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Fantasy Chasm


New Member




Maybe you lost a fight, or perhaps, had a little too much ale last night. Regardless, the moment you opened your eyes you knew that something...was wrong.

You rubbed your eyes, blinking at the lowly light wavering into the small crevice that you found yourself in, your eyes taking in every detail as you attempted to get a hold of your surroundings. Certainly, this was not your bed, or the tavern floor, or wherever you were previously. No, this was a small room, that only had a pile of hay and barely enough room for you to lay and stretch your legs out. Feeling the walls, you realize it was jagged stone, much like an old cave that was etched into a mountain thanks to millions of years of erosion, or resource hungry dwarves. The stone was so dark, your hand was almost easy to miss - and if it wasn't for the small flickering light from the other side, your sure you wouldn't see it at all!

Though, as being in a cave without any previous knowledge was enough, you couldn't help but cast a glance at the light coming ahead of you, causing you to walk towards it carefully with your hand out not to bump into anything in the dim room.



Your hand hit something made of solid wood, perking a slight sensation of curiousity within you. Pushing again, you other then realized that it was a door - and the light was coming out of a small make-shift slotted window that seemed to have been etched within it, as well as a small hole. So, someone was in your room previously, then?

Peering out of the small slot, you couldn't help but feel slightly more panicked, now. Ahead, there were more doors - some, with make shift windows like yours, others just drawings carved within or tally-marks, and some stained with something that you really hoped wasn't blood.

Were you going to die in here?

Just then, a little glimmer from the corner of your eye dispelled your thoughts for just a moment, causing you to swivel your head. On an old iron nail, there was a fancy key, tied on a large loop of silky, red ribbon. Taking a hold of the key you examined it carefully, marveling on it's simple, diamond design. Someone was obviously a try hard. Perhaps you were knowledgeable to know that something with such a key, was difficult to lock pick, or...perhaps you just thought the whole thing was ridiculous.

Examining the door, noticed the small hole again, and held your breath, placing the key within the hole and turning it gently....


Now, the better question is...

Do you really want to venture outside?



Welcome to Chasm! Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you for making it this far already!

Chasm is a roleplay strictly based on getting your character out of an elaborate underground labyrinth with the help of other characters along the way. In order to get out of the labyrinth, they have to fight, bargain, persuade, intimidate, or use their head in order to obtain keys, which unlock the next room ahead. Keys are extremely important in this roleplay, which will be explained in just a bit.

The Chasm as it stands, is an enema even in the NPCs minds. No one knows how they winded up within, and for some - their lives previous are a distant memory, or even some will explain it as a dream. Some simply gave up trying to escape at all, managing to create materials found within the caverns, and eventually creating a small market, and almost underground living space and village within the labyrinth itself. No one knows what the area is called, and simply (and ironically) call the area Chasm, as that's what was carved in one of the small cellular rooms long ago.

Your character first starts with what is their small cell of a room. This is where your character can always retreat to go to sleep after a day of dungeon crawling for keys to obtain rest. Your room is extremely important, as it - as well as the market, is the only safe spots while roleplaying.

While exploring within your surroundings, keys can be obtained to do a number of things. The more the elaborate the key, the more valuable it is considered! Some keys might lead to small chests, or bigger rooms with better puzzles and better reward, while others are best to just sell at the market to get things in order to survive.

It's up to you to make sure you get the right set of keys to set up your escape! Though be wary, you aren't the only one who's watching..

Oh, and do try not to die, will you?

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