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One x One CHARACTERS: Do you think history wants you to have lived?



UTC -6
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Original prompt: The royal family is dead and gone. The revolution has swept away the corrupt and obsolete institution, and a more just society is rising in the ashes. at least, that's what Character A believes. There is a democracy, social welfare, and non-noble magic holders are no longer relentlessly persecuted. The other nations, all kingdoms and all with varying levels of persecutions of their own, wish to crush the uprising, to prevent it from happening elsewhere. When an amnesiac orphan (character B) is presented by a neighboring kingdom as the missing princess, her mind wiped allegedly wiped by magic, the new government sends Character A as an ambassador to talk Character B down from continuing to claim to be the dead princess.

Irina Fyodorovna Vasarov
Empress-in-Exile of Volhynia
Age: 23​
Languages Spoken: Fluent Volhynian, fluent Lutecian, smattering of [notGerman, not yet named]​
Known Associates: Marquis Henri de Chaumont; Countess Maria Yusupova.​
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Chana Teper
Title: Magic Interceder, Specialist, 28th Krajynian Batallion
Age: 26​
Languages Spoken: Volhynian, including the sister-tounges spoken in NotUkraine (Very well) and NotPoland (Passible, not fluent). the Yiddish equivalent, fluent Lutecian.​
Known Associates: Ambassador Vladyslav Bogandov, Secretary Sender Mikhailov, Rivka Shtime​
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Maria Yusupova
Former Countess of Volhynia
Age: 48​
Languages Spoken: Fluent Volhynian, fluent Lutecian, (others TBD)​
Known Associates: Marquis Henri de Chaumont, her on-again, off-again lover; Irina Alexandrovna Vasarov, her ward.​
Dossier: Maria Yusupova was fortunate; when the revolution came for her husband she was already safely abroad. Theirs was widely known to be a loveless marriage, so her truest loss was of wealth and status, though she did wear mourning black for the Count for precisely one year. Since then, she has been a guest of various Lutecian nobles and has made herself a loud anti-revolutionary voice, hosting events celebrating 'true Volhynian culture' and trying to turn noble public opinion towards some sort of intervention. Unfortunately for her, Lutecia is less interested in outspoken women than Volhynia was, and she has gotten little traction for her pleas. Around two years ago, she withdrew from most public life, and some thought she'd finally given up her quest... until she reappeared at the side of the would-be Empress-in-exile. She is affectionate and almost motherly towards Irina, but cold and haughty to most others.​

Mikhail Stenson Corperal, Lutecian International Legion.
Age: 47
Languages Spoken: fluent NotYiddish, fluent Lutecian, poor Volhynan
Known Associates: his wife, Anna ____, his daughter ____ ______ (Deceased)Other members of the International Legion who he served beside in the prussio-lutecian war,

His comrades in the 28th Ukrainian during the civil war.



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Josephine Fribourg
Acolyte of Sulevae
Age: 25​
Languages Spoken: Fluent Lutecian, with an Aduatucine accent; fluent Vlaams​
Known Associates: An orphan girl named Katya.​

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