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Fantasy Chasm


New Member

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> тнε вαsιcs  <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)
{{Anything with *'s are necessary!}}
*Name: (First and Last!)
*Race: (Make sure you read the rules!)
Sexual Orientation:
(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> vσcαтιση  <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)
Class: (Warrior, Rogue, Mage? Other?)
*Skills: (Are they sneaky, can tie a cherry stem with their tongue?)
Occupation: (What was it previously, or are they currently working within Chasm?)
*Equipment:  (What is on their person right now)
(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> ρεяsσηαℓ <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)
*Visual Description: (How others will see them.)
*Personality:  (How others will feel about them.)
Backstory:  (Who were they previously?)
Motto: (Could be a quote, or a life standard.)
Miscellanous: (anything else you want to add here!)
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(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> тнε вαsιcs <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

*Name: Sheonna (Chione) DuCairne

*Age: 28

*Gender: Female

*Race: Half-Elf

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

*Height: 5'6

*Weight: 125lbs

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> vσcαтιση <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

Class: Rogue


  • Charismatic
  • Ambitious
  • Fleet-Footed
  • Loyal
  • Ambidextrous

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

*Equipment: Rapier | Leather Bandolier | Small waterskin | Knife | Key Loop |

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> ρεяsσηαℓ <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

*Visual Description:

5'6 inches tall, with a pear shaped body that displays a set of wide hips and hints of stomach muscle tone and pale, speckled skin. Her face is heart shaped, with a set of puffy lips that have a deep cupid's bow, causing her smile to look more like a mischievous smirk, rather than something more genuine, and a petite pointy nose - which was definitely inherited from an elven relative. Long lashes accentuate a pair of piercing gold eyes, that always seem to be hooded by fatigue, as black caresses of hair extend down past her shoulders - just barely hitting the bosom area and frame her face on the right side. The other side of her head has been completely shaved - with some sort of skull and crossing swords etched into the side, though most of it can be unnoticeable thanks to a large set of pointy elf ears that are covered in golden paint.

Her hands seem calloused and rough, as well as her backside is more rounded, yet firmer than most. A deep gash can be seen on her right thigh, though it's now permanently marked with scar tissue, and an odd, ancient pattern, while on her left a highly detailed design of lotus flowers goes all the way down from her hip to her ankle, most likely to have some form of symmetry with the scar.

It's safe to assume that she was down right adorable once, though thanks to certain circumstances, it's obvious that she no longer cares to hold up airs, as she's mostly seen covered in guts or tanning oils, yet humming sea shanties and smiling all the same.


Focused, determined, and always smiling - Chione had it all, once. A swashbuckler, sailor, law upholder - she's practically done everything that can feed her greed for gold, yet it all changed once she entered the Chasm. However, thanks to her eerily optimistic and lackadasical nature, she thinks that the Chasm too, is just a simple bump in the road of life, and it doesn't stop her from swaggering into town with a load of monster hides, and a large, grin stretching from ear to ear.


Before getting thrown into the Chasm, Sheonna was a shop owner of a trap shop named "Chione's Chicanery" respectively. She was finally trying to settle down and retire from the bounty hunter life, though it seems that is now not going to happen anytime soon. As for anything previous, well - you'll have to ask her for it. She has plenty a story to tell, and plenty of time to kill.


The only family Chione ever speaks of is her mother. Granted, she was a prostitute - but hey, she did the best she could! Plus it's not like Chione came out all bad. (Or, did she?)

Motto: "Let me show you what laughter really is!"


Sheonna has a pet falcon as a companion known as Mithral. In his heyday, he used to be one of the best tracking birds in the business. Now, he's more of a spoiled, fat, pompous pet.


(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> тнε вαsιcs <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

*Name: Noah Salamand

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 192cm

Weight: 87kg

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> vσcαтιση <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

Class: Reckless Warrior

Skills: Damage-Soaker and Support

Occupation: Caravan Armed Escort

Equipment: Broadsword I Torches I Waterskin I Leather bag I Key-loop

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> ρεяsσηαℓ <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

Visual Description: Broad-shouldered, tall, muscular and hefty, the dirt-blonde youth practically embodies the hundreds of footsoldiers that wander the world. A sharp jaw is accompanied by light stubble and blue, almost grey eyes. Outside of conversation, he carries an incredibly serious expression.

Personality: Noah can easily be described in a few words: impulsive, reckless and jester-like. His youth and inexperience is more than clear in the way he operates. Often becoming overly excited over minor instances, and generally having a hyperbolic attitude. As likely to clumsily knocking over a priceless artifact as leading the charge against a Chasm danger. May come across as an airhead.

Backstory: Born and raised in a remote farm village, Noah lead a peaceful human life far from conflict. Flowers filled the air in the morning, and by night he always had a belly filled with rich harvests. Growing up, he had always been a patriot for the human race. Thus, one thing leading to another, he found himself wishing to fight on the human frontiers. Fresh into the Local Militia, Noah quit shortly after he realized how strict the company was. Thereafter, he became somewhat of a blade-for-hire, yet has very limited combat experiences.

Family: Mother, Father and Younger Sister.

Motto: "What do you mean 'holding a sword with your teeth' isn't feasible? You could have three swords!"

Miscellaneous: Wears a silver pendant that he holds very dearly.​
(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> тнε вαsιcs <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

*Name: Mirizam Gomesia

*Age: 19

*Gender: F

*Race: Elf

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

*Height: 5'3''

*Weight: 110 lbs​

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> vσcαтιση <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)​

Class: Thief

*Skills: Pickpocketing, Bartering, Basic Smithing, Athletics, Livestock Tending, Blade Proficiency

Occupation: Thief, Black Market, Stable Boy

*Equipment: One Gladius-style short sword (1.5 feet blade length), two hoof knives, one lucky gold piece, one metal forearm guard, waterskin, keyloop​

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> ρεяsσηαℓ <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)​

*Visual Description: Mirizam is five feet, three inches tall, and build like a tank, bursting with powerful looking muscles on her slight frame. These are present mostly in her legs, which are iron-clad due to her time hopping between rooftops in the cities she plundered. Her hair is bright blonde, and her eyes a deep blue, perfecting her boyish good looks. She wears a hooded traveling cloak most of the time, made of rough sackcloth, and dyed black for the added benefits while creeping through shadows. Underneath, she wears basic rags that an impoverished slum-dweller would wear; sackcloth, baggy tunic with leather belt, loose fitting flax pants, and foot-wrappings instead of shoes. She had these dyed black as well, but unlike the tunic they are starting to show signs of wear, so they have a faded grey appearance. She is deceptively boyish, with boyish features and flat breasts, which she makes even flatter with tight bandages holding them in place. She has a scar running from the side of her left nostril, upwards across her nose, and ends above her eyebrow.

*Personality: Mirizam is a user, and any of her former associates can pledge to this fact. As a good thief should, Mirizam isn't in life for the thrills and chills of fighting, although she enjoys a good bout now and again, and she certainly isn't in it for the adventure, hardly venturing past her home in her previous times in the outside world. She's looking for profit, for money, and for a comfortable living. As such, Mirizam will constantly scheme and counter-scheme to find the best way to profit off of the misplaced trust of her peers, both outside and now, in the Chasm. She's very secretive, and hardly discloses any true information about herself, minus her name, and the fact that she is certainly a stable hand. She often becomes absorbed with her work, so much so that she can frequently go into a state of flow, and completely shut down personally, even if she knows communication is key in the mission.

Backstory: Mirizam is a thief that plundered city after city until she ended up in the Chasm. With what she stole, she would open up a black market stall from her very own home in the slums of these cities, and sell whatever it was she had at discounted prices, in order to raise profit margins. Because of this, and the fact she was able to escape/talk her way out of captivity, she was able to accrue a relatively large sum of money and live a moderately comfortable life. One her, she carries her first score, a single gold piece that she marked with an "X" with blood from a wound she received after being caught, promising to become better for it every day. Of course the blood washed off over time, so now it is a gold piece marked with an "X" in red paint.

Family: Her mother was her only family, and died while Mirizam was very young. Out of sheer necessity did Mirizam begin thievery.

Motto: "The money is always right!"

Miscellanous: Her nickname is "Miri", but due to a violent guard calling her that as a child, she hates the name. Call her it for the laughs!

Also, as hoof knife is a very short curved blade (The handle is usually longer!) used to clean manure from a horse's hoof, and to trim the actual hoof down to fit inside of a shoe. The blades are facing inwards, though, so they aren't necessarily well adapted for combat. The other interesting thing out the knives are the fact that the end of the blade, instead of being pointed, is bent in like a hook. This helps to clean inside the hoof. Mirizam uses these hooks as her signature thief tool, using a custom made knife (that has deeper hooks) to latch onto far away roofs, gutters, whatever, in order to pull herself on.​
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