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Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1965)

Welcome young and old to the Cirque de Monstres! We open at nightfall and feature a carnival and circus entertainment. Be sure to check out the side show and our famous hall of mirrors. And to the wonderful members of Interpol, we had nothing to do with it. We promise, so please, leave us be.

RP takes place in the spring of 1965 outside of the town of Manchester, England. The cirque has a forest on one side of it.

note for the humans: when the rp starts you do not know that the members of the cirque are behind everything. You just think they are a traveling band of non-humans who are most likely guilty.

WARNING!: This is a mature role play that deals with kidnappings, horror related scenarios, strong emotions, murder, and violence. If any of these make you uncomfortable do not join. This a PG-13 site but, just a heads up that this is not a sunshine and rainbows circus rp.

When the RP starts it will be nighttime and the cirque will have just opened for the night

Please read the overview before making a character
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Weather: Cool night with some low fog that is burning off. It is half-an hour away from performances. The cirque has just opened for the night,

Please note: tag who are talking to at the bottom of your post. Please let everyone get their first post in before posting again.


The old ringleader looked out his window at the low fog. England was cold country, he had learned that the hard way. Even the with the cold weather people came out in hoards. This nigh however had an eerie feeling and it made him uncomfortable. There was rumor, that Interpol was coming tonight. He had only told Laura, he planned to tell the other members as well. He would call off all human kidnappings unto further notice. He knew it would be hard but, Interpol wasn't the local police, they were specialists in the paranormal field. It made him afraid, afraid of what they would do to the members of the cirque. He sighed, glad he had told Laura to help him spread the word about the investigators. He knew it would freak some out others would calm. He dusted off his top and put it on. In his usual outfit (see cs pic) he stepped out of his trailer and embraced the cold night. He was immediately tackled by the very eccentric Nora. Who ran off as soon as she appeared. He was used to that, she was like a daughter, her mother had disowned her after it was reviled what Nora was. He watched as she disappeared into the animal area. She was one of the ones he knew would freak out. He sighed as he walked over to the animal area.

"Nora, be careful tonight. We have investigators from Interpol coming tonight and-"

Before he could finish the snake charmer was wrapped around his arm. He was right, she was freaking out.

"Nora please, it is nothing to worry about."

He was trying his hardest to shake the snake charmer off but, she wasn't going any where.


The young snake charmer stretched her legs as she prepped for the night. She stood up and put on the last of her bracelets and adjusted her hair. Tonight she was going for more of an art deco look (see cs). She grabbed a thick wool cloak that had little snakes embroidered on it. She spotted Paul as she went to the animal area and tackled the ring leader.

"Evening Paul! Tonight's going to good I know it!"

She smiled as she ran off to the animal are to check on her snakes. She had quite the collection of large snakes including two king cobras. She looked them over, making sure none of them were feeling the effects of the cold. She had been putting hot water bottles in their cages but it wasn't that cold tonight. She tapped the glass of her favorite cobra's tank.

"Hello Anubis, are you ready for tonight? Since you were shedding last night I had to use Hourus but I assure you, tonight you will be a star."

She was checking on the others when Paul told her about the Interpol agents.


like a magnet she grabbed Paul's arm and hugged it.

"No! Say its a lie, please. I don't want to die, I'm to young to die! I just started feeling welcome here. What will we do? why must they do this?"

She continued her rant even though Paul was trying to shake her off.

(okay tagging all cirque peeps @xx0mittens0xx @LunaTwilight @Abana @Axel1313 @CortezHorse @Venus )


The young priest paced the meeting room at the public Interpol offices. He was waiting for his team to show up, tonight they were to enter the den of the cirque. He wasn't nervous rather, anxious to go. He was nervous however about this normal investigator that was joining them. He looked at the file.

"Mr. Keith Allen. Well I hope you were not afraid of the dark as a kid."

He looked the part of an Interpol exorcist. Dressed in his priest robes, he picked up his worn bible and made sure that his bookmarks were in place. He wanted to be able to throw out some verses if needed.

"Bless us Father, and protect us from the evil that roams that cirque."

His thick Scottish accent suited him. Although it made him sound old, which he did not like. He looked up at the clock.

"They should be here by now."

@BlueInPassing @Te al Latte

(sorry for taking so long! I fell asleep)
As performances neared the spry young shadow demon stretched in the preparation area. He hadn't been asked to assist in any performances so tonight it was just entertaining the crowd between setting up acts. Easier said than done, but it seemed to work. Some acrobatics, contortion, a few hat tricks and some glitter and they were amazed.
"You are correct. Good evening. " Yume's apparent Japanese accent evaded her words as the raven haired girl entered the room of where the young priest paced about. Although this was her first time going out of her beautiful country, this wasn't the first time she heard English, oh no, she was also trained to learn the language even though her words are too formal most of the times. She made a small and steady bow, wanting to show part of her culture as well. "It's my pleasure to meet you personally." She smiled as she took off a black, wool-made shawl that protected her from the cold weather then folded it to hang on both her arms below her chest area. Her trusty umbrella still held by her hand.


Meanwhile the gentle giant was quite oblivious to the oncoming danger that would soon envelope the cirque and all of its members , taking long strides as he lumbered about as a small swarm of children where following him , some sitting on his shoulder while also carrying a few of the rather excitable children who giggled lightly.

Most people would expect that the children would be terrified of Heureux , his sheer height and choice of clothing making him seem like an incredibly imposing figure though this was quite the opposite of his true personality.

A Childish and naive giant who had a rather kind heart , who seemed to love every second of life at his wondrous home.

Tossing and catching one of the children playfully he twirled slightly , putting them down as he let them further explore the Circus that and so he wouldn't be late for the performances.

The giant strode into the main tent gleefully , waving at the small Shadow demon as he entered.

Aimee Malori

The night seemed to glow, beckoning her while her heightened senses thrummed through her. She could see as clearly as an owl as she leaned back against the tree bark, perched on a branch as her legs straddled the branch swinging back and forth. She could smell the blood of the people beginning to enter the cirque but she had already fed the other day, she could go without more for another week. Turning just jumped off the branch and floated down towards the waiting grass, barefoot she squished her toes through the grass loving the sensation. Looking towards her home, the cirque , she strolled towards the tents and trailers of her fellow cirque members. She could sense a bit of fear and it was coming from the animal area.

She saw Heureux and smiled, waving up to the tall creature. She had never drank his
blood before and she never wanted to. He was a kind creature, also entertaining the children hence why she's never drank from a child either. Children were innocent in all things, their blood untainted. "Good evening, Heureux, have you seen Paul?" Aimee knew were Paul was, he was in the animal area with Nora but she asked Heureux anyway to make light conversation with the creature as she always did.

Geo was inside her trailer, getting ready for her performance. Her long blue hair was pulled back on one side, creating small ringlets of curly hair. Her outfit was as usual, a long white dress that made her look like an angel. She had done a bit of makeup, and she knew what spirit she was going to summon today. Smiling, the small girl got out of her chair, and looked down at the empty space on the floor. Now was not the time to summon, but she just hoped there was enough space. Sighing, Geo left her trailer, smelling the crisp air before bounding off towards the stage, waving at the vampire who was there.


Jack was lazing around in his trailer, as usual. He was in costume, but as usual, he had fallen asleep while waiting for the people to come in. Snoring, Jack rolled over, only to fall off his bed. "Ugg." He grumbled, looking up at the ceiling which was draped with exotic cloths. He sat there for a bit, eyes lidded as he listened to the sound of people walking around. "Ah, showtime." Jack mumbled, sitting up in his trailer. His gold hoops hung from his ears, and he put on an eyepatch. Smiling at his appearance, he ruffled his hair a bit more. "I wonder how many guys will think this is hot?" He mumbled to himself, shrugging before he walked out his door, barefoot. He had all of his stuff in the tent, so he didn't need to grab anything else before leaving. Smiling at all of the people walking by, he went behind stage, seeing the small little helper setting up the sets. Jack could never tell, since the boy was so shy, but he had a feeling he wasn't into women. Walking up behind him, Jack folded his arms on top of his head and let out a low hum. "Hmm, looks like someone is already hard at work."


The eldest Naga stood gazing over his sleeping youngest sibling. He was wearing his casual garb like he normally did (see cs pic). It had been a long night for the triplets as the cold had reached all of them. For nagas, the cold had always affected their species three times the affect it had on a regular snake. Luckily for Ruben, he was the least affected allowing him to keep his cheerful mood. As he scanned the room, Ruben noticed that his sister was gone from her side of the trailer. Ruben was slightly concerned as to where Esmeralda could be, but he let that thought slip as he heard another moan come from his little brother. With a sigh, Ruben went back to his brother's side and spoke to him with a cracked voice.

"Do not worry frater, the cold will pass soon."

Ruben gave his brother a small smile. Remembering that they were open tonight, as he heard the voices of the people from a far.

"Plus I am sure Paul will allow us to feed tonight, so all will be well soon enough."


Saphir moaned as he woke staring at Ruben's face. He had fallen asleep only a few hours before planning to have only shut his eyes for a few moments. Saphir's whole body ached, muscles tensing as the cold went through his blankets and clothes and seeped into his skin. Even when it was a slight chill, Saphir was always the worst for wear humanly speaking. It embarrassed him to know this but he also knew that he was lucky to not be his sister Esmeralda. Saphir could only imagine what a lamia like her was going through.

When his brother had mentioned food, his dull eyes slightly brightened. It had been a week since Saphir and his triplets had eaten and right now, the thought of a meal was the only thing that kept Saphir from falling back to sleep or in another coughing fit.


She walked across the cirque grounds wearing her normal garb (see cs) and a thick black wool blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Her clammy hands gripped her sides as she let out another dry cough. Esmeralda had used most of her strength to exit her trailer when Ruben had not been looking and after coughing once again, Esmeralda collapsed just outside the back stage area. Some people nearby had a look of concern, while other merely looked away from Esmeralda trying to ignore the sick performer. With people so close to her, it was hard for Esmeralda to resist lashing out at one and sinking her teeth into their skin. Lucky for the humans, the cool air overpowered Esmeralda's hunger.

Crawling into the backstage area, Esmeralda sat in a heap on the floor. She stared at the others in the room in silence, the person she had left her trailer to find in the first place no where in sight.

@Venus @Abana @IceQueen @Axel1313 (people in backstage area)


The Giant waved down towards the Small Vampire girl , clapping his hands together in excitement at the mere prospect of talking to someone.

Though Heureux was a massive giant he seemed to possess the mentality of something around a eight year old , and always got excited at the most mundane of things that a person wouldn't even give a second thought about.

"Me no see Mr Paul , Maybe in Caravan?"

His mentality easily shone through his manner of speech , which missed out the occasional word and used much more simplistic words that anyone could understand , he was much better at expressing his opinions and views by his actions and song rather than speech.

He tilted his head when he spotted the usually vibrant looking Lamia come in looking more worse for wear than usual.

He strode over to her and watched her curiously for a few seconds , contemplating on what course of action he should take an idea suddenly sparking within his head.

He bent down slightly and suddenly scooped her up in his incredibly long but strong arms with utter ease somewhat concerned for her well being.

"You need help?"

Oddly enough he was fairly warm much like a radiator.

Keith strode down the hallway of the Interpol offices, giving a quick glance at his watch. He wasn't late…yet. The paperwork for his last case had taken longer than usual and he had ended up taking a taxi. It was quite a drain on his personal funds. He sighed and paused to smooth out his clothing as well as his disheveled and unruly hair. Then he walked into the room, greeted by the sight of a man in priest robes pacing about and a young lady who looked like a foreigner. He was a little surprised by the young age of their team leader, but then again, he was quite dubious about this whole paranormal investigation team in the first place. Why they needed a priest to track down the culprit, he didn't know. And the young lady, she was definitely what his friends would call an exotic beauty. Sure, there were women in the police service, but the clothing she wore hardly looked practical for a criminal investigation. At least they were from Interpol, so their skills were definitely vouched for. Now for the formalities... He sighed inwardly and removed his gloves, tucking them into his pocket, before stepping forward.

"Keith Allen from the Metropolitan Police, at your service." He offered a smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Carr."

@Lady Luna Ravenswood @Te al Latte
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Laura was talking quite seriously with somebody at the entrance of the cirque. A few words that could be heard were 'new', 'gone', and then 'dumbass'. Laura walked away from the guy, heading on over toward the trailer area to go get something. She looked a little pissed as she walked, not stopping once for any reason, not even if one of the performers were to talk to her. If they wanted to talk, they'd have to walk with her all the way to her trailer. "Paul I'm going to kill you one of these days." Laura said to herself, though why she would kill him, not even she knew at the moment; she just knew she'd have some reason to kill him. She just assumed for the moment that it was the fact Paul's way of running things may or may not be the reason Interpol's coming tonight.

"I really need a break from all of this." Laura told herself once more, taking a detour and going through the hall of mirrors. She made it all the way to the forest exit, heading into the center where she found a lone person. It's been two weeks, so I don't care what Paul says... Laura thought, the person seeing her. One moment she was slowly walking toward the man, and the next she flew right up to them in seconds. Smiling at the man, her fangs were lightly revealed, and the man frozen in place. He was both mesmerized by her, and in fear. Laura placed a hand on the man's cheek, gently sinking her teeth into his neck. After holding her teeth there for a moment and sucking out a little bit of blood, she slowly removed her teeth from his neck and let him fall to the ground, unconscious. She made it so no mark was left, walking away and back out of the forest before a soul could see her there.
Siani was running her wolves in the forest as she usually did with a performance, burning any unneeded energy to get them to focus on their tasks during her show. She was loving the chilly weather, as she naturally ran hot it was refreshing for her and the fog only added to the tranquility the forest currently had. She soon made her way out of the forest, knowing show time was soon and trotted up to her trailer still in wolf form, turning the doorknob with her mouth before making her way inside with Big and Bad following. She kept her wolves in her trailer with her rather than the animal tent. It may of been cramped sometimes but she didn't mind, they had a closer bond that way. She kicks the door shut once everyone was inside and shifts into her human form. She looks down at the back of the door seeing a note had been taped up there and grabs it from the back of the door. She frowns as she reads it, Interpol, how lovely she thought to herself before looking at Big and Bad. It seemed they would be doing the Tale of Two Wolves act as opposed to the Red Riding Hood one tonight since the latter involved her shifting where the previous was just showing off her wolves' talents. She grabs their collars (Big's and Bad's) for that particular show the only costume they had for the show. She changed into her own costume, her feet were barefoot, donned in anklets, her hair was left down an d straightened. She makes her way out of her trailer, not minding the nip of cold in the air at all even though her attire didn't seem suited for it. She has her wolves follow her out before locking her trailer's door, something she rarely did she usually wasn't concerned with intruders, locks were pointless when you had wolves for pets it seemed, not to mention her temper was enough to scare anyone away, but she didn't want anyone, specially interpol members snooping around in it uninvited.

She soon arrived backstage, motioning with her hand for the pair of wolves behind her to sit and stay, having trained them with subtle hand signals made it that much more mysterious to the audience who think they're performing uncoached. She leans against a post that was holding up the tent with her arms folded across her chest while she waited patiently for her turn. She found her foot tapping slightly, nervous about the idea of interpol snooping around. She knew if she was careful she had nothing to worry about, people didn't go missing because of her, only rabbit, deer and other game animals. People didn't exactly taste pleasant in her opinion, she had no idea how vampires did it. She also had a rule against turning humans, she refused to even if asked. To her no one was worthy and the last thing she needed was some idiot making werewolves look worse than they already did, not to mention she didn't have the patience to put a new changeling under her care.
Michael and Abigail

“You sure this is the place?” Michael grunted, looking up at the building.

“Positive, the address matches, and it is an Interpol office.” Abigail said as she came from the taxi, tugging behind her a rather large bag on wheels.

“Did you really have to bring that big ass thing?” Michael asked with a sigh, looking at his briefcase a moment before comparing it to her massive bag.

“Yes I’m sure, I need everything in here!” Abigail replied coldly, as if he’d asked a question with such an obvious answer.

Michael sighed and rubbed his forehead a moment, “Yea...let’s just get inside...” Michael grumbled, “And don’t lag behind with that bag.” He added with a bit of a growl.

“Oh shutup and move ya big grump.” Abigail said with a laugh, rushing past him. Michael watched her with a bit of a surprise, so apparently the wheels on that bag helped...

Michael sighed again, this wasn’t going to be a fun trip, he could already tell. Without a moment more of hesitation he followed after Abigail, who was somehow making good time through the building even with that bag.

Abigail entered the office first, looking around at the people gathered, “Hello! Nice to meet you all! I’m Abigai Swade, forensic analyst!” She said cheerfully, dragging her bag in behind her. Michael arrived a few moments after her, moving at a slower pace throughout the building. Michael chuckled slightly at Abigail’s cheery attitude, she never failed to be the cheeriest person in the room, no matter the situation.

“You don’t care if I smoke in here do you?” Michael asked, already halfway through lighting a cigar regardless of the answer. “I’m Michael Reed, and you’ve already met Abigail Swade. I specialize in homicide and I suppose it’s a good chance that this is also a homicide since they sent me, yes?” Michael asked, lifting up his briefcase and laying it on a table as he began to go over the contents.


@Te al Latte

@Lady Luna Ravenswood
Kaneki was walking around in the circus with his white eyepatch on to hide his eye he still didn't like people looking at his eye that could turn black and red at any moment and he was looking at the moon while his kagune was moving inside his back trying to prepare himself not to eat anyone in the crowd today when he saw the circus tent he was telling himself "don't look at anybody" repeatedly when he heard voices nearby and he went towards them walking calmly in his butler looking outfit.
Today was the day,his first time EVER! Mark the Cartoon Jumper wa exited! he has never work at a cirquies befor and he was exited! he just imagen making the children smiel and aswell and overall meeting those "special" people he saw back wen he visited the place and enjoyed the show but now was his time to take the spot and join the rest! he exited a local bakery buying some things like a soft drink...he was gona need it in this short walk,opening it and taking a sip...haaa Berry flavor...and now he began his adventure and started to walk towards the freak show!...well he had to be honest people had special things and some were...unique so it was a freak show :/ ...sorry if that offended ya Mr.Reader but anyway lets continue!

As he walk in the distance he would see the place...there it is! Ok..he needed to finde a man named Poul...Paul?...he forgot how to spell his name,as he walk he would come across the circuse,stoping as he was infront of the MASIVE tent! seem the main show tent! ok now that he was here he needed to finde Paul...Poul?...Pawl?...hard honestly,as he would slowli Peek in the tent and say sofly "Hello?...Um...sir paul?"he said sofly as he peek in from inside the large tent....he dint seem he was here...slowly walking inside with his green back pack he would gulp sofly...he cant be far...right? and overall he must know he was coming so would not minde him walking in without asking.

Walking in the large tent he made his way to the other side and was now in the the....
Forbiden zone!...Aka: the place were only those that belong in the place can be!,walking a little he would see a few people...ok not paul...nope...negative....seems no one was paul! but soon he heard a familier voice,reson he knew it was paul is because wen they speak about him joining so he knew,soon Mark would peek inside the animal area...ok animals...not bad...and there was paul!....um he seem to be busy...mark would wave his hand towards paul trying to get his attention.

@Lady Luna Ravenswood

(I did this in a rush once i posted in the Other RP,s im so sorry for gramma! and aswell if somthing is wrong tell me and i will fix!!...im sorry was in a Hurry /~\)
“Hold still. We are almost finished… Good boy.” Stella cooed as she ran a comb through Entek’s white hair. It was almost show time and the two wanted to look presentable in their human forms. Well… Human and horse actually. The blonde balanced on one of her friend’s many toy balls as she groomed his hair, already finished brushing down his raven coat till it shown. If anything, Entek took more prep time than she did; and that was WITH the makeup.

“Now then. All nice and prettied up. And remember, when we switch over to bareback riding, you can not stay in the back for cuddles. Remember that. No cuddles during show time. Get in, get out… I’m talking to a brick wall aren’t I?” Sighing, Stella could tell it was going to be a long night. She knew her partner would not let her down, but he was always far too excited to not want extra loving from the audience and stage assistant. Tonight would just have to have an added decoy scene to fill in time.

Readjusting the blankets she had thrown on Entek’s back, Stella walked to the back of the trailer to peak out the door. The pair always kept their trailer’s together, and she was always careful to not let anyone see inside Entek’s if she could avoid it. The hay and balls could be considered normal for a circus horse, but the huge tub of water and stuffed animals might be seen as out of the ordinary.

With the coast clear, the young rider stepped out of the large trailer and held open the door for Entek to exit. She hadn’t bothered putting a harness on him; that was only reserved for shows. Instead she kept a hand on his flank to make sure he didn’t stray off after a bird as they made their way around the other trailers.

Reaching the door of their destination, Stella knocked insistently. “You three up and at ‘em or do I need to drag you out of bed?” she called. It was on days like this she knew the Naga triplets were not at their best, and always tried to check in on them. Which was the reason she had tossed extra blankets on top of Entek, hoping his extra warmth would seep in to share.

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Entek moved from one hoofed foot to the other, snorting and huffing as Stella groomed him. This was always one of the worst parts of the day, he hated standing still and getting tangles brushed out of his hair, it wasn't fun at all! He wanted to run around, play with his toys or go swimming! Yea, swimming sounded really fun. His best friend finished up with his mane and he stomped one of his front legs impatiently, snorting loudly.

Cuddles? Stella was talking about cuddles now and that drew the anxious kelpie's attention. If there was anything that Entek loved more than water then it was getting cuddles. He cocked his large head, dark eyes focused on his friend as she explained he wouldn't have time for cuddles and immediately he turned his head away. Nope, there was always time for cuddles. Silly Stella just didn't think there was time but Entek knew he could make time for hugs and pets.

He followed her out of the trailer, glad to be out in the fresh air, and immediately kicked up his back legs in giddiness. Oh, he was always so excited when they came to new places! That meant new people to meet and new things to see and smell and eat! Maybe Stella would let him run around the lot later, he really could do with a good run right about now. They came to a trailer and Entek immediately recognized it as the home of the naga triplets, oh he liked them very much. Stella knocked on the door and when an answer didn't immediately come, Entek whinnied his loudest to get the attention of the siblings inside.

(remember to not blow up the rp with 1x1 and wait for peeps to post)

Sebastian looked at Yume, a fellow Interpol agent, who had transferred here for the cirque investigation.

"Welcome England Yume, I hope you are adjusting well."

He sat down and went through all the files again, noticing some more agents joining the investigation.

"If you need any help getting around ask."

He looked over at Keith who had just walked in.

"Mr. Allen welcome to Interpol. Here is a pamphlet on some standard rules and what not."

He handed Keith a pamphlet titled "The Paranormal and You: What it takes to be a good Interpol agent." it was filled with rules like; no hiding paranormal creatures, no relationships with them, and warnings about beings that eat or posses humans.

"Any questions ask."

He reached over and grabbed the cigar from Michael.

"I do mind"

He put it out and looked around.

"Okay before we leave we need to brief."

He wrote on a chalkboard that was behind him. 'Cirque de Monstres. traveling cirque, known to have demons, vampires, angels, and dangerous creatures.'

"Now there have been a lot of kidnappings now, our first outing will be identifying members and what they are. I still am not 100% sure they are behind all of the dissapreances. Now, anyone have any questions? concerns?"

@BlueInPassing @Te al Latte @Atom

Paul tried his hardest to pry off Nora to avail. He walked to the back stage area, hoping to find someone to distract Nora. He looked at the performers that had gathered in the prep area.

"Evening all be careful tonight, Interpol is most likely lurking-"

Nora cut him off.

"WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! why! why us? why me? I won't survive!"

Paul was used to Nora so he just wore his usual smile as the snake charmer clung to him like a small child.

"don't listen to Nora, she is a little, nervous about it. We just all need to be careful and don't talk anyone who asks too many questions."

He tried again to get Nora to let go of him.

"Nora, its cold tonight do you think the triplets are all right?"

Nora looked like she had a revelation as she let go of his arm.

"I have hot water bottles for them and warm blankets."

He rubbed his arm as she ran off. He sat on a bench that surrounded a fire.

"Just be careful, Interpol agents know our secrets, so its hard to hide things from them."

(anyone backstage that wants to talk with him)

Nora ran to the animal are and grabbed all the warm things she had prepped for the triplets if they needed it. She ran to the prep area as she spotted Esmeralda on the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm late."

She walked to the female part of the trio.

"What do you need? I have hot water bottles and warm blankets."

As the cirque snake expert Nora knew they liked warm weather and warm things.

"Just ask and I can get it. Also do Ruben and Saphir need anything?"

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Mark notice paul dint see him,seems he was busy with one of the preformers now he seem he was free,mark followd him out of the animal area and to what seems was the back stage,he stood out of sight for a few moments till he saw paul not busy...ok...well maybe now,with a sigh Mark would gulp and would walk inside back stage and looking around...seem there was a few preformers here...but it was near show time and mark needed to talk to paul and get this done,walking towards him he would say as he aproche "sir Paul? its mark...the new preformer....Um...do you have a Moment?"mark ask with a smiel on his face and Positive look...he dose remember some one hat was little grumpy...but maybe its just his imagination again,he thought paul would bee little grumpy but he seems oddly nice,maybe wont be that bad like pa-...Um nothing,but now time to get this done.Mark thought over what he could do,he was aming more to the kids!,he whanted to see smiels on there faces too! so maybe he would be more kid,s preformer but not sure,its what pauls says not his minde,but with this spare time he has,he could get his position Figured out.

@Lady Luna Ravenswood

Xaivier let out a small yelp of surprise and dropped what he was working on. He reached behind him to feel who or what it was. The mess of hair he finally reached as he stretched his arms upward was a good clue. "Jack! Please do not give me a heart attack before the show! Or mess up my hair...do you know how hard it is to get it to curl just right?" He crossed his arms over his chest and tried to look up at the tall man with a pout on his face.

Jack, who seemed to be very effective at destroying whatever Xavier was trying to do, smiled down at the little organizer. "I know you take time to get the curl right, but I think it's just kind of fun to play with." He cooed, smiling as he reached over and touched his hair gently, only sort of messing with it before leaning back off his head. "And I think I could make your heart race a little more if you would let me." He said, being his normal, flirtatious and suggestive self.

Yume nodded with a small smile to the young priest, "Yes, this country is quite lovely." She then turned to look at her other colleagues as well while nodding at them, recognizing their arrival. "A pleasure to meet you. My name's Yume Kuro. My ability is what you people may know as a hoax ability or parapsychology." A glint of mischief overcame her eyes for a moment, then with a gentle yet superior voice, she said, "I specialize in clairvoyance." A smile formed on her pale pink lips, bowing at them. She observed all of them, from the guy known as Kieth and the pair that just arrived, just smiling idly at them, trying to be approachable.

Yume then turned to the priest, Sebastian, as he wrote the words on the chalk board. "Sir," She started as her eyes looked at the board, her eyebrows furrowed a little while thinking. "How many have disappeared so far? And do you have any copy of their appearances as well?" Yume looked at him then continued, "They are a traveling circus, are they not? If so, do you have any records on their previous destinations? Did disappearances happen there as well?" All her questions were seemingly professional ones. The smallest detail could mean a lot to their investigations, that's what she learned in years of working with the police. And her questions about the previous victims' appearances is for her visions, if those victims were to appear in her visions, that would make the blame on the cirque bigger and all that they would need are physical proofs.

@Lady Luna Ravenswood


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Aimee Malori

Having just strolled into the backstage area, she frowned at what Paul had just said and whispered aloud, "Interpol? Here?" Sure the cirque was of monsters but they were all as discreet as they possibly could be. After each meal she made sure that her victims didn't see her face so Interpol shouldn't bother her but since they knew what she was they would be watchful. Well, she didn't mind giving those humans a good scare if need be and Paul doesn't need to know.

She was just about to ask Paul about Interpol when the new kid walked up to him, she almost grinned when the kid began to stutter. If he was going to survive here then he should be more confident and not fear their ringleader Paul.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Xaivier let out a yelp as Jack had startled him. She smiled, Jack was ever the flirt and she liked that about him. He was carefree but serious when it was needed and his carefree, flirtatious ways were needed to lighten the mood sometimes. She loved how both of them were so open, they were usually the most fun to be around. Instead of going to them, she left them alone to each other and turned to leave the area. If anyone from Interpol arrived, she wanted to be the first to see them.

She went towards the cirque entrance where people were paying to enter. Instead of just watching she started to lean backwards and land on all fours, twisting her torso so that her upper torso faced the ground causing the people to gasp. Doing little things never gave her act away but it entertained the people enough so they didn't leave early.
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