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Fantasy ๐’ž๐’ฝ๐“‡๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐’พ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’๐“ˆ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐ธ๐“๐’น๐“‡๐’พ๐’น๐’ถ (IC)




  • As Sabrina was walking into the shrine she thought she heard something. She quickly looked around not seeing anything but just as she was about chalk it up to being some animal she heard footsteps. She walked a little but deeper towards where she heard them but before she could get to far she heard a familiar voice that made her stop in her tracks. Uh oh, she thought to herself. She turned around to see Gramps, who was running up to her and she also notice Jin as well. Gramps then got down to her level.

    "Sabrina, my child! What're you doing here all alone?! I thought I told you not to ever leave the ship without letting me know or going with someone. It is not safe for you here, little one."

    Sabrina had bit of a guilty look on her face. "I just wanted to explore....I was afraid I would get told no. You wouldn't me off the last time..." Suddenly thought went through her head. Julie she had completely forgot about Julie. If she found she left the ship she was really going to get in trouble. She looked at gramps and smiled. "But everything is fine right? See I'm not hurt! And I just wanted to explore...." Sabrina said giving him puppy dog eyes. "So....make sure Julie doesn't give me a punishment ok!" And just like that her puppy dog sad look was gone and she had smiling as usual. She then turned around noticed a bunny and started chasing it. "Wait come here bunny I think they'll actually let me keep you! Right gramps?...." Suddenly she stopped chasing the bunny and looked at Jin and tilted her head. "Hey Jin your not going to scare my bunny and try chase it are you? Lindsey said if ever got a bunny to make sure to tell you be a nice kitty to it. So be nice to the bunny if I catch it." And with that she went back to chasing the bunny. She saw the bunny take turn going behind a hidden area when she caught up to it her eyes widen in surprise. There was strange little boy who looked to be her age. There was a very slight blush on her cheeks. He's so pretty, she thought to herself. I wanna keep him! Sabrina never had friend her age before. And he was so cute! Maybe she could dress him up. Suddenly she smiled and dropped to all fours and crawled over and sat next to him. "Hi! I'm Sabrina, what's your name?"

content filler area (ignore!)

โ™กdesign by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxieโ™ก


Lindsey animegirl20 animegirl20
Baron Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus
Sabrina animegirl20 animegirl20

Juliette Primrose

Julie hadn't made it many steps away from the door when she encountered him. The cat. Not the gloomy one who seemed to always sulk away like a shy little school child half the time over actively seeking to hang near others. The one who seemed far more prone to stick their nose out and make themselves known. The one with perhaps a bit more of an ego behind them. Though, to Baron's credit Sabrina did seem to enjoy being within their company, even if it did seem a slightly bit more one sided in terms of whom is enjoying such an interaction in the first place.

"It seems little Sabrina felt it was best to sneak out from her room. Not a normally big issue... but considering we are docked... I am quite certain where her first idea would be to go..."

Julie's words spoke seeming to show a slight bit of that stern motherly side of hers. Clearly she wasn't the most amused at the discovery. There were dangers on the ship naturally, but she was confident enough that any danger she might encounter was minimal at best. The few places were something more life threatening were much more locked away from the girl, and as much as she would prefer not to, should she get injured she was more then confident she could treat it and let the girl never forget what she had done to get herself in such pain again. She wasn't a complete stupid child either after all. The island itself introduced far too many unknowns. There were far too many risks.

Lindsey's sneaky approach hadn't been completely unnoticed. Julie's eyes had shifted as a quick little gesture had her hand slip over from her side slipping under her coat. Her hand touching at the handle of the blade concerned within the jacket. The look she gave even if for a brief second showing not even the slightest bit of hesitation. A sheer look that she was ready to attack to kill without any hesitation. Her stance however softened almost as quickly as it came, her hand slipping back away as she pulled back what her instincts from her early life had drilled into her.

It wasn't a threat, she could tell almost immediately if the fact they were on the ship made such a risk that much more unlikely. Her fingers gently quenched together before releasing letting out a soft breath out. The brief bit of tension she felt drifting away as she watched the hat being snagged away. Her head turned to look back giving a soft smile, her posture much more relaxed now as she put on her much more friendly demeanor.

"What have I said about sneaking up on others? It could end up getting someone hurt." She spoke turning to Lindsey as she pondered a little bit glancing at the girl and then to Baron. Well, not the most ideal group but it would work. Naturally, asking first was the best way to start. She was already confident she knew Sabrina was likely off the ship if she had snuck off somewhere, but there was always the slim chance she had found her way somewhere else. The young woman giving the two a brief moment of give a verbal exchange between the two. She felt some urgency though a few more seconds wouldn't likely be the end of the world.

"Did you two spot Sabrina anywhere recently?" She asked looking at the two. The woman lifting her hand tapping at her chin pondering a bit. She was almost certain of what their answer would be. She suspected if they had seen her at all, it was likely long ago enough that she had already made her way onto land. The doctor looking at the two not giving them much in terms of time to answer clearly already eager to move to the next step.

"Yes... I think we should be more then enough. Will it take you both long to gather your weapons or anything for self defense? I'd like a little help looking for Sabrina. I'm almost certain she has wandered her way off the ship, and I want to try and find her as soon as possible before she somehow gets herself into some trouble."
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Interactions: Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus (Damien)

"The stars? They are doing quite nicely today, but yet again, when are they not?" He said with a soft chuckle. "If my charts read correctly, we may be in for a bit of a meteor shower towards the middle of next week, likely late Tuesday night. I may make an astral plain that evening, for those interested." Traqil paused for the slightest of moments, reimagining the constellations he had memorized so perfectly. "It makes for a wonderful experience, if I do say so myself. The only thing more stunning than seeing the stars above you, is having them at your fingertips... but I digress... anyway, suprise flavor! of course, your wish is my command." He gave his knuckles and neck a quick crack, more for theatrics than anything else, but he let out a little wince as a loud pop sounded. "Heh...Long night... there was a bit more tension than I expected."

As soon as he shook off the brief embarrassment, the navigator's eyes glimmered with silent excitement and renewed vigor, thrilled to divulge into his favorite little recreation. He wasted no time in burying himself among his syrups, holding each up to himself for a moment before settling on a shining copper colored bottle.

"I'm ashamed to admit it, but I don't know much about you despite the fact we've essentially been neighbors for... what, a few months now? I'm going to have to go out on a limb to guess a flavor," He muttered, struggling to host conversation as he organized his collection of tools and trinkets, each meant to somehow improve whatever delicate beverage he brewed.

His slender fingers danced along the counter, sorting the gadgets based on purpose and size. It took a moment before he was satisfied with their arrangement, but as soon as his need for meticulous tidiness was satiated, he began the true process. He started with the coffee grounds, measuring them two or three times before finally setting a portion aside. He acted as though he was rewriting copious complicated equations in his head, carefully studying each ingredient, ensuring that not a single grain was out of place. He called coffee making an art but treated it as if it were a perfectible science.

As he prepared to conclude his little operation, he turned the syrup bottle around, revealing the mystery flavor: Salted Carmel. "Though I haven't met many musicians," he began, attempting to reason out his choice in flavor. "The ones I have met all liked caramel. It could be one of three things: a coincidence, a pattern, or a delusion on my part. Not only that, but with what little I know of you, I can at least deduce by your usual clothing that you enjoy cozier things. Cozy people like caramel; it's a proven fact," he said in a more teasing tone than anything else.

He carefully carried the cup and placed it in front of Damien, staring down at the failed latte art. It looked sort of like a harshly disfigured horse. "That was supposed to be a bear... since ursa major is directly overhead... but oh well, I was never much of an artist. Let me know how it tastes!" He said in a fairly cheery tone, moving back over towards his display of tools, beginning prep to make his own coffee.
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shrine guardian.

Shohei Kazuki.

wanderers lullaby


Shrine Ruins



Sabrina, Eloise, Captain Edwards, Jin



Voices, people entering. He was frozen in fear, arms wrapped tightly around himself, keeping the little box close to his chest as he waited, going further back into the little hiding spot that was once stored long ago. Footsteps running around, people talking, itโ€™s crazy how once normal interactions put fear into your heart after one experience but it was still all too fresh in his mind. Just as Shohei thought he might be able to get away, first, a little bunny appeared, which was honestly normal. Shohei was used to little creatures all around. However, shortly after, someone entered and all he could do was stare. His eyes were wide in fear as a little girl would easily sit down next to him.

"Hi! I'm Sabrina, what's your name?"

Shohei gasped, forgetting how to speak as he quickly pushed past her, tumbling out of the little hide place in the wall, the sound of wooden sandals hitting the ground hard and fast as he went running outside and around the shrine, only to be faced with 3 giants outside, a small yelp escaping his lips, his eyes beginning to glow a bright blue as he stumbled backward as he looked around scared.

โ€œLeave...Leave us alone!โ€
He screamed his eyes returning to normal as he ran back into the shrine, running straight backward into an overgrown courtyard before disappearing as he turned. However, what he didnโ€™t expect was a wall of dirt and earth springing forth from the ground, trapping Shohei in as he fell over, nearly on the verge of tears as he looked behind truly believing this might be the end for him.

โ€œNo no no no NO NO NOโ€
he mumbled, breathing heavily and quickly, turning around onto his hands and knees, pushing himself up, hand clutching his pendant as they prepared themselves to fight, knowing that what is what his family would have done in the past.


eloise atlas baran.

dear fellow traveler


Shrine Ruins



Shohei, Jin, Sabrina, Captain Edwards



Walking alongside Jin and the Captain, she took the time to study the path they ended up following, seeing old signs of there once being a path leading up to this supposed shrine, old remains of buildings, upon approaching, Captained seemed to notice some, Eloise snapping back to relation only catching the familiar name of Sabrina.

She asked, seeing Edwards rush forward, Sabrina ran around the shrine chasing a bunny before disappearing. Eloise would rush forward next, stepping further into the shrine until they were about central, eyes narrowing as something seemed, off. Yet their feeling was quickly answered as Sabrina disappeared into a small pocket in the wall of the ruins and out came a small boy. Eloise gasped as the boy seemed to run out, scared for some reason. She looked back to Gramps and Jin then back to the boy who was running away.

Instinct took over as she widened her stand, staring after the boy, and gently raised their hand just outside, a wall of earth blocked the boy from running further away and her other hand moved, pushing Sabrina and the rabbit gently out of the little hole, nothing but precise focus from Eloise.

โ€œSabrina. Go back to Captain. Now. No buts or questions or else there will be consequences.โ€
She said, usually very lenient and calm but her soft expression hardened and completely serious as she looked at the little girl, clearly not budging on her stance but as her eyes turned to Shohei her expression softened once more.

She recognized that look of fear, but not from any good memories. It was the look of knowing that death was inevitable but still fighting to live. Slowly, and carefully, Eloise walked forward to the boy and bent down slowly.

โ€œHey there, we..we do not want to hurt you. My name is Eloise, I amโ€ฆwas a paladin of the World Tree, here look,โ€
they said, looking back to Gramps and Jin as they pulled off their glove, revealing the burn scars on her hands and arm, and pulled up their sleeve, revealing the banding on their shoulder-arm area, then pulled out from under their shirt, a necklace with a beautifully carved tree pendant, the boy seeming to relax even if only a little.

โ€œDo you mind if we ask you some questions and maybe we can get you some food at our ship?โ€
she asked again seeing the boy still scared of his mind, slowly nodding his head.
โ€œDo you want food first or do you want to stay here and us ask you questions? Both are okay. Maybe we can pray together to the world tree, I see you have a lovely pendant,โ€
she said, putting her glove back on and adjusting her clothing back to normal.

โ€œYouโ€ฆyou won't hurt me right?โ€ the boy asked and Elosie shook her head, the boy no longer cluting onto the leaf amulent. โ€œYouโ€ฆbelieve in the world tree?โ€ Eloise nodded thoughtfully.

โ€œCome here, let's all pray a little yeah? My friends Sabrina, Captain Edward, and Jin can join us too, is that okay?โ€
The boy nodded a little, seeming to trust Eloise a bit more since she was faithful and Eloise stood up and went back to the center of the shrine, motioning for Sabrina, Edward, and Jin to come join her. The boy followed Eloise and stood infront of Eloise, facing the entrance. Between Eloise and the boy was a slightly raised platform, and while Eloise was clueless, it did seem something used to be held there, such as a holy relic.


azure hitch.










Happily munching away, he devoured the fruit like it was nothing. Feeling a bit more well-fed, it did come to mind that he might need to eat a little more than usual as he was finishing his last piece of fruit, taking a rather large bite of his apple, thinking about what was left in the fridge as a voice pulled him out for the thoughts, his eyes moving to see standing next to him.

"Morning. You said you're checking the underside today right? Mind if I tag along, or is this more of a solo job? No hard feelings either way."

Finishing his bite, he quickly wiped away the juices from the apple from his face and gave a bright smile, sitting up straighter and perking up a lot.

โ€œThe more help the better! Would be so helpful to have an extra pair of eyes. Itโ€™s just the usual check to make sure there isnโ€™t any major damage and see if anything needs to be reinforced. Would love the help! Just gonna grab some more food to make sure I got enough energy to do the work ya know,โ€
he said, going back and finishing the rest of his apple taking a bite more, the apple core just a little sliver of apple flesh that looked small even in his hands.

Azure would stand up, towering over most people here. Even people who were considered tall stood no match against Azure, the closer to 7โ€™ than 6 male. It was a sudden growth spurt for Azure, more annoying as clothing barely fit him and he looked down to Luv a little and smiled.

โ€œWant anything else to eat? Iโ€™m just going to grab some leftovers. Oh and how are the areas around the canons looking? Anything I need to look at there?โ€

A few steps over and he was already at the fridge, still fully paying attention to his conversation, he just was hungry still, and was looking at the containers of food they still had. Rice, some cold stew, seemed to be enough as he took both and singular for, not bothering to think about heating the food as he went back to his previous seat. In that process, the two containers were opened and the rice and stew were mixed and Azure already eating it. It wasnโ€™t cold, as it did its job of filling Azure's black hole of a stomach, and subconsciously would sorta, offer the container to Luv, as if saying she could have some if she wanted.

cc6.pngHoneyrose could tell they weren't totally please with the explanation but she couldn't risk it. She had to make sure they weren't going to do what the bounty hunters did. Honeyrose eyes shifted over to Serina when she spoke up.

"Well, certainly sounds like you've had a rough go of it. Sorry bout your friend too. Never easy losing one. But thank you for being truthful with us,"

Honeyrose nodded, she really did tell them the truth she just left out somethings. Though Red was clearly not buying any of it. Honeyrose looked back over at her dead companion. It was a extremely sad she died but now she couldn't even merge with the great tree. "I've gotta find a way back home...." Honeyrose mumbled to herself. She then thought about Shohei and hoped he was alright. Serina voice brought Honeyrose out of her thoughts. Serina asked about Honeyrose coming back to the ship and mentioned about someone helping her. Did that mean they could take her back to the island? Not that she knew how to get there but also.....she wasn't sure if they would turn on her if they ever found out. Honeyrose gave a bit of a panic look when Serina mentioned a doctor looking over her. She couldn't let them do that then they would know what she was. Not yet anyway. Before Honeyrose could even give her answer Serina and Red started argue a little. Honeyrose eyes went back to the direction they came and then turned around looking towards the location of the shrine. A part of her wanted to take off now and try to lose them and get back to Shohei and make sure he was ok but she also wanted to follow them and see if they really were trustworthy. Once again a voice brought Honeyrose out of her thoughts.

"We will offer aid back on our ship, but I will warn you once and only once if you do return with us. Do not do anything foolish,"

Honeyrose didn't know what she could possibly do that would be foolish. But she smiled at them and answered Serina's question. "Alright I'll go."

Interactions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz

  • photo-collage.png1.png
    Damien Dana Darling
    Mentions: Traqil ( HuffyLee HuffyLee )
    Location: Kitchen​

    Damien couldnโ€™t help the chuckle that crossed their lips at the twinkle in Traqilโ€™s eye as he started discussing the future meteor shower. They were never going to tire of that. That special spark that the captain seemed to find in each new spot, every new crew member. Like a personal galaxy, โ€˜Grampsโ€™ the massive star dragging in dreamers into orbit. More than anything it fueled Damien to put those dreams of the crew into words. Intriguing rhythms, enticing beats. To put the feeling of pursuit in tangible songโ€ฆ But that was for later. Coffee first!

    โ€œIโ€™ll admit Iโ€™m still trying to get my bearings.โ€

    A sheepish scratch to the head with an equally sheepish grin. Not all the stops the ship made really necessitated Damienโ€™s appearance outside of it. Made more for explorations of the efforts of man over nature than the true untouched landscape. Not that would stop them. They were their mamaโ€™s child. Stubborn as a mule and twice as determined. But there were clearly better suited individuals. So they spent more time assisting in keeping the youngest adventurer entertained enough to avoid her slinking off into unknown mischief. A childโ€™s mind was no more complex than an adultโ€™s, but they were far more blunt in their displeasure. In other words, Sabrina would at least tell Damien to their face when she didnโ€™t like a particular song.

    โ€œI donโ€™t think Iโ€™m going to get over looking out the window and seeing nothing, but stars for miles. You could say Iโ€™m still star struck.โ€

    Another light chuckle. That wouldnโ€™t get tiring either. Youโ€™d be surprised how many star puns exist. The ease that Traqil went through tools spoke of passion. Of time and effort put into perfecting his understanding of each piece worked. The musician quirking their head at the bottle revealing. Carmel. Better than that, salted caramel. Always a good choice. Though they did have to muffle a snort behind a hand at Traqilโ€™s teasing tone.

    โ€œWhat can I say? Cozy is the closest I can get to acceptable attire before Iโ€™m just in pjโ€™s every day.โ€

    Shifting to face forward in their wheelchair properly, Damien canโ€™t help but give a coo at the rough attempt at a bear in the cup set before them. A Good-natured โ€˜awโ€™ of course. The rough bear didnโ€™t seem like much, but the effort was well appreciated.

    โ€œWhile not looking exactly what youโ€™re intending, Iโ€™ll take it as a victory you went to trying to make it in the first place. Let alone indulging my curiosity. Thanks Traqil.โ€

    Raising the cup in cheer, Damien took the first sip. Humming in delight as the blend of salt, carmalized sugar, and of course coffee. Warm. Sweet. Cozy. Yum. Softly smiling as they indulged in the drink a bit long before theyโ€™d return to their mealโ€ฆ. Just after another sip of course.
Interactions: Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus (Damien) 606 606 (Azure)

606 606 (Azure)
Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus (Damien)

  • It didn't take him very long to reset his makeshift station and get his own drink started. He gave a few of the little tools a quick rinse and got to work. He paused his meticulous process to glance over the machine and watch Damien take their first sip, hoping the taste was to their liking. He smiled with satisfaction as they smiled, confirming the coffee was a success.

    "I'm glad the flavor wasn't as disa'star'ous as the art," he said with a chuckle, carrying on the star puns. "You'll have to let me make you another sometime. I'm always looking for a chance to practice..." he thought for a moment, silently weighing a few options in his head before extending an offer to Damien. "Maybe we could make a habit of this... forge a little breakfast alliance. It could be a mutually beneficial exchange! I get feedback, and you get a fresh coffee."

    His little coffee machine whirred as he began to craft a second beverage. He pulled out the lemon extract and lavender flavored syrup, carefully measuring them into his mug. It was an irregular shaped blue mug and had little gold stars speckled across it in nonsensical patterns. That was the only thing he didn't like about it; that it didn't reflect any particular span of stars. It was from his sister, though, so he kept it, if not simply to remember her by.

    He wrapped up his own drink, setting it on the counter before cleaning his tools again. Once he was happy with everything's cleanliness and organization, he sipped his own drink. He nodded, letting out a deep "Mmm," as he put the cup back down. "Just right. I think I've finally got a good idea of how to do Lemon Lavender correctly. I've got to figure out a new combination to fixate on..." he mused, leaning over the counter as he enjoyed the sweet and tangy cup.

    He glanced over at Damien, deciding to continue conversation as soon as he was sure they weren't busy. "I've been grounded to the ship," Traqil said with a chuckle, "Captain said I stayed up too late working on maps again and doesn't want me exploring until I've slept properly. Now that I've had coffee, I might as well forget sleep. I haven't decided if wandering around just past the ship is worth the chew out, or if I should just settle myself in the library and move on to my next project. What about you Damien, any plans?" He asked, warming his fingers around his cup as he settled in place. "Oh, and Azure, Luvenia, let me know if either of you would like something! It may be a good boost before you get busy on the ship."

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Serina Greene
Gaberial De'Sardet

Interaction: Hanarei Hanarei animegirl20 animegirl20 Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus

Upon Honeyrose's acceptance to return to the ship with them, the two partners had mixed reactions. Serina grinned ear to ear, proud of their accomplishment of convincing Honeyrose to come back without having to drag her back kicking and screaming. Red on the other hand simply let out a slow breath, uncertainty still present in the decision as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I'll inspect the ship's interior and see if I can find anything worthwhile before we head back. Stay here with the girl," Red said before turning to the cracked hull of the ship. Serina rolled her eyes as he slipped within the downed ship, kicking up dirt with the heel of her boot.

"Typical, he gets to go looking around for goodies and I get stuck out here," she muttered before looking to Honeyrose. At least she was left in decent company. Her gaze wandered downward through to the lifeless body of Honeyrose's friend, feeling a twinge of sympathy before something caught her eyes. Like Honeyrose the deceased friend had grass-like hair, but she was missing something. Briefly glancing up at Honeyrose, she saw that she had two blooming flowers atop her head, meanwhile, her friend didn't. There were however a few scattered flower petals near the body. Curiosity began to rise in her head, but Serina decided to keep her questions to herself for now and wait quietly for her partner to finish his inspection.

Meanwhile Red was in the remains of the ship's cargo hold, his steps slow and careful as the splintering wooden planks creaked and cracked under his weight. Massive holes and cracks scattered along the walls and ceiling let the sun's shining light bleed through into the hold, giving Red a better look at the damage. Crates, barrels, and other goods were scattered over the room, shattered and far from being salvageable. As he made his way to the damaged stairs leading up to the upper floors, Red's boot caught onto something, making him pause and look down to see a leg half buried under a pile of shattered wood and metal bits. Unsheathing his sword and using the tip of his blade to move the debris, it was revealed the leg had no owner, just a severed leg from its knee to the foot. A frown slipped onto his face as he scanned the room, searching for the original owner of the body part, but seeing nothing but a ruined hold filled with nothing but destroyed goods. Returning his blade to his hip Red stepped over the leg and continued on to the stairs, his interest quickly fading in the lost limb. Beginning his climb up the stairs, Red nearly made it to the top before the third to the last board snapped under his foot, his leg plunging through and gritting his teeth as a bolt of pain went up his leg. "Abominable damnation!" Red hissed as he kept himself from falling through, pulling himself from the hole and to the top of the stairs. Looking down at his leg he saw a large tear in his pants and a freshly opened wound. Luckily it was nothing serious, but it stung greatly. With a groan he rolled his eyes and just pushed on, doing his best to ignore the stinging pain and warm trickle of blood running down his leg.

From there Red continued his inspection of the downed ship, coming across the aftermath of battle. Bodies, scorch marks, discarded weapons, all a familiar sight for Red to come across. From the looks of the damage and death around him, it was one hell of a fight before this ship plummeted to its grave. Most of the rooms he came across were caved in, or smoldering husks, the assaulting stench of burning bodies and black powder assaulting his sense of smell, making him wrinkle his nose and bear through it as he moved on towards the captain's courters. Once finally reaching it, Red was met by a door halfway off its hinges. With a low sigh, he reared back his good leg and smashed the heel of his boot into the door, kicking it off its hinges and being greeted by a cloud of black sooty smoke that washed over him. As the smoke cleared Red opened his eyes and looked down at himself, a sneer coming to his face to see the entire front of his body covered in black soot. A frustrated groan escaped him as he could feel it on his face before stepping into the room to see a massive hole blown into the left side of side of the room, giving him a perfect view of the island's forest edge. Looking around the half-destroyed room left him with a dissatisfied feeling, most of the belongings that once were in there now shattered and thrown about the place. Not wanting this investigation to go to waste Red looked through the room, moving debris and going through scattered papers, Red began to feel his frustration grow, finding nothing of value or importance, just broken mementos, tools, and documents of the ship's status. Red didn't want to go back empty-handed, so he gathered up what remained of the ship logs and cargo list before making his way out of the room.

After making his way out of the ship and back to Serina and their new guest, Red slipped from the hole in the hull he first came through. As Serina looked at her partner she sputtered a laugh, covering her mouth as she got a good look at Red's messy appearance, covered head to toe in black soot and slightly torn clothing. Red glared at her as she looked away. "I'm glad my suffering is amusing to you," he muttered as he approached the two. Serina let out a snort before clearing her throat and looking back to him as he walked up to them.

"Sorry, just, I like the new look you're going for," she chuckled before looking at his bleeding leg, her amused expression fading as she frowned. "Geez, you're always nimble and elegant, but I take my eyes off you for twenty minutes and you get yourself scratched up," she said before patting him on the shoulder, a puff of black soot floating in the air and covering her hand. "Let's get back and have Julie take a look at it," she suggested as she wiped the black soot off on her leather pants. Red rolled his eyes as he walked past her and Honeyrose, beginning the walk back to the ship and her crew.

"It's just a scratch, no need to bother her with something trivial like this," he said as Serina hurried to his side, pursing her lips at him as she didn't accept his answer.

"Oh, stop being stubborn and have her look at it when we get back. Besides, it's not like we're packed with sick and dying patients," she said, earning a glance from Red. After a moment he let out a sigh and gave a nod, silently agreeing. Serina gave a satisfied grin before continuing on, the two now on their way to reunite with their crew with a new strange guest.

After a while of walking, the three of them finally reach the Infinity, a sigh of relief escaping Red before wincing in pain, a shock of stinging pain shooting up his scratched-up leg. He had been able to bear it earlier, but now it's begun to act up, the feeling of warm liquid spilling into his boot making him regret even getting up from bed. Serina threw him a concerned glance before they both began making their way onto the ship. Once stepping on the deck, Serina stopped in front of Red to stop. "Wait here and take a seat, I'll get Julie," she stated, earning a low sigh from Red.

"Serina that's not needed, I can go my-" he was cut off as he tried to walk past her but was stopped as she planted a hand on his chest and pushed him back.

"I said sit ya stubborn bastard. The bleeding is getting worse, and you've done a shit job hiding that pained look," she said firmly, a lack of humor or jesting in her expression making Red genuinely surprised. After a silent moment, Red let out a long sigh before walking over to a stack of crates along the ship's railing, sitting down with a hiss of pain but slight relief to take the weight off his leg. A proud smile slipped onto Serina's face before she looked to Honeyrose. "Stay here with him alright? If he tries to get up kick him in his bad leg," she instructed her before walking off to find the doctor. Luckily it didn't take long, spotting Julie talking with Lindsey and Baron in the hallway.

"Well that wasn't hard," she muttered to herself before jogging toward the group to close the gap. "Ey Julie!" Serina called out before coming to a stop, giving a quick salute to Lindsey and Baron. "Sorry to uh, break up your conversation, buuuuut Red's currently up on deck bleeding out from his leg. May have to chop it off, a real big mess," Serina casually explained. Though his wounds were nothing life-threatening, maybe a bit of exaggeration would get him a speedier check-up. "Also brought back a real nice plant girl. Hoping the cap will let us keep her," she said with a proud smile.

While the Captain had spoken with Sabrina regarding her leaving the ship, Jin had stood guard behind the Captain while he examined their surroundings. While he did not voice his opinion on the matter, his thoughts wandered on what could've happened to the inhabitants of this island. It was clear enough that there was a civilization here but for some reason, there wasn't even a single corpse to show signs of battle or decay due to time. Whatever had occurred here was a complete mystery, one that could be answered if they examined the area a bit further. Although before he could take a step in any direction, Jin's attention was taken over by Sabrina once she had begun to chase after a small rabbit, she turned towards him only to question him about what the crew's First Mate told her, he would give pause while one of his brows twitched with annoyance. Rather than respond to her, he remained silent while the Captain chuckled at Sabrina's comment.

While she had continued to chase after the small creature, moments passed before yet another individual came sprinting from within the shrine before rushing up towards the trio outside the structure. The individual was another small child, this time it was a boy, he was dressed from head to toe in some sort of ceremonial garment, something that would look as though it would fit the theme of the old shrine. Before the Captain could speak a single word, the sight of the boy sprinting back into the interior of the shrine had him reach out a hand to attempt to stop the child. "W-wait! Child, we mean no harm-!" As the old Captain shouted, the boy had already run off with Eloise making her way after him, most likely to speak with the child. "Be easy on him, Eloise." He instructed her.

Mere moments passed and soon enough the next to show up was Sabrina once more, seeing her make her way back towards the Captain, he'd embraced her into a hug before staring back into the interior of the shrine, patiently to see what Eloise would do. After a couple of minutes had passed, the sight of her and the unknown child appearing gave him a sigh of relief that she did not bring any harm to the mysterious boy. Jin meanwhile kept his arms crossed and remained on guard in case the child was some creature in disguise, the sudden wave to approach the two by Eloise had caught Jin off guard though. While the Captain and Sabrina had been the first to oblige and ended up approaching Eloise and the child before getting onto the knees to begin a prayer, Jin was hesitant at first, after his memories of the church, he almost refused to do any form of praying towards a place that brought him such harm and distress. However, rather than be seen as the only one not joining and standing awkwardly alone outside the shrine, he hesitantly entered only to kneel behind the Captain and Sabrina before joining in on the prayers as well.

Sabrina's eyes widened in surprise when the boy suddenly got up and ran. She was a bit stunned and unsure what to do. Did she scare him? All she did was ask him his name. She was just about to stand up and go over to him but before she could Eloise came over and pushed Sabrina and the rabbit gently out of the little hole and then told Sabrina sternly to go back over to Gramps with a hardened and completely serious as she looked. Sabrina didn't do exactly, what she said right away. Not liking the look she was getting from Eloise she crossed her arms and said, "You don't have to look at me like that. I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was ask him his name." Sabrina then glanced at Shohei again and the annoyed expression fell and she glanced back at Eloise. "Fine." She then ran back over to Gramps who gave her a hug.

Soon enough Eloise was motioning the three of them to come over. What for Sabrina wasn't sure but Gramps took he hand and they walked over together. Apparently, they were going to pray. Sabrina doesn't understand anything having to do with religion but she copied Gramps and got on her knees. She then waited for someone to start the prayer.

Eloise would look up and nod to the small child as everyone would kneel down. Shohei in front of them would look confused and step towards the kneeling group and start motioning everyone to stand back up, shaking his head and even giggling a little.

โ€œNo no, thatโ€™s not what you do,โ€ he said, appearing excited as he began to realize that he could still share what he had learned, and would run off into another room, coming back with little incense sticks and shoved one in everyoneโ€™s hand, and pulled out a matchbox, lighting each incense before taking his place next to Sabrina.

Eloise, who thought she knew nearly everything there was to know about the faith looked shocked, as the boy got everyone back to their feet and had incenents out. She looked towards Jin and Gramps, trying to catch a glimpse of what they were thinking, noticing only Gramps was picking up on the strange method of prayer Shohei was introducing. All the while, the boy seemed excited and much more at ease and decided not to question it, for now.

โ€œYou um, have the incense between your hands, palms together, then we bow,โ€ Shohei started, bowing deeply and looked over to see if everyone else was following. โ€œThen um, we chant 2 times
โ€˜In the embrace of divine light, I find my shield,
Strength flows through every breath I yield.
With each heartbeat, a rhythm of peace,

Health and protection, may they never cease.โ€™

While we are bowed then we have a 5-second moment of silence to ourselves then we stand up and offer a leaf-I FORGOT the leaves!โ€

Just like that, the little boy zoomed outside, picking up 5 of the biggest leaves he could find, running back in, and quickly shoved one in everyoneโ€™s hand and nodded.
โ€œOkay! Now we can do it!โ€

Eloise felt a smile on her face but quickly shook her head, returning to a neutral face as she tried and follow Shoheiโ€™s words, bowing deeply, incense burning in hand, as Shohei began to chant, it seemed that the winds changed as energy seemed to be restored for a moment. By the end of the 2nd time, Shohei and those with embedded crystals (like Jin) would feel strong pulsating energy that lasted 5 brief seconds of silence before Shohei would stand up, eyes glowing their bright blue staring at nothing to everyone else, but what he could see, were spirits being able to move on, his incense burned out in a second as he held up his hands, leaf in his palms as it was blown away outside, his eyes returning to normal.

While Eloise couldnโ€™t feel the same energy, they were keen eyes enough to notice something did seem, different, maybe a bit more alive. The greens appeared greener, and plants that she thought werenโ€™t bloomed were, as she turned to the boy wondering what to do.

Gramps also noticed this change and more importantly picked up that Eloise wasnโ€™t familiar with what Shohei was doing but clearly, something happened.

โ€œMy childโ€ฆjust how long have you been here?โ€ Gramps would ask, stepping out of the formation and slowly approaching the child. Shohei shrugged. โ€œI dunnoโ€ฆI was born here,โ€ he said softly, thinking that only he felt the change since the first real prayer was offered to the shine.

Eloise was shocked to hear this, as she offered up her own leaf, seeing the sudden wind push the leaf out of her hand and directly outside, only assumed that it was designed to be this was in the ruins but, all too likely, first bent down and looked to Sabrina.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry Sabrina, but you cannot just go up to strangers like that again without someone else with you okay? Some people might be very scared and shy, and some people might be very mean to you if you do that. Does that make sense?โ€ she asked, referring to her early actions, knowing that she was harsh out of habit, hoping her harshness could somewhat be explained to the child but then again, Eloise wasn't too sure if it would make sense.

After getting down onto his knees, Jin prepared for what was to be expected a long set of chanting words about the World Tree and whatever else was to come. After hearing it so many times by the priests during his days in the torturous labs underneath the Grand Cathedral, the words of prayer meant nothing to him. To his surprise though, the strange child approached the kneeling group only to motion for them to stand, was this some sort of joke, never once did Jin have to stand during any of the prayers up til this point and by the look of Eloise, she appeared to also be just as confused as he was. The fact that a paladin, those who were supposed to be the closest and most dedicated to the World Tree's religion, next to the pope himself, was in confusion only caused Jin to stare back towards the child as though he were the one that was in the wrong.

Turning his attention over towards their Captain for answers, in hopes that he was just as confused, shockingly, the Captain appeared to have a stoic expression as though he were expecting this.

Moments passed as the child left the room only to return with sticks of incense that were lit alight one after the other. Following the instructions that were given on how to hold the incense, Jin followed along with the others only to watch as the child scrambled once more out of the room when he exclaimed about something regarding 'leaves'. Chanting soon along with the child's words that he had told the group to also repeat twice over.

Unfortunately, as Jin had begun to chant the same words the second time over, his golden hues suddenly widened as a throbbing pain spiked within his chest. As the Eternum crystal resonated with the chanting words, even if the glow lasted mere seconds, to Jin, it was as though every second was an eternity. Nearly collapsing onto the ground, he gritted his teeth only to slightly lose his balance until the pain had subsided.

Once the prayer was complete, Jin slowly limped his way over to one of the nearby supporting columns before resting one arm against it to catch his breath. While the group chatted with one another, he attempted to make sense of what that strange feeling he had just experienced was, only turning and speaking once he felt comfortable enough to do so. "C-..Captain...I...I think we should head back...surely, Red and Serina...are back from their expedition...W-.We should head back and see what they have to report..." As he spoke through his heavy breathing, the Captain would stare at his Quartermaster with concern and confusion.

"Are you alright Jin? You seem rather winded. Take a seat, there is no rush--" As the Captain tried to reassure Jin, the quartermaster would simply shake his head while holding up his index finger as though to tell their Captain to 'wait'. "I'm fine...but there is something about this place...that is not agreeing with me. I apologize Captain, but can we please leave?" Once again, speaking through heavy panting breaths as though he were out of breath, Jin soon brought his gaze over towards the child. "If you have any friends...or anyone you'd like to bring along...feel free to come with us...we mean you no harm...and this man will treat you as a family.." Of course, as he spoke he motioned his comment about 'this man' being that of the Captain.

After the prayer was over Sabrina was a bit amazed by it. She was also happy when he came to stand by her made her hopeful they could be friends. Sabrina was about to talk to Shohei but Eloise came over and bent down so she was at Sabrina's level.

Sabrina thought about Eloise's question after the prayer for a moment. It did make sense considering Shohei did get scared. Though she was almost certain Lindsey said the exact opposite to her. Why were adults so confusing? But what Eloise said did make sense so she nodded and smiled at her. "I understand." Sabrina then noticed Jin seemed unwell. In pain? She wasn't exactly sure what but she ran over Jin and looked up at him. Wondering if was ok and she was about to ask until Jin basically asked Shohei whether or not he wanted to come with them on the ship. Sabrina's eyes widened at this and she ran over to Shohei excitedly. She grabbed both of his hands and grinned excitedly at him. "Please say yes! Me and you could be friends! I got tons of toys and games we could have a lot of fun!.... Oh! And we could play dress up! I got tons of clothes...though you might not be into my clothes.....but still! You should come." Sabrina beamed brightly hopeful he said yes.

Shohei was at first proud that they all followed but soon let out a yelp when Jin fell over eyes wide in fear, hand going underneath the first layer of his outfit, about to pull out the leaf but paused, not sure if it was a good idea and looked to the one they called Captain then back to the one they called Jin as everyone rushed over. He would take a step back for a second, and he and Jin would lock eyes.

Jin would see the fear returning to his eyes, glancing at the Captain, and gulped loudly, wondering if he could trust them. The prayer worked, he felt energy return to the area, and they seemed like good people plus, he was hungry.

โ€œIโ€ฆIโ€™m sorryโ€ฆIโ€ฆumm, here, this placeโ€ฆโ€ he started, his voice shaky, wanting to explain what this place was, but struggling for the words and jumped a little as the small girl, the one they called Sabrina would take his hands and quickly pull his hands away and take a few steps back looking around the shrine. The ruined shrine, nature retaking over the place he called home, his eyes glowing as he looked towards where they were all praying. A voice came through his head, a familiar and calming voice as it whispered to him.

โ€œGoโ€ฆ.go Shohei, my child.โ€

He was still unsure but would nod slightly, his eyes remained glowing before fading once more.

โ€œUmโ€ฆI have a friendโ€ฆ.sheโ€ฆshe is at the broken shipโ€ฆshe had a friend with her as wellโ€ฆI couldnโ€™t give them all a proper goodbye but, she is there,โ€ he said softly.

Eloise would stay silent, quietly moving over to begin helping Jin up, wanting to stay at the ruins longer but knowing better than to stay here any longer needed might harm Jin more. She would look to the Captain for more orders.

โ€œLetโ€™s take you back and have Julie look you over Jin, no buts. And we will see if Red and Serina found this friend of this child and we will give him some food, and for now, we can set him up in Sabrinaโ€™s room and have Julie look at him as well. Eloise, help Jin back, Iโ€™ll watch these two,โ€ he said, motioning towards the two children. โ€œAnd my boy, do you have a name we can call you?โ€ He asked, bending down and scooping Sabrina up in his arms, not wanting to risk her wandering off somehow again.

โ€œSh-Shohei,โ€ he said softly, looking around the shrine once more, knowing that everything he might ever need he would have on him already before his stomach growled loudly and his face began to turn red as he looked down at his feet, causing Captain to laugh, even Eloise to snicker a little.

โ€œWell Shohei, we welcome you to our home now,โ€ Captain said gently and offered his hand to the little boy and Shohei took it.

Eloise would look to Jin, still holding onto him as if still worried the otherโ€™s strength hadnโ€™t returned yet.

โ€œJin, can you walk alone or should I help you?โ€ She would ask, the Captain begins to head back first with Sabrina and Shohei but it was shortly answered by Jin passing out, the ex-paladin quick to catch the quartermaster.

The walk back to the ship seemed to go by faster than it did going to the ruins. Captain holding Sabrina in one arm, and at some point, Shohei grabbed the Captainโ€™s hand, and Eloise, carrying Jin as the group came back to the ship, just a bit after the scout part (Red, Sernia, and Honeyrose) had arrived.

Nothingness Nothingness animegirl20 animegirl20 and myself

Eloise, Shohei, Captain Edwards (Gramps), Jin, and Sabrina

Red, Serenia Guppy Franz Guppy Franz and Honeyrose animegirl20 animegirl20

Anyone else who is on deck would see this group arrive!

coded by weldherwings.

While the Captain had spoken with Sabrina regarding her leaving the ship, Jin had stood guard behind the Captain while he examined their surroundings. While he did not voice his opinion on the matter, his thoughts wandered on what could've happened to the inhabitants of this island. It was clear enough that there was a civilization here but for some reason, there wasn't even a single corpse to show signs of battle or decay due to time. Whatever had occurred here was a complete mystery, one that could be answered if they examined the area a bit further. Although before he could take a step in any direction, Jin's attention was taken over by Sabrina once she had begun to chase after a small rabbit, she turned towards him only to question him about what the crew's First Mate told her, he would give pause while one of his brows twitched with annoyance. Rather than respond to her, he remained silent while the Captain chuckled at Sabrina's comment.

While she had continued to chase after the small creature, moments passed before yet another individual came sprinting from within the shrine before rushing up towards the trio outside the structure. The individual was another small child, this time it was a boy, he was dressed from head to toe in some sort of ceremonial garment, something that would look as though it would fit the theme of the old shrine. Before the Captain could speak a single word, the sight of the boy sprinting back into the interior of the shrine had him reach out a hand to attempt to stop the child. "W-wait! Child, we mean no harm-!" As the old Captain shouted, the boy had already run off with Eloise making her way after him, most likely to speak with the child. "Be easy on him, Eloise." He instructed her.

Mere moments passed and soon enough the next to show up was Sabrina once more, seeing her make her way back towards the Captain, he'd embraced her into a hug before staring back into the interior of the shrine, patiently to see what Eloise would do. After a couple of minutes had passed, the sight of her and the unknown child appearing gave him a sigh of relief that she did not bring any harm to the mysterious boy. Jin meanwhile kept his arms crossed and remained on guard in case the child was some creature in disguise, the sudden wave to approach the two by Eloise had caught Jin off guard though. While the Captain and Sabrina had been the first to oblige and ended up approaching Eloise and the child before getting onto the knees to begin a prayer, Jin was hesitant at first, after his memories of the church, he almost refused to do any form of praying towards a place that brought him such harm and distress. However, rather than be seen as the only one not joining and standing awkwardly alone outside the shrine, he hesitantly entered only to kneel behind the Captain and Sabrina before joining in on the prayers as well.

Sabrina's eyes widened in surprise when the boy suddenly got up and ran. She was a bit stunned and unsure what to do. Did she scare him? All she did was ask him his name. She was just about to stand up and go over to him but before she could Eloise came over and pushed Sabrina and the rabbit gently out of the little hole and then told Sabrina sternly to go back over to Gramps with a hardened and completely serious as she looked. Sabrina didn't do exactly, what she said right away. Not liking the look she was getting from Eloise she crossed her arms and said, "You don't have to look at me like that. I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was ask him his name." Sabrina then glanced at Shohei again and the annoyed expression fell and she glanced back at Eloise. "Fine." She then ran back over to Gramps who gave her a hug.

Soon enough Eloise was motioning the three of them to come over. What for Sabrina wasn't sure but Gramps took he hand and they walked over together. Apparently, they were going to pray. Sabrina doesn't understand anything having to do with religion but she copied Gramps and got on her knees. She then waited for someone to start the prayer.

Eloise would look up and nod to the small child as everyone would kneel down. Shohei in front of them would look confused and step towards the kneeling group and start motioning everyone to stand back up, shaking his head and even giggling a little.

โ€œNo no, thatโ€™s not what you do,โ€ he said, appearing excited as he began to realize that he could still share what he had learned, and would run off into another room, coming back with little incense sticks and shoved one in everyoneโ€™s hand, and pulled out a matchbox, lighting each incense before taking his place next to Sabrina.

Eloise, who thought she knew nearly everything there was to know about the faith looked shocked, as the boy got everyone back to their feet and had incenents out. She looked towards Jin and Gramps, trying to catch a glimpse of what they were thinking, noticing only Gramps was picking up on the strange method of prayer Shohei was introducing. All the while, the boy seemed excited and much more at ease and decided not to question it, for now.

โ€œYou um, have the incense between your hands, palms together, then we bow,โ€ Shohei started, bowing deeply and looked over to see if everyone else was following. โ€œThen um, we chant 2 times
โ€˜In the embrace of divine light, I find my shield,
Strength flows through every breath I yield.
With each heartbeat, a rhythm of peace,

Health and protection, may they never cease.โ€™

While we are bowed then we have a 5-second moment of silence to ourselves then we stand up and offer a leaf-I FORGOT the leaves!โ€

Just like that, the little boy zoomed outside, picking up 5 of the biggest leaves he could find, running back in, and quickly shoved one in everyoneโ€™s hand and nodded.
โ€œOkay! Now we can do it!โ€

Eloise felt a smile on her face but quickly shook her head, returning to a neutral face as she tried and follow Shoheiโ€™s words, bowing deeply, incense burning in hand, as Shohei began to chant, it seemed that the winds changed as energy seemed to be restored for a moment. By the end of the 2nd time, Shohei and those with embedded crystals (like Jin) would feel strong pulsating energy that lasted 5 brief seconds of silence before Shohei would stand up, eyes glowing their bright blue staring at nothing to everyone else, but what he could see, were spirits being able to move on, his incense burned out in a second as he held up his hands, leaf in his palms as it was blown away outside, his eyes returning to normal.

While Eloise couldnโ€™t feel the same energy, they were keen eyes enough to notice something did seem, different, maybe a bit more alive. The greens appeared greener, and plants that she thought werenโ€™t bloomed were, as she turned to the boy wondering what to do.

Gramps also noticed this change and more importantly picked up that Eloise wasnโ€™t familiar with what Shohei was doing but clearly, something happened.

โ€œMy childโ€ฆjust how long have you been here?โ€ Gramps would ask, stepping out of the formation and slowly approaching the child. Shohei shrugged. โ€œI dunnoโ€ฆI was born here,โ€ he said softly, thinking that only he felt the change since the first real prayer was offered to the shine.

Eloise was shocked to hear this, as she offered up her own leaf, seeing the sudden wind push the leaf out of her hand and directly outside, only assumed that it was designed to be this was in the ruins but, all too likely, first bent down and looked to Sabrina.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry Sabrina, but you cannot just go up to strangers like that again without someone else with you okay? Some people might be very scared and shy, and some people might be very mean to you if you do that. Does that make sense?โ€ she asked, referring to her early actions, knowing that she was harsh out of habit, hoping her harshness could somewhat be explained to the child but then again, Eloise wasn't too sure if it would make sense.

After getting down onto his knees, Jin prepared for what was to be expected a long set of chanting words about the World Tree and whatever else was to come. After hearing it so many times by the priests during his days in the torturous labs underneath the Grand Cathedral, the words of prayer meant nothing to him. To his surprise though, the strange child approached the kneeling group only to motion for them to stand, was this some sort of joke, never once did Jin have to stand during any of the prayers up til this point and by the look of Eloise, she appeared to also be just as confused as he was. The fact that a paladin, those who were supposed to be the closest and most dedicated to the World Tree's religion, next to the pope himself, was in confusion only caused Jin to stare back towards the child as though he were the one that was in the wrong.

Turning his attention over towards their Captain for answers, in hopes that he was just as confused, shockingly, the Captain appeared to have a stoic expression as though he were expecting this.

Moments passed as the child left the room only to return with sticks of incense that were lit alight one after the other. Following the instructions that were given on how to hold the incense, Jin followed along with the others only to watch as the child scrambled once more out of the room when he exclaimed about something regarding 'leaves'. Chanting soon along with the child's words that he had told the group to also repeat twice over.

Unfortunately, as Jin had begun to chant the same words the second time over, his golden hues suddenly widened as a throbbing pain spiked within his chest. As the Eternum crystal resonated with the chanting words, even if the glow lasted mere seconds, to Jin, it was as though every second was an eternity. Nearly collapsing onto the ground, he gritted his teeth only to slightly lose his balance until the pain had subsided.

Once the prayer was complete, Jin slowly limped his way over to one of the nearby supporting columns before resting one arm against it to catch his breath. While the group chatted with one another, he attempted to make sense of what that strange feeling he had just experienced was, only turning and speaking once he felt comfortable enough to do so. "C-..Captain...I...I think we should head back...surely, Red and Serina...are back from their expedition...W-.We should head back and see what they have to report..." As he spoke through his heavy breathing, the Captain would stare at his Quartermaster with concern and confusion.

"Are you alright Jin? You seem rather winded. Take a seat, there is no rush--" As the Captain tried to reassure Jin, the quartermaster would simply shake his head while holding up his index finger as though to tell their Captain to 'wait'. "I'm fine...but there is something about this place...that is not agreeing with me. I apologize Captain, but can we please leave?" Once again, speaking through heavy panting breaths as though he were out of breath, Jin soon brought his gaze over towards the child. "If you have any friends...or anyone you'd like to bring along...feel free to come with us...we mean you no harm...and this man will treat you as a family.." Of course, as he spoke he motioned his comment about 'this man' being that of the Captain.

After the prayer was over Sabrina was a bit amazed by it. She was also happy when he came to stand by her made her hopeful they could be friends. Sabrina was about to talk to Shohei but Eloise came over and bent down so she was at Sabrina's level.

Sabrina thought about Eloise's question after the prayer for a moment. It did make sense considering Shohei did get scared. Though she was almost certain Lindsey said the exact opposite to her. Why were adults so confusing? But what Eloise said did make sense so she nodded and smiled at her. "I understand." Sabrina then noticed Jin seemed unwell. In pain? She wasn't exactly sure what but she ran over Jin and looked up at him. Wondering if was ok and she was about to ask until Jin basically asked Shohei whether or not he wanted to come with them on the ship. Sabrina's eyes widened at this and she ran over to Shohei excitedly. She grabbed both of his hands and grinned excitedly at him. "Please say yes! Me and you could be friends! I got tons of toys and games we could have a lot of fun!.... Oh! And we could play dress up! I got tons of clothes...though you might not be into my clothes.....but still! You should come." Sabrina beamed brightly hopeful he said yes.

Shohei was at first proud that they all followed but soon let out a yelp when Jin fell over eyes wide in fear, hand going underneath the first layer of his outfit, about to pull out the leaf but paused, not sure if it was a good idea and looked to the one they called Captain then back to the one they called Jin as everyone rushed over. He would take a step back for a second, and he and Jin would lock eyes.

Jin would see the fear returning to his eyes, glancing at the Captain, and gulped loudly, wondering if he could trust them. The prayer worked, he felt energy return to the area, and they seemed like good people plus, he was hungry.

โ€œIโ€ฆIโ€™m sorryโ€ฆIโ€ฆumm, here, this placeโ€ฆโ€ he started, his voice shaky, wanting to explain what this place was, but struggling for the words and jumped a little as the small girl, the one they called Sabrina would take his hands and quickly pull his hands away and take a few steps back looking around the shrine. The ruined shrine, nature retaking over the place he called home, his eyes glowing as he looked towards where they were all praying. A voice came through his head, a familiar and calming voice as it whispered to him.

โ€œGoโ€ฆ.go Shohei, my child.โ€

He was still unsure but would nod slightly, his eyes remained glowing before fading once more.

โ€œUmโ€ฆI have a friendโ€ฆ.sheโ€ฆshe is at the broken shipโ€ฆshe had a friend with her as wellโ€ฆI couldnโ€™t give them all a proper goodbye but, she is there,โ€ he said softly.

Eloise would stay silent, quietly moving over to begin helping Jin up, wanting to stay at the ruins longer but knowing better than to stay here any longer needed might harm Jin more. She would look to the Captain for more orders.

โ€œLetโ€™s take you back and have Julie look you over Jin, no buts. And we will see if Red and Serina found this friend of this child and we will give him some food, and for now, we can set him up in Sabrinaโ€™s room and have Julie look at him as well. Eloise, help Jin back, Iโ€™ll watch these two,โ€ he said, motioning towards the two children. โ€œAnd my boy, do you have a name we can call you?โ€ He asked, bending down and scooping Sabrina up in his arms, not wanting to risk her wandering off somehow again.

โ€œSh-Shohei,โ€ he said softly, looking around the shrine once more, knowing that everything he might ever need he would have on him already before his stomach growled loudly and his face began to turn red as he looked down at his feet, causing Captain to laugh, even Eloise to snicker a little.

โ€œWell Shohei, we welcome you to our home now,โ€ Captain said gently and offered his hand to the little boy and Shohei took it.

Eloise would look to Jin, still holding onto him as if still worried the otherโ€™s strength hadnโ€™t returned yet.

โ€œJin, can you walk alone or should I help you?โ€ She would ask, the Captain begins to head back first with Sabrina and Shohei but it was shortly answered by Jin passing out, the ex-paladin quick to catch the quartermaster.

The walk back to the ship seemed to go by faster than it did going to the ruins. Captain holding Sabrina in one arm, and at some point, Shohei grabbed the Captainโ€™s hand, and Eloise, carrying Jin as the group came back to the ship, just a bit after the scout part (Red, Sernia, and Honeyrose) had arrived.

Nothingness Nothingness animegirl20 animegirl20 and myself

Eloise, Shohei, Captain Edwards (Gramps), Jin, and Sabrina

Red, Serenia Guppy Franz Guppy Franz and Honeyrose animegirl20 animegirl20

Anyone else who is on deck would see this group arrive!



concerned but mostly disappointed

Julie Hanarei Hanarei Baron Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus Eloise 606 606 Red and Serina Guppy Franz Guppy Franz

Elosie 606 606

"What have I said about sneaking up on others? It could end up getting someone hurt.โ€

Lindsey smirked a Julie, "That's part of the fun sometimes." She then looked back at Baron and continued to pose with the hat clearly trying to annoy him. She stopped posing when he said she would have better chance with a derby or a trilby. She blinked for a moment seriously considering what he said then she gave him a amused grin. "How cute the kitty knows his hats." She kind of already knew that but she just wanted to continue to tease him. Baron took the hat back from Lindsey's head using his cane and then placed the hat back on top of his head.

โ€œOr perhaps a night cap would be more appropriate since youโ€™ve yet to join us for the day.โ€

Lindsey crossed her arm and laughed. "Insult my clothes all you want it Fancy Feline don't bother me none." Looking at Baron though she couldn't help but think back on her childhood and all the fancy and proper clothes the men and women would wear. Lindsey did kind of miss the pretty dresses, they were always fun to wear well would of been more fun if she hadn't been stuck in a wheel chair all the time. Lindsey was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts Julie asked if they had seen Sabrina. Lindsey responded after Baron. "Nope I was out if it so I wouldn't have even noticed her walking right by me."

"Yes... I think we should be more then enough. Will it take you both long to gather your weapons or anything for self defense? I'd like a little help looking for Sabrina. I'm almost certain she has wandered her way off the ship, and I want to try and find her as soon as possible before she somehow gets herself into some trouble."

"Sure sounds fun to me!" Lindsey said. "I'll go as is. I don't think I'll bother with any weapons."

โ€œMs. Lindsey may need some time to be properly acceptable for departure. I doubt it would assist us much if you were tripping over your own feet the whole way miss.โ€[/b}

Lindsey eyebrow twitch slightly. Did he seriously think she was wearing pjs? "I'm fully dressed Cat so just-" Suddenly Lindsey was cut off by someone yelling out over to Julie. Lindsey looked to see Serina heading their way.

"Sorry to uh, break up your conversation, buuuuut Red's currently up on deck bleeding out from his leg. May have to chop it off, a real big mess,"

"Bleeding? What fight did ya'll lose huh?" Serina also mentioned something a plant girl. Lindsey not bothering to wait headed up on deck and indeed there was Red bleeding out of his leg along with the plant girl.....strange why did she seem familar? Well there was no time for Lindsey to process that cause before she could speak Gramps, who was carrying Sabrina and holding a hand of a unknown child, Eloise who was carrying a passed out Jin. "Jeez man got Red bleeding and Jin passed out. The heck were you guys fighting out there?" Lindsey said as she put her hands on her hips. Was she concerned for the two of them yeah but she was more upset that she might of missed out on all of the fun. Plus Lindsey figured they be fine. Though.....seeing Jin passed out was maybe a bit more concerning to her then she was letting on. Lindsey walked over to Red and crouched down to look at his leg. "I hate to tell you this but I think you got blood on your good pants." She said clearly teasing him.

ยฉ weldherwings.



azure hitch.



outside the ship




Luv, Traquill


Gramps, Lindsey, Eloise, Jin, Shohei, honeyrose, Red, Serenia, Sabrina


HuffyLee HuffyLee animegirl20 animegirl20 Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Nothingness Nothingness and anyone else who might be affected by the ship moving

With Luv agreeing to the plans he smiled as he continued to eat, eat bit somehow bigger than the last now that she didnโ€™t want any! He hummed softly to himself as she pulled out a little carving and began to talk about the canon, and testing some new things, and he nodded thoughtful and finished his current bite.

โ€œAhh, I see I see, yeah I can totally help with that once we are done with the underside!โ€
He said as he scrapped up the last bit of food and shoved it into his mouth with a stttifsied sigh.

โ€œAnd speaking of, Iโ€™m ready now!โ€
He said, standing up and looked over to Tranquil who was taking about making something. He shook his head a little, already feeling energized after all of the food and the work out he had.

โ€œNah, Iโ€™m all good for right now Tranquil! Have my morning work out and my post work out shake and plenty of food which should last me untilโ€ฆbefore lunch,โ€
he said and laughed a little as he took a few long sides to go take care of the now empty and dirty dishes of left over foods. It only took a few moments of course but soon enough he was heading up to the main deck, looking to Luv for a moment to see if she could follow.

It didnโ€™t quiet matter if she did or didnโ€™t too Azure because either way he would first make his way up to the helm, quickly making sure it was powered as there was a slightly jolt as the ship would levitate slightly off the ground, but no too much, allowing for a latter or ramp to still reach the ground but also makee it easier for Azure to move around, though his strength and gravity manipulation also helped a lot.

Instead of being a normal person and using a rope ladder to get off the ship, Azure was quick to simply jump over the side of the ship.

โ€œHey Luv! Iโ€™ll start at the bow then move to the storm!โ€
He shouted, moving towards the front of the ship, seeing it barely a foot off the ground. All that was needed was there to be enough room for Luv to check the underside so he took a deep breath, widening his stand as he grabbed the ship from the bottom, muscles tensing under his clothing and eyes laser focused (for once) as the area around Azure would suddenly decrease in gravity and he pushed up the front of the ship, everyone onboard would begin to slight back slightly, but not by much as he tried not to lift it too much.

While Azure could just levitate the ship at a decent enough high, the problem was that it was still important to give the engines a rest seeing that they had a long travel to the island, so often times, Azure did resort to physically moving the ship, which its only good lucky that he can simply do so due to his abilities. Was it the smartest thing? No, of course it wasnโ€™t however the ship has always been in great care and this method worked for him when they didnโ€™t have other tools to manually do it. He would so his best to check was much as he would see, and wait for Luv to give a confirmation that things were good or not before this same exact process would happen again on the other side.

This whole thing wouldnโ€™t actually take super long, the longest part really was Azure hulling each end of the ship up and holding it and then going around and checking himself but, it still took a fair amount of time.

By the end of this, first Red, Sernia, and then a strange new person would arrive, then a bit afterwards the second group would arrive leaving Azure a bit shocked at all that seems to be happening so fast, wiping the sweat off his face as he leaned against the ship, already feeling the affects of doing so much already, especially on a heavy work out day.

"What the hell have they been through?"[/dov] he thought alout.



Lindsey animegirl20 animegirl20
Baron Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus
Serina and Red Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Eloise 606 606
Sabrina animegirl20 animegirl20
Shohei 606 606
Jin Nothingness Nothingness
All on Deck

Juliette Primrose

Julie's eyes couldn't help but shift over to LIndsey after the cat's rather clear concern. It wasn't so much she hadn't seen her in her choice in outfit as much as she wasn't really one to question it. Despite her demeanor, Julie wasn't exactly the most concerned with being 'presentable' when she was Lindsey's age herself. Any taste in some bit of fashion very much had come much later in Julie's life. Not even her long since past husband was very successful in swaying her over, not that he was one to press that hard with her as much as wanting to encourage her a little to embrace her feminine charm.

It mattered little what she would say as a voice had been quick to cut off Lindsey's remark back at her fashion choice. The doctor glanced over seeing her. Even without a word she could tell it was at least something serious. The mild bit of a smile on her lips had shifted away as she gave a light nod. While she wasn't happy to hear someone had been hurt, it left her that much more worried about Sabrina's wellbeing. The poor girl wouldn't witness what daylight was like for weeks at this rate with how much Juiie's worry kicked in for the girl. A nice padlock for the door to her room and having her kept in lock and chain seemed far more fitting.

"Let's go. Better to check it out quickly just in case. I can always grab the Bone Saw after."
She spoke rather nonchalant about it as if to play of both Serina's comment and LIndsey's focus on there being a fight involved. She was swift to follow up with Lindsey putting a bit more of a hop in her step. She didn't want to take any risks after all. Blood loss wasn't exactly the best thing to allow to go off unhindered.


Arriving on deck it seems the group had managed to return just as she got up top. It didn't take her eyes long to find Sabrina giving the girl a stare. It was a look that for most it seemed just almost emotionless, cold, foreboding. The look of a mother whose only thoughts weren't whether she should punish her child, but how incredibly harshly she should do such a thing. Fortunately such a look was only so brief meant to send shivers down Sabrina's spine as her eyes had clearly found sight of the young boy. A slight softening of her expression being given only to fall finally upon Jin unconscious being carried in Eloise's arms.

How cute and precious...

"Baron, you are good with children aren't you? Why don't you keep your eye on them and give them a little company." She spoke with a light gesture waving the cat being rather quick to volunteer him off. Naturally she had no qualms ordering others around when it came to her duty treating the sick. Her feet were quick to carry herself to red looking at him. Her eyes staring at him tapping her finger on her chin before looking briefly over to Eloise who was carrying Jin as he was clearly unconscious. She assumed it was likely not quite a serious situation for him.

"Sleeping Beauty is alright, just worn down I take it? If his breathing is fine you can take him down to the infirmary and I'll give him a look over down there to make sure it's nothing more serious. Just make sure the bed is propped up for him and there is no sign of any change in his breathing." She spoke to the woman looking at her with a nod before shifting back to Red.

"Always nice to see a man who attempts to act tough. It makes having to cut off a leg a lot easier when they aren't kicking and screaming from the less painful part of having that injury." She spoke with a light joke glancing down at him as she took a look at his leg. Her eyes lingering down. She pulled free a knife reaching up as she was careful to cut at his pants, tearing away the material as to better expose the injury. The gash in his leg was rather easy to be seen, along with the trail of blood half caked on his skin as more continued to drip down. The injury itself looked worst then it was mostly due to the fact they walked from gods know where, though it was clearly something that the body wasn't capable of sealing up on its own.

It didn't take her much gently careful prodding to feel that there were shards and pieces of wood embedded as well. It was going to take a bit more work then simply stitching it back up. She would need to pull the wood out before doing so and put him on an antibiotics. She could only assume what terrible microbes could of been on whatever he had found that had tore his leg up like that. She took the square of his pants she had cut free placing it on top of the wound. A slight glow lingered from her hand as small threads slipped from her fingers and through the thin cloth, lightly stitching a bit at the wound giving it a light more temporary seal to at least slow the bleeding. Her hand slowly slipped up to touch his shoulder maintaining contact ensuring the threads remained in place as she offered her hand.

"Come on now... you can tough it out can't you, or should I carry you down to the infirmary? Or we can have someone else perhaps do so if you prefer." She spoke with a soft smile looking over at Red. The idea of carrying him was a bit outlandish to her, not that it wouldn't be completely impossible on her side it wouldn't exactly the be the easiest and most smooth thing to do while trying to help partially slow the bleeding with her power before she could take him some place a bit more clear with the proper tools and medication to help treat him.

"If anyone else is feeling not so great, head down to the infirmary just in case. I'll need to check Jin but if it turns out to be something he touched or that's in the air, the sooner it's taken care of the better."
Jin Aethor
Current Quartermaster
Interactions: 606 606 (Shohei)

The long trek back to the ship went unnoticed by Jin as he fell unconscious after the intense pain from the prayer that the strange child back at the shrine had told the group to participate in, by the time Jin had awakened, he had found himself in the infirmary of the Infinity. Quickly sitting up and turning his head from side to side as though he had no recollection of when or what had happened that got him here in the first place. As he held the side of his head from trying to keep his composure, by the time he turned his head to look towards one of the windows in the infirmary, it appeared as though the Infinity was already back up in the air and soaring through the skies once more. With little information as to what was going on currently, Jin slowly helped himself to sit on the edge of the infirmary bed, raising a hand over his heart to see if he could sense the strange pulsating sensation from earlier only to feel no response, he began to question what that exact feeling was to begin with.

With no answers to speak of, he decided that the best option at the time was simply lay back down and get any rest he possibly could for now until the next time he was needed.


Meanwhile, back on the main deck of the ship, the Captain confronted Shohei directly about some possible directions for their next destination. Squatting down in front of the young child, the large man had kept his hearty smile across his face while he attempted to make conversation with him. "So my child. I was wondering, since it appeared as though you are quite in touch with the religion of the World Tree...and it appears as though your teachings are much different from that of the church, would you happen to know of any other shrines aside from that of your own?" As the large man questioned him, he did whatever he possibly could to try and make the child feel comfortable regarding the question.
Royal Capital
Elias Wren

Elias stepped off his family's private airship into the Royal Capital docks and smiled as he looked around, always taking time to appreciate being home. He grabbed his suitcase and headed off toward the main branch of his trading company, simply named Noble Imports and Exports. The hustle and bustle of the Royal Capital always seemed exhausting up close, people running here and there with nary a care in the world about what goes on outside their daily lives.

He arrived at the front door shortly after departing and stepped inside, his general manager coming forward to greet him.

โ€œSuch a pleasure to see you sir, what brings you here today sir?โ€

The general manager was an older gentleman who had been with Elias since the founding of his trading company, and who had previously served his father before being asked to help Elias. He was a good man who would do anything for the Wren family.

โ€œNothing major Walter, just here to drop off some contracts and pick up some things. I signed four more contracts while I was away to do business with some beautiful far off places.โ€

Elias threw his suitcase down on the counter and opened it to reveal the contents. It was full to the brim of raw metals, jewelry making tools, his sword, and several stacks of paper which he handed to Walter to file away.

โ€œVery good sir, I shall put them in the vault for safe keeping. Might I ask, any leads on where your friend may have gone?โ€

Elias sighed gently and shook his head.

โ€œSo far nothing. It's like he just vanished off the face of civilization. The only lead I have to go on is he passed through a rural village about six months ago, other than that just nothing.โ€

Walter nodded his head and took the papers to the back before continuing. Elias took this time to close his suitcase back up and head for the door, Walter offering some words of encouragement before Elias left.

โ€œ I have no doubt in my mind you'll find him sir. If losing a finger didn't stop you from becoming a swordsman then that shows great determination.โ€

Elias nodded as he headed out the door, he always felt better after speaking to Walter. He left the shop with renewed vigor to find his lost friend.

โ€œTake care Walter, I'll see you soon.โ€

Elias closed the door behind him as Walter waved goodbye, heading toward the center of the Royal Capital to see what had changed in the nine months he's been gone. He wandered the streets and stopped by a shop to inspect what kinds of jewelry were currently popular in the capital, pulling out a notebook and making a few touch sketches.

โ€œSo this is what the nobles are into right now? How tacky.โ€
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Baron Gretsy Harriet Keaven & Damien Dana Darling
Baron Mentions: Julie ( Hanarei Hanarei ), The Captain ( Nothingness Nothingness )
Damien Mentions: Traquil ( HuffyLee HuffyLee ), Kaladin/Leigong ( blue tea blue tea )
Location: Baron, Main Deck. Damien, Kitchen.​

While the three of them bickered (Or at least Baron and Lindsey), it seemed that the situation had resolved itself. The sound of someone descending the ladder cut off whatever snarky response Baron had. Turning to catch the emergence of one of the two of the scouting party. A Ms. Serina if memory served right. The noble was quick to respond to her salute with a curt bow of his own. Observing that her gait was quick and direct to the doctor. Hopefully, she was here to report that she and Mr. Red had found Ms. Sabrina wandering about the jungle-

"Sorry to uh, break up your conversation, buuuuut Red's currently up on deck bleeding out from his leg. May have to chop it off, a real big mess,"

Well. This visit had certainly gone smoothly. A missing cub. An injured scout. And a... 'plant girl'. Marvelous. As if Ms. Lindsey hadn't given him enough of a headache. Why the engineer felt the inexplainable urge to stand at his left. Forcing him to strain his injured eye just to avoid her shenanigans was a mystery. If not one of the various reasons Baron found her distasteful at times. In fact, the speed at which she climbed up caused his left eye to throb as Lindsey's figure passed too fast for his eye to catch. Before he could even ask if Ms. Serina had seen Ms. Sabrina, she and the doctor had already ascended as well. Leaving him to scowl up the ladder as everything began to prove today would yet be another day he'd regret having ever spotting this tub of bolts in the dock... Fine. Standing below deck wasn't going to answer any of his questions.

The upper deck held only more questions. A flurry of movement as the Paladin carried an unconscious Quartermaster past him and toward the infirmary. Not bolding well for what the young cub may have encountered in her foolish desire to explore unattended. In other news, Baron spotted the mentioned plant girl. Standing next to Mr.Red, and the noble had to admit, that Ms. Serina's observation may not have been off the mark. The metallic scent and sight of blood, not an unfamiliar sight... But certainly not a comforting one. The metal fangs of Baron's cane dug into tender skin through his glove before finally spotting the Captain. And Sabrina... and a new cub. Considering Sabrina wasn't being handed off immediately to Julie, no harm had befell her. If anything, it was probably her intuition that had led upon the discovery of this other child. A worthy feat, but one that would have to be praised later.

"Baron, you are good with children aren't you? Why don't you keep your eye on them and give them a little company."

"I'll leave the lecturing to you then later Ms. Julie."

Baron twitches his ear in response, studying the new cub. His clothes and face were lightly dusted in dirt. Judging by the designs, it reminded the Tabaxi of the clergymen of his youth. Men draped in cloth and air in the name of the 'World Tree'. The stitching was different, and so too were the colors and cloth, more humble, more grounded. But he could never forget the scent, drifting beneath the stench of what meager meal those pompous clergy sought fit to bestow on the street urchins. Even beneath crushed leaves, and earth on the cub, cedar. Recently as well. In fact, all those who had returned had the scent. The Quartermaster's was stronger, but he wasn't Baron's concern. Instead, it was the boy's expression that held his attention. Brave for the sake of face. But ultimately confused... and alone. If the cub had known the plant girl, he found less comfort from her than a stranger... And speaking of the gentlemen. Bending the knee to further interrogate the cub brought an even dower expression to carve itself into the noble's face. The poor thing had barely been but a minute on the ship and was being dragged into the man's delusions. One could admire tenacity and determination... But the Captain's was more akin to obsession in Baron's opinion. Two of his best, his crew, the men he was to take care of in return for their service. And here he was. Chomping at the bit for the next clue on his bloody chase.

The steel cap of the noble's cane gave away his approach lest he startle the two children. Damn civility for the moment. Let his actions speak what he would not as his tone remained polite... Just with some bite.

"Forgive me, Captain. Would it not be in both the children's best interests as well as your own to give but a moment? I can not speak on this young gentleman's behalf, but Ms. Sabrina did sneak off the ship before having proper breakfast. And with two injured, surely you aren't considering leaving once more without properly debriefing the rest of your crew on your little excursion?"

Damien on the other hand, was having a far more delightful time. Leaning back in their wheelchair with a Cheshire grin. Cradling the empty cup for the remaining scent of caramel, they polished off the remaining bits of food on their plate. Having learned their lesson far too many a time about leaving food unattended around Luvenia. Bless her heart, but Kaladin's meals were worth savoring. Not scarfing. With the last morsel safe from their crewmate's appearance, Tranquil's offer brings a new twinkle in the musician's eye. A chance to foster another's passion? Yes, please!

"Now I'd be delighted to be 'test taster' of this little breakfast club. Perhaps I could share some of my own blends for tea. Not sure how many combos work for coffee as well."

Damien watches in open intrigue as the navigator steps back to all his tools. This new drink allows Tranquil to flex his experience in a new direction, and just as quickly as he set up, all the special tools returned to their places nice and clean. They couldn't help the curiosity to peek at Traquil's newest creation. The specks of yellow floating on top invoke rough constellations. While the faint smell of lavender with lemon tickles the musician's nose. Tilting their head as the navigator openly mused over a new coffee to master, tapping the empty cup against their lips before gesturing with it.

"I've been trying to get a blend with pine needles balanced. It's a crisp taste, but it can get bitter and overpower most subtle flavors. Maybe not full needles, but pinecone jam might be a nice sweetener for a coffee. Or a syrup. Can't go wrong with my Ma's recipe for either. Oooo, maybe I can ask Red when he gets back if there happens to be any pine trees close to the ship. It wouldn't hurt to have some fresh air and something to do."

The musician can't help but snort as they playfully wave the cup in Traquil's direction.

"Naughty boy. Better hope Julie doesn't catch ya or she'll make grounding the least of your worries. That woman lectures more than both my moms with twice the bitter. But speaking of plans..."

The ceramic clinks against their teeth as they ponder.

"Other than helping keep Sabrina entertained, I might work some more on one of my compositions. Take advantage of that maybe I won't bother as many people with a sudden orchestra blasting from the star deck... Or now that I've talked about it, maybe I can get Julie's permission to have Sabrina tag along on a little field trip after I confirm with Red. She's been awful stir crazy lately and I don't blame her. As much as I enjoy the ship, it can get a bit... boring. Especially for a kid her age with no one else to truly play with."

Damien turns slightly towards Kaladin and Leigong with a curious tilt as well. They'd been quietly enjoying what was possibly one of the more tolerable mornings on the ship.

"What about you two? Any plans?"
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Gaberial De'Sardet

Interactions: Hanarei Hanarei animegirl20 animegirl20
Mentions: Nothingness Nothingness 606 606

A heavy breath escaped Red, the hits of the day seemingly continuing to come down on him every second of the day. Having to scramble in the morning at the last moment to perform his duties, not even being able to shower or have his morning coffee, stumbling through the corpse of a forsaken bounty hunter ship, falling through a damned loose stair plank, and cutting open not only his leg but pants as well! A piece of clothing that had been worth at least half an arm! Besides all of that, not only did his outing offer nothing of worth or interest from the damnable ship, but now they had aboard a stranger, their reasoning for both being on that rat hole of a ship and surviving the crash leaving him far from satisfied, in fact making him tap the hilt of his sword impatiently as he watched her from the edge of his gaze, his guard remaining up and watching for the slightest hint of suspicion. Perhaps it was just his paranoia creeping from the back of his mind that made him distrustful of Honeyrose. Or perhaps he was just having a bad day and wanted to have a target to direct his irritation on. Either way, there was no mistaking the embarrassment of what the day had brought on so far. Red was almost prideful of his effectiveness in the field, always making sure every job given to him was completed with great results and little complication. Letting his gaze dip down to his bleeding leg, the sight of crimson liquid makes him sneer in disgust as he is reminded of his foolish misstep. How can he, of all people, be injured in such an amateur fashion?

Wincing as another wave of stinging pain shot up his leg, Red gave a dry chuckle as he leaned back against the ship's railing and stared up at the ship's rigging with an expressionless face. He just wanted to take a bath, have his coffee, and have a boring day. From what the day has provided so far, it was clear it was not going to happen. As his mind wandered for a moment he was brought back as he saw that the other party had returned. Red arched a brow, surprised to see that they weren't the only ones who brought back guests. A child though? From what he remembered this island was bare of any people. First a strange plant girl, and now a lone child. Letting out a low sigh and pinching his brow, Red was too irritated to think too deeply about it anymore. Looking back up at the other party, Red noticed the captain looking his way, now doubt noticing his injury. A heavy frown slipped onto Red's face as he looked away, pulling what fabric remained around it over the wound to hide it. "I'm fine, our report will be given after Julie takes a look at it," he assured him, glancing back up to see the captain giving him a concerned glare before giving a simple nod.

"I look forward to it Red," the captain responded, the captain's genuine tone making Red look away with an even deeper frown, a hint of shame running down his spine to let his captain see him in such a state. Perhaps there was nothing to be ashamed of, but Red couldn't keep the feeling away, his careless mistake making him feel like a fool. At this moment he couldn't fathom what could make him sink any lower. A familiar voice reached his ears though, and his head hung low, his deep red hair hanging over his face as he quickly realized how he could sink lower.

Glancing through the strands of hair that hung past his face he would see Lindsey approaching the group and sparing no time to point out Red's wound. A sneer came to his face before pausing and arching a brow, raising his head to see a passed-out Jin. How did he miss such a thing? Not noticing sooner only shows just how off his game Red truly was today. Well, at least he wasn't the only one returning in less-than-perfect condition. Before he could question what had happened, he paused as Lindsey approached him and knelt next to his injured leg. The look in her eye told Red enough that she was in a teasing mood. Upon her comment about his pants, Red took a slow breath through his nose and began pulling his hair back, throwing it over the opposite shoulder from Lindsey. "I warn you now Lindsey, do not toy with me right now. Today has not been kind to me so I promise I will not be too kind to your irritating teasing," he warned her, glancing over to her with a stern eye. He paused for a moment though, his tense shoulders slightly relaxing and his stern gaze softening just a bit as a few brief memories of the past with her flashed within his mind. Looking back down to his injured leg and ruined pants, he would finally let out a long sigh. "But yes, that much is evident. A year's worth of wages torn asunder by one misstep," he said, a look of disgust on his face at the waste of good fabric.

Looking past her Red straightened up slightly upon seeing the doctor finally arriving, with slight relief to see her so Julie could finally tend to this blasted leg. Following her was none other than Serina who made her way directly over to Red with an arched brow and a small smirk. "Good to see you didn't move and bleed out while I fetched the doc," she said before looking over to Julie checking up on the passed-out JIn. "Good thing I did too, looks like you weren't the only unfortunate soul today," she chuckled before looking back to Red, her cocky smirk softening to a simple smile. "How's the leg?"

"It's fine, nothing that will kill me," he muttered before Julie finally directed her attention onto him. Her comment on him acting tough made him scoff before wincing slightly as he could feel his wound pulse in pain. Her joke though of sawing off his leg hit an amused string. A morbid joke perhaps, but amusing nonetheless. "It's nothing serious, just a cut and some splinters," he assured her as he relaxed his injured leg once she began her examination. He remained silent as he watched her work, appreciating the professionalism the doctor showed when on the clock. The corner of his lip would twitch as she placed a piece of the cut fabric onto his wound, holding back any signs of pain and instead rolling his shoulders with a slow breath. After the glowing of her hands, and the bleeding of his wound lessened, Red expected her to be done. However, when she asked if he could make his way to the infirmary on his own without help, his shoulders slightly tensed. The bleeding had subsided enough, wasn't that good enough? As for the splinters, he could remove those on his own! He still needed to report to the captain of their findings! Before he could protest, he noticed Serina looking over his way with a stern glare.

"Don't even think about it, just go. I'll do the report," she insisted. Both she and Red glared at one another for a moment before Red let out a sigh of defeat and looked at Julie.

"I can make it on my own, thank you," he answered reluctantly before rising to his feet, feeling the splinters in his leg send a wave of pain back up his leg. He handed a small satchel filled with the documents he had retrieved from the ship to Serina, who gave a two-finger salute and took them off his hands with a proud smile.

"Have fun," she said as Red walked past her and toward the infirmary, a displeased frown clear on his face. As he disappeared from her view Serina looked to the captain and raised the satchel as she made her way over to him. "Hey cap, got a present for ya! Well two, one of them is alive," she said glancing over to Honeyrose.

Meanwhile Red arrives at the infirmary, doing his best not to limp, but failing towards the end before he finally takes his seat within the doctor's territory. "Bloody damnation," he hissed as the pain in his leg only continued to bother him. At least with Julie's help, the bleeding had been kept to a minimum. As he sat back and allowed her to do her job, a permanent frown rested on his face. Of course, the experience was less than pleasant, pulling out the fragments of wood and tending to the cut itself more than uncomfortable. What ailed him more was the feeling of shame in being in such a condition due to his carelessness. "This is humiliating," he muttered aloud, speaking his mind without thinking before wincing as another splinter was removed. "To end up here not for fighting, but for being a brainless fool and not watching where I stepped," he complained before letting out a slow breath and looking down into his lap. "Apologies Julie, you shouldn't have to waste your time on such things. I appreciate it all the same though."


Red Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Jin Nothingness Nothingness


Juliette Primrose

Julie had been swift to arrive at the infirmary arriving not far behind Red clearly keeping a watch on him as he walked. The fact they had traveled back to the ship meant the splinters likely had lodged themselves at least in a somewhat permanent place. Still, constant moment was naturally going to cause them to move a bit when he walked. The pained expression made it quite clear that very much was an issue, the splinters likely shifting as he walked causing the discomfort. She watched him stumble a little cursing out as she took her time to walk over to the nearby drawer, pulling out a small first aid pack placing it over to the side. She went to the sink washing her hands before grabbing a small bottle of water. The doctor heading over placing the stuff beside him on a small table.

"On the contrary... it's the fact that you aren't in combat that makes such injuries that much more likely to occur. It's outside a fight we naturally become more complacent and unaware of our surroundings. Most injuries are from general carelessness. Nothing you should feel ashamed or embarrassed of. Perhaps a bit of the wincing or pained expression is a little embarrassing though..." She spoke with a light shrug working on cleaning up the wound teasing him at least a little. Her hands placed on his sides carefully using her threads as to pull out the splinters towards the surface. As they would come up closer, she would be quick to use a pair of tweezers to pull out the splinter dropping it into a small tray before using her magic to temporarily stitch the would up again minimizing the bleeding as she worked.

"Don't worry so much about it. It's my job... nothing I don't mind doing." She spoke with a soft smile on her lips looking up at him. The thirty four year old continuing to work along his wound carefully taking a moment each time to scan through his leg ensuring she got his splinters each time before moving further up. The occasion light dousing of water from the squirt bottle used to keep the wound clean. It took a little bit of time but it was important to be thorough and ensure all foreign objects were removed from the wound. Her quick scans finding she had it for the most part out pulling out the last few splinters.

While her attention seemed to of not drifted away from Red, she was quick to notice Jin moving over to the side. His movement sitting up not overly noisy though she was quite observant of the area around her. A trait her old life drilled quite deep into her head. Being aware of ones surrounding was very important, after all her job didn't tend to involve the most... honorable of engagements. Being swift to act upon an unsuspecting individual was a far more effective means of finishing a job rather then going head on into combat after all. As she was finishing up with the last of the splinters and giving a final rinse over Red's wounds to begin stitching it up, she could tell Jin had shifted likely to lay back down rather then to get up to leave.

"Not feeling good still Jin? Any symptoms you might feel? A reason you fell unconscious or was the feline just feeling a bit worn down being out on the feel and suffered from simple exhaustion?"

Her words came off a bit playful in tone, though it was clear she was prying a bit to see what happened. Her head finally turned to glance vaguely over in his direction to give him a quick look over. As far as she could tell from a distance he didn't see to be in distress... at least nothing of the physical type. Her eyes quickly slipped back to Red, carefully stitching up the wound, with each motion she stitched the thread in her own magic thread would slowly slip away allowing it to be replaced. A more permanent solution to help keep the wound sealed, not that her magic was incapable of such a thing, though it involved more energy on her part and a risk, as minor as it might be that it could be undone without her intervention.

"There you go." She spoke giving another light dab of water on the wound before gently pressing a cloth on the wound as to suck up the excess water before tossing the fabric away. The doctor pulling out a thing of gauze unwrapping it as to covert the area before securing it in place. A finaly quick look being given before she slowly stood up. A gentle brushing of her hands together being given as she looked down at him.

"It should be good. Just try and keep the wound covered to ensure it heals up properly. If you want to take a shower or anything of the sort just make sure to remove the gauze and when you wash it over try and be gentle near the area. Make sure when drying the area to just carefully dab the towel on it. Don't fear drying it all the way off, a little bit of moisture is good for the wound so long as it's regularly kept clean and protected. I can check back on it in a few days to see if it's fully healed up, I'm sure a tough guy like you it should be ready to get the sutures removed in no time, so long as you don't go cutting yourself up in that area again anytime soon."

Her head turned as if to glance back over at Jin giving the little kitty a chance to say anything more he might want to say along with Red before she would go over to give him a quick check up now that he was conscious.


eloise atlas baran.

dear fellow traveler







Julie, Jin, Shohei, Lindsey

"Sleeping Beauty is alright, just worn down I take it? If his breathing is fine you can take him down to the infirmary and I'll give him a look over down there to make sure it's nothing more serious. Just make sure the bed is propped up for him and there is no sign of any change in his breathing."

Eloise nodded silently as she swiftly went to drop Jin off into a bed and not even moments later would dash into her room, dug any remnants of her training as a paladin and as a royal guard, pulling out books and papers and anything that might give her a clue. She was trained under the church, she was taught history, yet somehow, this boy seemed more connected than she was. This boy knew more than herself. Something happened in the shrine and Eloise is unsure of what but at the time, she felt flustered, angry, and disheartened: she needed answers.

Books and papers are thrown onto the floor, flipping and skimming through everything and seeing nothing.

โ€œNo no no no, there's nothing here with a prayer like that! Yet why, why was he more connected, what does he know that I don't?โ€
She hissed to herself, shoving the pile of information to the side and would soon storm the library. Normally, she wasnโ€™t this hectic, she wasnโ€™t all over the place but the ex-paladin needed answers. Something was missing from history and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

Books upon books, upon books were pulled out from the library, and she knew none of them had answers yet she would spend the time to go through them all again, even if it meant staying up all night and the next, even if it meant that she had to pry her eyes away from Lindsey. She was sure the girl would understand, or if Lindsey knew maybe she would understand, and maybe this was good. Eloise always worked hard to try not to hover over the girl yet, it was instiinctual to protect her still and that, was a whole other case that needed to break open. Eloise left her post, her title, power, and life behind to seek answers, yet now all she is left is with questions.

shrine guardian.

Shohei Kazuki.

wanderers lullaby


The Infinity's Deck



Baron, Gramps (gives order to everyone)


Honeyrose, anyone on the deck

Shohei didnโ€™t know what to expect. He simply followed and wanted to cry but refused too. The small boy looked back every now and then, seeing the place he always called home disappear and he would pull his hands away from the man they others called captain and soon enough, he was on a deck of a ship, eyes wide in terror seeing so many unfamiliar faces yet one was familiar. Honeyrose! She was alright yet, by the looks of it, her friend wasnโ€™t and he would take a few steps towards the one familiar face.

Distracted by the sense of familiar he wasnโ€™t expected to hear the captains voice again and jumped, letting out a small yelp and covered his mouth.

"So my child. I was wondering, since it appeared as though you are quite in touch with the religion of the World Tree...and it appears as though your teachings are much different from that of the church, would you happen to know of any other shrines aside from that of your own?"

Shohei didnโ€™t understand and along side fear and being disoriented by so much happened, so much changing, it didnโ€™t make sense. His way of faith was the only way he knew of, the one that Shohei believed to be the most common, after all, it was all he knew and confusion soon spread across the childs face, trying to process what the other was asking. Was he asking about the shrines of the different relics? Was he asking about just any and all shrines? Yet even if Shohei did know, he was unsure if he wanted to answer after what happened to him just a year ago and the look of tears spread across his face. He didnโ€™t want the other shrines to deal with that he had to deal with. It was sad. It was sad and scary.

Before he could manage to speak the work, as his mom told him it was rude not to answer a question, a new voice would enter and Shohei head looked up at the large cat speaking.

"Forgive me, Captain. Would it not be in both the children's best interests as well as your own to give but a moment? I can not speak on this young gentleman's behalf, but Ms. Sabrina did sneak off the ship before having proper breakfast. And with two injured, surely you aren't considering leaving once more without properly debriefing the rest of your crew on your little excursion?"

Also as if on cue, Shoheiโ€™s stomach growled loudly, a singular tear falling down his face, unsure what he was feeling, knowing it must be some big word that he doensโ€™t know and wanted nothing else but to run back to comfort, yet nothing here was comforting, it was all new, and strange, and he felt like an alien on a new planet and found himself taking a step backwards, making space between him, and everything else.

โ€œIโ€ฆ.I donโ€™t know,โ€
was all he could muster, clearly trying to stay strong but clearly failing. Anyone who had felt anxiety before would recognize the face of being overwhelmed and scared, boarding on the idea of a panic attack. What he dd know, was he was hungry.

The captain look up towards Baron, with the same kindness he would show anyone and slowly stand back up, and nodded slightly. โ€œOf course, the boy must be hungry. Take him and Sabrina and I shall have everyone else gather in the same area that we can,โ€ he said then would walk to the center of the deck.

โ€œMy crew! My family. Meet in the lounge in 10!โ€ His voice boomed, causing Shohei to jump a little and looked up to the strange cat man, unsure where to go or what was happen.

"Baron, I trust you to take care of the two," he said, before Gramps would go to check on Jin, worried for his quarter master.

rebellion musician.

Shion Ballard-Dragan.



Central street of the Capital



Open, Luciana


Rana, Luciana

Bustling streets, clothing as fine as every, the scent of food with a mixture of other stores, people leaving their large homes to go out to the park. The capital was always a busy place and scouting for new jesters.
The day before, the one and only Luciana, the leader of the rebellion, had called Shion on, aand the two had a brief conversations. She knows the way they work inside the castel yet feared something bigger was happening.

โ€œShion, I donโ€™t know what will happen but I need someone on the inside. I happen to know they are scouting for more jester for their entertainment, you and your sister will go under cover. They donโ€™t know you are a member yet, and your name, will paly an important role when getting in. Use it while you have it. This might be the most important job and you are the only one who can get in. It will be putting your life on the line but-โ€

โ€œIโ€™ll do it.โ€

Luciana looked up at Shion, seeing the determined look in his eyes, the fire that burned and thirst for change and she smiled. โ€œGood, now, go.โ€


Now Shion had arrived at a spot a few blocks away from the main capital building, on a rather large street corner with instrument cases strung around him wearing clothing that you would see any other rich person be wearing, after all, presentation is what people judge on first. A simple white shirt, a blue tie with matching blue accessories, a black vest with matching black pants and shoes, a style that was very in with old gold embellishments, nothing too much yet just enough to stand out if only slightly.

Bending down to a medium sized rectangular shape case, snapping it open and reveled a shiny golden instrument, with a silver mouth piece. Cold to touch yet easily warmed by breath alone. A prized possession of the musician as they looked up to the clear sky, holding the instrument in their hands. Blue skies in mid-morning, and while they donโ€™t often play more traditional solos, that doesnโ€™t mean he doesnโ€™t know any. But first, capture their attention, the peoples, with a short piece first then lead it into a longer piece, more just to wait for their half-sister. It was going to take a bit to gain popularity before trying to obtain a jester position in the royal castle itself, but hopefully, with his skills and Ranaโ€™s, they will be captivating enough.

Instrument held up to their face, case out for any spare change, selling their appearance as just a simple perform, cold metal pressed against their lips as he took the first of many breaths, playing an open and airy song, one the fit such a peaceful morning. It was bright, simple yet powerful, stopping many in their tracks, eyes lighting up at a tune, a small crowd forming around him as the song just a quick as it started, came to an end, a few applauds and Shion, took a small bow but before losing their attention, would once again, begin to play the next tune. Before they even played, the sound of the accompanying piano would play an intro. Breath in, and back out, and they began to play a song they felt was of similar energy as the first. Bright and airy, soft yet with plenty of interest as they played with tempo, and loudness, all of the while, trying to keep an eye out for Rana, wondering, what was taking her so long. Sure, Shion did arrive earlier, but not THAT early. At least they would have a crowd waiting for when she arrived. Occasionally, Shion would spot a familiar face, those who were still under the guise of their noble names, and the ones to lend Shion a few coins in his case. Perhaps, even if they canโ€™t catch the attention of the royal place, now might also be a good time to recuit, though in such a public place would be, difficult, but not impossible.

388b57264b556b91f4afea8d35c84ae59da77fb1.pngRana was walking through the capital on her way to meet up with her half brother Shion. They were going to be performing on capital streets. Her and Shion had been tasked by the rebel leader to get enough attention as performers so they could be invited to jesters/entertainment in the royal castle. They were apparently scouting for more talent so this was a perfect way to have someone on the inside and go undercover. While Shion was doing this for the cause Rana was doing it because......it would pay well and the fact that she would get to live in luxury. Oh she was so in. It was practically a dream job for a dancer like her. Currently though she was late to meeting her brother....not super late but late. She was busy trying to gather and real nice rich looking people to come by the spot where her and her brother were going to be performing at. And hey the richer the crowd the more coins they get and not just silver or copper coins but gold. Rana was wearing her usual red outfit she didn't bother to wear something else. Her usual clothes would suffice for dancing today. Rana had successfully manage to charm of couple of men and women stop on by and just when she decided that was enough another man caught her eye. A attractive man with brown hair and green eyes. He seemed to carry himself well and the comment he made about the jewelry screamed uppity nobility. "Maybe just one more." Rana said to herself. She walked up beside him causally pretending to be interested in the jewelry in front of her. "Tacky? You think so huh?" Rana said to the man. She looked at the jewelry then glanced up at him with fake curiosity though it seemed very genuine. "You an expert in these things?"

Mentions: Shion 606 606
Interactions: Elias Elias Wren Elias Wren
Royal Capital
Elias Wren

As he sketched a few designs into a notebook he heard a voice speaking to him and turned to see a girl staring up at him wearing a strange outfit. For a moment Elias did not respond until her question registered.

"It is a little tacky for my tastes, I prefer more simplistic designs. I'm not so much an expert, but I do make my own designs from time to time. A bit of a hobby of mine."

He said up straight and turned to face the girl in conversations, casting a soft smile her way.

"My name is Elias. A pleasure to meet you."

He held out his hand for her to take in greeting, putting his notebook back inside his coat pocket. In the distance he could hear a light ruckus and had grown rather curious.

Mentions: animegirl20 animegirl20 [/font][/bg][/border]

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