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Realistic or Modern Chat-Box RP {ALWAYS OPEN}

Davis Butler

I'm behind that abnormally large mouse.

Hello! I'm Davis, and I've come here to see if such a roleplay exists. And apparently not, so I decided I might as well. A Chat-Box roleplay, to my understanding, is where there is no plot, no genre, no setting. If anyone has been on ChatGum, perhaps, this is what I suggest. 

Any form of roleplaying is allowed I suppose.

The RPN rules apply.

Oh! And one more thing, feel free to jump in whenever. No character sheets needed, just jump in. 


[That basically means this is always open.]
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A scream was heard on the streets and Shirley looked up from the bench that she slept on with half-closed drowsy eyes. It was late but she knew she couldn't go home- not now not ever. Her stomach rumbled- it had been ages since she had something to eat. Shivering, she pulled her hood down in front of her eyes, shielding herself from the wind that bit her face and hoped the scream wasn't anything to be too concerned about.
(What. No way.)

I pick up the teacup in silent boredom, forever waiting, for what, I hadn't known. I look around the city streets and I sigh, sipping the tea. I get up from the sidewalk I was sitting down on, and look around. A scream was heard. "Damn people only care about themselves." I say, frowning at the world. "Sometimes I wish I could just whisk away, perhaps into a magical forest, like the books I've read so many hundreds of times." I begin walking down the sidewalk, for no reason in particular.
(Hey, would you mind writing in third person please?) Shirley heard footsteps coming her way and instantly bolted upright. Giving the stranger a panicked and suspicious look, she proceeded to fiddle with her dark, brunette locks nervously. Surely he must have heard it too, she thought to herself. 

Meanwhile, two bloodied hands clutching a knife quivered not so far away. It had been a long time since since they fulfilled their impulse, their need- their compulsion. 
(I suppose. I'm used to 1st person, so forgive me if I mess up.)

"Hello ma'am." Davis says, looking at her. Perhaps I scared her?'  He thinks quietly. He looks down into the teacup in his hand, and sips it. "Are you the one who screamed?" He asks, looking at her.
Shirley glanced at him, the pupils in her eyes quivered nervously, "N-no. I was lying here like usual and then it just came from nowhere... The worst thing about it all was the fact that the scream was so nearby," she shivered as the cold pinched her fingertips red. She thought it strange that he had a teacup in his hand and wondered how the milky brown substance inside the cup stayed warm despite the circumstances around them.


(This is Shirley btw)
Davis' left hand pats his pocket, checking if his knife was in his pocket. "Please to god tell me that you aren't the murderer." I say, finishing the tea. I sigh, and stare at her, hand in his pocket.
"I wouldn't ever take another person's life if it wasn't self defence!" She insisted. "Anyway, it isn't certain that is was a scream of murder," she thought aloud, swinging her legs round to the front and letting them touch the floor. 

Coldness was all that the owner of the hands felt but it was joined with satisfaction. He would give anything to feel not so empty anymore and this was it. This was the answer. Staring at the limp body that lay on plastic, he began wrapping it up, draining the blood into a bucket. Suddenly, he froze at the sound of people talking. He had to be quick. Throwing a plastic sheet over the bucket, he crammed it and the body into his car which was behind him. With one eye on them, he quietly crept to his car and sat in it, trying to get the engine started.
"You never know. The city's filled with murder." He replies, taking his hand out of his pocket. I threw the teacup I had in my hand down on the ground, and it shattered into 5 pieces. "Got a weapon on you?" I pick up a piece.
Shirley gave him a startled look and got ready to run when he picked up a shard of the cup he had been holding. She didn't have anything in her possession- let alone a weapon. Her run away from home had been successful but it had left her without money, spare clothes or anything for the basic means of surviving. If only she had had more time... If only her father... She stopped herself. She didn't want to remember why she ran in a panic. Not that she could but it was always safer to be careful.

 "Y-yes..." she met the stranger in the eyes with uneasiness, waiting for him to buy her little lie that would keep her safe from him in her eyes. 

"Stupid car..." he whispered bitterly to himself. He had wiped the blood from his hands at last and getting out once more, he went round to the engine and lifted up the hood. Just a bit of water should do the trick. Smoke billowed out and he was glad the night was on his side. Pulling his hood up, he went round the back of the house near him- simply assuming there was some kind of hose. 
"Fair enough. I was going to give this to you, just in case." I say to her. "What's your name? Mine's Davis."

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