as Death and what is right and wrong which can make him a rather volatile and hostile adversary when his fellow Circus performers are threatened being VERY over protective of them and their well being.

He also has trouble knowing the limitations of normal people , though meaning no actual harm or possessing malice he can come off as a bit rough and inadvertently hurt someone at times.

He also seems to have a fascination for children and the younger audiences who frequent the Circus getting along with them quite well because of his Mentality , usually being seen playing games like tag or picking them up playfully.


Not Much is actually known of Heureux's Past.

Though what is known is that he originated from France and has performed in a large number of different Circus's for most if not all of his life time.

He joined the quite a while ago , being found wandering in an abandoned Cabin while playing the Violin and producing a beautiful Opera piece.

(Tosca: Act 2, "Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore" Was the piece he was Producing)


A rather odd ability, But Heureux is capable of making and producing Opera Pieces.

Abnormal Strength.

Tar Manipulation.

What do you do in the circus

Juggling , Musician , Puppetry

What does the inside of their trailer look like?



Oddly Enough He is an amazing Musician , Capable of playing things such as the Piano , Violin and Harp with Utter Ease.

The Elephant Man.

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Name: Sheela D'Arcy

Show Name or nick-name: Morrigan the Phantomqueen

Age: unknown, but she looks like 15

Country of Origin: Ireland

Years with circus: 11

Species: Banshee (Irish spirit of death)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Sheela.jpg.923939b575c3fd1019e0523c9a51eefa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Sheela.jpg.923939b575c3fd1019e0523c9a51eefa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sheela is very small and looks fragile. She has a pale skin, white hair and almost white irrises (she can't see the physical world with them, though 'blind' doesn't really cover it). She often wears a white silk gown and a black cloak with hood and black feathers. She has a pet raven called Hugin, who sits on her shoulder and helps her when she needs to see things. When someone nearby is about to die int the next 2 hours she goes into Death Trance and only then can she use her powers to the full protential.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Banshee.jpg.204d2f0c5aa15dccc7931a909a867042.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52714" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Banshee.jpg.204d2f0c5aa15dccc7931a909a867042.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sheela is a shy girl. Most of the time she seems distant and indifferent to her suroundings. She hates it when people lie or don't tell the full truth (she kills customers who do by setting up accidents), so naturally she only speaks the full truth, however painful it may be. She doesn't talk about her past or abilities.

Background: shrouded in mystery, noone knows what she did or where she came from before she came to the cirque.

Abilities: She can see and speak to the dead. They tell her bits and pieces of peoples past, present and future, but it's not always reliable. If she wants specific information she can throw runes to tell her the answer, which is much more reliable, but less detailed. She can also use Ravensight, then she can see the physical world through the eyes of Hugin (her pet raven), but this is very tiring for both Hugin and Sheela.

When somebody within the circusborders is about to die in the following two hours she will go automatically into Death Trance. Then she can fly, go through walls and inhibit objects like a poltergeist. However, in this state she is more vulnerable. she can be controlled by a necromancer or an exorcist.

What do you do in the circus: She occaisionally does an act in which she talks to spirits with a relationship with a person from the audiance. Most of the time she is in her trailer, forune-telling and rune reading for clients.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? use your imagination, and then picture that even darker and creepier.

other: You better not lie or hide secrets when being around her, or you might end up dead.

Elephant man. freaks are cool. Why not both?



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If you'd like any explanation of my CS, please ask


Trxye Levesque

Show name/ nick name

Hell's Lioness


75 but looks around 17

Country of origin


Years with the circus



Shapeshifter/ Witch




Appearance other

Trxye has a average height, about 5'7 with a attractively curvy but lean build. Her nails are long and quite sharp and can easily be used to slice and open. She has no permanent tattoos but is often seen with strange, exotic designs printed on her skin. Her eyes are usually a eerily light brown though strong emotion and connection with magical objects changes them to violet.


Trxye is extremely odd. She has many eccentric behaviors and mannerisms that cause others to look at and treat her with contempt. Yet from the first moment you speak to her, you're hooked. Trxye has a wild, flirtatious spirit that allows people to enjoy being around her. The woman is a cat, coming and going as she pleases, finding some way around the rules. With a disarming and playful front that hides a manipulative, shifty and deathly loyal background, she is useful in turning peering eyes away from the private activities of the cirque. Trxye will lie,hurt and even kill to protect and keep her loved ones or The Elephant Man satisfied.


Trxye rarely speaks of her complete past, only her adventures from her travels. She never told how or why, but when she was 15, she left the group of witches and explored the world on her own. Her only constant companion was a cursed to be immortal tiger she had as a pet, it's name was Calatorie.Trxye considers her history pathetic and shameful, she rarely talks about it and will lash out if someone presses her too.


Trxye has the ability to shift shape into a lion and a lion anthro form. She has weak mind control over felines and uses three demonic cats, a panther named Avarice, a cheetah named Lechery and Calatorie.Trxye also has enhanced strength, speed, jumping and senses due to her ability to shape shift. She may use other cats, but she has worked with these three longer and has a more personal relationship with them. The cats may look more normal if Trxye commands it but this is their preferred, more comfortable form. Trxye is also quite skilled in various magics though her specialty is voodoo.

What you do in the circus

Feline tamer and does voodoo acts.

What does the inside of their trailer look like


She enjoys raw meat, any meat and gets quite unhealthy if starved off it for long. She also enjoys the feeling of a hunt, preferring to catch prey around the cirque. Calatorie is her favorite cat.
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Name: Siani (sea-ah-nee)

Show Name or nick-name: Red, wolf-girl

Age: Appears 25, Actual 167

Country of Origin: America (Native American)

Years with circus: 21 years

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Bisexual


Human form:


Wolf form:


Appearance other: 5'9"



Personality: Independent, short-tempered, and stubborn to a fault. Sometimes she can be a little hard to get along with, but for the most part she's usually down to earth. As long as you're not someone who rubs her the wrong way then she's pretty easy to get along with.

Background: Born to an elusive tribe in which 15% of it's members are werewolves. After losing most of her family due to western civilization in the late 1800s she never really made any true connections with anyone. Since it was hard to get close to someone knowing she couldn't be her true self around them. She spent most of her life looking for others like her, unsuccessfully. She soon came across the traveling circus and applied for a job. She's been more stable here, knowing she can be her true self and being around other "supernatural" creatures gives her hope that perhaps there's more like her, or at the very least she now has some place she can call "home".

Abilities: Can transform into a wolf. Heightened senses in either form

What do you do in the circus: Has a "Little Red-Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf-esque" show and the story of Two Wolves, an old Cherokee story, both involving her pet wolves

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


Big and Bad


Collects postcards from every place they visit and attaches them on her trailer's wall

Elephant Man
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Name: Ruben Sermala

Nickname: Sun (As he has a sunny look on life)

Show name: Veneno Mortem Trio

Age: appears 21 (actually a couple of thousands years old)

Country of Origin: Un-named Island in the Atlantic

Years with circus: 6

Species: Naga

Sexuality: Pansexual





Appearance other:

Ruben stands tall at 6'5" and weighs about 180 lbs in his human form, 230lbs in his half form and about 13 lbs in his full snake form. In all three of his forms, Ruben's teeth have fangs (human shorter and look fake) and are laced with venom. He is the oldest of his siblings and unlike his younger brother has a more muscular build up. As the oldest he also bears the tattoo's of his family crest. Also unlike his siblings, Ruben in his half form has an extra set of arms granted to him for being the oldest. Lastly, Ruben has a tattoo in his human form of the snake form he possesses as a sort of branding. (Family Crest Tattoos in top pic)



Ruben is a fearless creature with a heart of gold that sees the good in everybody. Yet with that golden heart comes a witty tongue and challenging spirit. Ruben is quite spirited in his actions and does everything to his best ability. Ruben is also quite protective of his younger siblings but never shows it as he tends to pick on them a lot. Finally Ruben is a very attractive creature and is not afraid to flaunt it off in the same way the rest of his siblings do.


- Naga Physiology

- when in half form they are able to lift up to 400 lbs with their tail.

- Ruben is the strongest out of the triplets.


The history of the triplets is an enigma for the people of the cirque. They don't really talk about their life before they came to the cirque other then the fact they stowed away from their island home. As to where that island is remains a mystery.

What do you do in the circus:

Aerial Straps (Solo) - Wheel of death/Space wheel (Trio)


This is the half of the trailer that Ruben and Saphir share. (He is the top bunk)



- Ruben has yet to meet an Elephant Man.

-The eldest of the Naga triplets.


Name: Esmeralda Sermala

Nickname: Esme

Show name: Veneno Mortem Trio

Age: appears 21 (actually a couple of thousands years old)

Country of Origin: Un-named island in the Atlantic

Years with circus: 6

Species: Lamia (Female naga)

Sexuality: pansexual





Appearance other:

Esmeralda is the shortest of the triplets standing at 5'11" and weighs about 125 lbs in her human form, 200 lbs in her half form and about 3.5 lbs in her full snake form. In all three of her forms, Esmeralda's teeth have fangs (black fangs, human shorter and look fake, and longer then her brothers) and are laced with venom. She is the middle child of her siblings and has a very slender but toned body shape. As she is a Lamia, Esmeralda had a gemstone that gives her magic abilities lodged in the center of her forehead (her's is a pearl). Lastly, Esmeralda has a tattoo in her human form of the snake form she possesses as a sort of branding.



As her brothers are like the sunshine and sunset, Esmeralda is the moon. She is a calm spirit who may be and extrovert but still likes to interact with a small group of people. She is still kind just as her brother's are, but her patience line is thin and it's easy for her aggression to show. When it comes to charm, Esmeralda does not mind a little flaunting here and there, but normally only flirts if it gives her an advantage. When she speaks, her words are as smooth as butter, enticing people into everyone one of her conversations. Esmeralda is also very witty at times, more then her brother Ruben, and never regrets anything she says. Overall, she is a loving but strategic woman who knows what she likes and when she wants something.


- Naga Physiology

- when in half form they are able to lift up to 400 lbs with their tail.

- Unlike her brothers, Esmeralda is able to manipulate water as gifted to all Lamia in a Naga Tribe. (strongest ability is a light rain shower or manipulating a small orb of water)


The history of the triplets is an enigma for the people of the cirque. They don't really talk about their life before they came to the cirque other then the fact they stowed away from their island home. As to where that island is remains a mystery.

What do you do in the circus:

Water Bowl (Solo) - Wheel of Death/Space wheel (Trio)


Esmeralda shares a trailer with her brothers. The image below portrays her half of the trailer.



- Esmeralda once found an Elephant man lying in the sand.

- Middle child of the triplets.


Name: Saphir Sermala

Nickname: Sting (referring to his venom)

Show name: Veneno Mortem Trio

Age: appears 21 (actually a couple of thousands years old)

Country of Origin: Un-named island in the Atlantic

Years with circus: 6

Species: Naga

Sexuality: pansexual





Appearance other:

Saphir, even though the youngest, is 6'2" and weighs about 165 lbs in his human form, 200lbs in his half form and about 6.6 lbs in his full snake form. In all three of his forms, Saphir's teeth have fangs (human shorter and look grated into points) and are laced with venom. He has more of a feminine figure but still a pretty muscular build up as well (inbetween sis and bro). Lastly, Saphir has a tattoo in his human form of the snake form he possesses as a sort of branding.



Charming, optimistic, and laid back are just some of the words used to describe Saphir. As the youngest of the triplets Saphir has much more of a care free attitude. He does not care much about rules nor the people he interacts with. To Saphir the world is his friend and everyone loves him, causing the young naga to have a big head. Just like his siblings Saphir is a very attractive person who knows it and uses his looks to sway the hearts of both men and women. Like his brother he has more of an optimistic attitude but treats it in a more mischievous manner.


- Naga physiology

- when in half form they are able to lift up to 400 lbs with their tail.

- Although the youngest, Saphir's venom is the deadliest of the trio. On bite and seconds later you would be dead.


The history of the triplets is an enigma for the people of the cirque. They don't really talk about their life before they came to the cirque other then the fact they stowed away from their island home. As to where that island is remains a mystery.

What do you do in the circus:

Helps with entertaining circus goers before performances by dancing with his tambourine (no solo act) -Wheel of Death/Space Wheel (Trio)


Half of the trailer Saphir shares with Ruben. (He is the bottom bunk)



- Saphir has always wonder what it would be like to date an Elephant man.

- The youngest of the Naga triplets.

Yume Kuro

(Black dream)

nick name: Yume or Yu-san

Age: 26

country of origin: Japan

sexuality: Bisexual

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/DSC_5587.jpg.6c77a414054686dacc9f75576637c3f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/DSC_5587.jpg.6c77a414054686dacc9f75576637c3f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Appearance other: Yume always wears a black kimono patterned with silver flowers and butterfly; along with it is a blood red obi, similar to her red eyes. Her shoes are that of a traditional geta or wooden sandals with white socks to protect her feet from the cold. Like in the image, her hair is usually seen in a tight and neat bun with strands of hair encompassing her pale face. She always have a red, Japanese umbrella with her all the time, whether it's sunny or not, but doesn't usually use it. Her height stands about 5'4 and weighs 160 lbs.

Personality: You can say that Yume is playful; not playful as a child but playful as a mature woman, in both words and looks. She likes commenting on stuff she finds interesting and funny, and often teases her comrades. But don't be fooled, though, behind this gentle and smiling face is a woman of a manipulation. Being a lady with a talent of the tongue, she can manipulate people in doing what she wants if she urges to. But often times, she's your usual light-hearted woman with a knack of weird gestures and comments.

Background: Yume came from a lineage of Maikos, or Japanese performers. Everything was well in her family, a usual Japanese household governing over a shrine in Kyoto but everything collapsed when her grandfather was killed. During the investigation of the murder, Yume dreamt of things, the voice of the murderer, the way her grandfather was killed, and a dirty old apartment. She told the police of this. Unsurprisingly, she her dreams were clues of the killer and his whereabouts. After this event, Yume was asked to join the police force where they trained her ability for her to use it even without dreaming. After 2 years of solving community crimes using her ability, the police transferred her to Interpol Japanese branch, for her to use it in bigger crimes. After 6 years, the Interpol Japanese branch proved that her clairvoyance is ultimately useful, specializing in murders and kidnappings, the Japanese branch brought her to England to help with the investigation of the disappearance of the head's daughter.

What you specialize in: She specializes in clairvoyance of the past (retrocognition) and of the present (remote viewing), but her visions, though very reliable, are just blurred images and cropped out situations. She's also talented in being the seductress or manipulator of men if she wishes to.

How long have you been a member of Interpol: She has been a member of the Interpol, Japanese branch, for 6 years and was sent to England for the very reason of the disappearance of the Interpol's head's daughter.

other: She's loves creepy things as well as adorable stuff, I mean, an elephant man is an example. Yume's amazed by the cultural difference of England and Japan and often asks questions about it.

(Sorry about that)



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Name: Keith Allen

Nickname: None

Age: 28

Country of Origin: England



Keith has unkempt black hair and dark brown eyes. He usually wears a black vest, a white button-down shirt, a black tie, and a black coat or jacket. He stands at a height of 5'11'' and weighs 168 lb.

Personality: Keith has a laid-back attitude, but he takes his work as a detective quite seriously. He has strong personal convictions and aims to protect and serve the public. He isn't shaken or stressed easily, which is immensely helpful in his line of work. Despite his ideals, Keith is rather unorganized and this has gotten him into trouble a few times. He is perceptive when it comes to people and particularly good at conducting on-the-scene investigations.

Background: Keith was born to a relatively normal family. He was the eldest child of three and strived to be good role model and a loving older brother to his brother and sister. He also aspired to be like his father, who was a detective, and decided to follow in his footsteps. Keith began his career among the ranks of the Metropolitan Police Service as a uniformed officer for three years and then applied for the position of detective constable. He worked for four years as a detective constable and gained experience after working on various cases. The series of disappearances in England were particularly alarming, but Keith only got involved when the missing persons unit linked the disappearances with a traveling circus, the Cirque de Monstres. He was chosen to cooperate with Interpol in investigating the incidents.

What you specialize in: Criminal investigation

How long have you been a member of Interpol: Keith is a new member and this is his first time collaborating with Interpol and the paranormal investigative unit.

Other: He keeps various newspaper clippings of his unsolved cases pinned up above his work desk in order to motivate and remind himself of his duty.

The Elephant Man
Aimee Malori
Blood Moon


Years with circus: 5 years

Sexuality: Straight

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432423852.198378.jpg.db09feba10ea90ce2bbd6c13dd5ea89a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432423852.198378.jpg.db09feba10ea90ce2bbd6c13dd5ea89a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Appearance other: at the height of 5'4, Aimee's eyes change with her mood. Red being angry, blue being content, green being concerned, and yellow being cautious. When she was turned, her hair which was a pitch black turned a bright red.

Personality: Keeping to herself, Aimee normally likes to just watch everyone. She doesn't talk much but loves to laugh when she hears random jokes.

Background: Grew up in Hungary with her single father, her mother having been murdered. She didn't know who murdered her mother but her father was rarely home, he would leave on occasionally long periods of time to gamble and drink. At the age of 18, Aimee became to tired of her father's irresponsible ways that she left and met a stranger that told her he would show her the ways of his people but at a price. She didn't care what price it was so long as she could leave Hungary and her father. The man took her to the circus but before he left her there he gave her a cup of red liquid and told her she would become important to people if she drank it. Not realizing her mistake in trusting the man, she drank it and he grabbed her and stabbed her repeatedly as if he were angry with her. Not long after she woke up cold, dead, and craving blood; oddly though, the sun didn't bother her skin but badly hurt her eyes. Her record on surviving without drinking blood is 2 weeks, so far, but passed that she became crazed with her mind becoming hazing and overcome with the thirst for blood.

Abilities: can lift 3x her own weight and can see things that are up to 4 miles away. Aimee can also manipulate roses and control their vines.

What do you do in the circus: High-Wire Acrobats, Trapeze, and anything that requires her to twist at odd angles.

What does the inside of your trailer look like:

Is the Elephant Man tasty?



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Name: Entek

Show Name: Siren’s Call (series of theatrical, acrobatic moves done to music while on horseback)

Age: 200

Country of Origin:Scotland

Years with circus: 50

Species: Kelpie

Sexuality: Heterosexual




Appearance other:


Personality: Entek is quite similar to a puppy personality wise. He’s loves everyone, is excitable, inquisitive, goofy and quite awkward. Entek is very attached to his rider and best friend, Stella, and is rarely seen without her by his side. He can easily be persuaded to do tasks with food, toys or promises of cuddles. Rarely is Entek aggressive, even when told to “attack”, he’ll often just end up licking and wallowing all over his opponent. If someone were to truly hurt one of his circus family though then his teeth and claws would be bared.

Background: Entek was born in Scotland to a large clan of kelpies that co-habituated peacefully in a lake with banshees. If one group were to take a kill then the spoils were equally shared. This was how Entek and Stella met; the two have known each other since a very young age.

Abilities: Being a water spirit, Entek is a natural in the water and feels most at home in a body of water than anywhere else. He’s able to glow with a bioluminescent light that emits from his body and when used for hunting, acts as a mind numbing lure. When victim’s look at his body’s glow for too long they’ll find themselves being drawn to it like a moth to a flame and that’s when he’ll strike. Along with this Entek has abilities that come with his natural form such as the sharp barbs on his tail, strong claws, large teeth and excellent sense of smell and hearing. His eyesight is limited though and he’s been known to run into things.

What do you do in the circus:Entek is part of a trick riding team and acts as the mount in the show. During the day he takes the form of a draft horse and Stella performs tricks while in the saddle. The two also offer pony rides to visitors, Entek loves children and is happy to let the little ones ride on him.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? Entek’s trailer is more like a large space that an animal would live in, filled with gobs of straw, a few blankets and lots of large balls for play. Entek is more than comfortable in this space and always sleeps with a large, plush panda toy that Stella bought for him. He also has a rather big water tub for him to splash about in. He also enjoys playing fetch with the elephant man.
Name: Stella Bissett

Show Name or nick-name: Siren's Call

Age: Real Age - 150. Appears - 21

Country of Origin: Scotland

Years with circus: 50

Species: Caoineag

Sexuality: Heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Stella3.png.90d71b561e8410dd5c201c653eae7a2b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Stella3.png.90d71b561e8410dd5c201c653eae7a2b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/wallpapers_43766.jpg.2607f5bf58a92d93c292bf0c8a44aafc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/wallpapers_43766.jpg.2607f5bf58a92d93c292bf0c8a44aafc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Stella has a more nurturing nature than is normal for her age. She often finds herself acting as a mother to any she feels is in need of some extra care. With Entek running around like a two year old, she is constantly on the move and keeping things in order. Often she can be found coddling a lost child or assisting Entek with his need to offer free pony rides. Stella is laid back most of the time, and usually leaves confrontation for others to squabble over. But if anyone was to threaten those she holds dear, she will drag them to the bottom of the nearest river in a quiet cold rage.

Background: Stella and her family come from Scotland where they co-inhabited a lake with a clan of kelpies. The groups equally shared their kills, living peacefully as water spirits in the Highlands. This is where Stella befriended Entek as a child, then later decided to explore the world.

Abilities: As a Caoineag, a Scottish banshee or weeper, Stella's wails can only be heard by those who are about to die or are going to face great sorrow. She uses this ability after shows each night to attract members of the audience. Those destined to be escorted by death are the only ones capable of hearing her cries, and often times come to investigate, only to be greeted by a ghostly pale woman with wet hair. Stella also is a strong swimmer, capable of living in lakes and other bodies of fresh water.

What do you do in the circus: Trick pony rider partnered with Entek as the mount. The duo often performs to music and provides pony rides for children when not performing.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a356d6fc37d9da092d942c42ecfc789b.jpg.a13bd876c09020e091b3dbd66ae74153.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a356d6fc37d9da092d942c42ecfc789b.jpg.a13bd876c09020e091b3dbd66ae74153.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Has anyone actually seen the Elephant Man?



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Michael Reed & Abigail Swade

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      Country of Origin





      Homicide Investigation

      Elephant Man



Mark solotov Voichek

{Show Name}




{Country of Origin}

Puerto Rico

{Years with circus}

"For the first time in forever!-...wait wrong place sorry..Um elephant man!!"


Cartoon Jumper/Cartoon Master





{Appearance other}

Mark stands 5.9 FT tall and has Blond hair,he always wear a odd head one knows were it come from (Hint:Adventure!)But he has No scar but he dose have a Tattoo on his left palm of what seems classic and Very old Cartoon Character in black and white seem to be "Mickey Mouse",he has deep blue eyes.


Mark is Jolly happy and all around energetic boy,always with a smiel and there to make other smiel with him! he is very social and would talk to the most Grumpy people on earth and try his best to paste a smiel on there face! But overall he is Very creative and always in search for multiple entrances and exits to a Problem or idea.but aswell he knows anything about cartoons but the best part is....he knows of "Them"...the people who watch...(he is aware of the fourth wall)


Mark comes from Puerto rico! after a family turns on there TV mark just sudently jump out of the TV and begine his adventures as Mr.Cartoon! stay toon for the next episode!...Ok no really that happend,but as he did he felt wierd as everybody was so different....they were so serius and aswell so silent and...not cartoony,as he adventures and explore he saw a circuse and FINALLY a place were there are smiels! as he enterd he paid and started to watch! and as he did he saw....people that were acting were...Uniwue...he knew they were Unique and aswell have abilities like him! and so he desided and try and join...and now at the present time its his first time in the job!...or better said...Home!


Mark has the ability of "Cartoon Physics" Or Toonforze in simple and short he is in a cartoon! he is abble to get randome items from his pocket,Run in air till he looks down and gravity take effect,abble to survive DEADLY being crush by a truck or anvile but this dosent mean he is imortal,he is abble to teleport,change his apperance and Other cartoon things! but his best power is...know they are watching....Hello person reading this.

{What do you do in the circus}

A Magician! and aswell to Intertain the children!

{What does the inside of their trailer look like}

From the outside is small from the inside of the trailer is a Huge Room!!!

Name: kaneki ken

Show name: eyepatch/centipede


Country of origin: Tokyo

Years with circus: joined 10 years ago.

Species: ghoul/one eye

Sexuality: heterosexual

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.941c3d4fac92b963141f7b6002aa6bb8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.941c3d4fac92b963141f7b6002aa6bb8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.20ca396e87f43607c1a69a931d0fc356.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.20ca396e87f43607c1a69a931d0fc356.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8fc39a2dfb2d079499e05f2b059bec9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53391" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8fc39a2dfb2d079499e05f2b059bec9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: kaneki is a silent person usually minding his own business and keeps out of others peoples business, he may come off as a cold person but is actually a nice person that will protect his loved ones and friends at the risk of his own life, he's usually payed back and chilled but when he's hungry or mad you better stay out of his way.

Background: Kaneki was an ordinary person he went to collage was single but he got a girlfriend that loved the same author and loves to read to and after a few weeks he walked her home because of mysterious deaths and he did but they cut through an alley and she showed her true self she was a ghoul and when she hugged him he didn't know and she bit his shoulder and then he knew she was a ghoul but she cought him and threw him through a wall he tried to escape and couldn't he was then stabbed through the stomach and thrown into a wall he thought it was the end but giant metal beams fell onto the girl and crushed her to death and after he passed out of blood loss he awoke in a hospital room after surgery but the doctor used the girls organs noting she was a ghoul and put them into him making him half ghoul and now he is neither human nor paranormal being so after he learned the girls past he left Japan and joined cirque de monster as the beast of the circus.

Abilities: kaneki has the ability to pull out his kagune kagune are weapons that ghouls have to protect themselves and fight, he has a form called a kakaju form which makes his body more enhanced then it already is, he has the ability to regenerate but that doesn't make him immortal massive damage on the heart or head can kill him or if you give him just enough damage on the head give him amnesia, he has enhanced body movements and super strength.

What does he do in the circus:

He's the beast of the circus usually doing performances like letting people touch his kagune and he hunts to.(he eats humans and other goals by the way)

What does the inside of his trailer look like:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e042554345fc1156477d404c1834e9e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e042554345fc1156477d404c1834e9e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He likes water, elephant man



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Edward Drachen (Human Name)

Ignatius (Dragon Name)



Sir Top Hat


Twenty-Nine (Human Realm Age)

Four to Six Thousand (True Age)

Country of Origin

Hell (Birthland)

England (Assumed Origin)



Appearance Other

His eyes change color about every ten minutes, with the colors always unpredictable.

On rare cases, his eyes will go a full rainbow, or will change every few seconds.





Edward is a rather uninteresting guy. While he's dressed for the part, he's not very fit for the role of unpredictability. He's somebody who lacks any enthusiasm, though he holds a few secrets behind that disinterest regarding his true personality. A side of his personality nobody knows, except the head of Interpol himself. Ignoring secrets though, he's not much of one to tell somebody about something if they don't ask about it, they don't need to know about it, or he wasn't told by somebody to pass on the information. He'll sometimes throw out useless information to confuse people, though generally stays away from telling false information whenever he does give out something useless and confusing.


Edward was born long ago, once but a demon-born dragon sleeping in the depths of Hell. One time servant to a great hero and then once to a great tyrant, Edward's life consisted of sleep and war. For a thousand years he slept since his last contract was broken, only to be awakened by another summons to the realm of the living, whereupon he was placed under forced contract as servant to a human being. From that moment on, his master was the head of Interpol, and he the man's personal assistant.

Around ten years later, his master's daughter went missing. Given the nature of the case at hand, Edward was placed as a part of the investigation as an independent party, simply there to assist the others as well as partake in his own investigation.

What you specialize in

Exorcism & Alchemy

How long have you been a member of Interpol

Ten Years


Edward is a master in alchemy, highly knowledgeable when it came to the laws of the world. Equivalent exchange is a principal alchemy usually goes by, though Edward takes it a step further and has learned to use alchemy where twice is received what is given, though cannot be done to create something that in equivalent material existence is equal to or higher in value, nor can he multiply for infinite resource.

Edward can also summon and command dragons at will, on top of which can become any type of dragon he so wishes. These dragons come in all forms and sizes, as well as all affinities such as fire and ice.

As part demon, Edward can wield magic of high quality, and of high variety in element and form. He's also capable of defensive magic, as well as holds highly enhanced physical capabilities due to his dragon and demon blood.


He's quarter human, two thirds dragon, and one third demon.

Fluent in around thirty languages, including French. He never uses his multiple languages though.

He's known as the head of Interpol's right-hand man.

He has met the Elephant Man before.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]


Edward Drachen (Human Name)

Ignatius (Dragon Name)



Sir Top Hat


Twenty-Nine (Human Realm Age)

Four to Six Thousand (True Age)

Country of Origin

Hell (Birthland)

England (Assumed Origin)



Appearance Other

His eyes change color about every ten minutes, with the colors always unpredictable.

On rare cases, his eyes will go a full rainbow, or will change every few seconds.





Edward is a rather uninteresting guy. While he's dressed for the part, he's not very fit for the role of unpredictability. He's somebody who lacks any enthusiasm, though he holds a few secrets behind that disinterest regarding his true personality. A side of his personality nobody knows, except the head of Interpol himself. Ignoring secrets though, he's not much of one to tell somebody about something if they don't ask about it, they don't need to know about it, or he wasn't told by somebody to pass on the information. He'll sometimes throw out useless information to confuse people, though generally stays away from telling false information whenever he does give out something useless and confusing.


Edward was born long ago, once but a demon-born dragon sleeping in the depths of Hell. One time servant to a great hero and then once to a great tyrant, Edward's life consisted of sleep and war. For a thousand years he slept since his last contract was broken, only to be awakened by another summons to the realm of the living, whereupon he was placed under forced contract as servant to a human being. From that moment on, his master was the head of Interpol, and he the man's personal assistant.

Around ten years later, his master's daughter went missing. Given the nature of the case at hand, Edward was placed as a part of the investigation as an independent party, simply there to assist the others as well as partake in his own investigation.

What you specialize in

Exorcism & Alchemy

How long have you been a member of Interpol

Ten Years


Edward is a master in alchemy, highly knowledgeable when it came to the laws of the world. Equivalent exchange is a principal alchemy usually goes by, though Edward takes it a step further and has learned to use alchemy where twice is received what is given, though cannot be done to create something that in equivalent material existence is equal to or higher in value, nor can he multiply for infinite resource.

Edward can also summon and command dragons at will, on top of which can become any type of dragon he so wishes. These dragons come in all forms and sizes, as well as all affinities such as fire and ice.

As part demon, Edward can wield magic of high quality, and of high variety in element and form. He's also capable of defensive magic, as well as holds highly enhanced physical capabilities due to his dragon and demon blood.


He's quarter human, two thirds dragon, and one third demon.

Fluent in around thirty languages, including French. He never uses his multiple languages though.

He's known as the head of Interpol's right-hand man.

He has met the Elephant Man before.
you can post!


Name: Markus Finch

nick name: Marky or Mark

Age: 24

country of origin: United States

sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2d70df9c_photo3.PNG.35d1aaa3db6be27ba117715b4c9ec846.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2d70df9c_photo3.PNG.35d1aaa3db6be27ba117715b4c9ec846.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Markus stands at 5' 11". Has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He also has several tattoo's on his arms. A chain that wraps around his right bicep and a few crows down his left arm.


Laid back and cocky this guy thinks he's got it all figured out. Not often listening to the advice of his superiors and going head first into things without thinking.

He's also quite the tail chaser, but underneath it all, he does have a pretty good heart.


An ex-con man and gang member he somehow found out about Interpol and, much to his older brother's relief, decided to make a career change. Thus, joining the agency and making a more honest living.

What you specialize in:

'Taking care of' supernatural beings.

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

3 years


He keeps his gun and booze in a hollowed out bible.

Elephant man.​



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Lilith Walker

Nick Name:




Country of Origin:







Flamboyant and rather sassy, she lacks modestly to say the least. She can be flirtatious and overly touchy, getting her into awkward situations. Though when it comes to demons, she doesn't mess around.


Born to a rather eccentric set of parents, hints her rather ironic name, she grew up loving demons and all their wild things, but after watching one consume the soul of her youngest brother changed her into a demon hunting machine, hoping to end their reign on this earth.

What you specialize in:


How long have you been a member of Interpol:

3 years


Related to Harper from Cirque '41​

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