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One x One ⋆ characters ⋆ write you a love song ♪ ༘⋆


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I wanna be beside her
She wanna be admired
You say, "Please don't make this harder"
No, I won't yet

Whatever happened? by The Strokes

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© weldherwings.



It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

albert einstein

the achiever


full name

minerva akira hudson


minnie, kira




October 8th


filipino, british




dominic fike




5'3 (163cm)


125lbs (57kg)

hair c.

dark chocolate brown

eye c.



cristina nadin



Kira is the most accurate representation of an overachiever. In hopes of making sure she has a secured successful future, she works as hard as possible in everything she does, making sure to master it to the very best of her abilities. At first glance, she is known for her pro-activeness in taking part in everything, her maturity and a very perfectionist nature. She tends to avoid small talk and prefers going straight to the point about everything, which makes anyone soon realize she has a blunt side whenever she's trying to achieve her own objectives even if that means breaking the etiquette.

Although she always has seemed to be someone who has settled for study over social life, she's managed to make a healthy small friend group that ensures that she rests from time to time. They've seen the other side of Kira, the one that's passionate about discussing different topics, whose eyes light up at the sight of any animal, and who has a much more easy-going and sweet personality than her usual serious yet charismatic "i've-got-everything-under-control" stance.

This previously mentions façade of serenity is what keeps Kira from showing her emotions which would otherwise make her an open book. Her parents have really been focusing on showing her how to be able to control her emotional outbursts which she usually had, in order to keep the family with a good reputation in the public eye. This doesn't mean she has lost her stubborn, passionate, short-tempered side of her, she just manages to let it out when she's fully alone.

Kira has developed a need to have everything planned 5 steps ahead, for her own sake. she wouldn't want her clumsiness to be shown after so many years of moulding the "perfect child" her parents couldn't get with her older brother. That's why she needs to avoid scenarios where she has to improvise and make sure she has an answer or a quick way out of every possible scenario, even if that means having a constant headache in her brain.

However, no cage is able to trap her creativity, which is always aching for a chance to let loose. She finds her moments to type on her computer and scribble in her notebook, where she keeps melodies and lyrics she creates when she isn't heavily burnt out from all the work, hiding in an anonymous account with a growing fanbase. This side of her is one absolutely no one knows of (her parents were already disappointed enough in her brother) , not a single soul except his eldest brother and his girlfriend, who insist it's a side Kira should never ever be ashamed of.


vinyls, books, myths, music, poetry, coffee, oversized hoodies, heavy rain, merlin (the family pup)


improvising, constant immaturity, balloons, being put under the spotlight, sweating, materialistic people


disappointing her parents, the deep ocean, stage fright



When Minnie was born, her brother already vowed to protect her even though he was only 6 years old as soon as she arrived home from the adoption center. As kids, they both grew a strong bond from the beginning, although they were both constantly taken to different academies where Leo would be trained to become the heir of her mother's company whilst Kira learned how to be an all-round perfect student, yet with much less pressure than the one exerted on Leo. In their house, whenever they found time to be alone, the male would teach his curious younger sister the power of creativity and arts. Whilst he was more passionate about drawing and sketching, Kira grew fond of music, soon learning how to play the piano thanks to her parent's lessons and tried to learn the basics of guitar by herself.

Before she knew it, the screams and fights in her household became the common thing to wake up to, which terrified the young girl. Leo wanted to stand up for himself as art had become more than a hobby to him, it was also a passion, and he would never intend to live the life their parents had planned out step by step for him. In between the emotions of terror and sadness, Kira also felt proud of her older brother, because he got to live the happy life she would probably never have. The year Leo dropped out of high school and cut all connections with his family except for Kira, it was a tough time for the young girl. Not only had she lost her greatest support, but she also had to now deal with her parent's frustration as they felt overwhelmed by the ghosting of the eldest son and the fact they needed to make sure their only daughter was good enough to cover up for the "disaster" Leo left behind.

Even though they are incredibly strict, her parents do love her, and she does see how much they miss Leo deep down, although she also knows Leo will likely never forgive them for the way they set expectations for him and Kira. Although all this time she has been able to live up to their ideal dream child concept, Kira can't help but feel ashamed of the creative impulses that lead her to write lyrics as a coping mechanism. Hiding under anonymity, she gets to read supportive messages from her followers, and secretly dreams she could live as a successful songwriter and possible song producer instead of another plain businesswoman, but how could she say that to her parents? They wouldn't be able to deal with such news, one time was already more than enough. For now, she happily places her headphones on and blasts to her rock/garage rock music in secret, although she does play some of her vinyls from time to time, letting her room flood with the chords of Tears for Fears, The Strokes, Oasis, U2 or David Bowie





(leo)nard hudson: brother

age: 26 faceclaim: abel carden
carefree and spontaneous, his older brother is everything kira would love to be. they have a really close relationship, and she truly considers him her best friend. kira loves seeing him live his life as a successful painter, they do bicker from time to time, as leo wishes she follows her dreams instead of playing it safe. he lets her practice her lyrics at his place, and he was the one to help her set up the anonymous lyricist/poetry account.

james michael hudson: father

age: 55 faceclaim: tim roth
kira's father. probably the most relaxed out of the two parents. even though he is usually the calmest one when it comes to the fight, making him angry is worse than any of her mother's tantrums. even though it took him time to accept it, he knows that leo did what was best for him, but his love for his wife tends to blind him to see that her daughter is putting so much effort into her studies for them rather than for herself. he might've not always been the best dad but he surely is a good person.

angelica hudson mendez: mother

age: 50 face claim: rosie perez
if there's one word that perfectly describes kira's mother is competitive. she has always been fighting for her firm, in a world where businessmen tend to underrate you for being a female, and this lead to many headaches just to build her current empire. due to her success, she wants to make sure her children represent her publicly to their very best, sometimes this gets the best of her, making her quite an absent mother due to work except for when social events are around. either way, kira still remembers sweet moments with her when she was younger, and hopes she gets to see that side more often due to the fear it causes her to never know what's going through her mind.

tatiana richardson: brother's gf

age: 24 faceclaim: @.tooonytoony
tatiana is a very passionate girl with a fighter type of personality. for kira, she's the true definition of a badass, and she's always pushing her to do what she loves, just like her brother. sadly, she sometimes steps over the line a bit too much and irritates kira. she was the one who managed to invite kira to parties that do not revolve around high-class stuck-ups, and never had the female had more fun. every time she goes out with her, a memorable day is ensured.



zodiac sign

libra. kira has never believed in zodiac signs, yet she always checks where hers lands on the weekly ranking in case it's a good spot.
most would say it doesn't fit with her personality, but that's because they have not met the side her friends see.



in her playlist..

dominic fike, the strokes, the wallows, arctic monkeys, the cure, tame impala, ruel, greta van fleet, 5SOS, cage the elephant, the smiths..

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:



I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring.

David Bowie

the musician


full name

Benjamin David Miller


Benny, Ben




August 17th


Hawaiian, German



Take Me Out

Franz Ferdinand




6'1 (185cm)


155lbs (70kg)

hair c.

Dark brown, appears black

eye c.



Keanu Reeves



Benjamin is what you'd get if you combined a former emo kid and naive frat boy. He's not a very mature person. A bit childish, oblivious to the world, and all he wants is to simply have fun. Live his life by his own rules. Unless you're trying to have a good time (i.e. partying), he is not the easiest person to talk to about serious things. Of course Ben has a soft, serious side, as everyone does, but that is mostly reserved for his mother and anyone else who has captured his heart.

His father is an incredibly serious, gruff man, and the only way he can rebel is by being the complete opposite. Benny's a bit irrational, not always thinking about his choices, and he is a lover-boy at heart. He could be described as the 'golden-retriever' type; Ben uses his heart instead of his brain. Not that he would need to use his brain much, though. Lucky for him, he's naturally very intelligent and good at most everything he touches. Whether that be academics, instruments, you name it.

Laidback and lighthearted are probably the two words most often used to describe Ben. He's almost never anxious, never worrying about anything. And why would he? Almost everything comes easily to him. Except maybe street-smarts. He's naive, trusting everyone and everything, never paranoid or thinking things through. Which is only a blessing once in awhile. Ben makes dumb decisions because he doesn't realize they're dumb decisions. Yeah, maybe he can understand the concept of quantitative physics in a snap, but when it comes to, let's say, strangers? He'll trust them immediately, no matter how shady they look. There's no telling how many times he's been ripped-off... or worse.

Despite his happy-go-lucky personality, Ben struggles with opening up. He often ignores all of his issues and problems, finding it easier to hide them away. It frequently backfires on him. Benny puts on a front of happiness and satisfaction to conceal his underlying sadness and yearning for acceptance. He has family troubles, specifically with his father who he has never been able to make proud. Ben does everything he can, even going to the business school his father wanted him to (despite not wanting to go), but nothing seems to please him. He thinks it's because his father sees too much of his ex-wife -- Ben's mother -- in him (of whom his dad isn't particularly fond of). Considering he gets no feedback from his father for his positive accomplishments, Benny acts outrageous and immature in front of him just to get a reaction. Any attention is good attention right?


music. guitar. parties. junk food. jean jackets.


serious people. coffee. writing papers. school.


disappointing his father. being alone.



Benjamin's birth was pretty controversial to say the least. His parents only got married because it would probably look a bit questionable to everyone around if they found out Michael Miller, huge business CEO, was in an entanglement with his significantly younger assistant. And more importantly, got her pregnant. Out of marriage.

They were only married for a short amount of time -- mostly for convenience anyway -- quickly finding each other insufferable. They were only together for a year after Ben was born, before separating and wanting nothing to do with each other. His father had him on weekdays, while his mother, Aimee, had him on weekends. Ben never had to witness his parents' fights first-hand, considering he was so young, but they constantly talked behind each other's backs throughout his childhood and adolescence. When he was at his mother's house, she'd complain and rave about his father, and the same went for when he was with his father. He often wondered how they ever got along in the first place. She was his assistant, for God's sake.

Soon after the divorce, about a year later, his father got remarried to his stepmother, Leah. She was appropriately aged, from old-money, and more 'socially acceptable' to marry than his mother. They had his half-sister, Beatrice, almost immediately after getting married. Ben grew up with two mothers, loving both of them, despite his biological mother constantly complaining about his step-mother. He almost felt bad for liking Leah. She was a good break from his father, and was incredibly positive, wanting him to pursue all of his interests. She was the one who signed him up for guitar lessons, something his father grimaced at but allowed. It was complicated having two mothers who were completely different from each other, one of which who hated the other. It made him feel like he couldn't love both of them at the same time.

His father, as mentioned, was and still is still a hard man to please. He has a soft spot for nobody except maybe his wife and his daughter (as most fathers do). Ben, on the other hand, did (does) not get this special treatment. Throughout his childhood, it made him feel like an outsider in his own family, as if he did not belong, which was the main reason he began acting out as a child. Ben was a difficult teenager, choosing to party and hang out with friends instead of concentrating on school. Why did going to class matter, anyway? He was smart enough to pass without trying. Ben found that acting out was the only way to get attention -- albeit negative attention -- from his father. Although he cooled down as he got older, with the small amount of maturity he gained with age, Benny still is a party-goer who likes to have fun rather than concentrate on school, much to his father's dismay.

Ben does not want to be a business man like his father. He'd prefer to pursue music, which he is currently trying to do on the side in college. He's in his own band as guitarist and lead singer, and although they haven't found their footing quite yet, Ben is incredibly motivated to make it big. Ever since he got guitar lessons as a kid, he's been inspired to become a well-known singer and guitarist. His inspirations come from the bands he loved as a teenager, mostly late 90s and 2000s emo and alt-rock; a bit of classic rock too. He never grew out of that phase.





michael miller: father

Age: 55, Faceclaim: Colin Firth
Ben has a relatively complicated relationship with his father. He yearns for his attention and acceptance, not wanting to disappoint him, but at the same time continuously lets him down and acts out for attention. They have a strained relationship behind closed doors, though his father puts on a different persona when they are with his friends, coworkers, and so on. Of course, Ben sees right through it, and tries to get a rise out of him whenever he can.

aimee iona: mother

Age: 44, Faceclaim: Tia Carrere
Considering Aimee was only in her early-20s when Ben was born, she raised him in an environment full of fun, treats, and more fun. Ben always loved going to his mother's house on the weekends because she treated him to things he never got at home with his father. They have always had a good relationship, and are very similar to each other. His mother is always searching for fun and new things, just like him. They have their disagreements, of course, especially when it comes to his father and step-mother, but they love each other and for the most part get along very well.

leah miller: step-mother

Age: 51, Faceclaim: Julia Roberts
Having two mothers can get complicated, especially when they are so different from each other. Ben loves Leah, she basically raised him with his father, and they have a great relationship. Though in the earlier years he wanted to dislike her just because his mother said so. However, It was hard. Leah offered him something his mother did not always have: stability and maturity.

beatrice miller: half-sister

Age: 19, Faceclaim: Julia Stiles
Surprisingly, Ben has a pretty good relationship with his sister Beatrice. They fight, as most siblings do, throwing sarcasm and insults at each other, but for the most part get along well. Of course, Ben envies her in some ways, but he does not take it out on her (...only sometimes). He makes fun of her, and she makes fun of him, but they'll always protect and stand up for each other.



Zodiac Sign

Leo. And if you're into astrology, he has a decent amount of Sagittarius placements. He lives up to being a true fire sign.



In his playlist...

You'll find a lot of music by The Strokes, Franz Ferdinand, Pixies, Foo Fighters, Fall Out Boy, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beck, and Paramore.

♡coded by uxie♡

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