
EMT Extraordinaire

Crew members may have multiple roles: ex. Captain will also be an engineer in spare time but could not be a fighter pilot because it requires him to leave the ship, or roles that may not always be active can take up a secondary. For the time being each character submitted must only have one role, secondary roles maybe be determined later. Depending on the number of people we have signing up, I may eliminate some titles or designate them to NPC Androids for convenience sake. I will be working on position descriptions and job titles in the near future.


Captain* // Ozra Gradient

Commander // James Finch

Lieutenant-Commander // Cameron Sixcto

Head Engineer*// Lillian Cavridge

Medical Chief*// Dr. Rebecca Bradley

Fighter Pilot x3// Jack McSwann

Science Director*// Dr. Florence Lore

Science Personnel // Dr. Aliksandr Sothan

Tactical Officer //

Helmsman-Navigator //

Astrophysicist // 

Counseling-Recording //

*those who may have assigned ensigns or one or multiple personnel under them, typically Androids.


  • Name

    Please keep it realistic. Accordion or tab style formatting is not necessary if you wouldn't like to use it.

  • Species//Gender//Age

    Minimum age is 21. Keep in mind that their mission is based primarily on youth.

  • Rank

    Again, primary crew members must have one position first. Later we may determine secondary roles.

  • Personality

    I don't want to see this in your actual character sheet--I will consider it that you have read through this information. It is best not to give too much detail, it allows more freedom to develop your character in the roleplay. If you 'must' add something, keep it brief.

  • Background

    Prevalent background information and experience. Brief or detailed, it is up to you. Most background should include a preparatory school during early teen years prior to Solar Navy training or other involvement. Other than that you have freedom to do what you like within reason. Talent is talent no matter where it comes from.

  • Relationships

    Forming connections has always been very important to me in roleplays even before writing even begins. Keep in mind most of the crew will not be strangers and that they have worked and trained together in preparation, the time period is up to you. Could be three years to three months. I will add more detail about this later as it factors as a major part of the story especially when it comes down to Downtime and when they are inside the Dreamscape. After you have created your character and you have been accepted, go on over to the OOC and chat with other players and form some connections! <img alt=":)" data-emoticon="" height="20" data-cke-saved-src="" src="" srcset=" 2x" title=":)" width="20">

  • Physical Details

    Real faceclaims only. I would like a text description that includes: height, weight, hair color, eye color, markings such as freckles or tattoos, etc. Include as much detail as you would like.
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Anselm Gladwyn

Human Male, 24

Rank// Security Officer

Physical Appearance: Anselm stands exactly 6 feet tall, he is of average body type which is neither buff nor scrawny but in between. He weighs around 180 pounds but he could be even heavier because he tends to eat a lot. Even if he isn't angry, he remains the perpetual frowner, his eyebrows are just shaped to frown 24/7 and people who don't know any better will think that he's quite grumpy. He has dark-brown eyes, black hair, and fair skin. He does not allow his hair to grow long if he can help it and he usually has a crew cut style of haircut.

Background: Ever since he was young, Anselm has dreamed of becoming a soldier. He was not going to be a pilot or a commander or some techie, but he wanted to be on the front lines where he could face the conflict head on. It was not unusual for Anselm to fantasize about this, for other members of his family joined the military too and had the same ambitions as Anselm. They relished the chance to prove themselves in combat, like the knights of the medieval times. By the time he was old enough he immediately signed up for the military and trained for 6 months before being sent to the battlefield. Anselm quickly became disillusioned with his previous fantasies of warfare, he was naive back then and he thought war was all about distinguishing yourself in battle and fighting for what was right.

Relationships: @Duke the Impossible Hey, can our characters be friends for the past two months during training?
Playable Android Superior & Inferior by Division


Superior Alpha: OPEN - Recorder

  • Wen
  • Jol
  • NM
  • TR

Medical & Science

Superior Alpha: OPEN - Linguist

  • Qan
  • Rem
  • Zan
  • Pix

Maintenance & Extraneous Duties

Superior Alpha: Sec - Task Manager

  • Tek
  • Fic
  • Min
  • YH
  • IO
  • VB


Superior Alpha: Arn - Helmsman

  • Nen
  • Des

[note: I may add or remove some as we gain our bearings. By nature Superiors are named using three letters. With Inferiors, they are named with two letters that may sometimes be initials or acronyms. If you are interested in making a Superior they are perfectly of having their own unique personalities.]


@Goaty Goat @Rainzen @Cuppa Magic @magicalpride


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