Chloe Ortega


Elder Member
Name: Chloe Ortega

Gender: Female


Personality: She is an extremely moody individual, her emotions seem to fluctuate without warning. Even when things are going well for her, an air of perpetual sullenness seems to permeate  from her at all times. She never hesitates to speak her mind, regardless of anyone's feelings, and she expects no less from those around her. Her dark sense of humor and rather gloomy personality turns most people away, but she prefers her circle to be small anyway. Chloe hats crowds, loves animals, and is in many ways like any typical millennial you might come across. She's just another person struggling to find her place, in a world full of hatred and clashing ideals.

Bio:Chloe grew up in a single parent home, raised by a doting father, who treated her more like a friend then his own child. Maybe it was because he felt sorry for her, since her mother skipped out of her life before she had even turned four. She ran off with another man, before her daughter even had time to make any fond memories with her. So because of this Chloe never wanted for anything. She was spoiled rotten, so much so they she didn't even know what the word "No." meant until she was older. Her father owned an MMA gym and she went with him their daily. Watching the men practice, mimicking their moves as best she could, until one of the trainers saw her potential. Her father didn't agree to her formal training at first, hoping that she'd eventually take a liking to dolls and even boys like most other girls her age. To him MMA was just to masculine of a sport for his beloved daughter, but she was so determined that eventually he relented. Her tenacity in the ring caught the attention of everyone there, the way she never seemed to tire, it was almost as if she stronger the longer she was in the ring. The harder she trained the fiercer she seemed to become. A couple well known scouts even visited the gym, giving her offers to fight for them professionally. Which is something she fully planned to do as soon as she turned eighteen. That is until an unfortunate car accident paralyzed her father from the waist down and out him in a coma.  After the semi rear ended the back of their truck, sending careening into the wrong lane, where they struck another car head on. She came out of the incident completely unscathed, discovering her powers the moment she easily ripped off the car door and almost the entire front half of the vehicle in order to save her father.

She was sixteen when all of this happened, and decided to start homeschooling, so she could always be at home and care for her comatose father. During this time her personality took an unlikely turn, turning to booze and drugs as remedies to her growing depression. Even her outer appearance began to change, seeming to match the way she was beginning to feel inside. She was still taking care of her old man when the outbreak struck, and she's been struggling to keep them both alive ever since.



Height: 5'6"\

Weight: 135lbs

Moral Standing: Neutral

Powers: Chloe is a mutant with the unique ability to absorb all kinetic and thermal energy directed at her and use it to augment her strength, speed, stamina and recuperation capabilities to superhuman levels. She absorbs the energy of any impact she is struck by, including not only direct physical blows, but also the impact of bullets and throwing weapons, and less successfully, concussive energy beams. By absorbing successive blows from an opponent, Chloe can surpass the physical abilities of said opponent and then overpower them. Her speed is the attribute most dramatically increased by her power; after absorbing enough energy she can attack more quickly than opponents can react. The power she absorbs dissipates over time, and exposure to the elements causes it to drain rapidly. Without any absorbed energy, Chloe is merely a strong ordinary human in excellent physical condition, but regularly works to keep her strength at a superhuman level.

Gear: N/A
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