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Fantasy Champions of Khorin


Elder Member

There are seven spot open for deities and champions. You cannot be the champion for a god you also play.


War- Abisali @SirArk

Order- open

Nature- open


War- Verrim Khalixstan @Knight Nate

Love- Sven Walker @NeoClassical

Death- open

Intelligence- Nergui @Quark

Life- open

Order- Jin Izouyuusha @Raikou Kaminari

Nature- Baran @Branden2396

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The Gods and Goddesses are being that have transcended mortality, becoming immortal and very powerful beings. However, they are not invincible. When a God or Goddess dies in battle their power is transferred into their successor, which is any human that was chosen before the Deity died. Then the successor takes the place of the fallen God in the pantheon and life continues as normal. However, if no successor is chosen then that entities power is lost to the world. There are rumors of the power binding itself to objects that have been lost to time, but since there are no records of any Gods not passing on their power no mortal knows for sure.

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